> Dilapitated shitty buildings in the pic
Yeah seems about right
Be grateful for these nice things we built for you on a fucking rubble.
all of those gold inlays?
they real gold
More a product of nationalism than capitalism. Prosperity comes from capitalism but beauty comes from the belief in something greater than one's self
Thats from Warsaw right.
Man my greatuncle was responsible for the destruction of the city Jakub i'm sorry now its an incredible ugly city.77
You ostslav niggers could have prevented it but you did nothing
It was actually white?
Fallout 3 Pitt anyone?
Plus the white building is brand new. When it starts getting old and dirty - noone in the collectivist society will give a shit about its appearance.
how grotesque
What's your best argument against socialism?
>the building was pearly white
>costs 20 million PLN to clean
Well, Poland is not socialist anymore. But nobody gives a fuck about it not being white.
Wew I didn't know it was THAT white. Simbly emezink
I've heard you want to raze it. That's pretty stupid. Out of all soviet architecture Stalinist style is not bad.
Because it makes everybody equally poor.
Of course except very small group of party leaders. They live like kings.
It's just political memeing, we don't have the money to build anything worth the potential giant hole in the middle of our capital.
Promotes irresponsible lifestyle.
Probably because the building itself is the symbol of socialism.
Plus soon only cats are born.
>we don't have the money to build anything worth the potential giant hole in the middle of our capital.
lol is that why warsaw is booming and there are literally like 10 skyscrapers under construction right now
I love stalinist architecture. It's a shame that comies didn't build more of these
Too much use of concrete.
At first you have a nice light building, see but after a few decades it turns grey and shit, see
I still like it, besides it can be renovated
Weren't there plans to take it down?
Hear, hear.
>communist built buildings look more beautiful than post-modernist capitalist ones
>built with taxpayer money
>implying capitalism
That is a monument to statehood and citizenship you pleb
They talk about tearing it down since the 90s. I doubt it will happen but I can understand why some poles don't won't building that is Stalins gift to Poland to be the most recognizable building in our capital. I think that instead of tearing it down we should rebuild some of the pre-war great building like Pałac Saski pic related
Man I was just in Warsaw. They should really clean it, would be totally different vibe with it huwhite.
>muh Pyramids
Problem with Warsaw is that immediately after the fall of Soviet, the Poles built lots of cheesy US-style buildings without any sort of city planning.
Warsaw realised its mistake quite fast and right now the building strategy is more cohesive.
t. Engineer who had to deal with Polandniggers
God bless US-style buildings! Stalin era buildings are wasteful and stupid in every practical sense.
No point in cleaning it up if it's going to be bulldozed soon.
you take that back faggot
Stalin era had best architecture which was destroyed by corn obsessed hillbilly Khrushchev
The point is that in fine tuned capitalist societies there are plenty of resources to finance creation of beauty by free creative artists.
do you really find that mess beautiful? I am very sorry but you have poor taste
Khrushchev's mass housing campaign gave tens of millions of people their own comfy homes for the first time. Who under Stailn lived like animals in overcrowded barracks.
Are you talking about the haircut? It worked for him I guess.
>muh collectivism and egalitarianism
>classless society
>down with the elites
>power of the masses
>let's erect a huge ass monument glorifying a single individual now
I hope not. Looks like taxpayer money built it
talking about all that golden crap on previous picture
it looks like something what would poor person with poor taste make if he got rich somehow
USSR is well known for it's cult of personality
for you
No it's only Stalinist buildings that are nice, everything else is brutalist shit.
Look at all those Thinkpads hnngggggg
how exactly? wheres the contrast? why were stalinist buildings nice looking?
It's hipsters and artists in Poland and even other old soviet states that are really into the Stalinist architecture. There were plans of destroying some of them but that's not going to happen. People actually like these buildings.