hey guys what are your opinions about net neutrality and how it's gonna be if it gets repealed on 14th December?
Whats your opinion about net neutrality?
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I see libtards crying about it on Reddit, Jewtube, Facebook, and Twitter, so I'm a little skeptical who Net Neutrality would really benefit. It would be nice to have less government regulation of the internet and embrace free economics, but the internet doesn't follow normal trade models. I really want to find someone to articulate on the pros and cons of this
Pros of keeping NN: ISPs can't fuck you in the ass by blocking or throttling your connection so chosen website
Cons of keeping NN: You have to side with Google (?) and it won't solve the oligopoly ISP problem in burgerland (not that repealing it would solve it either but whatever)
Fuck net neutrality
>NN threads flood the board Tuesday morning
>Abruptly stop Thanksgiving day
Now there's 4 threads up all at once. Did the shills get the holiday off?
most likely
Let's update the list.
Pros of keeping NN:
ISPs can't fuck you in the ass by blocking or throttling your connection to chosen website.
ISPs can't fuck you in the ass by giving you only parts of the internet and making you pay extra for everything, or even not allow certain websites at all.
Cons of keeping NN:
You have to side with Google, Reddit, Twitter, and Facebook. (?)
exactly. ISPs will definitely not increase the prices on "full package" service packages, and it'll be less expensive for people who choose to only use the internet for simple tasks. If you think hard enough about it, this could be potentially great to boost improvements to internet infrastructure, now that the internet will be more subject to the free market.
NN is the first step towards the Jews implementing communism
How much you fags paid per post by Comcast?
>NN is the first step towards the Jews implementing communism
Ok Comcast.
Net Neutrality died when they decided to unperson The Daily Stormer.
We do it for free. Unlike you
That wasn't net neutrality retard.
Ok Verizon/Comcast shill
Pro-tip: Add some more jews to your meme pictures you created by your executive.
>pol hates government
All their arguments to defend net neutrality died that day.
>meme pictures
The Internet fracktured everything. I'm ok with companies being stupid and fucking their clients over. It will be a hivemind mentality. One person will choose A another B. The cost will go down. I hate the incidents that happened to no fanfare, but I'm strongly against it and I don't think NN supporters the future. They tend to think the Internet is like tv or radio when it's not. This topic will come up in 20 years in my theory again if it's upheld. The only real argument I see is on infasture costs to start transmitting the Internet over. This is key into understanding why the FCC exists in the first place. Maybe it's a good argument, maybe not.
Hey faggot, how about contributing to the discussion instead of stuffing ending dicks into your disgusting nu-male mouth.
>Something something GOP talking points
The FCC was established in the 30s, and its scope has extended to include radio, TV, and internet. We should question just how much the FCC should regulate, if at all. Almost every industry, when left alone by the government, prospers.
Plus the state corporatism is clearly evident in tv media. NN prevents specialized small companies from offering a cheaper service with better options. A NN law against censorship I'm 110% in favor of btw. It seems the corporatism has a stronghold here, though I don't think intentionally. Big business pushes rules to fuck over small business all day long.
ISPs are fighting so that you have to pay them less for their services?
if you don't like net neutrality (pretty dull name desu) you are literally like pic reated
>NN prevents specialized small companies from offering a cheaper service with better options.
Nope, that's the ISP oligarchy in your country. NN has nothing to do with it.
Literally all net neutrality says as a law is that ISPs have to treat all data the same way, and must therefore stream all things at the same rate regardless of if its netflix or the daily stormer. Not having NN would be like if your water company decided that dishwashers are "premium water" and should therefore cost you twice as much per litre. Secondly, given how major companies have been listenjng to SJWs as of late, it wouldnt be long before one of them cries for Sup Forums yo be removed from the internet. Without NN, that particular SJW could actually get their way.
Net neutrality is good because without it SJWs would have a way of killing Sup Forums. NN is bad because soros likes it
Net neutrality says we should decide how ISPs use their infrastructure.
But god forbid we ask google to let the gab app or to not unperson The Daily Stormer because suddenly "muh private property".
>if you want to be allowed to be right wing on the internet build your infrastructure from the ground up including domain registars, DNS, hosting, DDOS protection, even your own fucking phones.
No. Fuck that. ISPs are also "muh private property".
If you don't like the way they use their private property build your own, lobby the governments just like they did. You live in a democracy, get over it.
??? NN is all about 'throttling' up or down certain sevices. I'm against a corp ever establishing censorship. I would love to pay less for a service that makes YouTube or Internet TV faster. I could give a shit about e-mail or other basic services that the Internet has or will branch off to. I said this earlier.
>Hey faggot, how about contributing to the discussion instead of stuffing ending dicks into your disgusting nu-male mouth.
But seriously how much? I need a side job.
fuck this
i want burgers out from my board
I want to see pol becoming diverse again
Net Neutrality was passed by a NIGGER. And not just a nigger, but a LIBERAL nigger. Who was probably a MUSLIM.
It's also opposed by Trump, which means we should all be supporting it by default.
Go to fucking Sup Forums then dickwad.
No, the internet is a utility, hence paying an ISP is a utility bill. Im not saying im ok with google and what they are doing either, however NN is the issue at hand. Electricity mains are private property, but you dont see your microwave beeing labled "premium electricity" or you having to buy the ability to use cooking appliances in one package and computers in another precisely because thats how the law is around utilities. NN just extends that to ISPs. Secondly, google doing censorshit is bad, so wouldnt both google ane comcast doing censorshit be worse?
Yes, so let's give these guys the power to do it to Breitbart, Stormfront, and probably Sup Forums, too.
What could possibly go wrong.
>I would love getting fucked in the ass
Nice, enjoy having to pay 20$ extra to access "other not popular websites" and discovering Sup Forums isn't even allowed at all by your ISP.
Thats resorting to the same identity politics we hate SJWs for. Guess what, Soros likes breathing air, does that mean we should all hold our breath from now on?
It won't be long until you egoist muttfucks will be gone finally with your unimportant american problems. Indeed, I will savour the day of your vanishing. We will be able to finally employ ourselves in real dialogue , real conversation ,and not "snownigger, medi is better,you're not white" bullshit.
>Net Neutrality taken by a shitskin
You people truly deserve to be wiped off the face of the earth, devs vvlt
Yes. Fuck Soros, I don't want to breathe the same oxygen as that kike
Then hold your breath and die. You are literally doing the same "I dont like someone so i therefore have to be against everything they support" shit SJWs do
>No, the internet is a utility
No it isn't. That's the argument NN supporters are making and we disagree.
You can provide internet access through wireless connections right now that is hundreds of times faster than the average speed of land lines a decade ago. There is no "natural monopoly" for internet access, you can lobby governments to install your own infrastructure, google fiber did it.
>Secondly, google doing censorshit is bad, so wouldnt both google ane comcast doing censorshit be worse?
Irrelevant. One layer of censorship is one too many.
It makes no difference to me as a right winger how many censors there are because I'm already being censored.
I'll support net neutrality when
>google and apple allow the gab app.
>thedailystormer is restituted to their previous state including DDOS protection
>youtube and twitter, etc. stop banning or "quarantining" speech that is legally protected in the US (the only country with free speech in the world right now)
so junk NN it is
You should really look into how laws are written. This law or EO goes beyond what is reasonable. It's written by megacorps to disenfranchise small companies. You seem confused on my full opinion too. Don't use strawmen. I would pass an anti-censorship with maybe a minimum required speed in a heartbeat.
I love how all you faggots got is fear mongering
As if you don’t talk shit amongst yourselves like a bunch of drunken idiots.You are just like americans when it comes to childishness.
>intelligent discussions
What a fucking joke.
>No it isn't. That's the argument NN supporters are making and we disagree.
>You can provide internet access through wireless connections right now that is hundreds of times faster than the average speed of land lines a decade ago. There is no "natural monopoly" for internet access, you can lobby governments to install your own infrastructure, google fiber did it.
The speed at which something can be provised soes not make it a utility or not. I also never said anything about a natural monopoly.
The definition of a utility is a resource or service upon which the public relies such that other services can function.
Internet fits that bill pretty well.
Also "im already getting fucked in the ass, so i want a second dick in there too, and tyrones balls in my mouth until the first guy pulls out" is pretty much what youre saying there.
that pic you used is so gay i now oppose net neutrality
What I said could literally happen if you removed NN, dear ameribro. If you want small new ISP to be created you need to change the laws to get rid of your country's pesky ISP oligopoly problem. Removing NN won't do anything on that front.
But Trump opposes net neutrality.
You're not implying Trump is actually wrong about something, are you?
Are you?
Do you want the Government to have the power or do you want the ISPs to have the power.
I know my answer.
>Burgers on Sup Forums elected based orange dildo
>Orange Dildo is soon to be penetrating Sup Forums's asshole
>The state of Sup Forums
You really are faggots when it comes to defend Trump and jewish billionaire companies.
We'll see how you act when you're limping back with a bloodied as whole, if you still think repeal title 2 is a good idea.
I could not care less. Do not give a shit at all.
Fuck NN!
NN is a code words for Anti White!
personally I was against NN before I even knew Trump's position on it.
Everyone who wants it is either a dumb piece of shit commie or a demonstrably evil tech tycoon.
If that doesn't tell you it's bullshit, you haven't been paying attention.
Fuck Net Neutrality and thinking the government isn't the #1 thing ruining the internet today (Soros fags)
Fuck no law whatsoever to stop corporations from faggotry (libertarian fags)
Endorse an amendment to the constitution that explicitly extends US constitutional freedoms to the internet for the benefit of all mankind.
I'm conflicted. I'm all for less regulation in general, but at the same time I don't trust anything that big evil corporations like google and facebook are behind.
The government doesn't own NBC, CNN, Vox Media, Huffpost, BuzzFeed, etc.
This argument only applied before Our Lord and Führer Donaldus Magnus Pußgräben I of the House of Trump became God-Emperor of these United States. I trust Trump a hell of a lot more than I trust the people who have a vested interest in censoring websites like Breitbart and, yes, Sup Forums.
NN is just multimedia conglomerates wanting a free ride. Whether or not it is repealed has ultimately little effect on the consumer
It's not even Google and Facebook.
It's Comcast, AT&T, Verizon, et. al.
It's almost like there could be some sort of third option, huh faggot?
Sure. What's the third option?
>muh middle-ground fallacy
The only thing I hate more than leftists are spineless centrist fencesitters. Fuck right off, establishmentfag.
since all the major visited website are 98% liberal aka white destruction i can't find any difference.
the pros are degenerates will watch less degenerated stuff because they'll have to pay and people will be forced to use less internet or focus their money on websites they actually need.
for 2 weeks i didn't have internet which resulted me in becoming more happy and doing stuff that benefited me, like reading.
the cons are the the majority will probably pay to use those anti white website which could forever ruin redpilling
>ISPs can't fuck you in the ass by giving you only parts of the internet and making you pay extra for everything, or even not allow certain websites at all
NN fucks me in the ass by making me pay the same to browse a message board as Timmy pays to stream Game of Thrones Season 1-8 in Ultra 4K
Exactly how does that affect you?
Hard mode: No "muh communism," "muh socialism," or any other -ism buzzword.
google and facebook are silent because their the winners. they both have 98% of users visiting their websites while increasing ads prices and spilling the same old liberal stuff.
It affect us because all data is not equal. You can say it's all 1's and 0's but some of it monetizes and some of it doesn't.
The rich data needs to pay it's fair share.
I would pay extra now to have all porn unthrottled. Yet, the thing is it would probably save the ISP 50% off the average Internet consumption, so it would be cheaper. Idk, I'm wondering if NN kills innovation in the ISP's, and I think coclusively it does.
Also communism is not simply a buzzword, but an evil agenda hellbent on the abolition of all private property (that includes your dildo).
It's killed 100 million people already. Perhaps your faggot ass will be next.
Imagine a 4 lane freeway. Now suddenly you're only allowed to use one lane. The other three are for customers who pay $99 extra per month. #noblocking #nodiscrimination, you're still free to queue up in the giant traffic jam on the right, nobody takes that right from you. But it kind of sucks.
That's what losing net neutrality means.
The face of the internet's changed
How dumb. It means when you buy Netflix, Netflix buys access to fast lane. When you shop Amazon, Amazon buys access to the fast lane.
You will pay less for internet and it will be cheaper.
This is seriously stupid. If anything, the market will concentrate further, leading to higher prices. You see this is exactly what happens here in the regions where you have no net neutrality because there's only one company to offer internet. In the cities you have competition, but out in the country, Deutsche Telekom which took over the cables from the state telecom is the only game in town. $60 for internet per month. (In metropolitan areas it's around $30).
I would be all for the repeal of NN(although Justin Trudeau as already announced that he will take no such actions, so our ISP's can charge us $100 a month for 30/10 internet that has garbage infrastructure)
I mean I don't use Netflix, Youtube. JewBook, I browse a couple different image boards, and read books when im not at work, and yet, I pay $100 for shitty internet that gets loaded down at peak times because of people downloading 4k movies and streaming Netflix all night after they fall asleep.
I would be in total support of this because im sick and tired of picking up the tab of what feels like people who eat 12 dinners everday when I have 1 modest plate.
We need NN to ensure the free flow of redpills.
>But Soros gave $200 million to NN groups!
Wrong. Soros gave $200 million to liberal free-expression groups that happen to have a pro-NN stance. These articles are coming from sources owned by the ISPs. They know people hate Soros, so they put out fake news trying to spin NN as his personal operation.
>But liberals want NN!
Conservatives also want NN. The overwhelming majority of the population wants NN.
>But it's like communism! We aren't entitled to regulate a private business!
Internet infrastructure was largely funded by the US government, paid for by your taxes. You, the American people, are partial owners of the internet lines. You are entitled to decide how these lines are used.
>But blocking and throttling is bad for business!
Read the above statement. The internet is NOT a free market. Half the country only has 1 ISP and will never have another because that would require us to fund additional, redundant infrastructure. Wireless is not an alternative either, it is very heavily loaded with just the current traffic. More importantly, blocking and throttling HAS happened many times in the past, Sup Forums being one of the sites that was blocked.
>But Google and Netflix use too much traffic! They should pay for it!
These large traffic consumers are already paying for additional lines to handle their massive bandwidth requirements.
>But NN gives government control over the internet!
NN does no such thing. It is an individual regulation that governs how ISPs can run the cable lines. It does not give the government any special privileges. If the government wanted to "control the internet" they would need to pass a separate law, which they can do at any time, regardless of whether NN is repealed.
>But Trump wants NN repealed!
Trump never said that. His FCC chairman, Ajit Pai (who happens to be a Verizon lawyer) wants NN repealed. Trump does not micromanage the entire US government.
>has 100 torrents running at all times
>dude what do you mean ISPs want to throttle BitTorrent???
>wtf people don't want to support me loading down a system, kind of like how I visit the hospital 4x a month because i'm 450lbs and my heart is literally slowing down from having to type this out
Welcome to Canada.
As regards to infasture, I sold natural gas and electricity to the average homeowner after deregulation. This was a small part of of the synergy that brought down prices for natural gas especially. It was over local government utility lines. We can have competition over the infasture if we want to easily. Ironically this may involve you getting you ISP bill from you local city or county. The surcharge and company that is used would be named and their prices listed just like in the gas and electricity bills where this has been instituted. No bill if not used obviously.
Net Neutrality is a substrate for AT&T to create a monopoly.
Repeal that shit immediately.
We can always opt for a new net neutrality policy that maintains certain specifications for the internet but nothing as extensive as what we have right now.
I've been shilling for Verizon/Comcast/AT&T because these braindead r/the_donald nu-burgers will genuinely believe that ISPs having the freedom to assfuck them is in their best interests.
I don't go to the Donald fagot. I recommend you read my posts and make a point. This place is a beautiful hurtbox.
When will you anti idiots realize that it doesn't cost the ISP *anything* more to provide all services (including the 4k video games meme) than it does to give you your basic shit.
Data is data, it flows through wires. The ISPs pay for and maintain the wires, charging you for tapping in. The moment we let ISPs model business on what's going through the wires, it becomes unfair.
>The definition of a utility is a resource or service upon which the public relies such that other services can function.
By that definition the android/apple store is an utility. As is DDOS protection, hosting, dns, etc.
You could probably make arguments that google, facebook, twitter, youtube are utilities too.
>Also "im already getting fucked in the ass, so i want a second dick in there too, and tyrones balls in my mouth until the first guy pulls out" is pretty much what youre saying there.
Wrong. My argument is that you have no arguments in favor of net neutrality that don't apply to every aspect of internet infrastructure.
Yet you refuse to acknowledge it because you want your side to be the only one doing the censorship.
Support liberty completely or go fuck yourself.
With late wave against conservative opinions in all the social media, I consider, that net neutrality is dead. So there is not much sense in preserving that.
But living under communism shows, that everything anytime can get even worse.
Up till now nobody had presented any arguments on what can get worse. My own theory is that a lot of people will use *diaspora social networking and *diaspora-style information exchange, that would allow them to create social hubs in their local networks and stop using commercial internet.
That scenario makes CIA life harder and they will enforce the proper net neutrality in social networking. But harder life means they can demand more funds, so they can instead expand the localization of networking.
This has nothing to do with my bill.
bandwidth is limited though
IXP is a legit business and costs real money for building and for maintaining.
>The ISPs pay for and maintain the wires, charging you for tapping in.
But that's the point user, ISPs have to upgrade their infrastructure so it can deal with the huge amounts of data some websites generate and everyone has to pay for it. Without NN they could just go to Netflix or Google/Youtube and tell them to pay for the upgrades or the access to their website will be throttled
>With late wave against conservative opinions in all the social media, I consider, that net neutrality is dead. So there is not much sense in preserving that.
Stopped reading there. Think about what you just said.
The media (social media included) is overwhelmingly liberal, so let's just give the same companies that OWN said media the right to control what can or can't be seen on their networks?
Do you realize how fucking stupid that sounds?
I don't care. It's all already shit. If they manage to make things noticeably worse I'd be impressed and enjoy the change of pace.