>disgustingly overweight
>hugely perverted and not in a charming or cute way
>doesn't hide his powerlevel, makes it as obvious as possible
>wants to molest his daughter
>cringey 9gag tier memespout
How does anyone put up with this fat fuck
Other urls found in this thread:
1. Okabe is a spergelord with 3 friends
2. He can fucking hack SERN
3. He can fucking fix time machines
His two friends are both retarded in their own way.
He has a gf now with a 10/10 body
The worst part is that his power level is way lower than he makes it out to be. Meanwhile Okabe, the handsome and charming one, is an outcast to the core and only really bonds with somebody else who knows how that feels.
the solo reason why i didn't pick this up
He is a genius
He pretty much built all gadgets and a fucking time machine all by himself
You're missing out on a legit good thing for a really stupid reason, just saying.
He's actually relatively minor as a character for roughly half of the thing.
>All by himself
>Who is Maho
>Who is Okabe
>Who is Kurisu
Daru and all /r9k/ fucks need to be put to death.
This, and I don't need to be a normalfag to think so. They're an embarassment.
Oh so in the 0 timeline Maho helps him?
I haven't finished 0 yet so I didn't know
Suzuha telling him that it is his creation doesn't help
WW3 Suzuha is worst girl
She even has a flat ass unlike her superior SERN version
It's not that simple. Zero is a web of stuff, which you will work out soon.
Playing SG0 right now on my Vita.
Wasn't really a fan of Daru in the first, but I didn't mind his presence. I can't fucking stand him in this game though. I don't know who the bad guys are yet, but I hope they shoot him in his quadchin head.
Not anime
In Gehenna it's just him and Okabe, and Okabe straight up says it is a pointless idea during that route.
I sort of enjoy watching him awkwardly trying to take on a fatherly role.
The TV series, OVA, movie, web shorts and confirmed second anime in production don't count?
What did she mean by this?
Does he ever get skinny? I guess he has to to bang his wife eventually.
He bulks up. Same basic size, but trading fat for muscle mass. Mostly.
He gets skinnier yes
Depends on the world line
Future Daru is fat in some and skinny in others, may depend if he follows Suzuha's advice to get /fit/
What's not to like? He can be annoying sure, but I can't bring myself to hate him. He's a good guy at heart.
>tfw you will never go see japanese shaman girls with your beta tester
Why did best boy have to be evil?
And why was he so retarded?
Giving everyone a time machine seems like a real flashy way to perform suicide or just straight human extinction
>Confirmed second anime in production
Don't you toy with my heart like this
It is confirmed, it just has no release date
They confirmed Zero was getting an anime before the game even came out. We just don't know when.
Am I actually retarded? I've changed the locale to japan on the basic system, for non unicode programs, and with LE, and yet I still get this message. I've tried /wsr/ and tried looking it up and only found some japanese response about filename length
The S;G 0 anime was confirmed awhile ago. Did you also not know Chaos;Child has a confirmed anime as well?
Try doing what it says. Also try restarting.
Use USA locale and change the name in all folders to words, without moonrunes or symbols lie ;
Any name should do
he's for the average viewer to relate to
None of you fags are actually like Daru IRL, right?
Just with 0 friends.
Most of these fuckers act like him on here so it's not like they can't still relate if they don't act like him in real life
He's a total badass in zero though.
Even when okabe gives up he still goes on to make the time machine
He wanted to sell it as a set with the Reading Steiner. It's classic WMD checks and balances. If anyone else used a Time Machine everyone else's Reading Steiner would know about it and thus you'd be making an enemy of the entire world to do it.
Him being a mind hacker, renown even in Suzuha's time, was unneeded in my personal opinion but whatever.
You can't say that, he has a daughter to protect!
I'd imagine or at least hope that most find Okabe a little more relatable.
All of the filenames already had normal letters and numbers, and also _. Changing it to english merely made the japanese in the error become gibberish
Actually, never mind, I was retarded all along and didn't think about the main folder everything was in. Thank you
Okabe is a respectable human being who just happens to be an awkward dork. Daru is a pig. I like to think Sup Forums is the first and /r9k/ and Sup Forums are the second.
>Daru is a pig
Daru gets more fit than Okabe does
I think that's a little harsh on Sup Forums. It has some good posters, they're just outweighed by the epic memers that couldn't give less of a fuck about video games and just want to shitpost.
You know what? You were pretty much right.
There is something comically ugly about him but I don't know what
He's old?
Okabe is tall and lanky to better fit inside time machines. The Daru has evolved large fat deposits to assist in sustaining him during long sessions of time machine development.
Its the hair and hat
>bro who comes through
>always there for you
>reliable and carries his own weight
>not afraid to punch a bro in the face when he goes off the deep end
>great seed resulted in Suzuha
Russia was already making one
Also he wasn't planning on handing them out for free, you're mixing him up with Skullface
He's a normal old guy, he isn't supposed to be attractive.
He's only an inch taller than Suzuha but his head is much bigger
When will Okabe make babies with Kurisu? Will the babies turn out to be mini-hitlers? Anything Kurisu makes has this habit of being utterly brilliant and completely a threat to mankind.
Plot twist: steins gate Kagari is their kid
I hope another good sequel comes out in 5 years and not just a bunch of awful spinoffs.
>implying they won't make Antimatter into a VN instead
i dont, zero was fucking amazing, better than the original even. But the conclusion to zero was fine as is.
Hiyoku Renri no Darling 2 coming soon, with Yuki and Judy route included
The original felt the same way and then 0 came out and was great.
Does no one else feel like the true end of 0 was a setup for another VN? A time machine we've never heard of or seen following Suzuha/Mayuri to some unknown destination?
Actual spoiler, obviously.
I wouldn't say zero was better but I really liked the game. I think just the true end lacked the stopping power the original did, but zero does have best girl.
Zero is definitely made to be more of a sequel than original was.
>cringey 9gag tier memespout
At least Daru isn't shitposting after he dies unlike a certain @channer.
Yeah but at least the first left room for a sequel with the source of that message Okabe receives, i would have no clue what a sequel to zero would latch on to as a reason for its existence other then a cash grab.
>ywn be a robot that can shitpost until the earth gone.
They might do a Drama CD about it but I highly doubt it was a setup for another VN.
How many posters on Sup Forums are actually just the ghosts of dead users?
I some of us *really* never leave this place.
>Does no one else feel like the true end of 0 was a setup for another VN
No. If anything, another VN would cover more of Alpha's future instead of digging more of Beta.
That scenario didn't ring any bells?
I'm disappointed that we never got to see Suzuhas scars.
I'm disappointed we never got to see Suzuha in my bed
speaking of scars, if metal doesnt stop bullets how the fuck does a human body stop bullets? Suzuha should be fucking dead but im glad she isn't
So I think I am a little lost so I need to ask So in the one path Kagari had surgery to look like Yuki, does that mean Yuki the entire time was Kagari? I don't remember was Yuki in the other worldline and if so, was she herself? I feel confused
They were clearly cutting corners with CG. That's why we only see old Daru.
Is that the kagari ending? fuck I need to play that.
I will penetrate Maho's uterus
In timelines where Kagari wears motorcycle suit Yuki is studying abroad
>does that mean Yuki the entire time was Kagari?
Only in that particular path
Just give me the shaman girls, Lintahlo, and no one will get hurt.
No, Mayuri.
Maho is pure! PURE!
>think leskinen is amazing, can do no wrong, pure lad
>Talking to hospital director, can be that shady
name one person that went there and is okay down the line
You posted this in the other thread.
She is pure and that is why I love her.
wait, mayuri?
i thought it was suzuha pretending to be kagari? maybe im wrong though.
I'm really liking the ost 0. It has a nice balance to it.
Why does every American in this series know how to use a gun? Even Maho went to a firing range.
Oh boy. Sauce?
Mayuri ending and you are wrong.
Nothing wrong with reposting.
Suzuha has yellow eyes, go look at CG from that scene again
It's sort of true. Victor chondria university is based in Texas. Everyone here knows how to shoot a gun and if they say they don't, their lying.
Wonder what he and Maho are up to in the main world line
Leskinen wasn't purely evil so I can imagine he would only sign up with the 300 or associated organisations with good reason.
>even after death she shitposts on the @channel equivalents of /sci/ and /x/
Truly, she is best girl.
>wasn't purely evil
Sure man