Does anyone know

Anything Bout (((VALERIE JARRET))) here?

Im just learning about her and so far ive found out

>she lives with obama
>started the alt right movement or brought it to a national level
>she hates white people
>and thinks heroin is a good form of population control
Anyone else have any more? Pic semi related

Other urls found in this thread:

No one knows? Wow nupol is dumb

I heard some really bad stuff about her (REALLY bad) but I forget what it was about, either pizza-related or terrorism. Maybe even both, it wouldn't surprise me. I'm just a bong, after all, and can't keep up with the endless plethora of corrupt US politicos and their misbehavings.
Have a bump anyway to keep this alive, OP, and please report back with any dirt you got on her as I'd like to remember what made the memory of her name so odious to me.

Thanks bong. The only discrepency i found last night was that she chaired the chicago federal reserve but its only mentioned in offshoot articles

Weird thing is the new york federal reserve moved to chicago after obama got elected

There might be a reason no one knows about her

A muslim?

I think she was mentioned in a few emails in Wikileaks, this may be worth a look over.

>having anything to do with the alt-right


You really dont know how the game is playes, malia


I don't get it. Why do you need to be superior to want an homogeneous society? Who the fuck says that being superior is a necessary condition?

Its a pyramid. Like 300 ppl get the capstone on the top and everyone else builds the base. Like slaves

But leftists always are like,
"Jews are superior to whites therefore whites can't have their own societies!"

Why? How the fuck do they reach that conclusion? It's a non-sequitur.

Its not the jews. It's an elite thats comprised of many different races and ethnicities.

They pretend to be jews and when they say that the other agents agree. They own the board, paul

Valerie.jarret is.the key to.the house of cards

Jarrett the Ferret.

Comes from a family of well off black Commies in Chicago.

Long ties to the Obamas through Frank Davis, Jr, the black pedo who molested the young Barack Obama until he learned to like it.

Born in Iran while her dad was doing medical work overseas, rumor holds she was the Tehran connection into the Obama White House.

Probably Obama's handler, since it was well known Obama was lazy and didn't like to do much of his own thinking. He was playing golf and watching ESPN.

And yes, has an apartment in Obama's post-Presidential residence in DC. Meanwhile no one sees Michelle. She's off on vacation while Malia is getting BLEACHED at Harvard. Not sure where little Somalia is hiding.

Obama has a lot to face. I do not envy him

Seriously, what is this "alt-right"?

Do they have a political party or something?

I am sure he is a pleasant enough fellow socially, but he is a noted face of the enemy. In him, both Communism and Islam flourish.

The alt right was set up by fmr obama admin officials so theyd be relevant aftee trump.went into office

Does anyone have any info on Jarrett starting the "alt right"? What the actual fuck is OP talking about

Jarrett scrubbbed the.internet of evidence but a few savants saved pdf versions of docs exposing it.

I dont have them on my phone. Start a thread specifically asking and i guarantee someone will post them because i saw them on 8chim first

>I saw it on 8gag
Thread's over, back to your regularly scheduled shitposting everyone

Uh oh someone is scared were getting close to the truth

Alt-right is even real, I't a label (((they))) came up with.

Thats dumb if true


And you fell for it

here you go OP
read whole thread

>Im just learning about her
>Wow nupol is dumb

You'd best step your game up negro.




>The alt-right isn't real
>It was made up by the media
>It's controlled opposition run by feds
>It's a bunch of homo libertarians
>It's a bunch of racist far-righters the media uses to make Trump look bad
>It's a Jewish ploy to discredit National-Socialism
>It was created by some rando Obama womyn
Just the latest on a long list of conflicting dumb shit with no evidence schizo, SIEGE-reading, 8ch mouthbreathers push. All Americans need to be gassed

Valerie.jarret placed richard spencer where he is

The alt right is real.taylor swift just made an album about it asshole

One race is adapted and evolved towards production by means of industrial scale refinement of natural resources.
The inferior races have little to no adaptions directed towards production. Instead, they have adapted to parasitize off of productive races.
The superior race is that which can ultimately bring about human progress, as opposed to stagnation.


Since you were in diapers kid!

Honestly i dont understand your point here

Valerie is a kind lady with a deep affection for the people of the US... those she serves, user.
Stop spreading disinformation hateful gossips,
Ain't that right Malia? that a real quote?


Jesus christ. Why arent there more valerie memes

Could this be real.
Nehhhhh it's alllll lies I tell ya!!!
Schronald Rumph is lies!!!

Oy vey.

Leave princess aloned.

Points. Everybody wants points.
If everything had points, there would be no rounds.

How did she fly under the radar so long?

G- guise...
I found RUSSIA!!!!

Ohhhh shiiiiit

Ahhhhh ahm not sure?

Super cloaking techno mirrors and cameras?

I wonder if shes part of the 8 goddess cult the south korean president and merkel are part of

Yeah, Russia is an ugly place.
They be spyin on you an shieeet


Grove Parc Plaza 01-2012: Slumlord / drugs / human trafficking


I want this meme to end...

Daily reminder...

All roads lead back to Chicago

She seems to have a lot of connections with those in the medical field.


> In reality, there's a big piece of the president's past that has gone under-reported that will help us to understand Obama and his closest adviser Valerie Jarrett a bit better: Obama and Jarrett built the nexus of political support that took him to the presidency by participating in one of the most appalling examples of neoliberal-corrupted City Hall-"urban renewal projects" in recent history that enriched developers and investors and destroyed the lives of thousands of Chicago's poorest black residents, in some cases using his community organizer job as camouflage.

Bump for exposure