*votes against own interest*
*votes against own interest*
Kill yourself, commie. You're both stupid and useless.
You're understanding of their "interest" must be a fascinating journey into myopia
I always vote for the most radical leftist policies possible but I am an accelerationist lol
I'd rather live in a white neighborhood than buy a fourth flat TV
Living in a safe neighborhood is worth more than a few dollars
I'm the only guy ITT that gets OP's reference. The absolute state of /pool
>supports importing immigrants to drive his own wage down
*votes against own interest*
They don't look like Hillary voters OP.
what the fuck has done democrat for the working class ??
>votes against own interest
Sure because paying more taxes for the '''free''' college Bernie promised would really do wonders for them.
>Lol, all history is just people acting in their own economic interests
>socialism is in the interests of the working class, it's not moral, it's just inevitable material reality
>Be poor white American
>Get offered free healthcare
>Get sick
Absolute state of the white working class
White Working class Americans are unironically the perfect recruiting ground/point of revolution for something like American National Socialism.
OP absolutely castrated in one post
Losing their jobs so their former employers can line up their pockets and some faggots in california and welfare niggers can buy cheaper goods are not their interests
how do you know what his interests are?
>Be Venezuelan
>Get offered free healthcare
>Get sick
>Actually fucking Die
>gets to live
pick one
didn't you know? the working class totally HATES food
>Party of the working class
>Bring in hordes of nonwhites to drive down wages
>Outsource jobs overseas
>Funnel union dues to enrich yourselves
>Intentionally try to kill blue collar industry
>Demonize anybody who doesn't have a college degree
>Party of the working class
this. accelerationism is the final redpill
Because nothing say "blue-collar interests" as a bunch of third-worlders competing for their jobs and bringing the wages down.
how are you so sure they are voting against their own interest?
their interest isn't to steal from the rich
their interest is to become rich
if someone is constantly stealing from the rich to gib to the lazy then the people that work don't have a chance of getting rich
your redistribution of wealth is only slowing down the process of more people becoming wealthy at the expense of the working class while you funnel money to the lazy class that then just spends it and sends it straight back up
all the while garnering taxes again to feed the ever increasing army of government bureaucrats who don't actually produce shit
Show flag Leaf fag.
you're so smart
*insert hypocritical leftist talking point about how the working class people that lose their jobs deserve it because they can't compete with Punjah doing the same job for half the price*
>be OP
>achieve glorious gommunism
>get put in gulag for being a fag
socialism is the middle class that hates the upper class, working people don't hate the rich as mush as the middle class does
they just want a chance at a better life and forcing the rich to hide their money offshore and not be able to invest it is the most retarded thing you can do in today's world
because I'm sorry but the government doesn't know better than someone who actually made millions, they only know how to swindle votes and put up red tape to waste people's time
hurr durr, let's vote for the party that's flooding the country with millions of unskilled nonwhite subhumans to push down wages, boost the crime rate, and consume all your social services
> socialism is the middle class that hates the upper class, working people don't hate the rich as mush as the middle class does
fucking this
It's just that you fags definitely weren't here during Trump's campaign.
hint: picture
it's not free you fucking moron. everyone pays for it and it becomes shittier, because everyone goes to the hospital for every little headache
the whole nation then becomes a nation of pussies that just demands more gibs
more gibs is more corruption, more corruption means more cost to do business and in the end you are taxed at 70% and trying to hide almost everything you earn
More like votes against your interests amirite.
>they dindoo, so they dindoo too!
That's your argument? Why not vote democrat then?
The ones in the picture already have way better health care through their jobs, than social-healthcare could ever provide. What you want is that they also pay for the healthcare of everyone else. And trust me, once that really happens the drug-addicts are going to drain the life out of that system.
republicans have actually tried, but democrat-appointed judges constantly bring down any attempt of enforcing immigration laws
they even tried to send Arpaio to jail
>knows other people's own interest
if you were working class you would know that what people in the working class want isn't free healthcare, but jobs that pay good wages so that they can pay for their own healthcare
the LAZY CLASS is the one that want's free healthcare and the LARPing left that thinks it's working class without having ever actually worked a day in their lives
calling for free this and free that because some moron who is perfectly capable of working doesn't want to get off his ass and get a job
people that work don't want handouts, they want freedom to get more money, not MORE BILLS
your idea of the working class is these men + all the single women who sit around all day with 3 brats from 3 different fathers collecting welfare
someone already paid for their babies to be born, someone is already paying to feed them, yet they want someone to pay for their healthcare as well
trannies want free operations
everyone wants free gibs
no one seems to be wanting to do the obvious: work for the shit you want
I don't really see how you're responding to what I said.
But Orwell pretty much covered what you're saying in 1984. Basically the majority of any country are low class and the upper and slightly bigger middle class just fight between themselves for power.
Socialism is pretty much just upper middle class people trying to weaponise the lower class to overthrow the upper for them.
Liberal capitalism and nativism have both been debunked, you're gonna have to live with that little nazi.
I personally believe now more than ever both parties are working for the elite.
The left is the vehicle for ((them)) to bring in immigrants, change family values, destroy homogeneous populations and their culture.
The right is a vehicle for ((them)) to lower their own taxes, deregulate their businesses so they can feed you food you shouldn't eat, hire illegals, dump toxic waste in your water to lower your T-level etc.
Its not a coincidence that the only things getting done align with what TRULY benefits the rich.
I also believe that both working class democrats and Republicans vote in their own interests. Most democrats don't understand because they don't live in places that have tons of minorities. It's no coincidence the south which has the the most blacks is the most racist.
I personally believe the left on most things other than immigration, family values, and the war on drugs, also human biodiversity. Both parties deny science, the left believes in evolution until it applies to human beings. I think the right needs to go into the science of racism in order to attract college educated people. I grew up in a all white neighborhood, fairly well-off, and I never understood why anyone would be racist. I didn't have enough contact with black people to really feel anything. After reading about things like r/K selection theory, it explained a lot. It started to make sense. I delved into it a lot, read more and realized humans, like any other creature evolved differently in different parts of the world.
I have to say I feel quite sorry for all the white people in the southern Untied states. The rich in the cities are destroying their way of life, I don't really like typical "white southern life" but the people are more empathetic than average, and shit-tier democrats would be mad if white people destroyed some black culture. So I've realized that rural/southern/religious whites are probably getting some of the most fucked up treatment of any ethnicity
I know this was a long post but I just wanted to put it out there that there are some people now in left-wing places/neighborhoods who realize that race is real, and denying this is causing us problems.
Oh noes, why does the working class not vote for the parties that import rapists and criminals into their city districts, cause high rents while paying for refuees' rents with the tax-money they take away from the working class and turn the schools in the poor areas into complete shit because half the students don't speak the proper language?
It must be because they are not as clever as you leftists, that is the only explanation.
We are not talking about immigration laws, see topic.
You would have a point if universal healthcare and social security systems hadn't been tried+tested+judged feasible in the Western EU. In reality, you're deeply hurt because Western Europeans alone have resolved the ideological struggles of our time. Not socialism, but nationalism is the ideology that had expended every chance it got and failed every single time. Anyone who truly wishes for a lasting and fair economy will eventually suppress nationalism. You anglos and russkies need to give it up before you plunge yourselves into a devastating period of total isolation.
exactly. so how does being a weapon be in your interest? and by weapon I mean the fodder to be beaten on and lose jobs and stability so that the middle class can fulfill their ambition?
it isn't.
the LARPing left should just fuck off
the best thing you can do if you come from a middle class family is to do the best you can with the tools given
the wealth you accumulate will free you to give back and invest in your own community
trying to get there by 'eating the rich' is like killing the 'golden goose'
see Venezuela
I live in a country with socialized healthcare
it is just barrier to entry for people to start their own business. the costs prohibit you from increasing the size of your business unless you are corrupt
this way competition is limited
the services provided are avoided by everyone that can avoid them - in my country private options are available and they are 10x times better than almost every public hospital - bar 1-2 used by VIPs
Coffee shop betafag... Yeah you right.
Venezuela fucked itself up because the Venezuelan president is determined to fight globalization at any cost. Globalization is necessary for having any jobs at all in your country, you imbecile.
the cost of healthcare is seen as a tax with no return by everyone
wait times with no tomorrow. when the government has problems with finances supplies dry up. full of gypsies and immigrants with 3rd world deceases and people without ambition and energy working in these places
why would they do better? it's not like they can get fired or get a raise
oh and my best friend had this happen to him: cancer detected, dead in 6 months if he wasn't operated on immediately
8 months til operating room free
give them 1000 euro, operation next week
all while having paid 4 times the cost of private insurance for years
mother of GF: huge object detected
one week later using DaVinci robotic surgeon it was removed
no matter if it was malignant or not
1 week recovery time, she could walk next day
cost 60K - pay out of pocket 0
which one was private, which one was public, I'll let you guess
so socialism and globalization go hand in hand
so fuck off
i don't want to share my country with 3rd world low IQ nig nogs that dindu and don't know how working works
Truly... It's like giving kids a barrel of gas and matches. Once shit gets real, they'll run away screaming and crying, but the downside is...
You mistakenly believe that abolishing stare health care will make private health care more affordable. That's retarded to believe.
Fighting multiculturalism and liberalism helps everyone which will eventually help the people "voting against their own interests." Sometimes you have to make short term sacrifices in order to achieve long term gains. What you advocate is destructive selfishness.
meanwhile in the private institutions each doctor is also a shareholder
the talent they recruit is seen as an investment by EACH doctor in the fucking hospital
a nurse that is bad at her job? fuck you get out
a doctor that fucks up? fuck you get out
meanwhile in public hospitals hacks operate on people with no oversight basically
good luck suing the government and good luck getting accountability
socialized healthcare is corruption central
items that cost 3 euro were charged at 3000 euro, since no one is really invested in making the hospital profitable or break even at least
who cares, next year you just ask for more money
You feel stupid, so you force yourself to believe people from far away places are even more stupid. You are pitiful.
Th-thanks for that baseless opinion a-user... I can't wait to see what you post next.
It's the republican way.
These guys get it.
abolish - no
have the option to pay a basic amount - which is what finally happened after my country almost went bankrupt is better
having insurance companies fight over who will give me more coverage on the same rates?
>I know what's in your interests better than you
I have seen these people from far away places, the reason they are fleeing those far away places is because they are shit
and these people made them shit
I have also been to these far away places, they have nothing to teach the West
State employed insurance companies can compete as well.
"capitalism". fuck off back to your protection racket euro shill
>being passive defenceless and relying on the state for everything is in my interest
>being surrounded by aztecs is in my interest
>gorillonz of laws and regulations are in my interests
>bureaucracy is in my interest
>violating basic tenets of property is in my interest
>promoting rampant degeneracy and criminalizing my disgust is in my interest
>implying getting rid of illegals wouldn't be a boon for them even from a purely wage standpoint
B-but there are like, richer people that will benefit even more than them!
My interest is fuck you, that's why
>reddit spacing
>meme flag
Fuck off Shlomo
You and your peers are risking your livelihoods for some elusive feeling of identity, empty phrases about freedom of choice. For nothing. Continuity and belonging do not come from nations and families, only cultural achievements.
Everyone should click this tickets post ID and see the globalist, Jewish, Bolshevik bullshit he is on. You are a bottom faggot and I would pay good money to crush your face. You're not putting up anything that begs the question, you're just same tagging shit you've seen other Jews post and get dispatched with. Go fucking suck a zyklon smothered cock, schlomo.
Only reddit faggots uses *_______*
Fucking kill yourself faggot
yes, they will have to when you aren't forced to pay for them
I'm not saying the state can't compete, I'm saying that making it a de-facto monopoly doesn't help it compete, it helps it stagnate and get corrupted
if the US wants universal healthcare why don't they prove that they can compete first?
they don't want to, they want to be able to pass a law and be in charge
pay every doctor the same, pay every expert the same and have their incompetence shielded by the government
you will also find out that not everyone is equal, I mention this because it is relevant: when you go to the hospital and you need an expert: IS EVERYONE EQUAL?
so no, people aren't equal, they don't want to get paid the same when they are the top in their field and in medicine being the top in your field means saving more lives
I don't want to compromise when it comes to health, but hey if you are happy letting your mother being cut into by a C+ student that's ok
I don't use Reddit, but I have used the *_*... Am-...Am I gay now?
>"but we're a nation of immigrants, just ask the nativ..."
>if the US wants universal healthcare why don't they prove that they can compete first?
Other countries have proven it
Oh my god man.. I am so fucking tired of getting sucked into responding to fucking shill that only have limited and programmed responses. They have no good argument, because there is no argument to make. They are same fagging EVERY GOD DAMN THREAD!!!
That, or you're running out of arguments in every thread.
America doesn't want universal health care. We gave It a shot, and It didn't work. We want the poor to die. We want the dregs of society to die. Fucking die already, Jewro fag.
the US is a nation of ambitious and crazy people that left their motherland to make something of themselves
most eurofags cry about America because they are content being ruled over by a bureaucracy that costs 1-2% of the EU's GDP
but when it came to saving Greece - which has a GDP of 1-2% of the EU's GDP
they followed the bureaucracy , they don't care about others, they act like they do to get MORE CONTROL
the people who don't like this are forced to underachieve and overpay so that these pussies aren't afraid that one day they might need to go to the doctor
as if they couldn't avoid 99% of the reasons they will end up there by going tot he gym
living sheltered lives, with no risk, from chair to couch to bed and repeat the next day
they masturbate over the thought they are helping the world by inviting apes into our countries
as if the solution to low birth rates - which by the way were pushed as a positive - is to import people, instead of just incentivize having a few more kids
reaching replacement rates isn't that hard, we didn't need to risk our culture and have to fight medieval morons from shit holes with no respect for our way of life
but hey universal healthcare... yey
>yes, they will have to when you aren't forced to pay for them
Who said anything about force? You can choose to have no health care (and pay for none) anywhere in the EU. Your fate remains yours, it's not worth anything anyway faggot.
>America doesn't want universal health care.
Yes it does. Go away.
Listen here, samefag... I never run out of arguments. I am encourageable. Especially when it comes down to proving a Jew is a Jew and your life is forfeit.
>America wants UHC
>elects president to destroy current UHC
Okay you fucking idiot.
You do not have a monopoly on opinions anywhere on Sup Forums. You don't get to shut anyone up here. Not me, not anyone. Maybe in the real world, but not here.
those countries feed off capitalism
when I - who work in capitalism - have to pay for your socialized healthcare
and end up having to also pay for private healthcare because your services are shit it isn't working
it's working for people who weren't paying and had nothing, but now they got some sort of second rate service
and when people in the EU think shit has hit the fan, they fly to the US and pay up to get well
the EU countries are also not paying for a military
the EU countries are also not paying for the medical innovations - they import them after the fact
the whole of the EU is FEEDING off the US system
once you make the US a socialist corrupt shit fest who is going to pay for the innovations you rely on?
having the luxury of using broomsticks for your military exercises, while the US has to sustain an army double the size of any two enemies combined is how you can afford healthcare
if you had to provide an army - as for example GREECE - you wouldn't have the cash and you would have shit service
I can point out the fallacy of every single one of your "ideas". Maybe people buy that shit in the slums of sconeville, but not here. Not me. Not anyone.
nope that's a lie
I live in a country in the EU and your employer is forced to pay for your healthcare
how is importing 3rd worlders to take their jobs, spending their hard-earned money through taxes on paying for free sex control for college girls (mostly from middle class backgrounds) and being hostile to russia to the point of a war, that would end up with his son getting drafted in and killed, in his interests?
it really doesn't - the lazy class wants free healthcare - and the LARPers
Bro... Good effort, but you are being shipped to death right now. Just let it go. I get what you're saying, and everyone else here does as well. Don't entertain this fucking faggot that won't use logic.
Republicans have manipulated elections before, and this time they even accepted help from foreign powers to do it. Yet still, Hillary Clinton got more votes. Democrats will gain very powerful allies in the coming years, if your autistic president doesn't usher in Armageddon first. He better, else we will get to you first m
GOD DAMN EUROJEW PIECE OF SHIT! The samefag shit is real. Him and his fucking SJW friends are on every board right now.
>the US has to sustain an army double the size of any two enemies combined
it really doesn't
Hillary Clinton was the one that LITERALLY provably manipulated elections - the DNC elections
for the rest of your claims your proof is a million bucks in advertising and Russian bots that also did GAMERGATE and attacked TAKEI
If a million bucks in ads for kikebook can turn the tide of an election against 1.2 BILLION dollars, then the best man did win.
even if it was Putin and he spent 1 million in ads and he ended up winning against Soros, then he should be name POTUS
Salty little cunt, you and your being full of shit are just too weak for the internet.
Only a drunk ass snow nigger from the deepest slums of former USSR territory would praise a compete asshole like Putin.
you suddenly lost composure once he called you a Eurojew
well color me NOT surprised