I'll pierce you with this frozen spear, if you say that multiculturalism is good
I'll pierce you with this frozen spear, if you say that multiculturalism is good
Other urls found in this thread:
Riina top cutest girl
that multiculturalism is good
Imma no sey dat breh
She named it Tyrone
Tyrone is Ashot in Russian.
You're 30 minutes later
I'd pierce her with muh dick
She's underrage
she died 2 years ago
what do russians think about cubans?
Isnt this the girl who jumped in front of a train
She was still a degen, though
And multiculturalism sure is good, but only for the (((rich))), who get cheaper labour and don't have to worry about any ethnic problems since they can always flee to The Greatest Ally™
too soon man
in america these hoes build high end neighborhoods across the river from the ghettos because that's how they find amusement
the rich only care about rubbing their wealth in the faces of the poor and nothing else
they're good but a bit too expensive to have regularly
isn't russia like the most multicultural nation in the world?
cuban tobacco is cheap what are you talking about?
State propaganda pushes good ol' past, while those that can read tend to take into consideration Little Havana too.
That they are Hispanics and therefore not white we do not think of, it's just another nation among others.
you guys have a little havana too?
We do have communist Cubans living among us, it's just America pays far more attention to Cuban emigrants, while Russians barely know about their existence.
does russia have a free market?
>there's 111,016,896 Russians in Russia
Wew i din't know that we have a population of ~330 000 000 people.
On paper, 2/3 of nation's economy is under state control. We're friends with Venezuela after all.
multicultural means plenty of blacks and arabs (who have to be muslim to count) and they dont have much of those
same way "diverse" never includes asians for example
>36.1% Russians
>29.5% Bashkirs
>25,4% Tatars
>2,7% Chuvash
>2,6% Mordvins
>1% Ukrainians
The fuck? Where did you find this?I thought that Russia is 80% Russian.
so if i start a business in the US can i live off of it's profits in russia?
thinking about marrying into your country
Yes, your purchasing power parity will be very high.
there was a thread somewhere in the past where some russian guy was debunking most of the myths
well it was always said that russians are a bunch of mongols and tatars but i was also surprised that only 30-40 mil of russians are in fact ethnic europeans/russians
is it possible that they could pass the one blood drop test in such environment ?
that makes me sad because the only difference would be that i have a US citizen
That's not a population composition of whole Russia.
Historically, Russia always had many ethnic groups, because of all the conquering. But before USSR multiculturalism wasn't a state policy, it was assimilation, Christianization, Russification. Both peaceful and forceful. And although it didn't work out in many cases, still many people were assimilated throughout Russian history. You wouldn't have Christian Yakuts with Russian names otherwise.
But in USSR it was all reversed to some degree, and many ethnic groups got their ethnic republics, written languages were created if they didn't have one, and lots of other shit. And modern Russian state as a legal successor of USSR still continues it. Putin openly says Russia is a multicultural state and nationalism is being curbed.
Because it's bullshit. Not all self-identified Russian may be pure whites. But Bashkirs certainly don't make up one third of Russia...
>there was a thread somewhere in the past where some russian guy was debunking most of the myths
Yeah, he is not a Russian. But some retarded homo albanian larping as Bavarian nobility. He's a DnC shill.
I'l pierce you with my meat spear.
Post her railway pic now
Found it
Wow the cut is suprisingly clean
Why did this happen?
The heat from the wheel-to-rail friction cauterized the cut.
Boyfriend left her, she an hero'd.
The patriarchy
burned the coal
She's not single anymore.
Go back to sosach proxy-pidorashka.
she's double
>*choo choo*
this desu
i've always been impressed how she managed to do this without her skull being destroyed or her torso being ripped apart as well
she did a really good job on this
Good one
god dammit why did i click that image
Most of them are 'white' as in they would be called 'crackers' by niggers here. Also Asians are meh
don't pretend that it's the same type of 'multiculturalism' occurring in the west now
Multicultural integration is great for learning and applying new perspectives in that they can tweak or better yet outright challenge the homogeneous status quo.
>Train a comin', headphones always on, I'm a keep on rockin'!
I wonder what she was listening to
Witch House / ambient
nine inch nails
multiculturalism is god
Saxon - Princess of the Night
It's the demography for Baskiria
He seems to be in pain.
Seriously ? Is that enough to upset you ?
But why?
On a second thought : now that I'm aware of how cute she was, it makes me sad too.
This I guess, it is strange how stupid people can get over trivial things and end up killing themselves over it.
I am not going to stop making fun of her though
The media and her parents like to blame the (overblown) "blue whale" suicide game, but it was actually over her BF leaving her.
A better pic
This guy almost certainly lived by the way
A woman killing herself for a man? Maybe on Bizarro's Earth but not on this one.
What happened?
Unrequited love
If you read the thread it becomes pretty clear.
Or probably this, I don't remember anymore. This happened years ago.
She must have got one more quick finger bang in before the train came.
STFU you white witch . Multiculturalism is the best. Look at the past, when we had no women's rights, and when our nations were also nationalist, there was wars left right and centre, plus less tech.
Civilisation is at its peak right now. Not perfect, but still t peak.
>Be me
>Canadian white male
>my doctor is Indian
>my nurse is Jamaican
>my boss is Spanish
>my car is German
>my favourite cartoon is Japanese
>my president is a typical dumb white American and republican male
>my shop clerk is Turkish
>my favourite food is Thai
>my favourite genre of music is Korean (kpop)
>my favourite coffee at Starbucks is Mexican
>my favourite beer is Cambodian
>my favourite politics is Russian (Marxism Leninism)
>my favourite tobacco is Cuban
>my favourite male pornhub star is Nigerian
>my favourite female pornhub star is Norwegian
>my avocado is Congolese
>my baguette is French
>my favourite economic union is Belgian (EU)
>my wife is Colombian
>her son is half Muslim
>our adopted kids are Chinese
>my favourite language Danish
>my favourite clothing is Italian
>my favourite nation is Sweden
I have a diverse, enriched life with connections
And there's (You), you fucking white whore. You, being a backward and monoculture retard who faps over Mosley, Hitler, Mussolini, Blumpf, Cesar, Farage, Le Pen and now Stephen Paddock the poster boy of white male patriarchy because you want these daddies to deport all non white people and opress your women. You're fucking sick in the head, and you don't know what you're missing out on. It's called Dunning-Kruger effect, you litterly CANNOT UNDERSTAND what you do not know exists. You believe in backwards fascist conservatism, and you hate Muslims, women and LGBTQ+ because they're happy, in the current year, and you live with backwards conservative and right wing ideals.
I'd hate to be a conservative fascist like you.
Obvious pasta is obvious
This pasta never gets old. Have a (You)
Crazy Train
wow he nailed it
railed for the last time
funeral doom
She's not that cute dude
>mfw this chick is the literal doppelganger of my first girlfriend.
>mfw I peaked at fucking 17 and it's all downhill from here