Which language

You could be fluent in one African language in addition to your current one, which would you choose.

Egyptian Arabic is the only correct answer.


Afrikaans, the only ones you can talk to without them killing you cause ebil whitey.


isnt it a afroasiatic language

Afrikaans is the only answer

Are you retarded?

Dutch is the only answer

Somali of course.


whatever the most obscure one is, probably spoken by some isolated tribe in bumfuck nowhere
then go hang out with my new niggas who have no idea how a white man learned their tribe specific language

obviously fur


He said Egyptian Arabic, which is african.

I would probably choose the Arabic dialect that is closer to the standard version, and learn the latter from there. It's the only useful one.

Toss up between baka, Nigbaka, and F.

Arabic is not an African language its from Arabia, its like Saying English is an American language because we speak it.. Its from England.


where is Kartvelian languages at

This is tough
It would be more useful to learn Klingon


Are liturgical languages an option? If so, Coptic.

Already fluent in French

The one that sounds most alien like , like from the alien vs predator when one of them starts screeching and grunting in rage , so I can mess with people around me .

Somali. I will need it in the future...

I'd like to understand Arabic. I'm sure all of those veiled women are mirin on me, but I just can't be sure.

It's not at all like that. English was introduced to America much more recently than Arabic was introduced to Egypt. Egyptian Arabic has had much longer to diverge and take on a character of its own. As evidenced by the fact that American English and British English are fully mutually intelligible whereas the various other Arabic "dialects" and Egyptian Arabic largely are not.

If it bothers you that Arabic was "originally" from Asia, well, Proto-Afro-Asiatic was almost certainly spoken somewhere in Africa, not in Arabia. So if you really want to get hung up on where the language "originates" from, Egyptian Arabic is just an African language that hung out in Asia for a couple millennia, like a Pennsylvanian who went to college in New York and then moved back.

This is the correct answer

