What the fuck is his problem?
What the fuck is his problem?
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He's so yummy
>What the fuck is his problem?
he is a soyboy
Is this the fag that stated that "If you kill your enemies, they win!"
and the leafs run around here complaining about Trump. fuk sake.. get your shit together.
This is true. Why blame barbarians for the crimes of Muslims?
did this fag really say that?
Because regardless of how much he screws over the country, his life is not affected.
He's retarded.
>people who don't understand cultural relativism
>using legal arguments to argue morals
He’s mentally ill. He is what happens when a leftist gets elected. He’s quickly turning Canada into Canadastan a la Sweden. All you fucking moose humpers voted him because DUDE WEED and that’s the one fucking thing he HASN’T done yet. You did this shit to yourselves leafs.
His mom is a giant whore and his dad is fidel castro
>cultural relativism
it's in my culture to kill faggots like you
sorry buddy nothin personnel, it's just my culture
>>people who don't understand cultural relativism
That implies incompatibility, and recommends geographic separation. Be careful what arguments you're using, bolshie.
no it implies the need for tolerance and understanding.
Why don't they import some of these fellas then?
Well, he kinda did. He started a shitstorm by suggesting the government shouldn’t use the word “barbaric” to describe them as it could belittle their culture. He suggested “absolutely unacceptable”.
Isn't Sup Forums all for honour killings?
"Unacceptable" is actually the far superior term, since it leaves no room for interpretation as to the, well, acceptability of the act, and is more objective. "Barbaric" is indeed insulting, which is not smart when you're dealing with people who become terrorists largely as a result of alienation already.
As opposed to Swedistan where honor killings are scheduled and shown on tv.
Wow you guys really go out of your way to live up to the stereotypes don’t you? How’s the wifi in your cuck shed?
So much salty.
He was molested by his father/his father's friends and maybe MK ultra'd. Also his mother was a whore.
It's rather sad that your feefees are either so rustled that you're incapable of being intelligent rather than blubbering in anger, or you were never intelligent enough to act accordingly in the first place. You see, it's really quite simple: either you insult Muslims and likely see increased violence as a result, or you don't insult them and don't increase their perceived reasons to be violent.
Unlike OP's pic, this one is actually real.
Based Trudeau, remaining objective and not giving the Jews any preferrential treatment.
Justin's father was a cuck, and brought multiculturalism. He let Fidel fuck his wife, and that gave us Justin Castro.
Or you expel them from your country before it turns into Swedistan. Your country serves as a warning to all of us as to what happens when you treat muzzies like people instead of savage animals.
I do love that you still want to be smug and morally superior even as your country is invaded, your women are raped and beaten, your laws are being violated, but hey...at least you’re not racist right?
>mfw I thought Macron would be an easy-to-hate french version of this
He didnt say that exactly. Fake quote but funny and close enough to what he said.
They can't because apparently Buddhists are now totally evil'n'sheit. Because they are fed up with Rohingya Muslims trying to erect an islamic state on their soil through violent attacks on non-islamic citizens, and that's obviously evil from a leftist point of view - after all, muslims rank the highest on the leftwing oppression scale (even higher than Jews or PoC in general), and enjoy special protection from them. Of course everyone non-leftwing or non-muslim can see the situation for what it is. Even the local Elephants seem to dislike Rohingya muslims...
Actually, Sweden is an example of how much better it goes when you do treat them like people. Compare to England and Germany, for example, where Muslims act like savages, wheareas in Sweden we don't have a single no-go zone and the Muslims behave far better. We also pursue Muslim criminals to the exact same extent as we do anyone else, and recently a Muslim arranged marriage involving a minor in the parents' country of origin was judged null, and the parents were sentenced to a year in prison.
I agree with your basic argument, but maybe you are not accounting for the effects of too much tolerance on people not as smart as yourself. I mean, feminism wouldn't thrive if there were no dumb ass swedes around, right?
That's a fake quote. Never ever believe what Sup Forums tells you unless you check the source.
There really is no rampant feminism in Swedish politics. Last election a party named "Feminist Initiative," led by a recognized and veteran former leader of the Swedish Left Party, failed to gain enough votes to enter the parliament, and nobody's paid attention to them since.
>not a single no-go zone
Would you visit malmo at night?
yes, because all the other bitches in your gubernmental asylym claimed femisism already
I can see why you like our Prime Minister, Sven
>brown women should get merked because lol white people are shit
leafs, everyone
I do find it funny that the media is painting the Buddhists as evil. Fucking Buddhists. The most placid people anywhere are apparently going around massacring innocent people for no reason.....riiiiiiiiight
Fake News.
It was Trump who tweeted that.
coxcati calle
She was 18 Pierre was almost 50. Puke.
I have, many times. I live about an hour's drive from there and have several friends studying there since many years, and have been out drinking with them on many occasions.
And none of them are remotely SJW or push SJW policies, so what's the problem? What outrageously feminist laws does Sweden have?
You are too obvious as a shitposter. Your Flag and the content of your posts are simply overkill; better leave shitposting to the aussies and canadians.
sure looks like a soy salesman
Why would I be shitposting when the truth seems to be enough to upset some?
oh for fuck sake, he's not an ideological anything, he is just playing entry level politics by capitalising on global anti trump sentiment by setting himself up as the anti trump and Canada as the anti-America.
OP is totally trolling
I honestly can’t tell if you’re shitposting or if you really believe this. Just because you don’t call them “no-go” zones doesn’t mean they don’t exist.
Ok, now I got you pegged. You’re an ultra-leeft loon who will march right into muzzie areas like they are your pals and when you get mugged you’ll believe it was your fault for being white. I hope when they re-take your country from the mongrel hordes that you and every traitorous leftist prick like you is executed first.
Maybe we can reform Soy Boy Trudeau's image
Remember to archive archive.is
ahmed please
It's a great meme because it's basically something he would say
might genuinely be spoilt leftist, who still lives a nice protected live thruogh daddy's success and thinks his gender studies will secure him a great future
>Just because you don’t call them “no-go” zones doesn’t mean they don’t exist.
oh it does, it is postmodernly true and therefore better true
The thing is, this guy is right. The whole conception of Sweden here in Sup Forums (and to some extent in MSM) is completely distorted. This is an interesting psychological phenomena, because otherwise critical and skeptical individuals eats the whole Sweden package raw.
I've been to Malmö, even the worse parts, many, many times. They are literally _nothing_ compared to suburbs in London, Paris and Brussels. But even in those latters suburbs, I wouldn't mind walking around at night (and I have done many times).
But hell, I was robbed immediately after leaving the French Quarter in New Orleans. USA is far more dangerous, and the murder statistics shows this clearly.
i thought he basically said it, wanting to replace with unacceptable?
i mean, unacceptable is what they traditionally say to you if you write something awful on the board b4 class or something...
fuck off you retarded antifa sperg.
swedisch 'academics' bent over (thats what they do best anyway) to justify that emergency services are attacked in 2013 already.
blaming it on the toxic masculinity of the fire brigade....
His actual father was the Cuban leader while he had to live with some cuck for his formative years.
Being a Jew in Canada.
Perhaps the Swedecuck would care to explain this bullshit?
Why do you have to be such a confirmation biased little bitch? Argue with actual facts you massive retard.
Kys youre embarrassing the rest of us
what, wanna imply you don't know about that?
>fuck off you retarded antifa sperg.
Implying I'm an antifa retard because I refer to statistics and my own experiences in these cities.
>swedisch 'academics' bent over (thats what they do best anyway) to justify that emergency services are attacked in 2013 already. blaming it on the toxic masculinity of the fire brigade....
Has absolutely nothing to do with my original post, as this is about feminism and I was talking about no-go zones in Malmö.
How exactly? Why don't you dispute my arguments instead of spewing retarded faggot comments like that?
>justify that emergency services are attacked
fuck off you retarded antifa sperg
gosh i hate my ability to make self fullfilling prophecies
He loves smelly arab cock...
Malmo-fags btfo
I haven't justified shit. Its just another topic entirely than the one I responded to initially.
But if you insist... I think the feminism in Sweden is toxic and demeaning, but spreading misinformation is not gonna help anyone long-term.
the correct venacular is 'merkel legos'
use it plenty, you faggot
> (You)
>the correct venacular is 'merkel legos'
>use it plenty, you faggot
Kekd and checkd
>I haven't justified shit
no1 said *you* did, retard
> there is a problem that fire brigades and medics get attacked (by muslims)
> even academia sees need to explain this away
> being feminist fanatics, blames it on toxic masculinity of firemen
sure, all fine. congratulations
Look, showing that some news sources are misleading and false is not the same as taking on a political position. I have never mentioned any firemen. I have strictly been talking about the God-article in the Independent (which seems to be fake news).
We can't call CNN out for fake news when they report something we don't like, and then embrace fake news when they feed our own biases. That's called hypocrisy, user.
Be a fucking man, and acknowledge that the article was wrong, and stop moving goalposts to "win" an argument on an anonymous image board.
And no, I have never said or implied that everything is fine, but does that mean we accept every article being negative towards Sweden? No.
The Swedish academia is another story that we could discuss. There are some very interesting dissidents, for instance.
Fuck that guy.
>The whole conception of Sweden here in Sup Forums (and to some extent in MSM) is completely distorted.
> completely distorted
I am sure it is all fine, user.
>very interesting dissidents
academia has dissidents now?
Well then, i am sure it is all fine.
Sweden has those "vulnerable areas rife with criminality," absolutely. But none of them are no-go zones in any way. The article you linked doesn't even claim we have them, it just mentions no go zones in the headline because it brings the ad revenue, but phrases it as a question to get around the fact that it's unable to claim that we do have them.
And no, I absolutely prefer to stay out of areas with high criminality. That doesn't make those areas declared no go zones. Please keep your ignorant ad hominem to yourself and present an argument next time, instead of just linking an article you never read, just because the headline makes it seem like it proves your point.
>What the fuck is his problem?
Someone tell Trudeau and friends that it is okay to be White.
>But none of them are no-go zones in any way
ah, that is nice.
so you can enter and the state you leave them in is a bag of wonderous surprises?
that sounds so exciting!!!
> I absolutely prefer to stay out of areas with high criminality.
So you ARE a racist?
nah that's a fincher quote
Critical Theory
Critical Thinking
i want to lick lauren southern's pussy
Damn Fidel was aesthetic
Straw men and ad hominem. It is official: you are a retard.
>or you don't insult them and don't increase their perceived reasons to be violen
Ha aha aha you know shit about the middle east. They see any concession as weakness and actually step up their attacks.
Also, it's nearly impossible to not insult a Muslim. They see even women with their arms uncovered as an affront.