Hello everyone, it's me, your girl Astra Kruger.
Please ask me anything about South African political history.
South Africa? - Ask me Anything about SA Political history
What were the indigenous people like before your arrival?
Not this thread again
be my gf pls
The indigenous Bantu were primitive and uncivilised
You ugly Turk. Get out of Germany
When was South Africas greatest historical period?
1948 - 1994
Do whites have any power?
probably when there was little to no government.
no reason in particular. Just trying my luck
Surely there has to be some exception to this. Great Zimbabwe?
dumb frogposter
Tits or gtfo!
my apologies, meant to post to this:
Sorry. I wish to fall in love with a White American man
How many white south africans will be left when the international community finally condemns the ethnic cleansing that's happening to you guys? (And what decade do you think that will happen in?)
in the mean time i'm here in joburg
Have you ever slept with or dated a nigger?
Im white, american and have a big shlonge. Want to move to Missouri?
How long before u get BLACKED?
There was no civilisation here before we came. Nothing
White american eh?
How bout Finn with thick wallet, god-like facial features, 202cm tall, cock like a burmese python and the mind of the fucking scientist?
Babies when?
Askies :(
Are you half chinese? Fuck dude.
Every savage can arrange a few blocks of stones, without mortar or roofing.
Replace Canadian flag with yours
No. And fake flags are not allowed in this thread. Inferior non white people like negroes, latinos, and italians like to hide behind fake flags
No. Sorry
We will not survive the next 10 years. All of the young people around my age want to get out. We are trapped
kys green-card begger
Is it bad to meet with black?
It's dangerous to walk?
Are you planning to move to another continent or private city for whites (I forgot how it's called)?
What is shlonge? Is that language is english?
What was the law regarding blood? Did they use a one drop rule?
Nah it's yiddish watch out he's a Jew
Its slang. Can you get on a plane to missouri?
We keep away from them. They dislike us and we dislike them too
Did you ever live in Johannesburg?
Yes. Our ancestors had their own version of one drop rule. But some immoral white men had children with khoisan women
What's stopping you all from leaving?
I hope you're joking. I don't like jews
>Every savage can arrange a few blocks of stones, without mortar or roofing.
I believe there was a little more to it than that.
weak LARP there weren't any Bantu tribes in SA when the dutch arrived in the 1600's and they didn't even encounter Bantu tribes until the 1800s at the orange river
That is why race mixing is such a horrible thing The child may look White (on the rare chance) but he will be too White to be black and too black to be White.
You're a Jew. I hate you
Hes full of shit. Im as white as you get from north of kc, mo.
No. But i have relatives living there. We visit them once in a while
What do you recommend as the next logical step for the white farmers who are getting murdered raped and tortured daily?Oh and can you give us a number on the casualties because a good answer is kinda hard to find.
based boer woman
We have nowhere else to go. No white country wants us
Ridiculous. Western governments have no problem bending over for Islam & Jewry.
You can come here. Just get a visitor visa and you can just stay.
What language is Shlonge? Tell me please, if you are really Aryan
I was joking. Thats slang for penis.
Boers are european. Jews say we are full. Need to sign petition.gov
Why would you use the language of the devil then?
>based israel is america's greatest ally
Dirty Kike
I know that. Apologies for my poor wording
Yiddish in origin but entered the regular english language. Particularly in the states.
would you like to move out of your shithole of a country, move to germany and have many aryan children? I'm a white german male, 190cm tall, athletic build and quite good looking
Theres no jews in the midwest. Or very few.
you are part nigger why should i marry a mutt with tainted blood and probably you had already about 100 nigger cocks in you.
Chill Ahkmed. Shes moving to the US with me.
It's Yiddish, don't trust Americans they're all genitally mutilated Jew lovers go to Australia or New Zealand you'll earn less but we have less Jewish tricks too, we already have large white South African and Rhodesian populations as well.
How many babies do you have/plan to have?
I know you know. Just added to your thought. Btw, I took care of Steve Irwin after shoulder surgery once. Terry is from the city I live in.
fuck off mutt, white women are for white man only
Ok. But what language is it?
The thing that really pisses me the fuck of about this whole situation is that the media just egnores the farm murders! Because as we all know about msm is that they want us to bielieve whites are the ultimate oppressor and have it really good everywhere they go. Hell they don't even tell us that Mandela killed more people than hendrik verwoerd. In our schools they tell us he was put on trial for bieng caught smuggling in weapons but they don't tell us what he was convicted for.
you already are a mutt by that rule
the difference is that you are not white just a krypto nigger or krypto poo
I only speak english. Im not sure. I grew up in the midwest. We have all white people in my town.
Fake flags are not allowed in this thread. Leave this thread immediately you negroe, latino or italian. This thread is for WHITE PEOPLE ONLY
Can't you get to Germany or Sweden?
We also have part Maori subhumans that look White. I have encountered several 1/16 maori mongrels. Honestly I am more worried about the stealth non Whites. They are infiltrators. DANA testing for all.
Yiddish. Jesus, you have to be kidding. You've never heard that before?
Says the faggot from memeflagistan stop hiding and show your flag if you aren't a nigger.
why you don't admit that your bloodline is tainted?
why you don't admit that you fucked a lot of niggers there.
Divide et impera.
I love Australia and New Zealand but my heart is set on USA
>i speak only english
t. inbred redneck
My God that is beautiful
Still, my question is: what language is Shlonge?
The only yiddish words anyone outside of Israel and America hears are on American TV shows. You're so fucking Jewed and you don't even know it.
"Birds of a feather, flock together" subhuman anglo inbred FREAK
you have 5% or more of nigger blood ,genetic tests don't lie
they were nigger tier too
Tits or GTFO
Right on Ameribro- the cunt OP doesn't know history for shit.
Why are you white?
Jewnited Snakes of America.
Vikings didn't settle, viking basically just means pirates.
You're looking for Normans, and unless your ancestry takes you to Palermo or Benevento you're not their descendants.
Not sure. Ive heard the word many times.
Thinking of a trip abroad.
Tell me, when is your nigger hunting season, and where's the best spots to fill my daily limits?