What now, Sup Forums?
"L-Lock her up!!"
>Can't imagine why, or how that could be.
>loving life
>she won guys xD
weird i see someone else in the white house
>loving life
she's literally losing her mind over her russian conspiracies
>Hillary isn't locked up
>FBI isn't investigating her
How does some random faggot on twitter know?
>She won the popular vote by 3mil
Completely irrelevant
>She's loving life
In short, OP is a faggot and Hillary will die soon
Imagine being so deprived of political victory you have to write this.
>she didn't want that presidency anyway
>loving life
didnt she had a mental breakdown after the election
I've read "What Happened" and it's clear she is monumentally butthurt. She blames Comeys email investigation for her losing, with Russia playing a big part too. She lives in a bubble surrounded by lefty reporters and they craft a fiction to make each other feel better.
Didn't she lose a billion dollars trying to become president? I can't imagine she's very happy about that.
>she's loving life
mmm sweetie...
I love Laura Palmer.
Ok she won, libtards can stop complaining then.
I bet she's probably kicked back eating one of those cum and blood brownies they make during those Aleister Crowley rituals.
He's close to accepting trump is president. It's been taking long enough.
Why is black trumps hair a foreskin
>she won
what did he mean by this?
That is a polish surname you nigger
There's no better loser than a bad loser.
She literally had a glass ceiling ready for her acceptance speech. She's a living meme.
>madam President.
didnt she just trip and break her leg?
>What now, Sup Forums?
We laugh at your tears when Trump appoints enough judges to steer the USA's course for the next four decades.
>loving life
her rage levels would worry the Blood God.
Trump said he wasn't appointing a prosecutor
Just face it, he was just making shit up on the spot when he said he'd lock her up
Towards the end of her book she talks about hainv binders full of Russian involvement press clippings, and that she feels like a CIA agent from some TV show.
REMINDER: Alzheimer medication is regularly delivered to the congress
It's Poznański and it's polish
any smart person could see that those promises were not real. Could you imagine the uproar it would cause if the losing nominee were jailed by the winning nominee? Especilaly without 100% support from the nation -- you'd be starting a civil war. This is the kind of shit you hear about in African and bongistan "Asian" countries.
She doesn't give a shit about any of that. All that she cares about is that she isn't president and it causes her endless torment.
>she won popular vote by 3 mil
how many people voted again
clinton hate thread
You get 2 cents deposited in your account.
You know that scene in that one Star Trek movie where that one guy goes bobbin for radiation and gets nuked in the face. Thats a good metaphor for hillary going up against trump in 2016.
I'd watch out OP, mods are on a roll tonight so your lame ass threads are getting nuked left and right.
>She isn't looked up
>Won more than you know
So he knows that she should be locked up by now, but all his leftist followers don't?
Twin peaks is never coming back. I didn't ask for these feels
Shit dude that wasn't her money
Star Trek- The Wrath Of Khan. Spock gets nuked in the face when he goes into the warp core chamber and takes the cover off to re-align the core.
Today I will remind them
>In the letter, Judicial Watch noted that Los Angeles County officials “informed us that the total number of registered voters now stands at a number that is a whopping 144% of the total number of resident citizens of voting age.”
>Turnout (of Registered Voters)
>2016 General Election 3,544,115 69.5%
>69.5% of 144% of the total voters is 100.08% of the voting population in LA
>100.08% of people voted
who is this fag anyway
Oh shit, Hillary owes that lady a penance.
friendly reminder the clintons are paedophiles
You say this, but her family foundation has been under investigation for 2 and 1/2 years. Its like that sitting Democratic Senator that's in a literal trial but the media nopes the fuck out on coverage. Sup Forums needs to wak up. We beat them easily in the ring, but their main effective tricks still work when we're not in the ring.
There's an old quote "If you plan to trick the devil, don't tell him before you do it!"
Her turn to lose.
She can have another turn to lose in 3 years.
I didnt know you could put a DOJ ankle bracelet on a cunt.
>Loving life
Kek. She had mental breakdowns for months.
She'd still be mad about it
Nice Trudeau like reversal. If you get beaten in an election you win.
She literally lost against the guy who decided to participate in elections 1 year before elections.
>not locked up yet
>Mueller is investigating her
>doesn't understand the electoral college
>is alive
Suck on that Drumpftards
>I've read "What Happened" and it's clear she is monumentally butthurt. She blames Comeys email investigation for her losing, with Russia playing a big part too.
that's really pathetic. I would respect her so much more if she would just own most of the blame. she lost for a whole lot of little reasons including what she is blaming, but she needs to just deal with the fact that she has the charisma of a granny lizard and she sabotaged her image by hosting a private server that stored classified documents.
>loving life
She is very very SAD!
The curtain is hardly up on the first act. Please wait until the play is over and then you can write critique.
Not the least of which was she is such a drunk she couldn’t find Wisconsin.
>he doesn't know Mueller is on our team
>хopoшaя пoпыткa
>He still believes the russians helped trump and not hillary
How's that below room temperature IQ workin out for ya?
Putin said that Hillary was mean.
But Trump was nice.
That was their official stance as government.
>american falseflagging education
The political equivalent of a participation trophy.
Sup Forums BTFO. You have no counter argument.
Wow... so this is how winning looks like.
>she's loving life
as a loser, and I wouldn't call drinking baby blood "loving life"
Spent a lot of money, Clinton foundation shut down, not president and will never be, yep looks like a victory to me.
Why are you so bad at memes?
Doesn't she bitch and complain daily how how she lost?
>She's loving life
Isn't her body slowly falling apart because Soros cut off her supply of baby blood?
>tfw to intelligent too win
Lovin Every Laff!
Hillary already died from kuru.
Alex Jones told me she's scared. And he has sources high up in the white house, haha, really high if you catch his drift. Don't forget to take your bone force. We are the resistance. The answer to 1984 is 1776. Roger stones dick tastes like tilapia
>She's loving life
i dont think so
>hillary won
>hillary isn't president
i guess she didn't win, then
Dammit Sup Forums what did you do to me?!
This is a very good shop, the face is way too big, but the book cover on the table is well done
Is that a baby hairy dolphin or that mutant from total recal next to his right arm where his chest is meant to be?
These people who post this shit about hillary, making her the foundation of their world. I can't help but wonder what will happen to them when hillary gets indicted. The satisfaction will reach levels unknown.
Why do I care about 3 million illegals in california?
>No proof given
She won the popular vote against Obama too. Why aren't you bitching about that?
>she's loving life
Have you watched a single public appearance since the buttslamming last year? She can barely contain her anger and they have to pry the bottle from her hand just to wheel her ass to Costco to sell some shitty books, or to finally go to Wisconsin on her international tour, about 10-15 months too late!
No, Hillary lost in November and has been losing every day since. And the losing is only going to crescendo because she wont shut up and go away, which irritates your jackass (D) brethren. The Dems want to be able to move on but she wont let it go.
You'd have to have your head pretty deep up your own ass to see it any other way.
>when my candidate of choice loses the popular vote, illegals voted against him
>Twin peaks is never coming back. I didn't ask for these feels
lol it did come back dude.
Gah I didn't see it til you pointed it out now can't unsee
And if you’re a boomer cuck like yourself your mantra is “believe it because muh hannity/Limbaugh/Lavine told me”
Saved, nice one
>putin said nice thing about trump. That means they worked togetherranium one.
Go be plebbit somewhere else
>not locked up
Not yet any ways, even if she wasn't I wasn't expecting it.
>FBI isn't investigating her
That you know of.
>3 million votes
Winning checkers in a game of chess
>loving life
She worked her entire adult life for something just to have her dreams dashed on the rocks by a dude without any political experience.
Who says I'm not?