Should the UK create a union with these 2 heavy weights?
No bullshit, just business.
Czech Republic
Should the UK create a union with these 2 heavy weights?
No bullshit, just business.
Czech Republic
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what the fuck would we get out of that? Shared debt?
>Italy welcome
u cant make this shit up
strange thread m8
For what purpose
i woke up the commune top lyl
>Not wanting a Union with the superior Chad country
Literal rancemixed scum that infests all of the Upper Europe and CANZUK. Diaspora leeches, manlet shitskins and cucks
The Uk is one of the most cucked nations there are out there. Mass surveilance and SJWs even in the law enforcement. No fucking way I want anything to do with you. I won't even go to see my team play football there anymore after your massive globalist sellout. It is a NO
go an' adopt a niglet, - that's what you are famous for in Western Europe and North-Eastern Europe
52% """"white""""(25-35% real European)
>white kids are already a minority in their age group
>quarter of said whites has injun, polish semite or negro blood
>media/education/banks all run by the jews
>fight wars for the jews on the other side of the planet
>mutilate their sons genitals cause mr rosenberg said so
>white guilt over slavery worse than nazi guilt
>worships niggers one month every year
>adopting niggers and chinks is a normal american practice
>elected nigger twice over white guilt
>normalized coalburning
>normalized homosexualit
>in the process of normalizing trans shit
>home of radical feminism
>ground zero for all modern degenerate anti-white propaganda
>at the front of pushing the islamophobia shit
>clockboy gets a free scholarship to top universities and white house for bringing a old clock to school despite the family being on record for race baiting
>biggest shooting ever gets ignored because the shooter was a mudslim
>tolerates a black domestic terrorist group
>almost all food is unnatural shit created by monsanto
wrong. You have no freedom, shart. You can't
>not send you kids to school
>not have insurance
>not pay for Obamacare
>refuse to buy/sell from people based on race/religion/sexual orientation
>refuse to pay taxes
>refuse to hire people based on race/religion/sexual orientation
>no autos
No way nige you would force us to give away our last few individual rights, survailence cameras everywhere, banning our guns, focusing 80% of police resources on thought crimes, paki mayor the works.
Id Honestly swallow barbed wire and pull it through my asshole and floss myself to death before you anti fun anglos lay a finger on Swiss/norwegian governance.
"UK" is an oxymoron at his point. If you wanna team up with someone it needs to benefit all parties.
Nobody is in a rush to team up with a 3rd world muslim country right now. With the impending brexit bill just waiting to pound in the last nail in you collective coffins, you gotta realize the UK is done. It's over.
What a weird selection. I would support a Northern European trade alliance between Scandinavian countries that know how to work and generate their own wealth. I wouldn't support places like Sweden in its current state.
>not like switzerland is neutral or anythong
kill yourself you irrelevant shithole
you are in the same situation.
Yes, but, they won't
Dw user, they are already doing so in record numbers due to lack of sunlight
It could go either way at this point.
The Tories need to sort their shit out, abandon this bullshit authoritarianism and shift to the centre, ease off the statism and stop conceding to the left.
>Should poofistan
stopped reading there.
you filthy english aren't welcome anywhere, you are too weak, nobody cares.
Nowhere near as bad as Sweden. Know that isn't saying much but I'm holding onto it! Tower Hamlets is the worst part of London but its nowhere near the crimewave and rape epidemic of Sweden since we've managed to keep a lot of the current wave out
blame your government.
I was under the impression violence and rape was widely under-reported. Sweden has the same "refugees" that you got.
Drain the swamp and replace it with paedos!
we dont create unions with nigger countries
Have you thought it through?
"Just business" still requires harmonisation of standards, so that no memberstate can make profit out of undergoing another memberstates standards.. As a logical consequence you will again need a neutral institution watching over possible breaches of club rules and a neutral court.
But the more important question is, why for example Norway should risk abandoning the huge functioning EU common market, so that London bankers can keep on exporting their services there?
GB, pretty similar people, czechs just dont let such a cucketry in the gov.
Bergenjuden, a country a lot of us look up to, however we share little to nothing with Schweins
Norway, been there done that, people are great, perhaps they tried to hide lack of alcohol in front of a foreigner who looked more nordic than themselves (2m, 110kg, long blonde hair) otherwise there is no connection.
Poland is currently the closest country the czechs have, there is constant complaining about what comes from poland is bad, but thats because of globalism (thanks tesco und kaufland)
Czech in some time 10-15 years this country will be simillar to current america, kids are getting dummer each year and discipline is less and less present.
Hungary there is nothing going on other than we sometimes go there for paprika.
Italy, no way Chose, Italians, Greek, Spaniards are just european gipsies
muh curry
I feel sorry for you britts. You've been continuously ran over by your elected people for the better part of the last 200 years.
If I were in the UK, I'd get out now. It's only a matter of time before the UK declares jihad on the southern hemisphere. And it won't be pretty.
Why the fuck would anyone want to enter a union with the UK? Easily the most cucked country in Europe right now.
t. Nordmann
One of the highest islamic concentration % in europe.
> Swede calling someone cucked
You are correct. We are fucked. I'm moving to Norway.
No, no, no.
The British identity is in far too fragile a state. It needs a long period of isolation and rebuilding.
The nation hasn't even finished extracting itself from the last disastrous union.
Do you have issues with reading comprehension, paki? I said I'm a Norwegian living in Sweden. And yes, you are even more cucked than Sweden, hell you're even more cucked than GERMANY in many ways.
>lets leave a Union in ordee to immediately join another union
Besides our whole point is about not being in any unions
Us and the Medic would just be pay-pigs in this relationship... why would we join?
Reminder that nobody in the world cares about Norway, and it's only 'successful' because, like most shit countries that ended up rich, landed on a lucky oil reserve.
The medic is only rich because, like a coward, he hid from every war in Europe.
May I remind you that we're still the most culturally and economically significant country in Europe.
>culturally significant
Have you watched your Christmas commercials for this year?
>Reminder that nobody in the world cares about Norway,
Lol you say that like it's a bad thing.
This is why we'd never be in a union with you.
Besides you're just a US state at yhis point. Hardly a country
Dude I'm talking about the actual people, not the jewish elite. Our media and government is in a state.
Brits aren't known for their patience.
>Brits aren't known for their patience.
Yeah they actually are lol
Right. :^)
Why make it so complicated, it will be easier to carpet bomb Germany again, and Make Europe Great Again! #MEGA
Truth! Us and France. Dat security council privilege ^_^
Norway has natural resources.
Switzerland has actual skilled workers who excel in everything they do.
Britain has an army of "service sector workers" with mickey mouse diplomas who do nothing all day but put callers on hold and tick boxes.
Yes user, they would be dying to join this union. Is that what the Tories told you? What a champion of business we are and how the whole world would love to suck our cock for trade deals?
You people are in for a rude awakening. Only when Brexit is complete will you find out how outdated our economy is and how incompetent our workforce has become. This can't happen soon enough.
No, fuck Europeans.
>Should the UK create a union with these 2 heavy weights?
We already have a „union“, it‘s called EFTA.
And your politicians have already excluded joining EFTA because that would be like a soft brexit.
So the answer is no.
I am in, lets gather, fortify and fight for the future.
> most culturally and economically significant country in Europe.
What, are you dreaming sir?
>The British identity
are you retarded, do you have any idea how many identities have always existed here?
Highlanders, lowlanders, welsh, catholics vs proddys, Gaelic cultures, anglo saxons cultures, cornwall and now Londonistan.
CANZUK union is my ideal union
>welcoming others
each one is on its own right now. I'm Italian, I moved here a few years ago...Italy is a goner. I just hope to be able to escape to the States somehow (I'd even marry a man just to jump ship, fuck Europe, and above all fuck Italians: they ruined a decent Country by letting go of all they had...and I wish English was my mother tongue).
Checked but wasted.
Even Italians look white compared to what is walking around in London, so it's an improvement for the Anglo. You have to be retarded if you are a European country and make deals with Britain. They had the largest, most influential empire in human history followed by the fastest decline in history towards having a Muslim mayor in their capital. And that even while winning all the wars. Attaching yourself to Britain just means that they WILL drag you down in the long run because decline is all they have from now on. They just want to grab on to you to slow down a bit.
Yes, but no free movement of persons. We don't want all of UK's niggers and Muslims here.I'm sorry.
Why the fuck would Switzerland join a union with the gungrabbing Orwellian shithole known as the UK?
The Swiss are the Jews of Europe and Norway is a vassal state of the EU
Italians are a race of ungrateful idiots...I should know, I'm one of them (well, at least part of me is).
Italians deserve nothing but contempt: they betrayed their culture, their roots, their identity to stay "relevant" not through art, science and history but by submitting to modernist fads. I'm a strong Catholic, and I wish to see blood flow into the streets of Italy knee deep from the throats of those "Christians" who confused kindness and good deeds with spreading our butt cheeks to all of the world. I am not even against immigration as a whole, but this is suicide. Yes, I'm an immigrant myself (and Italians do not exist: they are a bunch of different people cobbled together after a false unification by a bunch of thieves and Freemasons), but I'll leave in a few years, hopefully to a better Country outside of Italy, hopefully forever. The only sad part is that my (conservative) family will be stuck there.
>we dont create unions with nigger countries
We could come up with some kind of beneficial partnership to destroy the EU and benefit us. Not a strict union with institutional structures and agreements. Just a lose cooperation.
>May I remind you that we're still the most culturally and economically significant country in Europe.
Are you stuck in 1890?
You‘re not even the second biggest European economy anymore.
The UK doesn't like being in any union, maybe if they're the boss they'll be satisfied though.
The destruction of the EU is essential for the survival of Europe. New unions won't solve the problem, but, at least, let's sink the ship together.
>You‘re not even the second biggest European economy anymore.
Don't bash the Brit. We need to help them get their shit together, break up the EU and destroy cancerous German hegemony in Europe together.
Based Swiss
No no no, we should form a union with Switzerland and Norway.
>Norway: oil money
>Switzerland: mountain gold
>Finland: memes :DDD
We will all benefit from this alliance. I welcome a union between our three countries. We shall live long and prosperous.
t: president niinistcho.
>but I'll leave in a few years, hopefully to a better Country outside of Italy, hopefully forever
Your fate is sad: living in more-and-more brown by day shithole or getting removed with the rest of the foreigners.
because we will either remove every single non-European from OUR LANDS or Europe and CANZUK will be keeping getting more brown little by little
your great grandkids will be even more shitskined subhumans EITHER WAY
Just go run back to daddy USA. Europe doesnt want anything to do with you.
UK is Orwelian NWO puppet state.
I don't like the UK.
Even Sweden doesn't thought-police to the extent that the UK seems to.
The Swiss are cool though. We're both mountainous & wealthy; a solid foundation for friendship.
Norway already said no to UKs trade agreement after the Berxit vote. I highly doubt we would ever go into a union with anyone and the same goes for Switzerland. Switzerland has good reasons not to join any union.
Just let the EU implode on itself already. Norway and Switzerland will be fine without any unions. UK is gonna go to shit though....