Why are blacks cucking Mexicans in Los Angeles?
Why are blacks cucking Mexicans in Los Angeles?
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Now we know why he is mad
They're hot
> TFW White dudes are besting both of them
Why black are so chads? They cucks everyone. Even in France arab girls gettind BLACKED in daily basis and arab boys are mad about it.
Weird; it's the reverse here in America.
A lot of Hispanics don't like niggers because they're rude, loud, and basically are niggers. Usually older generations though. They usually gossip and shit talk about men and women who date and breed with niggers. New gen, aka anchorbabbys, have been jew'd to like black "culture" and thus are more willing for it.
t. Anchor babby in LA.
That guy is a dead-ringer for a Dominican
Can confirm
My dad is a mex from mexico city.Hates working with niggers.Left new orleans because of them.Said they are lazy
Off topic, but, to be blunt, what are your views on the state of American politics and such? Your status gives you a rather interesting insight.
Blacks appear as beasts and semi civilized hominoids in the collective subconscious no matter what the narrative is. So people assume they have great sexual power, like beasts, and it's a fetish of borderline bestiality some women have, and it's been going on since the 18th century. Arabs speak about similar glorification of the black beast like fornication meme in their medieval chronicles as well. Thing is that is mostly a meme and it's been proven that med European men are the most sexually active, the longest, until the late 70s, the longest lasting and they also happen to have huge dongs. Blacks are overrated, I fucked a girl from the French island of Guadalupe once (she was white) who had like 3-4 black boyfriends in her life and she said she never had a greater fuck than by me. She insisted in establishing a relationship even though she had a boyfriend because her black boyfriend wouldn't "destroy" her enough and she craved for more cock. I fucked her for 3 weeks straight almost on a every 2 days basis before I met this girl I liked and who I started dating for 4 years until present day.
I'm a med btw, from Albania. (Yes we're white, and no my family is supposed to be orthodox but we've been heathens for 5 generations or so)
Well, I'm fucking stupid so my answer will probably reflect it. But it feels like a circus show with all the tweets and melodrama between politicians. But I guess that's a result of the "age of information". But lets say the topic of deportation, I don't really care because I can't be deported. But we do need a secure border and look to helping our own instead of the flocks of "gibsmedat" over seas. Don't like this gay centric legislation being passed.
Albanian girls love BFC (big finnish cock)
Are the predator movies porn to you mate?
fucking manhand right there
Albanian throwing the Bantz hard; I'll consider you White just for all the shit you just threw. Is true a lot of you guys are converting to Christianity over there? Heard Protestantism is getting really big.
Interesting; how exactly do you consider yourself politically? Being on Sup Forums would suggest you're rather Right Wing.
We don't care about racemixing if the other is white. My sister is dating a French guy and myself am dating a Colombian girl from the gallego white community. She's blonde with blue eyes and is basically 3/4 Spanish Galician and 1/4 German. My family is ok with both. They almost rejected me when they knew about my gf being Colombian and didn't want to meet her because they assumed she wasn't white, once I invited her without prior notice they finally chilled as she was whiter than your average german and almost as racist as they. So the fact you say albanian girls love bfc doesn't hurt me in any way nor it should, it's like saying they love big albanian cock which is only normal. We make no distinction among Europeans, only non whites are rejected and prohibited to get close to.
I would assume I'm right wing. Also extremely "bigoted". Since LA is a crockpot of everything I've experienced how arabs, gays,syrians, africans, armenians, jews, etc. can be and I ahte them all. It's all from personal experience though.
They are not
two victim groups combined in one
Sup Forums approved spics
Low T
they are leftover-fuckers
at the end of the day, they fucked more women than you, yes, but its nothing to brag about
Pusiboi, you need more onion juice.
>a post you will never see with an American flag
unfortunately for them, there aren't that many pretty black girls so they have to go for the next best thing which is white or hispanic, asians too.
I'd definitely say she is indeed cute, but I think pure Latinas look better to be honest.
Nothing wrong with having a disdain for degenerate or troublesome elements. If you don't mind me asking, are you more Indio, Mestizo, or what?
Getting a colonial boner there, Gavin? Go to puerto rico if you like them.
because no matter what msm says a decent portion of Mexicans and blacks in Los Angeles do not like each other.
I have seen this my entire life here.
Look, the religion in albania is mostly a meme. We grew distant from it before the Turks even arrived, we happened to be in the Catholic Orthodox schism line and the north remained Catholic while the south Orthodox, and Austrians and Italians north and Greeks south instrumentalised religion to manipulate us, which is why the first formal code of society organisation we came up with, the canun, disregards religion and is in fact one of the first modern laws based on jus naturalis but not in God. When Turks arrived they imposed very harsh millet laws to discriminate Christians in albania because Geoges Kastrioti cucked them hard and they wanted to prevent further revolts. Around that time most poor people who couldn't afford the taxes converted in name only, and since then we refer to X religion but more as a social class/caste indication, as Orthodoxes and Catholics were from noble or bourgeois families rich enough to afford the taxes. We've been stoics and non practicants if not atheists for a long long time, and have a saying, the religion of the albanian is Albania, to emphasize the patriotism coming before religion as well as the divide and conquer tactics of religion, especially in albania. We adapt all three religions to our culture btw, Catholic, orthodox and Muslim faiths are all autocephalous and considered highly heretic by their foreign counterparts. Islam in albania is bektachi for instance, and they're supposed to pray standing still because the albanian isn't supposed to kneel not even before God. We have 2 words for god, one feminine and one masculine, a remanent of our pagan pantheon. Saudi and Turks have poisoned about 4-6% of our population with Arab shitlike Islam though, and it's really sad that we slowly turn into what we were accused of being. There is still hope though, and Jehovah witnesses, Protestants and Mormons are actually growing faster than Islam,especially in the capital city where having a rare religion is considered hip.
I'm a mongrel. My mom's Mexican leaning more kinda 50/50 on spanish and native features. My dad's a hapa, his mom is a "japanese mexican" so in turn I'm at most 25% asian.
Are you aesthetic? I find Aztecs and Japanese highly aesthetic in their own way and I assume a mix with some white genetics thrown in to give a good overall structure would work out great.
You're good dude lmao; I was just curious because I heard there was a lot of Protestant churches getting strong there. I'm a Protestant myself, so I was just curious how they were doing there. Also, opinions on Skanderbeg?
So basically a Mestizo almost Castizo mom and a Hapa Dad, interesting mix. You've got your head screwed on straight, so that's good. I'd assume your dude as well? Not trying to pry, just wanna give some advice.
I used to play Xbox and pick up football with some Mexicans back in middle school and high school. They and their parents hated nigs. And they would crack jokes about blacks around friends of the family - all of them Latino - and all would laugh and agree. The black/Mexican alliance will never happen no matter how hard the Jews push
i know you irl. you live in the sf bay area
dude, shut the fuck up
Not at all. My face is flat, normal cheekbones I have that chin bulb, can only grow hair on my upper lip and chin and kinda at the edge of my lower jaws. Black hair semi wavy though(mom's is curly, hope she doesn't have jew in her), dark brown eyes with the asian slant look but just barely passable for normal, my eyebrows always make me look like I'm upset. I'm also unlucky to have inherited body hair and brown skin except where I keep my body covered.
tl;dr I'm a genetic mess or dud.
Shoot because I'm going to sleep because it's 5am and I have work in 2 hours.
Skanderbeg was the greatest, even Machiavel said he was the greatest defensive general of all times. Voltaire said that had a man like him come earlier, Constantinople wouldn't have fallen.
Protestantism is growing strong yes, and I'm betting it will become the major religion replacing Islam because people here absolutely fucking love USA and see you as literal paradise on earth, because you represent the opposite of our communist regime. Myself am from a family of the little nobility, both my great-grandfathers on mom's side were the Comtes of their villages and had serfs and all that, both allied with Nazis as well. In my family we tend to look down upon the plebeian masses, and we're mostly stoic coming from a mountain region on central south albania that remained mostly Hellenic/Illyrian in culture. (Skrapar area) My grandfathers for instance believe there is a god but it you ask them if they believe in heaven and hell they will laugh at you and say something like "do you think I'm a children to believe in fairy tales?". So in my family we view religious people, of all kinds, as highly degenerate and plebeian (no offense). We still have mysticism but it's more like a pagan mumbo jumbo of folk beliefs, like if you cross a tomb you'll turn mad, or if you pee in living thing while they're resting after the sun is set, including vegetals, you're going to be fucked up and have bad luck and be followed by spirits . Lots of things like that.
Looking at the data, they're far more apt to align with Whites than anything else:
American Hispanics are rapidly adopting English, while back in Mexico their educational policy intends to make all Mexicans bilingual with English within 20 years. Meanwhile, American Hispanics are increasingly identifying as White, to the point the New York Times has drawn attention to the fact this likely points to Hispanics in the long term ending up like the Irish and Italians (Not initially accepted as White, but are in the long term). Religiously, Catholicism is pretty well accepted in America and is expected to become more so in the long run, but despite such American Hispanics are rapidly adopting Protestantism as are native Mexicans. Finally, Hispanic women are rapidly marrying with Whites, to the point they represent the largest interracial pairing in America; long term this will result in us successfully absorbing them.
> washingtonpost.com
> prospect.org
What if we archive that
>washingtonpost com/news/worldviews/wp/2017/03/15/mexico-wants-its-kids-speaking-english-as-well-as-spanish-within-20-years/?utm_term=.c4463e6e5937
>nytimes com/2014/05/22/upshot/more-hispanics-declaring-themselves-white.html
If you're not in college yet, get into Welding and move out to Texas when you can. Lower taxes, high demand for that skill, and a pretty Right Wing Hispanic population. You'll do good there.
Interesting; also glad to know Albania still has affection for us Americans. Would you recommend it as a place to visit one day? I've got a friend in the military who wants to do it, and I've thought about going with him before but wasn't sure.
>in Mexico their educational policy intends to make all Mexicans bilingual with English within 20 years.
even in Finland mongol bitches got fucked by black men
Based Spics.
>online dating
Is the zambo mulato menace
See here for detailed study results:
Not gonna lie, I admire Mexico for their almost total zero tolerance policy to black/Mexican racemixing
True, a little nigger at my High School got stabbed and almost died when he started making fun of this cholo kid and saying he smelled like Taco Bell and beans. Mexicans hate blacks and vice versa. When at work I sometimes can hear the beans saying, "pinches negros flojos", which roughly translates to, "Fucking lazy niggers". Even spics are based enough to know that niggers are worthless.
One guy
>excludes own race
I can believe those numbers, I've met a lot of black and Asian girls that exclusively date white men, not many latinas in Australia but the few that I've met loved white dick too
>A lot of Hispanics don't like niggers because they're rude, loud, and basically are niggers
The thought of all the other races coming together to hate on niggers amuses me.
The real Red Pill is that White women are the most race loyal, and that all other women want to get with White Guys. Definitely don't know the stats for Australia, but here in the States the two largest interracial pairings are Hispanic Women-White Males and Asian Women-White Males.
>i have a huge dick
>women crave my big cock
>im white from albania
>im a heathen
Oh lawdy
Albania and Kosovo are arguably the last countries on earth that still believe in the American dream. They have statues of Clinton and Bush in Kosovo lol.
Albania is very safe, most of our criminals are gone in western Europe and the few Mafiosi here don't cause problems, they're discreet. So no thieves, no beggars either, begging is highly taboo in albania, and very cheap. We have some nice places to visit as well, I'd still suggest you go in the south, people are warmer here, northerners are kind of like germans, autistic and harsh. This is the city where I live btw, Berat.
>tl;dr I'm a genetic mess or dud.
I didn't say I, meds on average, it's proven statistically wise. I wouldn't give details about my dick, that'd be gay.
Didn't said I was good either, just better than niggers who are supposed to be better, which they're not.
Heathen is irony for non practicant.
¡Arriba España mariposon!
Oh sorry I confused your non country flag with Catalonian non country flag :^)
Any particular suggestions for locations and such? I feel like he's trying to find a wife lmao, but I mainly want to see historical locations and such.
The BLACK man is the epitome of male dominance and masculinity.
Let's start by looking at his body. His body is large. His domineering size makes his presence known without him even needing to point himself out. He is muscular, as a result of his high levels of testosterone. This gives him the appearance of health and strength. He is then covered by his dark skin. This dark skin reminds us of his ruggedness, a feature that developed due to being exposed to the scorching sun of africa, made to withstand such an extreme condition. It also has a psychological effect on the observer. The dark skin reminds us of our dark, deep desires that emerge from our primal subconscious past.
The BLACK man's demeanor is one of alphaness. He is dominant, assertive, and can be explosively aggressive. His behaviour strikes fear into the more timid, cowardly races of man(ʷʰ*ᵀᵉ dogs)
The summit of expression of his masculinity on his body is his penis. The BLACK penis is largest of all the races. As the penis is the penultimate symbol of manhood, this alone would suffice to make the BLACK man the most masculine of men. This large penis is able fulfill the desire of the neediest of women, being able to more than fill all the recesses of the vagina. Its length ensures that when it ejaculates, the potent african seed will immediately enter the womb of the woman the BLACK man impregnates.
In total, the BLACK man expresses this masculinity in a most exemplary manner in bed. When he fucks, he unleashes the entirety of his lusts and desires upon his partner without any restraint.
All this is the reason why the BLACK man is the epitome of masculinity.
Well a disproportionate amount of non-whites in Australia marry whites because we still make up such a large percentage of the population. Almost all Aboriginals and Polynesians here are part-white, lots of Africans and Asians here actively encourage their children to marry whites partially due to desire to assimilate and partially because even blacks don't want their daughter to be married to a nigger. Currys and arabs discourage their kids from dating outside of their race but a lot still do, white male/curry female interracial couples are becoming way more common, nonwhite man/white woman couples are still pretty rare, you occasionally see a mulatto man with a white woman and even more rarely you see a Asian man with a white woman.
>Albania and Kosovo are arguably the last countries on earth that still believe in the American dream
Thats because you're still sucking on their dicks toniblerim, why don't you show us your flag?
You know how i know you're white? By writing this essay on black guys. Only a white guy would do this. Like only white people have this fetish.
>non country
Top kek, your mafia run american colonies don't really make the grade either. Tell me, why are Albanians always posting from foreign or made up flags? Never Albanian flags?
I manage a night shift at one of the largest bspirit producers in the north east. My workforce is about 30% black and 30% Hispanic, and I will never understand the love hate relationship Hispanics have with Blacks. They can be "brothers" against the whites one minute and then turn around and shit talk and berate the Blacks along with the whites.Their a mystery.
Redneck retard tier
Learn process technology so you can get into a refinery. Less work more pay.
someone do the makeup thing
a black mexican
too sleepy to play sports
Not to mention only white people know how to write essays
>too sleepy to steal
Maybe we should be encouraging blacks and beans to racemix
Or as we call them her El CongolombiANO
Live in the rural South, so I'll take it as a complement; how much more is it to get that versus welding though?
Thank God you guys aren't as cucky as the rest of our Anglosphere brethren then; the Canadians and Brits are horrible for not accomplishing this. Don't know about the Kiwis.
There's no "cucking", we go to the same schools, share the same community and are around each other 24/7
It's bound to happen, it's just two people 'finding' each other
That said "blaxican" females are the worst btw, they have a fucked up character. They pretty much turn into east coast caribbean girls, untrustworthy, illogical, pigheaded. Black and white mixed females have a more feminine/docile demeanor
Im pretty sure morr hispanic men are marrying white woman from what i read.
>Don't know about the Kiwis.
Well literally almost every Maori alive today is biracial so yeah, they practised some pretty large scale racemixing, kinda like how there's not many pure Amerindians left in Latin America but lots of mestizo
>kinda like how there's not many pure Amerindians left in Latin America
Never been there have you?
If it was just a matter of two people 'finding each other' then logically the rate of interracial relationships would be much much higher considering blacks, white and Hispanics have been living in desegregated communities and going to schools together for the last 40 years, the fact that interracial relationships still only make up a small percentage of the population imply that there are other factors involved
Dawg there are more hispanic men married to white woman than vice versa.
"The table shows that among whites who out-married in 2008, there were different patterns by gender in the race of their spouses. More than a quarter of white men (26.9%) married an Asian woman, and about 6.9% married a black woman. In contrast, 20.1% of white women married a black man, while just 9.4% married an Asian man. A slightly higher proportion of white women than white men married a Hispanic person (51% versus 46%), and a similar share of each gender married someone in the other group.[15]"
Youre getting cucked by juan.
I've been to Peru, Chile and Brazil, I mean there's not many left insofar that they only make up roughly 10% of the population, not that they're an endangered species kek
Gotta side with the mexicans
To be fair if my kids absolutely had to racemix I'd infinitely prefer that they marry Juan instead of Jamal
See here: Only other data I could find was by Pew:
Which didn't give exact numbers, but did specifically state they saw no real gender differences in terms of interracial marriages between the two groups:
Given how much marriage rates have declined, the racial preference data is probably the best source to use.
Pic unrelated I guess
>The real Red Pill is that White women are the most race loyal
the fuck you talking about. white females are the most disloyal race.i'm hispanic and most females that are white only date different races cause they feel its exotic and cheat because of this. i was dating a girl who's father told me she cheated on her boyfriend for me and i was fucking horrified that she was only dating me cause i was spanish. if you want to get cucked date a white girl but if you want to be in a long relationship date the other race
If that study listed Hispanic whites and Hispanic non-whites as both being 'Hispanic' that would explain things, non-Hispanic whites marrying Hispanic whites would be by far the most common racemixing in America(if you can even call it racemixing)
I see you changed your ID, why?
not even him lol stay mad
Still looks ugly as fuck with all that clown make up
Someone plz make app that pic