just saw this.
whydo people fuck with God like this? inb4 it's the jews' doing
I'm sad goyim
Other urls found in this thread:
Maybe one of the few good things about the EU - spitting on Biblcal “values” with that building
Threadly reminder christians are subhumans
>Jesus and Co - racial Jews
>Geographic and ethno-racial origins - Middle East
>christshitanity is egalitarian
>denies the Natural Order
>meakness, tolerance and submission are “virtues”
>preaches inclusiveness and egalitarianism
>the old testament is a collection of retarded jewish fables
>the new testament is a story of a jew with attitude
Inb4 muh atheist Sweden, How did they behave in Sweden? christcucks helped Palme and marched against apartheid, reminded christcucks fought against racial eugenics, reminder christcucks help rapefugees ans run 50% of Swedish anti-racist groups
Where were Swedish atheists at that time? Running racial eugenics, developing nukes and opposing racial egalitarianism
ok..who else would it be then..
what am I even looking at?
The Headquarters of fuck my shit up
Ok so it's EU HQ.
So what is so evil about it? Other then the fuckers inside.
ITT: fags not knowing it's literally the tower of babel
It looks like the tower of babel. Something the ancients built and pissed god off with. The fact they have built this is a show of how satanic these UN insiders are. But normies like you wouldnt fucking notice.
If you weren't the uneducated australian and atheist fuck that you are, you would be able to see the connection between famous depictions of the Tower of Babel and the way this particular building looks like.
OP wants to say that it's as if they aren't even trying to hide it anymore.
Yeah, there's no way that's a coincidence. Even the story is a parellel to the real thing.
you have confused us jew!
your saying its an ugly building? post a god damn link jew
What? I always thought it represented the ruins of the Coliseum in Rome. Ironic considering the EUSSR destroyed our continent and is hellbent on removing all native(white) Europeans
Sick of ur babble it is just a building
>multitude of cultures/languages united
how the fuck WOULDN'T you make the connection?
Europa is literally a story of being kidnapped & raped by the gods
Some jewish trick
You guys are retarded. the tower of babel stretched waaay into the sky. Way more than 14 stories. additionally, the painting your referencing was painted by Pieter Bruegel the Elder 1,500 year after christ died. You mine as well reference dante's inferno. there's tons of paintings of babel. you twats just cherry picked what you wanted to see.
The whole point of that story was the folly of men when they tried to build a way to get directly into heaven.
If your paranoid fever dream is about globalist structures, why not use the countless existing ones? just look at 1 WTC. Or better yet, discuss globalist facts instead of making shit up to connect random dots.
anyway, this looks a lot more like the roman colliseum than anything pasted here.
Its like you guys just picked random images to further your delusional ramblings. oh wait, am i on Sup Forums? nevermind... carry on.
I can understand they run out of money to finish building it, but why leave all the scaffolding around? Makes no fucking sense to me.
you're saying 14 stories weren't considered a skyscraper 4300 years ago?
Tower of Babel symbolizes unification of humanity under one language. That's the reason they chose it, not to piss of God or anything. Damn spergs.
It's to improve the efficiency of the air conditioning . They're awnings you fucking retard.
They don't know what they do.
So what you wanna know Kid ?
You guys are the ones that 911'd it you would know better than anyone how tall it is
I believe it was 91 metres ?
Allow me to save you a reply, Yes.
Looks shitty enough to be taken for scaffolding.
the story of the tower of babel is that it was never complete they would use a circular building fashion to use the building as the tower rose day by day Then A sect of Judaism blew it up with Thermite.
Just adding to your post.
Third Reich: Meaning "third regime or empire," the Nazi designation of Germany and its regime from 1933-45. Historically, the First Reich was the medieval Holy Roman Empire, which lasted until 1806. The Second Reich included the German Empire from 1871-1918.
no, there are statements from some of the bureaucrat vermins it is t o babel, "we will fix what god broke" or some shit...
dude, cultist freaks are plenty amongst bureaucracy and corporates.
gtfo to reddit to answer unasked questions, faggot retard attention whore bitch. sage
Hows this one ?
You are a very stupid human being. Do you believe in order to make symbolism it isnt enough that the designer knew about the story, knew about the painting and then designed the building on purpose that way? Most people dont even know the story or notice the connection. Its right in your stupid face but you still try and deny it.
>whydo people fuck with God like this?
But it's not god, the Demiurge is the one who has been fucking with humans since humble beginnings
So I guess this proves god dosnt exist since everyone can still communicate in english and their languages didnt get mixed up.
checkmate religifags
This , Checked.
Daily reminder that Jews are bloodthirsty animals.
Do we actually know who the architect of the building was?
>autistic bible thumpers itt
It's supposed to be a symbol for unity and not some "satanistic middle finger to god, you autistic fucks
Saint Thomas, he was always a little bitch.
Short version
Long Version
You can't stop us now you fucks.
Do it for her Guys, Do it for Tay.
how did a tower piss of god...
>whydo people fuck with God like this?
Total depravity (also called radical corruption or pervasive depravity) is a Christian theological doctrine derived from the Augustinian concept of original sin. It is the teaching that, as a consequence of the Fall of Man, every person born into the world is enslaved to the service of sin as a result of their fallen nature and, apart from the efficacious or prevenient grace of God, is utterly unable to choose to follow God, refrain from evil, or accept the gift of salvation as it is offered.
Satanists, Babylonian mystery religions, Frankists... I don't know that much about it all, but there are some people on Earth with really weird belief systems.
Naturally. Who do you think comes up with this shit? Freemasons. What do you think their end goal is? Mystery Babylon.
Many leftist Jews are a part of it. Also antipope Francis is their plant, they've infiltrated the Vatican the whole 20th century, The Vatican II concilium is their doing.
They are also going to resurrect the nephilim. We are approaching the end times fast. Satan has full control over the Earth.
gnostic nonsense, you are spreading bullshit, because of an inadequate knowledge of the old testament and extra-biblical works like (and espacially) the Book of Enoch.
Gnosticism is a sham, read Irenaeus "against heresies" to understand why, and stop spreading heresy.
Gnosticism is sun worship. You clearly aren't knowledgeable enough to talk about the subject. Granted, it's bullshit, but atleast get it right.
blacks dont deserve to live at the same levels as humans
fuckoff shill
don't know if you are trolling or what
read cathocuk encyclopedia on it, even they claim it is far older then zie juden story, albeit carried to gnostic form by juden cults
considering the source, and observing the situation of today, it could all be a sham most likely. and if it is, there are bunch of retards running around causing death and misery to innocents, in the name of good or bad they think they sided with.
>Jews rebuild babylon
>Jews get upset about rebuilding babylon
The tower is synonymous with the building of a nation, the nation is formed by a coalition of different people with a common culture, that coalition is seen as a threat by kikes that only want to have a nation for themselves, they destroy babylon by flooding it with foreigners.
Jews built a hivemind, they know its powerful. They refuse to allow gentiles to form a hivemind of their own.
The Jewish god is a nation wrecker and his people take after him.
>they are trying to force the Gods hand
They have a nice modern take on it. Most historians think that ancient Babylon was a developed city state culture that was plundered by jewish tribes. The stories about faggotry and degeneracy in Babylon could very likely by true. But the biblical exaggertions of it are widely discarded as religious justifications among nowadays historians.
some religion you got there muslims.
Lets review this again shall we ?
Memes. The DNA of the soul.
>pic related is the Europa Building
>Finished in 2016 (yes, is is FINISHED)
>On the right, you can see the remains of the original Art Deco building, from 1927
>Pretty much an alien egg implanted in a traditional building, that's almost completely eaten away by the parasite
The symbolism is deep
Why would this building piss off god. They obviously built it replicating the tower after it collapsed.
but was is das? zie egg in zie cube??! i do not get it.
In the bible the tower of babel was built after the flood. The whole world spoke one language and pooled their resources to build that tower. It said God became uneasy because man which is made in his image was becoming to powerful. So he sent down his angels and confused everyone with different languages and seperated everyone. I read elsewhere that they even had a new religon worshipping Esther as a god mother moon goddess. After her son the ruler Nahor. Now this religon you could go to temple and root a priestess for money for blessings and purification.
There is no 'satanic' or 'globalist' agenda in the EU, at least not the kind most conspiracy theories are about.
A lot of people working there are cucks and failures, so their agenda is the justification of their positions.
t. I worked there for 2 years.
Men were commanded to fill the Earth but instead they all stayed in one place and started building a tower to represent their hubris
are you saying high echelon globalists aren't employing those cucks and failures to their own ends? I find it difficult to believe the standard employee there actually gets briefings about the decade-long term agenda when he only works there for a few years
Yes exactly tax free money isnt.
also where does all the money come from?
Also whats agenda 21.
And is there transparency on what you guys do like where can we look up what programs the UN has going.
> inb4 it's the jews' doing
>A lot of people working there are cucks and failures, so their agenda is the justification of their positions.
liter satanic state of mind - they serve themselves for their own benefit while acting as they are there for public good.
>high echelon globalists
That's very vague term.
If you work in the system, you'll eventually become 'high echelon' anyway. You just get to know people, build experience and people see value in your expertise.
Most ex-ministers eventually get a cozy high end job in the EU Commission or EP.
>also where does all the money come from?
There is certain amount every member country pays into the common bucket. pic related
>agenda 21
EU isn't the UN, dumbfuck. I can't comment, but I imagine its the same. Bunch of academics and experts come together and create some useless programmes to spend their funding.
Either way, there's nothing bad about preserving the environment. You shouldn't believe cuckservetive talking heads like Alex Jones who push disinfo of the oil lobby.
That's what every bureaucrat / civil servant does.
In the national or international level.
>this wimpy tower pissed of god
Damn no wonder he destroyed the twin towers.
>if people are failing losers, their ideology cannot be evil
>That's what every bureaucrat / civil servant does.
no, that is not true, i knew few of them few years back.
but yes shitloads are as you have described in previous post. some hide it well, others fail at it.
My memory fails me but I think the actual translation had something to do with God being mad that the jews were exploiting the people by using money
I find it most curious that when the Rothschilds built this for Israel, the only thing they wanted in return was that they didnt reveal how much it cost to build.
> tfw somebody used your meme, and used it correctly
To expand on this, he destroyed their "city and the tower". Tower was probably their bank.
Even God was sick of the eternal Jew
You don't understand, it's to symbolize its reconstruction. That's why it looks half built.
Bab = Gate
El = God
You figure it out.
>if there is a god, implying he gives a fuck about buildings
People are retarded, same reason why church is dumb and ape-like
>doesn't understand reasons, deeper meanings or allegory
Well you are certainly right about people being retarded, user
> no way that's a coincidence.
it isn't.