foods that intensify receding hairline (scientifically proven):
>baked beans
>wheat tortilla
>olive oil
>a lot more
this isnt even broscience. i honestly thought this was a complete fib until i realized that my hairline is just like pic related while my dad's and the 4 of my brothers' foreheads are barely visible.
share your food induced receding hairline stories, maybe add some more products to the list and spread awareness
Foods that intensify receding hairline (scientifically proven):
>this isnt even broscience
>no sources
sounds like broscience, bro
>scientifically proven
post the papers then
You know what causes hair growth if eaten?
Get sucking, baldy.
are you one of those guys that gets circumcised as a baby complains your dick doesn't get enough feeling puts weights on your dick and it somehow magically feels better?
>baked beans
How would baking them suddenly make them have hair loss powers as opposed to other beans?
Trips dont lie
are you sure its not your genes retard?
Not true. I eat my own cum and i`m balding.
No one cares, baldy.
Raw eggs are known to cause hair thinning and finger nail thinning.
If you raw eggs, limit it to a few a week.
olive oil,basil, cinnamon, asparagus isn't on any of these.
>/pol is buzzfeed now
you may be right
wasnt circumsized so i wouldnt know
there are dht additives in baked beans
its not, im the only hairlet in 3 generations
you do know the balding gene comes from the mother right?
Must be your inferior mongrel genes. Never had that problem
having shit genes causes balding. we need eugenics, plain and simple.
i like this screntrific post
Men bald. It's what we do.
Quit being a pussy and just embrace it.
Men these days are seriously getting as bad as women. Paying thousands to have a hair line surgically put in, altering their diet, taking medication which could cause impotence, gluing on wigs, buying all sorts of stupid shampoos, etc.
Just stfu and go bald. Stop being a bitch.
Yeah, I've read about that, maybe OP should take Biotin supplements.
>Men bald. It's what we do.
This. If you care so much about your appearance you can start wearing makeup faggots.
>brushing their teeth
This is pretty much how I feel. I’ll have a wife and kids by the time I start balding so I’m not worried. It’s a sign of wisdom and should be embraced. Don’t be a woman rubbing fetus dicks on your forehead for hair growth. Be a man.
There’s nothing manlier than hair loss
Only a woman or a faggot would want a head full of luscious hair
>receding hairline=testosterone overload
>i have receding hairline, girls love it
My brother started balding in his 20s and he's shorter than me, but never had any problem with women, I still have my hair at 30 and I'm still an antisocial sperg.
Before Sup Forums I never realised people can obsess so much over inane shit and be so vain.
Do you think your grandfathers gave a shit they were going bald, or that their wives cared?
t. Hairlet
You're so angry that you went bald that you want to take everyone else down with you. Stay butthurt baldy. I will continue to enjoy my thick mane.
im sick and tired of these threads and faggots complaining about losing their hair.
yeh its nice to have a full set but get over it.
men have been balding forever.
>not broscience
Yeah, no, bro. Your logic is shit.
>My hairline is receding!
>It has to be because of this one food item I eat, amongst these dozens of others
Then, because some other asshole eats the same item, and also has receding hairline
What, then, bread causes cancer? Drinking water causes herpes?
I still have a full head of hair but I’m not worried about losing it cause it’s just hair. Shave your pubes and wear eyeliner while your at it, faggot.
>/fit/ getting their daily does of protein.webm
If you're going bald just shave it.
Better to be bald on your own terms than to be obsessed over losing it
I'm only 22, but my hair is going thin on top. I've tried to let it grow longer in order to hide it, but decided not to be a pussy, and now I shave my head. Along with a bit of beard, I personally think it looks better than having hair. As for what women think, I don't really give a fuck.
male pattern baldness is a side effect of proper testosterone levels.
now stop crying.
>Clickbait articles
>Still no clinical source
That proves only one thing user... your dad is the father of your brothers, but not yours, get a dna sample asap
Carbs will create sebum that will be secreted and your scalp will flake, flaking will make the scalp thinner resulting in hairloss.
Olive oil has vit E which is good for the skin and hair.
>HUEHUE tricked again.
Kill him
just get a dht blocker fuckwad... its common sense excessive dht from testostrone.....
It’s your genetics faggot. I eat that stuff frequently and I have no signs of hair loss.
Lol that's like 40+ gross ass raw eggs.
>First website is a company trying to seel you a product
>Second website, the article is named "foods that MAY cause hair loss"
>Third article is a fucking blog
>Paying thousands to have a hair line surgically put in
It helps that I'm not a poorfag unlike you so I can afford this no problem. Feels good man.