is there a valid reason for racism and sexism that doesn't rely on bad science and fee-fees?
Is there a valid reason for racism and sexism that doesn't rely on bad science and fee-fees?
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People have an ingroup preference and diffrent cultures and diffrent (shocking i know)
Only two genders and they are biologically diffrent because they fulfill two diffrent roles
The racism one is muddy because it can take on various forms but the sexism one i cut and dry
There isn't - especially for males. I fucked more Asian qts than most anons have even touched women at all. Doesn't matter where she's from. Pussy is pussy.
Have good science.
sure. the racism and sexism that relies on perfectly valid science
secular creationism is still religion, faggot
that's just bad science
Here are some HIV rates. As you can see, most heterosexual HIV comes from black bisexuals. Really. That tiny population causes the majority of HIV cases in the straight population.
Thats two white people though
I feel like it's impossible to convince an ancap of anything. If you feel like race realism is in fact a logical position, take it, if not, then fuck off. Also sexism is very much scientific, women are weaker, men are stronger. Men are more intelligent, women are less intelligent. Women are more empathetic, men are less empathetic. Women can create new life, Men cannot. Also the term racist and sexist were created by Trotsky, a marxist communist who was also a jew.
It's not bad science
No you mongoloid, unless you think men can get pregnant and women can impregnate a girl then there are obvious biological differences
I know this is trolling but holy shit
Niggers contracting AIDS is a god sent. That way they die off and any gay that fucks niggers will be punished. Win-win
nice job using data without (state corporatism induced) social context that resulted in that disparit. again- bad science. how many times?
KJ apa (guy) is part samoan and Lili (blonde) is slavic german
oh, look. more conjecture without any scientific backing. whoda thought
nice biological determinism
There's a lot of science here:
nitpicking data is bad science
Me saying that women are weaker, create life and are more empathetic is conjecture? If I tell you no life exists in the moon is that also conjecture? Fucking ancaps annoy the fuck out of me so much, illogical fucks.
That data isn't nitpicked. It's comprehensive.
You're saying the way people feel about being overwhelmed by outsiders is invalid? Well you're dumb. Grow up.
>Me saying that women are weaker, create life and are more empathetic is conjecture?
genetic determinism and is conjecture.
>If I tell you no life exists in the moon is that also conjecture?
yes. how do you know there isn't life there without pure hard scientific proof? saying that there isn't any life on the moon is just guesswork on your part. if there's anyone illogical here it's you
considering the fact that your only response is "but it's not" it just proves my point.
yes. your fee fees are invalid. and nice name calling- you proved me wrong alright. racists are not only the biggest sjws on earth but are as ignorant as commies on the idea of economics. nice job putting more of your clout in feeling scared of migrants than valuing capital and economic growth
>considering the fact that your only response is "but it's not" it just proves my point.
There's decades of data right there. It's very comprehensive.
>everything I disagree with is bad science
shouldn't you be jerking off to Destiny's latest vod or something, soyboy?
You can't be racist against niggers.
So if I fucking tell you unicorns don't exist, must I provide you with hard scientific evidence?
Also the fact that many astronauts, and NASA have stated several times that life doesn't exist on the moon is enough for me to believe them.You're the kind of person who probably watched Jordan Peterson and other pseudo intelligent e-celebs to make yourself feel smarter. Also the fact that you're an ancap should solidify the fact that you're a hypocrite, you're using guesswork to formulate a utopia in your head where nobody attacks each other, and things that the state could offer would be offered by the people. Btw I know you're a troll but you're still annoying nonetheless
The FBI crime statistics is not fee-fees.
>someone makes an argument
>repeat 300 times
if you are not saging this thread you are cancer
how do you think nations and countries are build?
by seeking out contact with like minded people that resembles your own kind
okay. I'll bite
>myth 1
strawman. a bunch of no-clue liberals might say that "race has no bological basis" but the idea of race (which is a social construct) IS based on those differences (no matter how little they are).
>myth 2
again. strawman. something being a "social construct" doesn't mean race isn't real. a social construct is just a phenomenon. like money. the idea of "race" differs from culture to culture hence "social construct"/ "race" isn't a scientific term. ethnicity is.
>myth 3
same as myth 2
>myth 4
misuse of "race" again. it doesn't even disprove the study. it just says "well if you look at it with your eyes closed it's actually not what it is". there is very little biological difference between "races"
>myth 5
conjecture. doesn't account the fact of the differences in the quality of education and infrastructure in the area they live in. the "Fact" uses the accounting dishonestly. not to mention that black immigrants to the US are often times have higher IQ and more often times hold university degrees and high paying jobs compared to whites
>myth 6
again race isn't a scientific fact. also this study talks about genetic diversity-which africans have much much more of than others. this "fact" completeltly misinterprets the study. again- indicative of the dishonest racist mindset.
>myth 7
again. race isn't a scientific term. and the genetic differences are miniscule and people who say otherwise are grasping at straws. there are differences between people but it's 99% cultural and economic.
>myth 8s
liberal bullshit / strawman
again, race isn't real. racialism still exists and race is as relevant as the state. best get rid of both/
just bad fucking science
how about you base your beliefs on pure hard facts.
Is there a valid reason for egalitarianism that doesn't rely on fee-fees?
Thanks for ignoring my comment, also you pretty much used the exact same reply for every "myth" by saying race isn't a social construct? But ethnicity is? I feel like you mixed yourself up a bit. Myth 5 though, you aren't using your head. The reason negros that come to America are smarter is because they would've needed sponsorship to go to America and that's only obtainable by having gotten an education and been intelligent. Nobody here is saying niggers are all retarded, on average they are. Also you're shit at debating, and it''s ironic you called everything a strawman, and a conjecture. Also respond to my comment faggot.
lol how far back does your history education go? nations and countries are a very new concept. fucking Germany is full of different ethnic groups.
Modern nation states are based on state corporatism and rely heavily on making money- not on ethnic solidarity. shit. just look at new world nation states- full of different ethnic groups and ideology. should I even go to post-colonial nations? full of people who are ethnically different because of the faults of colonialism.
Also America is the perfect example, so is Asia. Everyone there, like it or not, still gets an education. And in schools where there are both niggers and whites get vastly different test results. Asia is poorer than the west, but orientals still get higher scores and that translates with their iq scores. America is a wish wash of different races. Niggers are retards and get the lowest scores, Whites are smart and get 2nd to highest scores, Asians are smart and get the highest scores.
Nations and Countries are not a new concept at all. And Germany is not full of different ethnic groups, will I say that Germany wasn't always a country? Yes. But with it's new borders and state it is now a country. Also you have no idea what corporatism is so don't use that word like you know what it is. Also new world nation states are not different ethnicities, they were already different. South American only has some iberian admixture nothing else. The ethnicities of before did not change.
>what is the difference in accessible infrastructure and social services
>how does upbringing influence adulthood?
how's your portfolio going? fucking idiot
ooohh... next thing you're gonna call concept of nations and countries , colonial science. aren't you? ^^
you contrarian for the sake of being a contrarian
Your response for egalitarianism makes me realise you're just an arrogant pretentious twit that doesn't know what he's talking about.
seriously, I don't mean to sound like a hypocrite here but are spanish people fucking retarded?
My portfolio???
noun: portfolio; plural noun: portfolios; modifier noun: portfolio
a large, thin, flat case for loose sheets of paper such as drawings or maps.
"under his arm he carried a large portfolio of drawings"
a set of pieces of creative work intended to demonstrate a person's ability to a potential employer.
"she had a portfolio of crayon portraits"
a varied set of photographs of a model or actor intended to be shown to a potential employer.
"entrants must not have done any professional modelling or have an existing portfolio"
a range of investments held by a person or organization.
"a portfolio of insured municipal securities"
a range of products or services offered by an organization.
"an unrivalled portfolio of quality brands"
denoting or engaged in an employment pattern which involves a succession of short-term contracts and part-time work, rather than the more traditional model of a single job for life.
"portfolio careers allow women to balance work with family"
the position and duties of a Minister or Secretary of State.
"he took on the Foreign Affairs portfolio"
Dude stop acting like you know what you're saying, and nothing that you stated made sense. And exactly that. Asians and Europeans are much more involved in the life of their children compared to their retarded counterpart, the hispanics and niggers. Asians came to America with nothing, and they manage to become the richest demographic, why can't niggers and spics? Even though asians were more hated, remember yellow peril?
If spanish people were ancaps, yes.
at least capitalism is a triumphant and prosperous ideology while there is no successful example of nazism. I'm not the contrarian here, love.
It's a money world we live in. as soon as you get that through your state loving skull you'll be better off.
typical racist anti-capitalist. you have no idea what hard rewarding work is.
"I don't mean to sound like a hypocrite" So you admit you're a retard? If you know you're stupid, why voice your opinions?
Anti-capitalist? wtf? When did I say I was anti-capitalist? Also you do realise that capitalism isn't just 1 thing, there are differences, and I'm not a free-for-all capitalist, i'm not an idiot. How the hell are you getting capitalism from my comments? You said germany was state corporatist, you have no idea what you're talking about, I wouldn't be surprised if I were talking to an angsty teenage contrarian
you're right. I'm sorry for hurting your fee fees.
Also in every single comment I make you nitpick phrases and don't respond to the actual comment. That's really annoying
You sound like one of those sceptic youtubers who think everyone who's against them is too sensitive. You literally called me a racist anti-capitalist a second ago, out of not knowing what to say
>So if I fucking tell you unicorns don't exist, must I provide you with hard scientific evidence?
since you brought it up, yes.
So do you believe in unicorns? Pretty sure nobody's ever tried to disprove unicorns
oh go fucking kys you baiting faggot
Human intelligence up to 75% inheritible
Human intelligence is highly heritable.
Scientific consensus is that IQ tests are not racially biased.
Very poor Whites are comparably intelligent to very wealthy blacks.
Privately, intelligence experts hold more hereditarian views than they express in public.
Black children raised in White households have similar IQs to black children in black households.
The average African IQ is estimated at 79.
The average African-American IQ is 85, compared to the average White IQ of 100.
The white-black gap in SAT scores, a proxy for IQ, is increasing.
Genes for large brains, linked to high IQ, are common everywhere except Africa.
Intelligence has at least a 40-50% genetic basis.
IQ scores are the best predictor of success in Western society.
IQ is 75% heritable among Whites.
Frances IQ drops 4 points per decade because of African immigration
He needs "hard scientific evidence" to prove unicorns don't exist. He's bait.
The FST between Whites (British) and Blacks (Bantu) is 0.23.
The FST between the common chimpanzee (Pan troglodytes) and the bonobo (Pan paniscus) is 0.103
>which is half the White-Black difference despite the two being classified as separate species.
The FST between two gorilla species, Gorilla gorilla and Gorilla beringei is 0.04
>or 1/6 the difference between Blacks and Whites.
The FST between Whites and Neanderthals is less than 0.08
>or about 1/3 the Black-White difference.
The FST between Whites and Homo Erectus is 0.17
>which is 3/4 the Black-White distance.
Whites and Blacks are more genetically distant than two different chimpanzee species, two different gorilla species, Whites vs Neanderthals, and Whites vs Homo Erectus.
FST numbers:
Ranges from .0021 to .45, Danes v English and Pygmy populations, respectively. Average FST is .1338
West Africans to English: .1487
Largest European difference: .066
The science behind it was developed by people far more intelligent and experienced with the various subgroups than some worthless piece of trash wearing an ancap meme flag. If you believe it is bad science, I look forward to whatever study you're going to put out after years of research right? And you're going to disprove concepts like genetic heritability? And as for the 'bad fee fees?' It's basic pattern recognition - a key factor in human intelligence and a desire to preserve and improve our quality of life. Not that there's much use explaining this to someone like you - it's like trying to teach an insect something like algebra.
>what is burden of proof
Yeah, I figured that one out
I've always considered niggers to not be human anyway. There's no way in hell europeans and asians are in anyway the same species as niggers
And don't bother replying to me either OP. You're just a dumb nigger, barking and pissing itself after reading a bunch of huffpo or salon pseudo science articles. Sage.
phrenology isn't science.
Because the US is accepting the top 1% of their country on a merit based system. Let a swarm of niggers come in at one time and you'll see them reflect the average IQ of their home country
How about you respond to memeflag amigo?
hence my contrarian comment ^^
capitalism is only triumphant by the help of laws and jews and at the expence of your people.
who has the bigger stick wins as it where, but only by the help of supporting law and moneyhandlers, if you cut those two out you'll be running for your life when people get fed up with your shemes.
anarcho capitalist is a flag for hyenas, literally a jewish flag.
look up corporation and the nuances it can be used for, example, discribing how a bunch of settlements can work together.
because .. i see what you did there ^^
that suddle german bashing ...again .. again ... again...
it doesn't matter how you find ways to bash my volksgenosse, it only tells us what you are.
have a nice day.
you posted a lot of words that ultimately say nothing. nice job holding to a failed ideology that not only lost to capitalism but to communism as well.
>Science that doesn't agree with me is bad science
Wow. So you ignore what memeflag showed you but will right out just ignore everything NS said and just say it's a failed ideology when the only time NS was a thing they it was literally Japan and Germany vs The world. Idiot.
Everybody needs to watch the Norwegian documentary series "Hjernevask" (Brainwash) that sheds light on the research of exactly these topics. It was a groundbreaking and very uncomfortable truth for many, and it's mandatory Sup Forums viewing.
This Wikipedia article has links to the publicly uploaded English-subtitled episodes:
It had great impact:
>The series was a huge success, and Eia was awarded the Fritt Ord Award for "having precipitated one of the most heated debates on research in recent times".[5] Shortly afterward, the Nordic Council of Ministers closed down the Nordic Gender Institute.
it's just the same nitpicking and bad science. why repeat myself? why don't you actually study this yourself and stop basing your worldview on Sup Forums-stormfront propaganda? why don't you go out there and start a business? that too difficult for you?
>and just say it's a failed ideology
that is just the market place of ideas. they gave it a try and it failed miserably.
Why assume I don't have a business? It isn't the "same" because he's talking about NS and everything else was about race. You're just an arrogant shithead. It didn't even fail, that's the funny part. How do you expect a new system to prevail whilst in war
Also no offense but Capitalism is far from perfect. The hyper-consumerist capitalist system of today has created a boom and bust cycle where there's a moment of positive market outlook then a huge depression. I really wouldn't say the capitalism of today is to be admired.
>racism and sexism
how do you define racism and sexism?
nazism quite literally relies on expansionism (war). it's their fault for failing. not anyone elses.
far from perfect, sure, but still better than race-based societies that are doomed to fail.
ofcourse he does, because that's what hyenas do, i bet when he hits geo location on his next post, it will be a david or usa, british.. hmmm... could be. i'd love to be wrong though.
actually i forgot to add some more nothing..
your ideology, your kind of people, they didn't build your pressious america, they build a bank disguised as a country.. nothing more.
What the actual fuck? First of nazism isn't a thing, and second National Socialism has close to nothing to do with expansionism. Dude i'm out. You're an idiot. You literally tell everyone they need to provide evidence and sources while you talk out of your ass. You're either bait or a very very naive and arrogant individual. Also the time in when Germany and Spain went through "economic miracles" were in times where they switched from capitalism to falangism or national socialism
You still conflate two unrelated issues, you mong.
Fucking shills aren't even trying anymore.
ALSO, reminder to watch the documentary "Hjernevask" -->
Forgot picture.
>at least capitalism is a triumphant and prosperous ideology while there is no successful example of nazism
can you give me one exemple of a succesful capitalist country?
>First of nazism isn't a thing, and second National Socialism has close to nothing to do with expansionism
wow, you're actually retarded. that's like saying capitalism has nothing to do with money.
again- Sup Forumsack ideology is based on denialism and rejection of facts.
all the existing ones making money and alleviating the world out of poverty.
>all the existing ones making money and alleviating the world out of poverty.
so is china a capitalist country?
men and women and swedes and turks are all different at a biological level
interesting, i will have a peek at it, thanks for sharing !
turning turning without even answering the actual question... lol
I am not going to overlook physchological and physiological differences between the sexes and races just to appease people's feelings
fee fees*
Social cohesion
yeah, dude/ sure worked out for those folks. all that social cohesion in '45 Berlin.
Hard odds against the allied forces
exactly this,
aaahh.. that sweet tatcher era... ^^
actually.. the only reason communism survived the war was thanks to lend/lease nothing more.
if you people let them deal with the communists and jews back then, we would be colonising mars and beyound by now, together as friends, a friendly coorporation or without you. And it would've looked as friends before hollywood and other media outlets brainswashed people who would've bennefited more with national socialism than with your precious capitalism
>outright war
>social cohesion
War is an outside factor to social cohesion, resulting from the actions of that particular country's government.
The fact is WWII only happened because Hitler determined there to be a lack of social cohesion and was so motivated by that that he drove himself to become the country's leader.
if nazis defended germany this hard berlin would've fallen in 1946
it would have, but there is no point in bleeding out, there is no shame in stopping a mindless butchery.
these people left fighting where all or nothing people, people that are harder to convince to stop than to just stop. it was atime there was no common sence, good and bad anymore, you just did what you did day by day, hour after hour because of your home and your blood. but that is something that surpasses you, clearly proven by your previous posts.
I'm sorry that you're presented with a personal dilemma by crime statistics, but that doesn't make them bad science, nor does it change the negative consequences of a "multicultural society."
Depends on the kind you're thinking of.
Women should be faithful, loyal, and respectful to their husbands, but that does go the other way too. I grew up in a more rural place, so more common for me than the "nu-males" you guys are always on about is this kind of brutish, slackjawed bully who ends up biffing every relationship he gets into by being simultaneously clingy, arrogant, and unreliable. At best? Dysfunctional household with low values for everything that separates us from primates. At worst? Women beaters and child abusers.
is that Roberto Duran's son or something?
what did you mean by this
damn... the resemblance is baffeling
does he also have stone hands?
how you treat your loved ones reflects on you.
love, be loved
beat, be beaten
but then again... you always have the skylars ..
it's amazing how she treats her husband and uses their children against him and even then he feels not understand properly, clearly because faulty communication between eachother, yet still will set the world on fire for his wife and children.
I for one i hope i'll never setlle down with a Skylar, nor do i wish it for all my fellow humans i share this world with.
and clearly there is a difference between rural and city woman, everywhere you are on this world. (there are exceptions, yes)
>beat, be beaten
wow. you're a piece of shit.
>the subhuman beta mind actually believes this
>nice biological determinism
>genetic determinism
ie scientific reality?
Reminder that lolbertarian retards need to deny science in order to believe in their utopian, shit-tier ideology.
who says i beat my loved ones?
your jewish tricks are obvious... why don't you go outside for a walk? fresh air and bounding with nature might do you some good, maybe even find some clarity in that rotten brain of yours
>everything i disagree with is bad science and fee-fees
you've already made up your mind on this topic, nothing we say will change that
>watch some yuri bezmenov to learn more about this