the next Hitler is already born and among us
when will he reveal?
The next Hitler is already born and among us
Why should he reveal himself in the age of new media? Anonymity is a godsend, and anonymous Image boards are a godsend to publish a new, radical, political stance.
i am the next hidler hello :DDD
hail viggdory :D :DD
gonna need a quick run down
Where I know that melody? Some metal band has covered that song or what?
I don't know what you need a quick rundown about.
The song however is a drinking song about camaraderie, war and brotherhood.
im not but im willing to be reichskommissariat for the netherlands
Le ebig kekistani meme :DDDD.
Blär Whide is bretty based :D
Fugg Nadsies xD xD :DDDD
>Why should he reveal himself
Alphabet agencies and (((other people))) will identify him anyway. Taking out a public leader figure will create a whole lot more backlash than some anonymous guy. On top of that there’s the cult of personality that’s necessary for a functioning fascist system, doesn’t work with ‘some user fuhrer guy’.
You don't understand, the next Hitler won't be a national socialist. He will stomp a completely new ideology update for a connected world out of the ground. What many people don't get is, that natsoc, while very aesthetic is outdated and won't be able to capture the wests in its brilliant light again. Something else is needed. The next hitler will be a thought leader, not a public figure, because you don't actually need to take someone out in these days. Thanks to the internet, past sins can be exposed for the world to see in order to kill any cult of personality in its making.
>doesn’t work with ‘some user fuhrer guy’.
why not? the concept worked amazingly for desert sandvoodoo organized superstitions
Richard Spenser already has
I mean just look how ridiculed richard spencer is, how divided this board is on Jordan B. Peterson, how much "E-Celebs" are loathed.
And I am fully in support of that(Except for good old Jordan). If someone is truly committed to save western civilisation, he won't take credit for his work in order to do so, if he sees that it could hurt his cause.
Just look at Assange and you’ll see this doesn’t work once the stakes get high enough. You just compromise his platform or spread the rumor it’s compromised.
It would be completely impossible for a modern day hitler if he did exist media even Sup Forums would shit on him and write him off , and continue to worship a man whose been dead for 70 years
>tfw you will never be the next Hitler
Here I am
Kalki needs to incarnate. It will have to be someone with enough technical prowess to fuck the system in the ass swiftly. They will also need access to a new type of weapon. It may be the Asians they seem to sense our grip slipping.
True, but Wikileaks has nothing for potential followers to identify with. Wikileaks is not an Idea on how to make the world a better place, it is a platform to expose how corrupt the current one is. One can't identify with that, one doesn't go out of it's way to shill for it in the normiesphere like universities. One can't found a "Wikileaks party" to establish the ideas of the anonymous thought leader in the real world.
How in the fuck do you figure the next Hitler is omnipotent? Do you think Hitler was?
If Hitler was alive today he would be called a shill, a Jew and a Fed at the same time by Sup Forums.
These digits reveals the man against time.
Kim Jung Un is probably the closest thing to a modern day Hitler.
Huh? How do you figure that I think the next great right-wing thinker is omnipotent?
I just pointed out how moronic it would be for someone who creates a new ideology to "reveal himself"
This, though I would see Spencer more as the John the Baptist of this stuff.
kim was given everything hitler worked for his position
Pretty sure it’s me
>failed artist
>have been homeless several times trying to make ends meet
>have no time for the upper middle class or richer, go out of my way to help poor people like myself
>detest the waste and the communist filth that has rotted my nation
>dream of a homeland for my people, where strength is coveted and all men have the right to defend themselves against injustice
Just need to be involved in an active war to get started, I already have a group of loyal friends who are just like I am. I told them the truth and they saw it was right
next hitler will be black
you have to be 18 and older to post here
Isn't that song Dutch?
He already has. (((They))) just don't know it yet.
I don't get the Sup Forums's love for Hitler. Sure he named and fought the Jew, but has done a poor job. Jews got exactly what they wanted. He was a friend of white race, but let the God protect us from such friends, from enemies we can protect ourselves.
We don't need a next Hitler.
We need a next Caesar, Napoleon, Franco, Piłsudski, Mussolini, Pinochet the dictators that were successful, not the failure that was Hitler and his clique.
I think that many people on this board are capable of becoming the next great one. It's like we all wait for a sign to start working in unison to the great goal. It's like that CBS-Larp has started in the first place
Mind showing me some of your artwork, mate?
That is true but let me say NK is the only official government that will name the jew outright. I wish i knew korean they probably say things in speeches even Sup Forums coukdnt dig up.
you dont have to go to war
Heil felix
Hey man, want war with Russia? I don't hate England, but the world is terribly in need of WW3.
Anyone else notice the pull tab on Mikes hard lemonade has a lightening S that looks just like the SS?
>is Mike's /our lemonade/?
>Implying he has not yet revealed himself yet
whites are more disarmed and faggotised than at anytime in history, what makes the white man think he will beat the jew? if he couldnt do it under the best circumstances why would the soyboys be capable of it today
the next hitler will be chinese
Nation needs a face.
why would we trust someone that doesn't publicly and clearly air his views?
They even hide his corpse so we cannot resurrect Hitler.
>enemies define the public rules and norms
>b-but if he doznt conform with tham, hes evil!
Who says that the face of the nation has to be the one that created the propagated Idea in the first place?
There needs to be a unifying hope to create a efficient cult of personality.
If you're familiar with the Bible, he won't ever know who he is or will dramatically come riding on the clouds. It's poetic in a sense. One is obvious, the other oblivious.
Timing. He's slowly working on the youth. You need time to mold them. Today it's 57 million soldiers. But in time, there will be over a billion.
they do, but at the same time i'm still the user-fuhrer and whatever i say goes, so it's ok and i actually prefer it that way because it's more enjoyable, seeing people's reactions and ragings and hype and hearing what they really think as well as being able to tell them how it really is
because it would show them to be a moron who doesnt understand how the game is played.
You have the play the slow game - little steps at a time.
You think trump publicly airs all his views?
Agree, he knows that he's building the groundwork for a solid movement.But we still could have a revolution in the next 10 to 15 years, depends on how many people will be redpilled.
>the game is played by being a cuck
hmm im doubtful
one of us would make a fucking amazing leader
imagine weaponised autism x council of anons x charisma x no limits when it comes to violence against enemies
sounds edgy but I know 70% of the people that post/lurk here that aren't refugees from l.eddit that don't even go on any other boards, the people that have been on Sup Forums since 09 at the latest would have no qualms about a genocide tbqh
My paintings are awful, they aren’t like Hitler’s. It is all ugly post modern trash that I got encouraged to do by my teachers
I haven’t painted in 10 years, I’m ashamed of it all. I started out doing landscapes before I was encouraged to look at Klee, Kandinsky and the like to (((improve my practice)))
it will only be one user, more leads to chaos
it's not 'being a cuck' it's being smart.
if you play it dumb, you've got as much chance of famous-tiki-torch guy of ever having any real power.
nice rare wayne
Who the fuck cares bring natsoc & fascism back and kick ex-KGB nigger's ass & free us.
i still dont and probably never will understand why the tiki torch rally was a bad thing?
>next Hitler
Not learning on their own mistakes West ..
However .. nothing new.
because it made them look like the caricature of 'nazis' that the media had painted them out to be you dumb roo-fucker
Then you're pretty stupid.
i doubt it, most of anons here are literally fucking retarded
complete lack of subtlety.
complete lack of actual causing any positive change or real progress
embarrasses the rest of us.
how about a panslavic hitler that will wipe the west with their own blood?
You will need to wait some, but not long. Over half the population is ready to rebel in the uk, but many of them are old so it’s still not time yet
Brexit came at just the right time, as it will make things worse and will turn more people against governments
who the fuck cares what the media says they stood for what they believed , how does being a good goy help anything?
tiki torch rally was the setup for the crisis actor event the next day, which is all anyone in the normiesphere remembers, not the spooky tiki torch "nazis"
But it is not their mistake, its our mistake.
He already has.
>our mistake
Are you a cockhole or just a traitor Russophobe?
I hate communists, I just want a fucking leaving me alone party, one that knows what is degenerate and doesn't do it, and has honor, and goes after those trying to destroy it
he's goebbels for sure
here =/= Sup Forums
the old breed are still around lad
while Sup Forums is entertaining and has a fair few intelligent posters, it's been heavily diluted due to the trump stuff, brexit et al and has now become the most popular board on Sup Forums which is why we have larp threads en masse now along with private army requests
because it reinforced public belief in the media, the media said anyone who is a nationalist is a nazi, the tiki march happened and the media said "hey look they're doing that organised militia kinda thing like the nazis did, minorities watch out, told you they were nazis!!" which lead to the whole movement looking like both a larp and ruining the rep of the nationalist movement
if you don't get it by now you must be an absolute spacker, dumb stunts like this are why people think richard spencer is CIA. He loves making nationalists look as bad as the media wants them too, really makes you think
Fucking Checked
based brits thank you
did you see the story about the reporter from the washington post, some ugly nig went to a soros fundraiser
>wipe the west with their own blood?
Russians are a peace-loving people, and always for peace
I remember
Drumpf still hasn’t paid for his sins that day
Barron is the new Hitler
My point is that our grandfathers were fooled by jewish Bolshevism.
Dicky "Homosex is cool and Persians are white" Spencer.
>reinforced public belief in the media
why do you think you can win over the normals? media is going to shit on Sup Forums or any white nationalist activity no matter what, You really think if you be a good goy they will eventually show white nationalists in a good light?
Donald Trump is the one you got now.
Next will arrive in 3 new generations
it's not about being a 'good goy' (goy is the jewish term for other jews btw, term your looking for is goyim you 12 year old retard) it's about not reinforcing stereotypes. This is really not a hard concept to grasp mate, no wonder we deported your family. I bet you're not even white going by how low your I.Q is
I am biding my time. Were I to reveal myself this board would just call me an edgy faggot. You are not ready to save the white race and culture yet.
once again, why do you think being a good goy will make the media show white nationalist in a positive light
oh fucking hell, an alyosha that fell for Sup Forums memes and german propaganda
go kill yourself and make russian genome better
Goebbels laid the groundwork and many others built up the framework. That could be compared to pol etc... Hitler's talent was to publicly give that last unapologetic "umph" and express that million fold anger that everyone felt in a uncompromising style... and equally important: communists really feared his anger compared to other figures. A modern day Hitler must emulate that striking fear into leftists heart meme as an individual
you're still using the term wrong you low IQ faggot
the media will NEVER show the nationalist movement in a positive light but this doesn't mean you should give them more ammo. Plenty of people are indoctrinated by the media and take what they say as the word of god. If the media says nazis are evil then you do something spastic like hold a rally screaming blood and soil while waving torches around then that just keeps people being brainwashed.
True nationalism starts with
Look at Hungary and Austria. Did they hold marches? No, they stayed true to their traditions and culture, elected a politician who would keep these things in place and not actively go against them and have a system of education that does not re-write everything their grandparents were taught.
I just talked to him.
The fire rises
Na zdrowie
maybe if we're good goys maybe they will be less mean to us and let us elect a nazi politician, how stupid can you get?