Balkan shitposting bred. Fuck Albania edition
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>fuck albania
post proof that you are less white than i am my friend
>posting outdated memes because you're to retarded and lazy to make new ones
wew lad
Show us your flag
Hello my Hellenic friend
Reminder that serbs are in fact Turks
>gyppo features
>Show us your flag
No need, isn't it obvious?
Look at these beautiful Aryan men how can Servoshits compete.
Guys, why the fuck Albanians like Italy so much, like fuck off, nobody wants you here but I see Albanians literally changing their names to sound more Italians, it's like having a gay fanboy being annoying because he wants to suck your dick too much
>post proof that you are less white than i am my friend trying to speak.
kys t.onibler
>macedonians will be posting under an albanian flag in 5 years
I have no idea dude they are everywhere and Italy just happens to be Closest to them Kek.
Also its because over 85% of their cousins live there and scrub floors and sell icecream so they want to follow the dream.
Also there are more than 25.000 immigrant sapaghettis in Tirana
You supported their shitthole now deal with them
And give trst back to yugoslavia
And only Macedonians, since the Albanians will still be posting from Switzerland
smol kosova
Hello, my name is Tupac Shakur. I am ALIVE in Bosnia! I make music for Bosnians!
They are the worst European kind of immigrant, they go around priding themself of their Nationalism, yet 3/4 of them fucking live in Italy, stealing bikes if they are man, sucking dicks for for pennies if they are women, literally sub-human tier, people on Sup Forums keep shitting on Poles and other Slavs, but they are not that bad, some of them are criminals, but at least in the north-east most of them are based factory workers and shit, even fucking Africans sometimes are decent, but fucking Albanians don't work, steal and rape, and all of this while spamming how much they love Italy, they battle with middle easteners to see who's the worst kind of fucking immigrants
what if 0?
>alba longa
how is this relevant? Do you think it has anything to do with you?
then you reroll
>supported their shitholes
If I had a saying I would let whoever was back then just genocide all muzzies, but Yugoslavia was a fucking mess anyway
roll 2
Reminder that Skanderbeg had a Greek father that was buried in Serbian Orthodox Monastery Hilandar, and he had a Serbian mother. Albanians are best in WE WUZING.
>Steal organs
Tldr. Albos arent Illyrian Skanderbeg was Helleno-Slavic and they were Slaves brought in the 10th century to guard land for Alexander the Great.
the mighty SS Illyria
And they say Albo's are not roaches.
Serious question
How can you notice shqips when you are 60 million italians?
I barely know they exist and they are a quarter of my country
Btw Albo's in Kosovo were bringing our IQ down.
YEEEEEH bow to our superior IQ. You just know its 100+ without the gyppos.
thats the name of my second pic
because they look like cockroaches crawling on somethng
These are the parents of the people who are defending Albania ITT
and a couple of turks
we have 500k shqips and 100k pakis
someone should seriously compare albanians and their retarded expression to somalis
more and more people see the similar head shapes and faces
>be albanian
>fuck your sister
Albanians stand out among Europeans
It's like you can tell apart Somalis from Africans, severe inbreeding
Can you imagine existing for thousands of years without anyone recording your existence (greeks, romans, etc)?
I think they are the most inbred ethnicity on earth
And an unknown number of gypsies
Here you go. there is minimal difference desu.
Yeh, I reckon our turks are low IQ since they can be pretty hard working and decent people, but they've been peasants for centuries now.
Gotta say, I'm pretty sure those bringing our IQ down are the northwest, which is mostly serb descendant slavs. If you had to do regional IQ, southern Bulgaria would probably rank above 100 easily since it's mostly med people here.
>Darker than fucking southern Italians
>Never seen one work
>Literally going around with an Albanian flag on their t-shirts
>Can't stop talking about how great their country is, yet they fled from there
>Ugly as shit
>Usually have a bad where they store stolen organs
>Going around riding the bike you lost last week
>Get disgusted looks even by niggers
>Smell like fucking onion, don't get'em confused with fitizens tho
>If females, they stand at the side of the road, half naked, offering you to suck your dick for literal coins
That explains it
guess the nationality of this wanted pervert
TO BE FAIR you're also kind of describing southern italians in the west.
I've been looking for this one, thanks Alexander.
based Luigi
Southern Italians are too lazy to be criminals, they are just welfare leeches, and they are fun to hang around, at least, also some of them are pretty based and hard workers, they have just a 20-30% of them who gives them a shitty reputation
there are differences
the somalian looks less inbred
>Self reported sizes
I don't know what you want to prove, but this are the kinds of maps that say that Congo niggers are literally 7+ inches in size
Muh dik.
Imagine being that insecure and underage that you need to shit on people that did nothing to you and get internet credit points.
That is a Polish coalburning whore and i dont know why she is relevant to our mutual hate of non european roaches who were brought as slaves by Alexander the Great(His worst mistake was trusting an Albanian to "guard" the land)
imagine not hiding under memeflag
Here's what I mean, an Albozerg trying to get liked by Italians by using a fascist flag, go back to your country plz
I don't know if I should trust this. I've seen way too much conflicting evidence. I've seen the average size of my country ranging from 12-15cm
inb4 turkroach
Why are you looking at a bunch of penii? Are you some sort of faggot?
i get that you dont like muslims, which is fine, even though youve probably not met many, but wearing your ignorance on your sleeve is not cool. only trash will like your jokes.
No. I'm talking about all the shit maps and graphs I've seen posted over the years.
Your gay emperor wannabe wanted to conquer them and turn them into "romans" during WW2
Now they are calling themselves descendants of ancient roman illyrian tribe because of your retard
>albanians don't work
no man
you are just a piece of shit who never leaves his basement
Is that Sasko in the front?
>albanians dont work
>go to italy to work
Stop spitting bullshit Muhammad,close Sup Forums, go out, take a breath, and think how it's good to be not this retarded.
I was wondering when the shqip would come.
Gay nu-cuck urban city Slobodan/Tose with Tonibler
Fuck off idiot, fascism isn't solely Italian, it's an ideology. Btw one of the first proto fascists was Crispi.
>Crispi’s paternal family came originally from the small agricultural community of Palazzo Adriano, in south-western Sicily. It had been founded in later fifteenth century by Orthodox Albanians (Arbëreshë), who settled in Sicily after the Ottoman occupation of Albania. His grandfather was an Arbëreshë Orthodox priest; the parish priests were married men, and Arbëreshë was the family language down to the lifetime of the young Crispi.
Not mentioning we had the Balli Kombëtar (national front) funded as early as 1907, a fascist movement my great-grandfathers were in, before even the italian fascist resurgence.
I don't hate Italians, Greeks or even serbians. Every country has stupid niggers and great men, people posting ITT are all dumb underage plebs that's all.
albanija best xhountry...all you are jelouas of our superior uclkture
>Triggered Albozerg saying that I'm a basement dweller because he has no better argument
Aren't you busy sucking the dick of your local Bill Clinton statue?
yes lmao
>Albanians are nationalist
>3/4 of them leave the country and would kill themself if forced to go back
Never said they come here to work, they come here because there's more money to be stolen, also welfare
all those efforts for an albanian you would have gonne to vain
Croatia annex plox, I'll even become catholic and change name
Lel even Albanians dont want to live with other Albanians.
Shouldn't you be busy laundering off-shore money, diaspora Kike?
The only effort your kind does is fucking swimming the Adriatic see and collecting welfare
>hrvatsko cvijece intensifies
weak bait armenian roach
the closest to somali head shape is nordid and triangle heads are particularly a south slavic trait
fuck them, they're not what they used to be. we are both shit people now
The Albanian IQ is showing in this post kek