Why do people hate Emiya?
Why do people hate Emiya?
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lawful good is for fags
Chaotic Evil kiddies are not people.
Because they're secondaries. Or because they don't appreciate justice, like this faggot.
>I was saving my first kiss for Issei!
He's an idiot with borrowed ideals that needs to drown.
>that mouth kissed HOW many dicks?!
>Let your ideals drag you to your death
>Lawful Good
>pictures of Luffy
To be fair it looks like he has no fucking clue what it means.
>He's an idiot who needs to drown in his borrowed ideals
Get it right
>is one of the only masters who can cooperate with Spartacus
>whether they'd win is a separate issue entirely
They know they could never be as great as him.
>you'll never have a wife as great as Shirou
Feels bad
>loves to help
>snarky in a low key way
>great in an emergency
>/fit/ for a jap
>Wahhh wahhh muh ideals betrayed me
>There's no point in saving people if I don't get rewarded for it
>I'm going to murder my past self from AN ENTIRELY DIFFERENT TIMELINE because that will totally fix everything
>dies to shit his past self is completely able to overcome
Remind me why people like this douche?
To be fair he's only a going full douche because he's salty as fuck because being part of the Counter Force sucks dick and balls to the extreme especially for an idealistic fellow like him
>There's no point in saving people if I don't get rewarded for it
He never wanted rewards though.
Shirou is perhaps the single most ludicrously exaggerated example of the "hotblooded shonen protagonist" that exists in modern anime. He is every single stereotype that plagues other shonen MCs turned up to 11 and then beyond to a level that the laws of physics dictate shouldn't even be possible. He's brawny, chivalrous, unbelievably dense, and faced with every indication that his current course of action will lead to utter catastrophe he still decides to plow right through to the end.
I don't think a lot of my fellow Fatefags quite realize the magnitude of Shirou's thickheaded determination. He literally faces off against HIS FUTURE SELF who has spent god knows how many millenia waiting for the opportunity to go back in time and kill him to prove how futile his ideal of becoming a Hero of Justice is. He has to look at himself from the future straight in the eye and be told that his current course of action will lead to nothing but misery and despair, that everyone he ever cared for will betray him. His hope of a future where he save everyone doesn't just get demolished, it gets stabbed, beaten, burnt, frozen, poisoned, cut into a million pieces and blasted off to space. By himeslf no less. And what does Emiya Shirou do in the face of this onslaught against everything he holds dear?
He wins. He powers through pain, torture, psychological agony and literally stabs his own future self just to prove how singularly dedicated he is to being a Hero of Justice. He defies the universe itself and comes through just through sheer force of will. And on top of all that, on top of having every indication that he is a fool and that his life's goals are worthless, he still manages to be a kind, warm, trustworthy guy to his friends. Most of us don't have the weight of the world on our shoudlers, and we can't even manage to be those things half the time to our loved ones. In other words, childhood is idolizing Archer, adulthood is realizing Shirou makes more sense.
He gets extremely salty about how he only gets to kill shit as a Counter guardian and doesn't get to see the people he's saving.
Its not seeing people he's saving its that he's basically not saving just slaying
Counter Force is deployed only when hell has hit earth and they gotta mop everything up in a sea of death to make sure it doesn't spread and can't happen again
This is further aggravated by being part of the Fuyuki Grail war again
I mean in Extraverse he's a rather affable fella if a bit of a sarcastic dick
I think a lot of people feel threatened by how cool and manly he is.
>modern anime
He is almost 15 years old
user pls all characters in this work of fiction are 18+ years old
They all just got held back once or twice
only edgelord faggots hate him
This desu.
Being swept in this dark cesspool for years, a genuinely pure light is blinding to most people.
i mean FSN is almost 15 years old.
Shirou is a domestic goddess. Other women just can't compete.
>he still manages to be a kind, warm, trustworthy guy to his friends.
Except the part where he rapes Rin and facefucks Saber.
It was a good concept, but it failed in execution imo. An extremely challenging character to write compellingly, granted.
Miyuverse Shirou is best Shirou
He's pretty good but don't jump the gun. There's still the rest of Prisma for him to get gimped.
The forced hentai don't count.
what did he say?
>Except the part where he rapes Rin and facefucks Saber.
>imbligyn she didn't love the jackhammer
Miyuverse Shirou is basically just Heaven's Feel Shirou's determination with Unlimited Blade Works' jump in skill, both turned up to 11.
Different writer
I just hate justicefags.
Yea I know; I'm exaggerating a bit. But my essential point here is that, while conceptually his character is extremely interesting, the actual execution of his character, his actual personification or characterization is very poor.
It's all so Japanese, you know?
Fuck no. I read Prisma for Ilya and lolis and then this faggot went and stole the spotlight.
That' the general word around here. However I'm not entirely sure that's true. IIRC it's contradicted in this interview somewhere
Same site, different interview
Just say "doesn't" desu
link or it never happened desu
I like Shirou, but I like Shiki better
Hint - It's in the Tsukihime section
He's never given a shit about seeing the smiling faces of the people he's helped though.
Only the knowledge that he's saved someone's life was enough.
But he, is being thrust again and again into situations that mirror or are the exact same thing as the litteral hell on earth that he was reborn from.
The one place, the one thing, that he fears more then anything else and he's often sent there to make things worse.
The knowledge that he's probably saving someone became so distant compared to the destruction and death that he would cause every single waking moment was drowned out.
When he became archer he finally attained something to his own sense of self, but it cost him the lie of humanity that he had created to keep himself human and good.
>yfw kuro dies from protecting ilya
It's finals week senpai. desu desu desu desu
>Lawful good is great because it was actually chaotic good all along guys
>I told you not to swallow!
No, I slow down when it's an H-scene. If it's just a normal H-scene I can finish it pretty quickly, but if I'm writing scripts with a heavy emphasis on its plot, I can't create a discontinuity in the story even if it's an H-scene, and it's very hard to balance parts that's related to the story. After writing something, I'd take a look and say "this is totally wrong" and re-write it. The H-scene needs to be erotic, yet still preserving Shiki's characteristics, it was very difficult. In the end I spent the most time on the H-scenes. Comparatively, you could say the non-H sections are easy, since I just need to write out the story.
For that I just wrote out what I thought of myself. Takeuchi-kun had a distinct vision for the visual novel, and said that there should be more than six CG in an H-scene. If it was just a few H-scenes it would be ok, but in 「Tsukihime」 each character basically had one H-scene. In using six CG in one scene, I thought each should be on screen for a long time. The artist went through great pains drawing those pictures for us, and I did not want to throw them away immediately. But, using six CG throughout meant also having really long text. That's why Shiki's H-scenes lasted so long; it's due to the large number of CG. If there were three, it would be over right away. (laughs)
Takeuchi-kun came up with ideas for most of the H-scenes, one of his famous sayings was: "For H-scenes, the H is of course the main focus, but it is also a great way to express the cuteness of a character." I agreed with his view, so I would look at the CG he described or the draft and brainstorm what to write, and once I see the finished image I'll spend more time thinking of what to write. "Ok! I'll use this for the beginning, and use that one during the break!" That's how I approached the work.
>Comes back to interrupt the final boss
>Is saved by grail magic before fading away
>but if I'm writing scripts with a heavy emphasis on its plot, I can't create a discontinuity in the story even if it's an H-scene, and it's very hard to balance parts that's related to the story.
A while back I heard they were releasing a "re-mastered" version of the 2006 F/SN anime, did anyone actually check that out?
Never watched the old series, wondering if they fixed the glaring issues with the new release.
And at least he's going to pick best girl.
>Big fake plastic balloon boobs
>he doesn't want to be a supernatural merc who kills browns across all timelines
About the UBW anime. If Medea used Rule Breaker on herself, why did Atram still have the Command Spells?
Don't be mean.
I didn't mean that personally. Just, come on. Those don't look real at all. It looks completely unnatural. Bad taste on part of the designers.
You listed everything wrong as something to admire. If you commit a mistake and tell your past self "hey, this is a mistake, don't do it" your past self would be smart enough to trust yourself and know that doing such an action will result in a mistake.
Shirou doesn't listen. Nevermind that he wins, but the fact remains he did not listen to the one person he really should listen to. Archer went through hell for those ideals, and Shirou thinks he's exempt from that same fate? it's stupid.
adulthood is realizing nasu can't write.
Shirou does not have a problem with fakes.
I'm not seeing the problem.
It's not about what's logically correct, it's about striving for what you think is right no matter what outcome would come of it. Regardless of whatever his future self decides was "worth it" or not, Shirou believed that saving even one person and suffering forever for it would be worth it.
That's a much better drawing ofc
>she has BIG TITS
>she has HUGE ASS
Maybe I'm just burnt out on porn after watching it all the time for years. I'm just so sick of this being everywhere, all the time.
>lawful good
Shirou is Neutral Good in every sense of the word, you retard.
They should give her a better armor than bikini armor
Big or small, love them all.
The only people who hate Shirou are secondaries. I actually watched the Fate/stay night anime and thought Shirou was retarded until I read the VN where his train of thought was much clearer and he wasn't really retarded. Now I appreciate his justice.
Yea, it's just fuggin cheap. Hollow, money-grubbing sex sells nonsense
You see what I'm saying? It's low brow. Don't we care about anything else?
Because he's a fake mongrel with fake ideals.
>I had to roll my eyes through two entire routes where Gil got btfo by a Japanese teenager with a sword
Do I have bad taste?
jesus cringe
So left?
She's Gilgamesh in a sense. Just incorporating that shirtless look of his he's becoming known for, but of course they can't just plain have her tits out.
Fuck is up with Sakuralot, dunno there
The fact that "tit size" is among the predominant aspects of characterization demonstrates how meaningless our lives are, and it's depressing. I mean, if one of the top three things that were consistently emphasized about male characters was dick size, I would feel the same way. It's stupid, and demeaning.
>She's Gilgamesh in a sense. Just incorporating that shirtless look of his he's becoming known for
That can also be said to be a cheap, money-grubbing move. Genderswapped design recycle marketing gimmick WITH HUGE TITS XDXDXD
I mean, I guess. The entire series she's in has been just "what if Illya was cuter and less homocidal and also a magical girl?"
But it depends on how you want to see things, I guess. It's justified; you don't have to accept that justification.
What did you expect from this series?
what do you like?
It's like a contamination of some sort; it just gets worse and worse. For example, notice how terrible this looks. It just looks ridiculous. There is absolutely no such thing as a pair of tits on this entire planet with that shape and size. That's why I say "baloon tits." The first noticeable thing is that it looks patently unreal. Once you get past the dick itch, it looks bad. Like a cartoon, like it belongs on /aco/
Tits and Dicks don't correlate really.
Tits and male shoulderwidth do though.
And breasts, whether you like it or not, are part of a person and has real social implications they have to deal with that will help mold them as individuals.
They also act as...iconic shorthand.
If a person is described as shifty you'll instantly think of a certain look, won't you?
So why are larger knockers suddenly off the table?
I don't really understand what you're even doing here right now.
Caster has a good design for a female character
>wide hips
>large breasts
Do I have to keep saying it?
How exactly is that bad?
>So why are larger knockers suddenly off the table?
It's overdone, is what I'm saying. Endemic. To an extent that the "shifty" look can hardly even be compared to.
It's depressing because it's like we, as the collective consumer base, are simply incapable of bringing our attention to a more meaningful sexuality.
>knife ears
What's wrong with any of those things? You can't even see Caster's breasts. I was talking about the outfit compared to Rider's outfit straight out of a BDSM fetish porn movie.
>to a more meaningful sexuality.
Which is?
What about these two?