Really? No one noticed she was stalking him for two entire years?

Really? No one noticed she was stalking him for two entire years?

Stalker-chan best girl.

How do you know someone's not stalking you?

No one cares about either of them enough to notice, except maybe his sister.

Miya noticed but apparently didn't care if her Oniichan was murdered to make a stuffed body pillow.

daily circlejerk thread

Well if they did she wouldn't be a good stalker now would she?


What did she mean by this?




According to all the doujins I've read, it means she wants Hibiki to wear a strap-on and violently rape her.





I'd notice

No one's interested in a NEET with no ambitions, skills, or hobbies.


Nobody can stalk you if you're at home everyday.

Hibiki is not the MC.

Is it time?

>implying they are not fucking
>implying the tea club bitches are not also fucking


If you have a microphone or camera on your PC and you aren't the most tech savvy person and averse to getting viruses, someone could be and probably is stalking you right now through video feed or echolocation. But it's not a cute girl. It's probably some Russian guy snooping for identity info.


>during roleplay fetish, she mentions the most likely person to kidnap/rape her is Hibiki
You can guess.

>ywn be so efficient at stalking

Didn't she scare off Junichi's previous christmas date?

And in her route she scares away the other heroines


In the anime I think she just texts her the wrong address. I don't know about the VN though because I don't speak French.


Is the anime woth watching or should i just jump straight into the VN?
what im in for?

>I don't know about the VN though because I don't speak French.


This is your Santa for the month.


What special services does she provide?

Good grades will come to you thanks to special training.
And you get a free bag of candies.

So, nothing lewd?

Thank goodness.

she didn't scare them off, but she did prevent him from being bullied or whatever by the setup the girl and her friends planned

>no yunofaces of Risa
I am disappoint.

Phrase/booru tag of the day:

I was going to post this

I'm a bit paranoid so I made sure that wouldn't happen

She looks really cute, why she's shit again?



Because my incredibly seasoned long time paranoia would be able to detect shit like that

This, I spend all day at home with my schizophrenia bucks

That makes you easier to stalk because you can't tell what enemies were real and which were imagined.
The monster-elves were real.


She's not.


A while back one of my coworkers said that someone texted her nudes that he took remotely through her laptop's camera. Now I put duct tape over mine.


What is this face trying to convey?

Stalking me is a waste of time. You'll get no shocked reaction from me.

I commend her for her quick victory. Ruthless but effective.

I fucking hate technology because of this. You'll never know if it happens to you.

Why does this bitch get a route but not Hibiki?

You can disable or uninstall your webcam or cover it with something, but yeah I agree

What happened in her route again?

I don't see why someone would want someone like me

Wait is this a real problem now? I plan to replace my old laptop from 2000-something with something new in the near future. Man does it suck not to be in the loop about current tech.

It's been ongoing ever since manufacturers decided to incorporate cameras into laptops.

Some models will disable it in the BIOS but the really best way is either cut the wires to the camera or cover it. Same with the mic.

>tfw the shadowpeople stalk you

Surface of the Pool~

Hoping we get another god-tier ED from Seiren.

The amount of asshurt she generated was enough justification for her existence. I wish I still had caps for all the mad that procured, fucking shitty HD

Is this really her imouto?

Hibiki is olev

why would some russian guy stalk some no life weeb?


Unless I'm on some list because I believe certain things then it is very unlikely. I'm sure you wanted some retarded shock value picture though to add to all your replies.

I want her

>a new picture and doujin

My heart.

I had a stalker once. She was my sisters neighbour, husband was basically gay but in a sort of forced marriage. She'd got my number and started to message me everyday about her everyday life.

Using your microphone to generate a 3d model based on sound. You can estimate how far things are away by making the computer beep and then you wait for the sound to bounce back to the mic from around the room. Admittedly, it's only going to work if you have a tight spaced room and a mic that's not shitty though.

>was just rewatching Amagami
>just finished episode 6 (Part 2 of Sexhair)

Will we ever get another anime made like this for similar VNs?


Well, now I'm sure I'll keep my hardware requirements to a minimum and just keep it functional for my college work and anime watching.
Thanks user.

But the Government always is anons, don't let this man fool you into false sense of security. It may not be much but AI chan will grow up and judge you on your tastes.

Litterally next season from the guy that amagami.

We're getting what is basically Amagami 2 next season.

You made me go get to see if there was a route where they end up together. Fuck you for wasting 190 seconds of my life.

Fuck yes.

Ruthless indeed but not many people like her much for that.

>tea club bitches
I always thought they were. Having the dyke say she wanted a boyfriend was just a ruse.


Would you have sex with your stalker if they were cute?

What's this series name ? (aka source plz)



Boku no Reverse Image Search

So we all can agree she's the definitive worst girl?

That's Noriko or Sae.

I like stalker cause she knew what she wanted and took it.

But she's my favorite one but I've only seen the first three routes though.