Has settled. What really happened in newtown connecticut in 2012?
>inb4 gene rosen
Has settled. What really happened in newtown connecticut in 2012?
>inb4 gene rosen
Hahahahahaha fuck u new Sup Forums
It was just a drill.
....but robbie parker looked so sad
Bunch of children were murdered by some lunatic kid who killed his mom. Media freaked out and didn't really show anything because it was a huge loss. Obama cried because he loves America and wanted some type of gun control but it didn't happen. Interesting enough, Kids,Gays,office workers, concert goers and church goers have all been slaughtered in this country in the last 5 years and pol only believes the one done by Muslims and Atheists are real.
It happened what it had to happen.
As far as we know.
Thank you. Sup Forums is clearly a breeding ground for autisitic mass shooters who.are good at ddr and can kill themselves with a gun in the trunk of their car
Ding! We have a winner!
How could you fake something like this abd have the whole town in on it?
Kid with emotional problems prescribed big pharma junk medicines that trigger rampages. Doctors deny responsibility. The kid was a mess but the AMA made sure he was pushed off the deep end.
I heard he got the idea from reddit and was a test subject for Snapchat to see if they coumd radicalized autists.
It seems to have worked
I'm sleepy. Anyone else sleepy?
Nancy lanza was CIA thats how he got selected for the program
Nancy lanza also knew anne haddad who starred in this
And lets not forget the how liz soto is.fbi confirmed
If we have any doubts we can go back to the media reaction to it.
Im pretty sure the boston bombing debacle is why nancy grace is off the air
every single time i see someone post this pic, i will ask them to post video of EITHER broadcast.
i've asked about fifty times now and nobody ever has.
The government wouldn't murder a bunch of innocent people for some political agend-
Youre right without footage the whole conspiracy falls apart
Lol no one died famalam
It doesn't really matter if they did or not. The point is that the government doesn't have any reservations about killing US citizens for political agendas.
Wow, news agencies have never broadcast one story on screen while another, different story is at the bottom.
What are you trying to say, user?
It does. These kids were sex trafficked after. The whole thing was part of pizzagate
>It does. These kids were sex trafficked after
Source? Never heard that before
Show proof of death in Vegas and CT. Oh wait, you can't.
Get in your mom's car and drive to CT and find it yourself. Go to Vegas, it happened. Now did the Vegas thing happen the way they are saying, I doubt it. Something happened.
This was the last time any children were seen in public
They got sold to saudi arabia after.
Hey im in ct. Actually live in sandy hook. We all know liz warrens family and eric holder tried to do the nra dirty
A quick search shows nothing but links debunking it. You could be right, but censoring searches could also be damage control. It doesn't 100% debunk this.
Arent you sleepy?