based drumpf btfo kikes
I bet his daughter's husband shitted bricks for a whiole
Trump Revealed Israeli Commando and Mossad Operation in Syria to Russians
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>allegedly disclosed an undercover Israeli mission to penetrate an Islamic State cell developing bombs that could go through airports undetected
What are the chances Mossad were actually teaching them how to develop them, got caught and claimed to be undercover?
totally zero and also pls delet
>be israel+deepstate
>blow up his friends in towers
>middle east starts finally fixing itself somehow once Trump is elected
shit really makes me think
this thread will be buried into oblivion
You're really making me think, user.
Trump will be forced to move to Russia after the 2nd mandate in order not to be mossad'ed
this is a Nice recap of syria mess, but in this case kangaroo user is spot on
Its as if there is a connection between mossad and ISIS, that i just cant put my finger on.
Typical tinfoil antisemitic gibberish
There is not ill will against Ethiopians, so it cannot be anti-semitic.
Shilling overtime?
Thanks to all Amerifriends here. Your president is the real friend of Russia and his efforts will pay off.
>Trump reveals plan to Russians
>Israelis allow MSM to reveal plan to entire world
cue non-sensical outrage from the left
I'm op...baka
You shoul turn Israel in an atomic wasteland pls do
You switched flags.
Hey I am actually tied to these operations!
I'm on the news!
>believing a kike
Kek you Made me laugh
Next the you know, he'll be selling them uranium and taking payments for speaking engagements.
So IS IS figured out that TATP isn't picked up by most bomb sensors?
Pls explain
It was on the israeli news too.
trump is doing huge and remarkable, let's hope (((they))) don't kill him in the mean time
>Trump shares info on fighting ISIS with another country that is fighting ISIS
wow really made me think
then against retard leftist probably think that Russia is supporting ISIS and that they are going to pass the info on to them
So Russia has actively been fighting ISIS, shouldn't the yids be happy that now they won't get bombed on accident? After all, what's wrong with a little more help, right?
Unless... Israel doesn't want ISIS to be defeated, that would be weird.
IEDs are traditionally made of Ammonium Nitrate mixed with fuel, called ANF or ANNM bombs. Chemical sniffers can find Ammonium Nitrate pretty easily.
TATP (Tri-Acetone Tri-Peroxide) is made from pure acetone and hydrogen peroxide mixed at sub-zero temps. It's cheap, but VERY sensitive and hard for sniffers to find.
I lel'd
>Greentexting a link
Babby's first poast?!!
>MSM is so desperate to make Trump look like he's working for the Russians that they accidentally admit that the Islamic State is being coordinated and commanded by fucking kike spies in the Mossad and the traitors in the CIA
They didn't think that damning news report out very well, did they.
Don't let it.
I probably shouldn't be, but I was still shocked a couple days ago when the neocon cutie on The Five claimed that the Russians weren't fighting Isis.
Excuse me I'm not antisemitic, I'm just countersemitic. Can you please stop discriminating against me for my personal beliefs? Otherwise I'm going to have to get the ACLU involved.
holy shit , if this is true , then i respect Trump even more. you need balls and a straight back to do that .
THIS is the truth behind All the msm spinning
>find out kikes Are training mercenaries backed by US black Ops to make invisibile bombs
>Tell Putin bro
>Mossad BTFO 1st time Since 1949
Truly a god among men
NeXT you're going to Tell us the enemies Are turbocapitalists corporations, but we All know what you really mean is (((them)))
Contacting JIDF right now
Ty indeed
Israeli Mossad: 2nd top fags next to the CIA.
Trump is totally based and not a Russian plant/idiot
Yeah they’re called ISIS
It was reported in Israel as fake news. Not that I'm a fan of Trump
Team Axis will win. Putin is a bit too "Ahhhh scary xenophobia" though. Hezbollah and Iran are straight up quoting Hitler and marching on Israel's doorstep
They were slaughtered in the Yom Kippur war, only America saved them. Sadat and Assad were so close
Enjoy your suicide user.
>btfo kikes
stop shilling for ISIS you moron
He's going to slowly but surely show how "helpful" our (((allies))) are in the coming years. Everything is falling into place and I dread the future that awaits.
Check his Twitter for trips or triple fours if he wants to talk to us.
Oh fug
Have fun committing suicide with 2 shots to the back of your head.
Need bamps here
The only time ISIS ever apologised for shooting at somebody, was when they shot at the IDF.
Trump is a kike pu-
Someone elses screenshot not mine, not a mobile fag
>imagine being this much of a brainlet
back to plebbit with you "le based 4D chess trump :D" faggotry.
Show flag
Trump took 9/11 very, very personally. you don't think if he found out Mossad was involved he'd be pissed?
Rekt...and checked
Trump said 2 days after 9/11 there were bombs in the towers.
not an argument
not an argument either
but please go along with the anti-trump narrative aimed at making him looking foolish/incompetent. good goys buying up the msm bullshit
Trump is going to broker peace in the middle east, and you can do nothing to stop it.
Stay mad.
>another brainlet pops up with a non argument that has nothing to do with the talking point
>Digitz if true
Ohhhh buddy. You're thinking too small! Israel literally isn't going to exist. It's gonna be Greater Palestine.
It has everything to do with what he is doing. You do not allow yourself to see it, because you can only see what's in front of your face.
No matter how hard you kick and cry, you will be dragged along anyway.
>Trump is going to broker peace in the middle east, and you can do nothing to stop it.
highly unlikely, if you're actually keeping up with things there:
once this is gone through with, he will not have only alienated himself from the kurds - but turkey too. in case you haven't been following, turkey has grown a lot closer to both iran and russia in the last few months, with america losing more and more influence. once the kurds are gone, he has no bargaining chip. and russia will come in and swoop them up.
peace in the middle-east will be brokered by the biggest winner there: russia. not trump.
Trump and Russia are working hand in hand to BTFO of the kikes.
nope. see you wanted out the middle-east and unnecessary involvements. and you're getting. shouldn't be complaints on your behalf.
objectively wrong. try keeping up with things there. putin and netanyahu are in contact very regularly, often without trump (as putin prefers it). no need to sperg out.
yeah right, next youll tell me a mossad agent using australian passport is able to assassinate someone at a hotel room in dubai
This was already discussed and ruled to be fair.
exactly. but we've got a lot of plebbit brainlets here.
Do you honestly think that meme flag obfuscates your identity at all?
>peace in the middle-east
A pipe dream at best kek. Only thing Russia won is a quasi-stable Syria
not an argument. i accept your defeat.
as peaceful as possible, ie stability. assad staying in power is the 1st step in that direction.
Netanyahu is about to go to prison.
haaretz is a marxist kike paper that hates trump and anyone with conservative or liberty principles
i just thought i note that for the record
anything i read written by them is to be taken with a grain of salt
That would be great but first you have to capture Jerusalem. And who is going to make new Crusade?
>moves goalposts after getting proven wrong
has nothing to do with the argument here. but please do go on believing that trump and puting are btfo kikes, when most of trump's actions in the middle-east (and ukraine by arming hohols top kek) are in no favor of putin. brainlet.
Trump is about to reveal everything! From JFK to Vegas! The truth will fuck over Israel.
Maybe if Israel needs to be reminded they are OUR vassal, not the other way around.
Fuck you libshits with your muh Russia shit. I’ll take Russia over sand niggers any day.
All that's done is pave way for Iranian presence and the pipeline. Can you tell me what happened last time Shiites tried being the top dog in the Middle East?
Dude, he helped defeat ISIS, cut funding to the CIA, is letting Russia handle Syria, he's not going to war with Iran. You don't know what you're talking about..
What are the chances you'll be dead by tomorrow?
Our greatest ally? Please say it ain't so!
So what? They still have nukes, control our countries and don't give a fuck about goiym.
>american antisemites
Why are you against your own best interests?
Israelis your main producer of military drone parts, drugs, and diamonds.
All very necessary to the american way of life.
so you're disagreeing that putin's actions in the middle-east are not paving the way for some form of stability? strange.
that doesn't mean anything in terms of him and putin working to btfo of kikes. it's not as if trump had any other choice. 8 years of obama's inefficiency has put russia/putin at the top in the middle-east. trump couldn't do much else - especially not remove assad. couldn't even do anything when he claimed assad gassed his own civillians. aslo: