WTF is wrong with google images

Google image search will refuse to filter out "special people".

Pic related.

Yup, same h ere

when is there going to be a proper alternative to google, so i completely stop using it?

im using some model off firefox now (who, i realize, are also retards, but nearly as horrible as google), but the browser is just so inferior, i occasionally switch back to chrome.

and i use duckduckgo instead of google for my search engine, but it just.... isnt as good


duckduckgo uses the same google search terms so it should be the same but better

Is there inverse preference for whites when you search "black couple"?

>WTF is wrong with google images
nothing, its working perfectly

Bing image search will recconend links to search results that return naked children and other gross shit. I went there to see a man sodomize another man and Bing suggested child pornography

All google employees must be gassed.



start using bing then faggot.


>while couple
>hillary and trump show up

what did (((they))) mean by this?

They fucking really hate white people.

We're fucked.


Search for "white" anything and it automatically gives you tons of pictures of niggers

Saged again.



What the actual shit is this shillery?

Bing yields *slightly* more accurate results.

> go check if I get the same result if I type in "*white country* couple"
> Mostly white results with the occasional black or med
> get to Iceland
> see this

Does Iceland essentially only have one couple?

Posted it in wrong thread.

The search is all fucked up for the same reason Google Translate fucks Somalian.
It's supposed to learn and adapt but feed it enough shit and that's all it spits out.
Literally GIGO


>le 43% face

Lol of course not

>This thread again
Just search "couple".

This restores some of my faith, thank you...


Try "european portraits" instead. How the fuck is your googlefu so weak you give it pointlessly long sentences to search for? And in what fucking world does anyone about "European art" instead of specifying the style, era, country, or specific artist? "Europe" is not a historically significant concept that anyone has adhered to.

Checks out.