Anyone else get a rousing feeling from this film?
They tried to paint him as a bad guy and feefee Islam shit at the end, but the rest of the film was straight nationalist fan service.
German Film About Hitler
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It was a funny and heart warming movie.
if you ignore the credits, its a red pill covered in a blue pill.
had a lot of friends who agreed with him in the movie, and started digging afterwards. needless to say, they voted AfD in this years election.
I watched it and thought it was good. I never watched the end for some reason. I'm glad I didnt watch it if they ended it with that shit
I only saw the first 45 minutes or so one night. I put it on really late. I still have it.
From what I saw it was pretty funny. This scene really had me laughing.
It's pretty interesting actually.
Either the creators were red pilled and just needed to throw some blue in there to disguise it, or they're actually so blue-pilled up their own ass that they didn't realise that a lot of what they were saying was logical and would get people agreeing with the red-pilled message.
Excellent film, it's another example that liberals are so far down the rabbit hole, they expect you to hate Hitler, just for being Hitler.
So when he's giving speeches about how the world is dying and no one cares, and how the country is being betrayed by it's leaders, you're supposed to be "omg that's like, SO not what's happening", but with a modicum of political interest (untainted by "college education") it just comes across as a serious message.
It might actually be a deliberate stealth redpill desu
What was the name of this movie? I have seen it when i was a blue pilled might. Might watch it again.
the book is better
Er Ist Wieder Da
Or in English "Look Who's Back" (see filename)
Yeah exactly what I said above you, glad others noticed.
I think it backfired to be honest and thats why (((media))) don't mention it.
It was supposed to be a anti hitler and anti nationalist film but ended up being a piece of extreme red pilling. When he was walking around Berlin dressed as Hitler, people were hugging him and doing salutes and he was "disgusted" by the attitudes of people towards Hitler.
Webm related is great.
Whats it called?
This film was shown in my final year high school German class not long after it came out. Strange choice of viewing material for 18 year old kids but still found it enjoyable.
Ignore that just saw the post saying it
I loved these speeches.
The way they showed the audience member's faces being moved really adds to it.
It seemed to me point of the movie was that Hitler was likeable and could in theory win people back with his charms. But this of course still doesn't mean he's a good guy and shows that evil can lie behind the facade.
Their mistake (in trying to make him seem like a bad guy) was that all of the grievances that he was winning people over on the back of are legitimate problems in modern Germany (just as they were when he was really alive).
Or that underneath the "Evil" he had good logical points that still apply to today's world
Great movie. It felt like the screenwriters painted themselves into a corner with all the unintentional redpilling they did, then had to just throw in some "muh fee fees and diversity DAE hate literal nazis??" at the end.
The best kind of social justice propaganda, the kind that backfires on most audiences.
I liked how the humor wasn't in-your-face political or "hurr hurr Hitler is a dummie" when it very easily could have been. It was mostly just based on this incredibly powerful person from the 1930's/40's learning about the modern world. That scene when he was setting up his username and password was hilarious. I thought it was all very well done and the actor who played Hitler was probably the best on-screen Hitler I've seen. He nailed the charisma.
Think it's funny how, if I remember correctly, It's available on netflix for many countries but not for germany.
watched it with a quite bluepilled friend.
Found it funny, but also impressive on how they portrayed hitler.
He'd be a legit voting option if he were to solve germanys issues he pointed out in the movie.
Not all to sure how my friend felt about it, didn't talk too much about it.
Well depends on what you believe in to begin with, hard to say what it does for the average viewer.
At any rate I do think it is good to create shades of grey, because when the Nazi-regime was in power they had sophisticated theories (wrong or not) backing up their beliefs. So I do respect it when media shows things like this not being cut and clear.
Pick one.
He had the most powerful and inspiring life story in human history from a literal nobody to the saviour of a nation who defied the established order and instilled such fear in that order (because Hitlers new system actually worked) they had to send nearly an entire planet against him.
Germany fought for Europe against the Communist multiracial globalist dream and wanted western Europe to join him in a Holy crusade against Godlessness and degeneracy.
Everyone else fought against Europe and everything we see today is because of warmongering crypto jews like Churchill who delighted in the bloodshed of war and was proud of it.
>but the rest of the film was straight nationalist fan service
Only to nationalists themselves, everyone else saw it as a run-of-the-mill caricature. Remember that your biased views are not shared with most others, especially normies.
>legit voting option
Vote Fred Oathill for a golden future!
Pic related is Fred Oathill. He's standing against Trump in 2020.
Anyone with a somewhat political mindset would be able to see the points being made.
I guess normies wouldn't fall under that, though.
seen this movie it really did not seem to me since he was right and the people in the movie kind off see that at least that is what the feeling i got
>He's standing against Trump
That would probably make him a leftist liberal. Why would you vote for a non-diverse Obama?
Even normies can understand the bit about dog breeds in the film though. That's a very simple yet effective redpill.
Sup Forums recommended this, was pretty decent. Was surprised it was ''allowed''
nowadays we have brits going to jail for shitposting on Sup Forums
Which is why Germany killed more whites than any other country in human history.
>Anyone with a somewhat political mindset
... on the right
>would be able to see the points being made
The left just shut down the moment they saw H portrayed in a positive way.
Are you retarded?
Down the rabbi hole
Well lets hope they dont find brit/pol/
In all honesty being on 4chans not the problem its probs what he said, kidda want to know what he did to get them watching him in the 1st place
I don't mean people that already identify themselves as left/liberal or anything along those lines, I mean people who are disposed to think more deeply about political subjects that likely haven't given much deep thought into it yet.
I liked the power of silence speech
>That would probably make him a leftist liberal.
Hello, Steven Crowder
Hitler was not as bad as he is beling painted as, but it is true that he was bad news for non-German Europeans with his imperialist-globalist plans.
>that image
>that memeflag
The left can't meme and nice fake hollywood history with inaccurate (((facts))) and borders.
He was a peerless diplomat & politician, that's about all he deserves credit for.
Too bad he fucked his legacy by larping as Napoleon
Better with sound.
>his imperialist-globalist plans.
>retaking lost territory and expanding a tiny bit
The subtile humor in this film comes from the fact, that Hitler is still Hitler but the Goymans are too bluepilled to see it.
Well, the one guy who can see the truth ends up mental.
He was Imperial (not national) Socialist. There was nothing national about his plans for lebensraum and reichcommisariats. The moment you go and redraw foreign borders you lose all rights to the title "nationalist"
Some systems the party made up were pretty good, but without Germany's initial strong intellectual and industrial base he wouldn't be nearly as succesful.
what i mean in the movie the things he talks about he is not wrong and the first speech he makes you can see people know he is right as well
Hitler wasn't a Globalist in the slightest. He had no plans for world conquest, he had no plans for imperialism outside of their predetermined lands and opposed the mixing of races and cultures after experiencing the failure of the multicultural Austrian-Hungarian empire. Stalin and all communists are inherent globalists. WW2 was literally Ethno nationalism vs multiracial globalism led by Jews. Check the posters of the Soviets and Allies vs the Axis to see what I mean.
Pic related would have been the extent of the Reich based off actual plans and border maps.
Oh right, yeah exactly.
>mfw Hitler invented National Socialism
>mfw some retard 100 years later claims that he had no right to call himself National Socialist
>you lose all rights to the title "nationalist"
no you dont loose the rights to the title nationalist you can justify foreign expation and still be nationalist
>Hitler wasn't a Globalist in the slightest
Your map proves the opposite here. And reichcommisariat Ostland was intended to be formed from the Baltics and Belarus, with Riga being the sole capital of the entire region. When the Nazis pused out the red horde they also explicity denied independence restoration here. This is all documented, and there is no Holocaustian-Soviet bias here. The Nazis didn't "dindu nuffin" after all.
>posters of the Soviets and Allies vs the Axis
We have a museum full of these, the Soviet and Nazi ones were veyr much alike, just with the Soviets having a more matriarchal theme to them. And the European nations together against bolshevism propaganda was starting to show up only in 42 when the Nazis realized that they fucked up, and needed forign nationals to bolster their ranks. The Soviets had such too, they were called "druzba narodov" posters (the term carried over to post-war use later on).
Nice movie.but it seems like a lot of people missed the point. Yes Hitler was supposed to be sympathic. That's the entire plot of the movie.
If you end the movie at the shooting roof scene then its pretty much a movie telling the truth.
He's humanized and talk about stuff that people care about. The problem is he never really tell what his solution is.
I'm about to watch it and I'm going to drop it right there, thanks for the info
I'm just telling you hat sympathic doesn't exist as a word, and sympathetic doesn't mean what you think it means (it's not like in Latin languages)
The word you're looking for is charming
Nice Adolf Hitler anagram.
Just keep watching there's lile 2 minutes more after. Or are you afraid of commie propaganda?
Well, I'm retarded then. Thanks fellow white man.
reminded me of how good intentions can be dangerous, as the film intended to do. how evil can come out of giving good people what they want and then just taking it a little bit further.
however i do not consider the rise of populism to be a bad thing. many of the concerns hitler addressed are populist concerns. but hitler just took a good idea in a bad direction and ruined the idea. possibly as the establishment intended him to do, i think he was probably a puppet the whole time, why not, the top jews don't care and in the end the top jews benefitted, regaining everything they lost and more.
Watching this gave me a stiffy
found an american
this is a great idea
why aren't we pushing for imperialism? we should just appropriate african land and sell it to the chinks tbqh.
i watched it, the girl was qt and the ending was shit, powerful nontheless
This was a big innacurracy in the film, Hitler was an animal lover. Him shooting the dog just like that and then using it like this in the car: hard to imagine him actually doing that.
This is Look Who's Back, right? I haven't seen it but I've seen the scene at the end where he gives the speech at gun point. He had a legit point to that. I'm surprised they were allowed to show it in Germany with that ending.
Probably because you'd have to rely upon a single nationality of people to support it, while in the case of nationalism that goes for all.
Any nationalist can suport another nationalist, but an imperialist will always be opposed to other imperialists (and nationalists too)
Okay, I'm seriously surprised they were allowed to make this with a message like that. Either they are thinking that they can have any message come out of Hitler and have people think it's bad because Hitler is saying it or they are really red pilled.
Didn't Churchill himself write to warn the public of international jews ?
just fucking die already kike shill, your time is over, your days are numbered, your time has come to an end.
Reptilian eyes
I seen horse lovers take the life of the ill ones or retarded ones without hesitating, just to keep loving the good ones.
That dog was a fucking untrained rat size dog, he deserve it.
Dog was a degenerate though (if I remember correctly).
Did you never experienced a subtle story? Hitler is talking about what a lot of people feel like is a problem that their leaders refuse to acknowledge or are being lukewarm on it such as immigrant. The thing is, he never tell what he plan to do to fix the problem and we all know what he really want to do. The true aim of the movie is to show why the alt-right is a thing and how people could follow someone lile Hitler.
Jews were seen rather badly, even during wwii. For exemple allies knew about the Holocauste in 1942 thanks to intercepted nazi communication but they didn't really believe them or care about them because jews had (and still have) a tendency to endlessly whine about persecution, real or not.
>Jews were seen rather badly
Nigger Euros treated jews like untouchables for centuries despite their efforts to emulate the regional culture. Now you ask why their international organizations want you exterminated... its a circle of opression
He was a bad guy. Without getting into the race thing he single handedly led his country to near complete destruction
Can't get anyworse.
He was trying to lead his country into a new age but then every other country went to war with Germany...
He also single-handedly stopped the country from turning into a third world shithole after WW1 and turned it into the richest country in Europe.
Wrong, the economy of nazi germany was geared toward war and pilaging.
And what a great economy it was.
>Wat does a jewish pedophile say to kids?
>Wanna buy some candy?
It's much funnier in German but this joke had me in tears.
The Nazi regime had a massive national debt by 1938 due to them not coordinating with other nations they still dealt in trade with. If not for the war then they would have to look for other reasons to to annex other nations to claim their resources. This is also the reason why the first thing the Nazis did to in most annexed countries was take all their gold and other valuables.
It was garbage. The governement was paying an enormous ammount of the salaries. The governement was bleeding money. If they never went to war (which they wanted to do) they would have gone bankrupt and the poverty would just come back much worse.
Was this meant to disprove me? His leadership destroyed Germany.
Does anyone have that webm where he gives that speech and gets shot? Really great scene (the speech).
I thought he also meant it was unrealistic. Normies would never act so properly.
Perhaps normies are actually quite redpilled but the media makes them/us think otherwise.
the part where he bursts into the nationalist party field office and emasculates them all was pretty funny and telling. Hitler was immediately the most masculine 'take charge' person in the building and had all of them ready to follow him.
it was one of the most backfiring moves i've seen. Use it with people teetering on centralism. I did it with my brother and he's redpilled now.
The only way you can make Hitler unlikable is if you portray him as an over the top villain. If you portray him as he was he'll actually be likable and people might agree with him
It's the latter. The film's message is basically that the evil rhetoric of Hitler will work yet again to whip up Germans into a frenzy, and this time it will be refugees instead of Jews. Of course they tried to make him look as sympathetic as possible, even though they obviously sneaked in some "Hitler is obviously evil guys" scenes like killing that dog. No one's going to listen to a stark-raving madman foaming at the mouth about jews.
The fact that some people here still think it was some sort of stealth redpill is honestly hilarious. That grandmother who started yelling at him and told him he knew what he was should have been a wake up call that this film wasn't aimed at right wingers at all, it was mocking them. It should have told you that all these people inspired by Hitler were young and didn't experience him so they were incredibly naive, like most right wingers are. That was literally the whole point. Yet you guys just wave off that grandmother scene as like "oh she's just a jew who cares lol"
Imagine if the film was about Lenin making a comeback in Russia and inspiring the poor people with rhetoric about how the rich take all their money and fascism is evil. And it's made in the same way, portray Lenin as sympathetic as possible. Do you think it will turn redpilled people bluepilled?
>brown hair
>brown eyes
I love this meme (nod really)
The book it was based on was very clear in its intentions to make Hitler as a person likeable and show that he had enough charisma to succeed in today's world.