Utter state of Canada, I can't believe this is even real

Utter state of Canada, I can't believe this is even real.

It has been proven by the Nordic countries that rehabilitating returning fighters by means of giving them a wage, offering free sporting and music programs and education opportunities is more effective than imprisonment. Canada is on the right track.

Oh Australia. I will always love your cutthroat sarcasm.

Why are you such a faggot user?

if you arrest the criminals they win

If you kill isis they win. Its as simple as that

Because semen can taste quite good

Not more effective than a firing squad.

You mean HR?
>ba dum tsss

nice numbers, but shooting them all dead would both save money/time and be better for everyone.

you only need one 7.62x39 to the back of the head and problem solved.


Its so stupid, no country should let them back in
Their passports should be canceled and blacklisted or whatever

Known ISIS terrorists shouldnt be able to get on a damn plane


Why the fuck are they RETURNING to Canada? Are these jihadis BASED in fucking Canada?

being punitive almost never is the right response to anything whether it is discipling a child, drug use, crime etc.

>disciplining a child by beating the shit out of him
child becomes depressed, higher rates of violence, suicide, drug use etc.

>punishing drug users by giving them length jail sentences
huge populations in jails. costs the public billions. doesn't do anything to stop drug use (in fact increases drug use). Even in extremely draconian societies like Singapore, drug trade still exists and flourishes.

>three strikes you are out law doesn't work.
>doesn't stop people from committing crime


In this case, being punitive against returning ISIS soldiers is just drives these people into more extremism and radicalizes others. they become pseudo martyrs

Can someone please save us, I'm ok with asians just not niggers.

unless... bear with me... you kill them, all of them

Better to welcome them with open arms and act as though they haven't been training in a war zone for the past few years. Sure some of them will be unable to adapt to life and end up brutally murdering dozens of innocents but that's just part and parcel of living with returning ISIS members, right?

>"You can't arrest your way out of this problem"
He's actually right, but then comes to the wrong conclusion.
Putting them in jail just means they can teach and radacalise others in there; the only solution is to therefore put a bullet in the head of them all when they return.

You're fine m8. Stop being a drama queen. At least you don't have DRUMPF

It's like 60 people
You know what else would help maintain the status quo and safety of the public? Killing them

If you arrest criminals they win.
Really got my noggin joggin fellas.

These aren't children though.

They're fully grown adults that fought for and supported a terrorist organization, meaning the likelyhood of them killing innocent westerners.

If you're going to forgive them, why not just go full retard and forgive all Nazi war criminals at the same time.

A huge portion of ISIS is/was foreign nationals that either left the middle east as children or were never born there

It's clear to me now that these people are not incompetent. They are not just following their insane ideology to it's logical(?) conclusion. They are Marxist subverters who know exactly what they are doing. Pierre Trudeau was a Globalist that attended Bilderberg and opened the flood-gates. Justin is following right in his footsteps. This country is doomed if people do not wake up in a big way very soon. But I doubt it will happen because most people are brainwashed by Marxism on the one hand, and the few holdouts are largely Christcucks on the other (Two Abrahamic death cults).

Based Japan as always.

Yet another provocation of the Trudeau liberals.

I can only hope that this is the redpill that breaks the liberals' backs once and for all.

So no one else recognizes the liberal cognitive dissonance here, with regards to allowing terrorist war criminals save haven in your nation but fucking hunting nazi war criminals that are 98 years old and demonizing white nationalism?

You'd be willing to give the government that level of power?

When it comes to exterminating murderers? Why not? They have a responsibility to protect their citizens.

>I can only think in ideological extremes

Being punitive is different from reeducation. They need to be helped. There is such a thing as mercy.
For all strategic concerns, ISIS is almost completely destroyed. What about Islamic terrorism on a whole - nope. If we show mercy, others may feel that their ideology needs to be re-evaluated.

teehee thats right fellow memer!

So? It has nothing to do with age and everything about being punitive is counter intuitive to solving the more important problems of home grown radicalization.

Ya you punish him. Then? Whats next. Oh look another one becomes radicalized and destroys Parliament or something. Good job you've just pushed someone else into being radicalized. What about we arrest the person, and give him a reasonable prison term whereby he goes through re education. He learns to be a productive member of society and we stop sending the message this is a war between islam and the west.

inb4 this is a war against islam.

We shoot them before they can return.
The commies can't complain if it's done on foreign soil.

The allies could have been punitive against all of Germany. They were punitive after the first world war and look what happened.

Britain after the war had sent grain to Germany by the tons to prevent mass starvation while Britain itself had bread lines due to poor harvest. Only the top Nazi leaders and those who committed the greatest crimes were punished. Everyone else was let go.

We will need to kill them.
We will also need to kill every politician, police officer and judge that will try to protect them.
Guerre civil, si vous plait!

Can we just annex Canada? They are taking children from their parents if you don't cut their dicks off and literally harboring terrorists.

Or you could strip them of their citizenship and send them back to Syria.

Then install biometric iris scanning to ensure they can't pass into our nations again.

ISIS isn't home grown radicalization. It's imported directly from Islamic majority muslim states.

You know how you keep radicalization from happening? You REJECT RADICALS FROM YOUR NATION.

This isn't rocket science, mohammed. You do not re-educate murderers returning from murder sprees, bombings and beheadings. You either kill them outright, like a wild dog or you refuse them entry.

Doing anything less only encourages Muslims in your nation to radicalize, because they witness firsthand that there are no dangerous reprecussions for being a jihadi.

Are you just blind, or an actual muslim?

>This country is doomed if people do not wake up in a big way very soon

was that before or after passing bill c16 and giving ISIS fighters a heroes welcome?

Shoot them/

Yes, mercy, that is what radical Islamists really need! Why didn't anyone think of that before? If only we had been kinder to them and let them in our countries, gave them shelter, food and work, enabled them to live among us and gave them the same opportunities to prosper as everyone else, if only we had done that then they wouldn't have attacked us! Certainly they would have re-evaluated their ideology instead of radicalizing further.

While you sit on your high horse and advocate for mercy remember that the blood of every innocent killed by Muslim extremists in your country is on your hands. You condone it through your speech and actions.

>ISIS isn't home grown radicalization

okay you can stop posting right now.


who has given them shelter, food and work?

no one gives people any of those things which is probably part of the problem. most of the people who commit violence are disenfranchised people i.e. poor, neglected people. im pretty sure 99% of people posting in this thread have zero understanding of criminality and just want to punish people cause you can't its counter intuitive to preventing ISIS terrorists in the first place.

No, you can fuck right off, right now.

You're comparing literal terrorists to german soldiers of a the nazi regime.

Do you understand what the difference is between a soldier following orders and some fucking raghead terrorist that willinging signs up to kill innocent people?

Kill yourself fucking mudshit. When we do find you, you're going into the deepest darkest black site I can find. You will never see sunlight again motherfucker.

Are you suggesting that it is somehow the fault of Canada that these people radicalized, instead of placing the blame on mosques preaching jihad? Because we've had several mosques investigated for extremism.

If so, what you're saying is that we should be shutting down the mosques?

That's when we're not giving them 10's of millions for being tortured as a terrorist in foreign land they were trying to conquer.

They revoked their citizenship when they literally went to war with our countries.

A government should have no responsibility for their wellbeing, and in the interest of our own wellbeing, they should be shot upon entry. This guy gets it

Kidnap them and drive them over the U.S border so they can be arrested by U.S authorities, that is the best thing to do I think.

>Because we've had several mosques investigated for extremism

You think the returning isis fighters would be a red flag.

Nevermind, go to sleep, P&P

>arrested by U.S authorities

>"White nazis holding tiki torches and pasting "It's okay to be white" should be punched and fired!"
>"Western-born Islamic terrorists who have killed people and raped women willingly should be given free jobs and be treated with kindness!"
Clown world.

Personally I think it's an act of war against America to habour terrorists actively declaring Jihad against the West. Canada, Denmark and Turkey should have their NATO membership revoked.

Yes, lets let them all in so they can further damage your economy. Your bullshit is not working, and will eventually lead to an all out civil war raging across Europe.

k... keep me posted.

that is so childish. and of course not. im saying canada should recognize that being punitive is counter intuitive to the goal of preventing home grown ISIS terrorists.

>let's import ISIS for some reason and give them a bunch of free stuff


Would they certainly be shot if they were detained?

>civil war

any day now right?


Globalists/Marxist subverters have been slowly chipping away at it here for at least 50 years. I grew up with political correctness and often gave them the benefit of the doubt by assuming they were just stupid/crazy. I know see looking back that they were gaslighting the fuck out of me. It's all narcissistic abuse that the public is unable to deal with.

Trump should at least threaten it, so that Trudeau is forced to choose.

>Applying Christian morality to Muslims

Because they are effectively living off you until they are in knife's edge of outright killing you. You have only emboldened a future jihadist movement in a resurgent AQ, or worse.

All of you liberals have the most retarded double standards ever. You find incorrect pronouns and the alt right to be a bigger threat than Islamic terrorism.

Also its not just extremist mosques although those should be closed down. People don't need to go to mosques to hear violent Jihadi propaganda. But we should stop giving people a reason to look for propaganda in the first place.

Criminalists recognize that desperate people are the ones most likely to become extremists. And its not just criminalists. Buddhists recognize that punishing criminals does not reduce crime but that people should mitigate the reasons that would drive someone towards crime.

>everyone is monolithic

tiny 80 IQ brain can't handle unique individuals?

Personally, I had a litmus test on if Trump is really /ourguy/, only scores 2/5.

>kick canada out of NATO

good lol
NATO is a relic of the cold war.

Le epic Nippon xdd please notice me honorary aryan

Minus the fact Buddhists hold no issue killing Muslims. Solely because they are another kind of threat entirely.

>Inb4 bleating over the well-deserved slaughter of Rohingya jihadists

or just don't let them back

Link? He might have a point. We been slaughtering ISIS members for years and there's still more of them. We've tried the "bomb away the problem" approach and it's not working.

If the EU carries on it will get BTFU by U.S and Russia.

Inject them with estrogen and turn them into sissys
Then use mental torture using psycadellics and sleep deprivation
Then having been broken psychologically and physiologically they serve as a warning for Isis fighters.

>don't punish bad people because they will just continue to be bad

So you're advocating this just for islamic terrorism or are we just going to allow all crime to go unpunished?

I mean why stop at Islam, unless you're a fucking mudshit right? We should stop punishing serial killers, because they might get triggered and kill more people, we should stop punishing drug dealers because they might sell more drugs...

This is where your logic leads to, stupid fuck.

funny that you use 80 IQ as an insult when the majority of muslims are in that territory due to the constant 1st cousin marriages....

Mmmmh nope.

Most Burmese don't want to kill Rohingya. The violence being committed is actually by military and police which are controlled by the army guys that want to make Aung San Suu Kyi look bad internationally so they can regain power.

But I doubt you even know who Aung San Suu Kyi is. You just repeat dumb pol memes and don't actually understand whats happening in Burma.

You might not be responsible for holding those retarded views, but you sure as shit aren't willing to call your buddies out for it like you do with defending indefensible as Islamic terrorism. If you were, then Canada's pronoun law would not be in effect at all.

So you're saying instead going to trade school or university and working to gain experience I'm better off being a terrorist loon in this job market?

Terrific! Now they identified themselves as ISIS and you know where their families live. Toss the men in the wood chipper. Feed to goop to the pigs. Sell the women to the Russian mafia.

Gibs...that's all your going to give these fuckers. Work?? Are you retarded, high, or just in deep denial? The average IQ for a Sub Saharan African is 68, so what kind of a job could they possibly get? Better yet, why doesn't the EU publish a report about how many of these immigrants are gainfully employed? I'll tell you why, its because millions are not. They come to Europe for the gimmedats. Your a cuck who is actively engaging in the destruction of European culture and its own people.
How many terrorist attacks have taken place in Poland in the last 10 years? Zero. Know why? No fucking immigrants. So stop with this "we need to help these poor people" bullshit line. If you want to help these people, go to Africa or the Middle East and help them. Bringing them to Europe does not help anyone.

Correct answer but how many Jihadists have you got in your basement? All Scandicucks are suspect even the Uralic ones you know.

Shut the fuck up. There are Buddhists shooting muslims as we post.

>N-not real Buddhism!!

No wonder Breivik killed 75 of your kind in one go.

You are arguing that it's counter intuitive to punish people who were willing to sacrifice everything to wage Jihad overseas.

I hope there's many more massacres to come that take your kind out.

>"look people this poor man raped and decapitated children, we must be nice and compassionate with him, so he can be a productive member of our society"

first bait best bait

>drags something to logical extremes
>guys i win?!!

What crime has he committed? Has he murdered anyone? Has he committed a terrorist act? No. Should he receive jail time - probably. But should he receive life or death like you idiots are recommending? No. He should get like 1 or 2 years and it should be to re educate him.

we have a lot of euroshits here, my grandfather was an Englishman. He would never associate with non-English, as they we're fucking parasites. This swede nigger will be stabbed in the street, guaranteed that. It's all a matter of tracking down and finding out where he is.

Genocide is often justified.

I should know. I'm burmese lol.

My kind?

>murdering innocent people is not a logical extreme

If anything my examples were far lighter in comparison than anything ISIS has ever done.

And for the record, there is no proven effectiveness of any european nation trying to rehabilitate jihadis. You just pulled that out of your curry asshole.

literal stockholm syndrome

Good question what is your kind and European isn't an answer. Specifically what is your religion.

Is there any proof he has murdered anyone? As per canadian laws, someone who has committed a crime punishable by canadian laws outside of canada can still be punished. So has he killed anyone?


>Canada is on the right track.
retard alert

Yes. I am willing to give my government the power to execute people who defect to terrorist organizations, participate in their acts of mass murder, rape, etc, and attempt to run home with their tails between their legs when the world actually starts punching back.

What's your religion?

Returning jihadis are confirmed conspirators. You don't make excuses for anyone that willingly joined an organization that kills innocent people.

Question is, rice nigger, why are you doing just that.

If I were running leafland, I would execute returning ISIS fighters via bullet to the head or have their citizenship status completely revoked. They chose to fight against the country they are citizens of and are therefore traitors to it.