Why the fuck do so many Sup Forumstards defend colonialism?
Why the fuck do so many Sup Forumstards defend colonialism?
I don't colonialism and slavery in the US were horrible for white people, we got nothing from it and now we have these ugly shit skins coming here and destroying our countries when all we did was try to be civilization to them.
>Stealing sci fi art from what is most likely whites
Nothing would change
It's always hard for me to tell if people are being facetious or if they seriously believe this.
how can u be that stupid?
Bring civilization*
Because THIS is what Africa would've been like if white people minded their own fucking business.
i assume she would've prefered arabs or chinese colonizing africa instead
Since 50000 of years they still dont have fire.
Niggers would seriously believe anything, because in the 80IQ mind there is only belief, no reason.
Niggers got the better deal. They got science, medicine and agriculture which they mostly can't maintain. We got niggers moving to live here.
Now imagine what the West would look like without it's infestation of shitskins.
And this is what it looks like because wipipo decided to meddle.
Is this real? I don't think I've ever laughed so hard at a Sup Forums post. My sides are in fucking orbit.
Nice. floating mud huts & cow dung ships.. cant wait.
are you sure? youtube.com
I dont care.
Why do they have niggers playing figures from Norse mythology in the Thor movies?
A black fucking valkyre?
I garan-goddamn-tee they won't have any whites in the government of Black Panther.
How were they so easily conquered if they are superior?
All of these things happened there just was no legislative system to convict then.
Good old Flashman
>There was no living past the ripe old age of 25.
God dammit, why did we help them?
Colonialism? There were fewer than 200,000 Britbongs in India during their Empire, there's over 8,000,000 Indian shitskins in the UK, who's colonising who?
>No crime
>No poverty
>No famine
They don't really believe this, do they?
Hold on there my good fellow.
Look up the listed countries in the world.
Now notice of those, The ones with the highest contact of colonialism, also have the highest gdps and standards of living.
Seriously Colonialism sucked at the time but is a NET positive for those nations.
Seriously look at Africa, the countries in Africa with the cost colonial contact are the best off compared to the ones with the least contact some of which are still in the stone age.
Also linguistic barriers are dissolved.
India is a perfect example, there are literally 1,635 languages in India 25 Major ones and they aren't related in many cases and the don't all use the same writing systems. You can grow up in a village, and not understand people or writing from a village 30 km away.
Indians speak English to each other in government and business.
True. That's all.
because it's totally fine for white folk in the western world to march in and violently upend social order and fuck shit up for their own gain, but it's a travesty when muslims or blacks do it back to them a century or so later
All of this can be reduced to:
>we have no to a very small historical record and basically everyone was chucking spears at each other but lets pretend like we know about the grand structures and civilization of African society lmao
>I'm supposed to save people like this
The problem wasn't colonialism and slavery, it's that Europe bit off more than it could chew when it came to Africa, they couldn't comprehend how unintelligent and unfit for civilisation they were. Canada, Australia, NZ and the US are proof the way to do it is to simply replace the natives, the problem with Africa is that as soon as you create a functioning society somewhere on the continent millions of niggers come swarming across the borders to leech off of it and eventually destroy it, see South Africa and Rhodesia. The only places with potential are Madagascar and some of the small islands dotted around
I hope you get gang raped then stoned to death
>Net positive for those nations
Brits created Pakistan and Bangladesh. They're a net negative for the world.
This is the most fake picture I've ever seen. It makes Johannesburg look like it's a good place to live. Anyone who has been to that city know it's a goddamn shithole.
Would you prefer they were part of India?
The problem was that the natives in Africa already shared resistances to old world disease and weren't accidentally massively depopulated by new diseases. Also the population density in Africa was lower and the ability of disease to spread from village to village was lower than in North America.
Colonizing the new world would have been extremely fucking difficult if so many natives hadn't died very early into the exploration of the Americas.
Because it's whites oppressing non-whites. Next question.
>We paid no tax
Because there wasn't any money
>there was no crime
How can crime be real if laws aren't real
>there was no inflation
See point 1
>there was no AIDS
Because niggers died before they could develop AIDS
>there was no prostitution
>men didn't beat or divorce wives
Because marriage and chastity didn't exist
What an amazing nigger, almost half its points are right.
they probably believe it
especially considering that they were in the milions and now they are in the bilions, because idiots from our countries, keep giving them money to feel good about working that 9-5 and not putting a bullet in their wife and kids and ending it all , so you pop that xanax, work that shitty job and pay all your money to your government, buy food and clothes for you and your family, then you donate the rest for jamals rape babies and sponsor his offspring to multiply,
but wait
there´s more
thats not enough, we have to give them money to live off the welfare here, so we bring them here with the pretense to escape war but in actuallity they come here to fuck our women, and deep down we know it but we seemingly and obviously like it, because people dont stop doing this
its a pattern
and it just doesnt stop
nobody is fucking forced to sponsor these subhumans to breed and come here, people can unite and riot against the state
nobody does it
so now we have isis living in sweden and norway and denmark, all the way in every way in the country with sleepercells everywhere.
now my question is
why, i didnt sign up for this. how is this ok or normal, and why do people shy away from the solution with involves murdering them att the end of the day.
you cant expect terrorists to go away without a fight, you cant seriously think that you can kick them out.
its over. even if people start rioting against this, when shit hits the fan and the money stops, the wars will start, and you will have families vs terrorists and machetewielding niggers on the streets
North America, NZ and Aus were all sparsely populated before settlers arrived, most DNA studies have shown that there wasn't a massive depopulation that coincided with European arrival, it actually occurred between 1000 and 5000 years prior. White colonies like SA were on previously uninhabited land, most of the black South Africans living in modern SA aren't actually native to the area, at one point SA was 50% white. The problem was that Europe wasn't colonising to expand, that was just a side-effect of British-style colonialism in certain areas
>why, i didnt sign up for this. how is this ok or normal, and why do people shy away from the solution with involves murdering them att the end of the day.
At the end of the day, Europeans are responsible for causing most problems in Africa. Europe's involvement in African affairs was never needed, and for you to think yourself highly than some lowly African just shows how pathetic your are.
Stop trying to help the world and no non-white will ever dare to visit your shity country.
The problem with Africa is Africans. They were shit before European influence and they've continued to be shit ever since
Had the British not come there would be no need for those countries. The Sikhs had their empire in Pak and the Marathas in the South were pillaging Bengal. Had the Brits not given mudslimes their countries, there would have been a civil war which I guess is much better.
You think India would exist without Britain either?
No, and that would've been better.
Only the non-whites will always follow whites around for the gibs. If you’re saying cut off all the gibs then hell yes, let them build space machines or whatever without us.
A country's worth is its people. Most of the problems in modern India would exist whether the Poms took over or not. You'd still have the religious conflict, the political corruption, the poverty, the brain drain etc. same goes for everywhere else in the world
Okay but I meant NET overall in the world.
Sure there are negatives but without non-negro intervention, the blacks of Africa would still be in mud huts, I know it sounds cruel but black people never figured out THE FUCKING WHEEL and like I said the least colonized countries in Africa are the poorest and most primitive.
Because all of the countries that were British colonies are the best African countries to live in, the countries that were never colonized or barely like Ethiopia are the poorest in Africa.
Her name is red-pilled, though.
Because Westerners brought modern civilization to the rest of the world.
You're welcome.
Do... do they actually believe this? How can people be that fucking deluded.
except not contaminated tribes still walk 20 km to take water
>a white man probably did the concept art and cgi for those images she linked
>there was no police
Agreed except there are no "Indian People". Cultures vary across the subcontinent and bringing them under a Secular, Democratic Republic was the worst thing to have happened.
I agree with what you said but there's no justification for mass killings and genocide. Come to think about it though, wars, slavery, genocide is what humans are prone to regardless of race. I don't know much about Africa but from what I've heard there was a semblance of civilization in Ghana, Ethiopia and such. Africans did suffer a lot of attrocities but to say that Europeans were the only ones to do it is factually wrong. There are Abyssinians today in India who were bought as by the Muslim Emperors back in 16th century or so. What irks me is the hypocritical attitude that Europeans have, that 'We aren't responsible for the crimes of our ancestors but we will take pride in it'.
that's how they still do
My perspective regarding India:
If you dismantle the patently false marxist theories on the snail pace spread of islam in the subcontinent- my favourite one being that the syncreatic nature of hinduism ensured that conflicts were minimal and the invaders’ religious zeal decayed with successive generations, you come to the logical conclusion that the native population continued to put up a stiff resistance against the barbarian onslaught. From the first true islamic conquest in the subcontinent ~1200 AD to its massive decline by ~1700 AD, the subcontinent natives had adapted and begun to successfully counter the jihadi murderous regimes. Therefore, by the time the Europeans arrived at the shores, a nascent Indic rsurgence was gaining momentum.
TLDR: The Brits ensured that their cultural and religious cousins were never eliminated from the subcontinent, and that their menace continues to poke a thorn at our sides.
That's because they're suffering the effects of huwhite people genociding all their neighbors
The irony is that South Africa and Rhodesia probably would look pretty similar to that right now (without the stupid flying saucer) if they hadn't been utterly destroyed by Cold War funding of insurgent groups
colonialism is the greatest event to ever happen to the savages
This. Absolutely. The Brits saw the Abrahamic brotherhood with Muslims and despises us Hindus. Churchill, for instance hated Hindus more than Muslims. If only he would have been here today he would've known his mistake.
>Cultures vary across the subcontinent and bringing them under a Secular, Democratic Republic was the worst thing to have happened.
I agree but I think the same thing regarding the entire West, we still managed to prosper under it
Churchill despised muslims. He wrote about it on his book about the mahdist war.
Bullshit I dont see any rims on those spaceships
Colonialism is necessary. Life isn’t fair. Nature isn’t equal. There are those who must lead, who forge a trail into the unknown and being civilization to every nook and cranny of this planet. How can we venture out into the stars and be taken seriously when half our planet lives in mud huts?
Colonialism is why we have technology, and a country so free that liberal crybabies are free to whine about how awful it was.
You love wild, untamed Africa so much? Go there and live wild and free. If you can.
He did but he despised us more. Here's a link, I don't know how reliable the source is but this is widely known here historytoday.com
>The Brits saw the Abrahamic brotherhood with Muslims and despises us Hindus
Delusion. They simply used your hatred of each other to keep both of you in line. When the Muzzies got rowdy they'd back Hindus and vice versa, same for all the Indian ethnic/religious/cultural groups
Without colonialism you'd set the human race back thousands of years in terms of progression and where we would be at in terms of technological development and philosophical discussions including human rights. Not to mention that
mfw niggers actually believe this
Because it helped black people. What are you, some kind of racist?
Africans are the problem with Africa
Ah, I see. It's Islam's turn. That makes perfect sense
That's what it looked like as soon as hwites left
The western concept of nation-state and ethno-nationality is closely intertwined. The western ideas on nationhood derive primarily from christian doctrines; which are quite closely related to islamic ones in so far as the idea of eliminating pagan cultures in favour of a rigorously organised theocracy is concerned. While the Indian subcontinent- at least the demographies which continue to adhere to Indic faiths- can be, for simplicity, be considered as a cultural monolith; we have never in our history ever had the idea of structuring our polity on theocratic ideas.
I know but from what you read about Churchill, he did genuinely hate Hindus. The famous divide and rule policy was pursued by the government here, why would Churchill care about it ? Are you Indian by any chance ?
Once upon a time a small tribe figured some shit out, the figured out things like sanitation, reading and writing, medicine, long distance communication, food handling that reduced sickness, art and other things that vastly improved the lives of all the members of the tribe.
So they decided to share their discoveries with other tribes who were still living like animals, spreading disease through ignorance, struggling with keeping toilets away from eating areas, still using stones to skin animals, animals that they had to hunt down because they hadn't discovered the fence yet, and foraging for berries because they had no idea that you could cultivate your own.
The advanced tribe lifted the other tribes up, showing them the wheel and roads and howe to make water safe to drink, in return they helped themselves to some of the resources etc that the 3rd world tribe had no use for anyway.
Fast forward a few years, the 3rd world tribe forgot how bad life used to be, they resented the fact that the advanced tribe was taking stuff, even though they themselves still had no use for it, they decided enough was enough and they chased the advanced tribe away and accused them of exploitation.
The colonialists agreed and left the stupid tribe alone again, they watched with sadness as they reverted to old habits, started killing each other because 'superstition and they allowed the gifts from the advanced tribe deteriorate into ruin, but the stupid tribe didn't care they had reverted to living like animals, at least they were free, free to spread disease that had long since vanished, free to rape children, free to burn witches, free to shit in their kitchens and free to bitch about the good old days.
The end.
Slavery abolition is a bitch.
You still mad we got away, ain'tcha bong?
>tfw africa could have been a space colony in another galaxy by now
>but we interfered so they are still here
Enjoy getting buttfucked by the chinks!
The real lesson of this story is to stop helping non whites. There is no point. Asians learned, but not the rest.
Do black people in America seriously believe these things? Or is this just Sup Forums trolling.
>random white people gained something from colonialism
fucking imbecile, the only people who gained anything from colonialism were the multinational corporations and politicians who helped greased the wheels.
And these are the the same exact people who are benefitting again from disruptive migration.
How absolutely fucking retarded do you have to be not to understand this.
>The western concept of nation-state and ethno-nationality is closely intertwined
Correct, but look at places like the UK itself, multiple ethnicities, religions, cultures and languages - same goes for France, Spain, Italy, Germany and so on.
>The western ideas on nationhood derive primarily from christian doctrines; which are quite closely related to islamic ones in so far as the idea of eliminating pagan cultures in favour of a rigorously organised theocracy is concerned
The Western idea of statehood being ethnically derived and organised hierachically isn't Christian so much as the basis of every society more complex than a tribe. I wont pretend to know much about the details of Indian history but haven't Brahmin been the traditional movers and shakers of society? The power in Western society has always until recently been held by the aristocratic class, not the priestly class.
Nobody cares.
The problem is... Colonialism itself has nothing to do with enslavement of africans. Slavers was there way before white colonists, ask arabs.
Compare the African countries that weren't colonised to their neighbours that had the longest and most direct colonial rule. Many African peoples had not even invented the wheel when they first encountered Europeans armed with muskets.
Colonialism literally stopped millions of children form dying before their first birthday.
Britain spent alot of money and lives toward ending the global slave trade. (Africans had been enslaving each other for centuries)
Most European colonies were not profitable, compared to the wealth created at home.
Africa should really be paying Europe speeding up their development by a thousand years.
Never apologise.
Why do niggers misunderstand Black Panther so badly?
Thanks OP, I needed a good laugh today
>nothing from it
>south produced 70% of entire USA's GDP.
Fucking please.
I know Sup Forums has a newfound love for the caste system. And herein, i feel, things get lost in translation. The ‘varna’ system is a set of priciples for stratifying society into various professions. It has nithing to do with ethnicity. Indian societies were built by classifying people based on professions. The brahmin was supposed to let go of all worldly bondages- it was prescribed that he derive his livelihood solely on alms so that he may be free in his pursuit of science and technology. It was the kshatriya, or the warrior class, that ensured that the society continued to exist by protecting it from threats.
So history began for you 100 years ago...you must be from Africa you fucking cunt.
Also, these stratsa were not rigid. As an example consider that an artisan- classified by the system as a vaishya, employed in producing instruments of war, would be a part of the warring party if he possessed fighting skills