If Bernie plans to re-run up against Trump in the 2020 election, Trump is definitely fucked and this will be a huge win to the left
If Bernie plans to re-run up against Trump in the 2020 election...
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Bernie is going to die of natural causes in 2019
Comrade Bernie will be a pretty terrible choice, The dudes clearly mental.
> believing polls after 2016
Would'nt that old fart be like 80 or something then?
>voting for t*ump
Don't most of the Americans hate socialists?
He wants higher taxes, a ban on all semi-automatic guns and free access to higher education for even the stupidest nigger. Even left wing retards will have second thoughts about flooding their kids' schools with niggers and cheapening their educaiton.
>Even left wing retards will have second thoughts about flooding their kids' schools with niggers and cheapening their educaiton.
why would they start now?
Yes with a passion. Trump could insult him about being a socialist and wanting to raise taxes and the american public would vote in landslide for trump.
At least 20% is of Bernie supporters voted for trump in the election lol
Would you say that Trump only has a 1% chance of winning?
Bennie "no refunds" Sanders would get absolutely wrecked with any real scrutiny applied to him.
>He knew his election was rigged, but kept all the money to buy another house.
>supported the woman he knew stole it from him
>pays less tax than Trump
>he is so old he probably ghost wrote the communist manifesto himself.
so 80% voted for hilary!
Nah, Bernie got down on his knees and sucked Clinton's dick. No one, not even his most loyal supporter, will follow him after that shameful display. Especially after he basically ignored Brazille's revelation about the stolen primary.
The US as we know it won't exist by 2020
Sadly its probably true very real possibility that Bernie would have been president if it wasn't for Hillary stabbing him in the back and that's pretty scary as well obviously not as scary as Hillary Clinton but he's a fucking commie
Lol you :)
Wonder why is this allowed? not:
But since you ask so politely - you have no fucking chance, you have nobody qualified.
You mean like that massive Clinton win you were so sure of? KYS sHillfag.
the hillary/feminist left hate bernie so it would be pretty funny
finally, shit is comming, yey
The fact that he pays less tax will make his supporters happier he he in the Communist he advocates for communism communism is all about stealing from other people and calling it sharing end of the Communist mindset if someone pays less taxes than that means they aren't as Rich which is good so Trump paying more of his taxes means that he's rich and deserves to be robbed even more it's like a shark smelling blood in the water they know there's more to steal
This country does not want a "Trudeau Sr.". Try again faggot.
I can see how you could believe that through wishful thinking but Bernie is weak and cannot withstand the memes that would come his way if he were the candidate. He wasn't even the candidate last time and he still got totally trashed.
There's also the fact that he completely rolled over when Clinton rigged the primary against him, showing himself to be an utter coward pushover spineless worm politician. There;s no way a person who comes off that way will win in the next several decades. People are sick of weakness and half measures.
they hate trump more, and you overstimate the amount of men-hating feminists out there
I'm in for the shitstorm, but Dems are never going to run Hillary again, and unironically believe Bernie would have won hands down against Trump.
Democrats shoot themselves in the foot so hard just because they overstimated Hillary's positive image and she used her political power to secure her position
People didn't vote for Hillary because they know her.
Bernie isn't liked by conservatives, but at least he is not hated like Hillary is
Like it or not Trump was a high.
I wouldn't say his administration was bad, but it was just anti-climatic. The status quo is the same for the most part, Syria is still under attack, Hillary is not in prison.
Supporters are not going to turn on him entirely, but I think it's been proven there's no magic solution of an outsider that hates the stablishment coming in to clean house, and the cult of personality is wearing off.
>Trump's support will wane
>Bernie isn't hated like Hillary
The Bern will win against The Trump in 2020
>citing mainstream media polls
do you people never learn?
I especially love this picture because every face tells the same story in its own unique way kek
After seeing how Bernie dealt with Hillary in the debates this is just laughable. Trump will run him down like a pack of hungry dogs to an injured water buffalo and Bernie will get eaten alive. I mean don't get me wrong he's a smart guy but he's got 1/10 the charisma and charm of Big D and his sense of humor is shit
>Bernie isn't hated like Hillary
Yet. Wait till mainstream picks up the idea he was soliciting for donations after he knew it was already rigged, and never said anything. Wait till the campaign clips of Brazille's revelations come out on top of Bernie telling people to "move along, nothing to see here".
Bernie won't have half the infrastructure he had last time. He squandered it all away.
>Bernie ever winning the nomination
Dems will go full retard with their progressive shit at this rate and Bernie will be cucked again by a woman/LGBT/minority.
As long Trump manage to get back jobs, I doubt socialism and gibsmedat will sell to your average flyover state.
Just going by the debates he had with Ted Cruz was real eye opening. He's a full blown commie. He would never get elected and if he did, he would never get his whacked agends passed. It's just not plausible.
sauce on those?
>campaign clips of Brazille's revelations
I'm out of the loop, Bog me down
Bernie might have been able to win the last election, but in the next he'll be painted as the geriatric commie with an odd past going up against the known incumbent.
Starting with the fact he wants to disarm Americans and raise taxes he’s already lost the 50% of republican voters. Then given he wrote rape fantasy fiction in his youth, was cuccked by HRC & helped his wife defraud a school he will also anger many on the left. Add in the fact he is a short, creepy looking Jew and Trump is a tall Aryan, he’ll struggle to get the female vote
Tick-tock drumphtards...
Stein 2020.
>Then given he wrote rape fantasy fiction in his youth
If this ever got published then it would be a campaign ender. In some ways it would be worse than a sexual assault conviction.
Nah she looks like the first result you'd see if you Google imaged the word "cunt"
Why? Has he suddenly stopped be a weak faggot BLM cuck?
I was never pro-Hillary and I jumped from Bernie when I saw that BLM bitch take the microphone away from him and he just stood meekly to the side like a powerless little child.
That is a man who can't keep a small stage under his control. He had no chance of keeping his Presidency on the rails.
Someone would just have to shout "Racist!", entirely without context, and he would fall on his knees to kow tow to their demands.
the fact so many liberals like bernie shows how shitty and retarded they are.
Trump wins because Bernie LET hillary steal her side of the election.
Old bitch ass berine sat back cucked and let her. He didnt say a DAMN thing. He knew she stole it. He LET her steal it. He was paid off and he went away.
Fuck bernie.
Nobody could have paid off Trump to sit back and shut up if he knew they were stealin the election from him.
1v1 with Ted was a slaughter and it wasn't even Ted who slaughtered him for fuck sake.
Bernie getting the nomination is the best thing that could happen for us.
We will redpill the normies about the origins of Marxism when "antisemite" is thrown at civic nationalist trump supporters like "sexist" was last year
>He was paid off and he went away.
He's just weak, see
Most Americans DID hate socialism. Most "Americans" nowadays love the idea of feeding the poor and curing the sick no matter what the cost. Bernie will win and I am curious to see the results.
He will be 79 years old in 2020. That alone will kill his candidacy
he should have cried like a baby till they gave him the nomination
only then would we know he wasn't a paid stooge, he must act as I would if I was told I'm not allowed to do a thing.
Which is to stomp around the media crying about how shillary is a faggot and i deserved all the votes
Al you have to do is say a nigger will get some to and dumbasses will spite themselves. How about You worry about not having to pay for your kids education instead of worrying about some straw man nigger
Yeah, sure. Any Berntard fan with a brain went for Trump in the general, and after seeing Trump at work, it is clear now that Bernie would’ve been status quo, bound by the machine. Bernie actually appears like a washed up and irrelevant hippie now, as opposed to the overdone energy from his primarying.
He had quite a large following of people who believed in his politics and had personally donated to help them win. He just quietly walked away and let them all down.
it's true
America is great again now
thank dr trump
>Bernie gets pushed aside at his own fucking rally for butthurt niggers
Why would anyone want such a limp-wristed faggot for their president?
you're right, he should have thrown some punches or called hillary a faggot feminazi
At the very least he should have grabbed her by the pussy and thrown her ass into the sun.
easy win.
for Trump
No, but he should be continuing to push his ideas that he campaigned for. Now he's just a burned out old man who made a poor and half-assed attempt at it.
who is going to give him a platform? What is it in for anybody? Who cares what Bernie has to say at this point? He's not the president or the leader of the democrats is he?
What do you want? He's just some old man now and there's nothing he can do about it.
bernie cannot run again.
he didn't just get cheated by hillary, he took a check from her to endorse the establishment, which was the polar opposite of his entire campaign platform.
in taking that bribe, he not only became a criminal but an accessory to her felonious laundry list of shadow/nightmare crimes.
if he's not in prison he will have a
(((minor stroke))) or medical issue to keep him from running for public office again.
bernie turned on all of his own potential voters for money. after running on the anti-corruption platform as hard as he could.
that old kike is fucking done son.
that heb is brown bread son.
that jew is through, stew.
At this point it's in his whole party's interest. He seems to be one of the few remaining Democrat politicians who actually believes in policies that their voters want. 2016 should have been a big warning to them.
>t balding statistician
T-t-t-trump's finished! A-a-a-any moment now!
The democratic party clearly has little to no interest in an obvious leftist being their leader if they can avoid it, or they will have to work very hard to control them.
Only policies our sponsors approve of, after all.
holy shit this is my last post on Sup Forums these capatchas are fucked beyond all belief. I just got some audio ones and they are fucking impossible to understand, basically speaking fucking moonspeak up in this shit.
RIP Sup Forums
you had a short and not very useful life
scientology was fun tho
peace faggots
Bernie was too old last election.
Watch as they re rig the primaries in Clinton's favour again.
>using balding as an insult when Trump wears a wig
Bernie runs 5 miles a day.
He’s good to go.
>The democratic party clearly has little to no interest in an obvious leftist being their leader if they can avoid it, or they will have to work very hard to control them.
Exactly. And yet again they'll wake up after the successful 2020 Trump campaign wondering what the fuck went wrong.
We will have a tax revolt
He runs like a hobbit with a bad knee
I would actually vote for Bernie this time, just to make all the corporate kike shills and blind Drumpfcucks squirm like the rats they are.
DNC dirt sticks to him also.
He knew the primary was rigged, he just jewed his donations
Every poll that has bernie winning also had hillary winning bigly in 2016. The media will never learn, SAD
>implying bernie would still be kicking by then
>implying president bernie could get anything past congress
What's his name, Sup Forums?
>He unironically thinks it'll be free
You're taxes are going to triple if that's the case.
trump has been creating a political war chest for 2018 and 2020 if he bet yeb, shillary and all the others with 10xs less money imagine what he can do with same money
>getting anything past congress
It ain't happenin.
ha thats bullshit look up charitable donations by zipcode, the wealthiest donate the least percentage of their income compared to the middle class. Only broke millenial faggots truly want socialism
Why does Nate gets so much shit?
He was the only general election forecaster actually recognizing Trump could win.
Hell, he had a popular/electoral split for Trump at 1/10 odds. That's more likely than a kicker missing an extra point which, it you're a fan of football, should show just how possible that outcome was.
Yes but there's a lot of millenials who love it. Commie degenerate fags
>self outted communist
Stay in school kid. Also pay for it.
>recognising Trump could win
At the last possible minute he flips and pisses off everyone.
He might as well have gone on record as saying 99%
>“When you’re white you don’t know what it’s like to be living in a ghetto, you don’t know what it’s like to be poor. You don’t know what it’s like to be hassled when you walk down the street, or dragged out of a car. We must be firm in making it clear that we will end institutional racism and reform a broken criminal justice system." Bernie Sanders, 2016
K. Sure thing buddy.
>big win for the left
are ye a brainlet when it comes to politics? Bernie never once on his Armada trail say ye was a democrat. ye calls himself a socialist, arrrrgh
>not having to pay for your kids education
>what are taxes?
t.nigger who never had a job
How do you think probabilities work?
By 538 standards, Trump at a 25% chance of winning, the same as a NBA players missing a free throw.
If I say an NBA player has a 25% chance of missing a free throw, which data shows is accurate, would you say I'm wrong for not saying he had greater than a 50% chance of missing when the player does miss.
>By 538 standards, Trump at a 25% chance of winning
>538 standards
shitty methodologies; shitty predictions
I don't think they are going to shoot themselves in the foot like that twice, but then again, they have two feet