Why are the people in the comments saying he’s full of shit? He’s not wrong.
Why are the people in the comments saying he’s full of shit? He’s not wrong
Because twitter is full of stupid fucking liberals
because in two weeks somebody will accuse him of rape most likely
Twitter sucks dick
They had shit parents
Idk, maybe you should post the link so we can fucking find out?
hands free fapping
Feminism and the welfare system destroyed the blacks.
liberals hate it
Hugo Chavez would buy the votes of whole communities with the promise of a "free tractor" and wealth distribution.
Or the mafia who handed out "free" thanksgiving turkeys.
It's easy to buy the votes of a whole community with inconsequential displays of """kindness""" while not solving any of the real issues that plague that community.
Trump hasn't solved or addressed the systemic plight of black people. He got three out of jail while the system incarcerated 50% of black men.
Women and minorities (generally speaking) are so far up their own ass that they're locked into a thought process where they automatically assign blame away from themselves whenever possible. I call it the "Susanna swerve" after a woman I used to work with.
What systemic plight? Oh, you mean the one brought on by their own actions?
niggers know that once they admit that they need to fix a problem by themselves, then the blacktivists know they would lose their superior position and no longer get free stuff from whites
He’s not wrong about the starting at home bit, but that doesn’t mean the prison system isn’t flawed.
BECAUSE he's not wrong and they can't handle that. Heaven forbid the parents weren't up to snuff to handle their 12 kids.
MLK was talking about the same stuff almost 60 years ago to the day and not a damn thing has changed: kingencyclopedia.stanford.edu
>Why are the people in the comments saying he’s full of shit?
Ask yourself who the fuck is judges writing comments?
Nigs don’t like to be reminded of this
Everything has to be whitey’s fault
Can’t go to prison if you’re not breaking the law.
He's right. But, as usual, people [niggers] make excuses for their poor decisions and refuse to accept responsibility.
Don’t blame the prison system
It starts in the home
Training Day is obligatory Chad kino
If the black community realized it has it with in themselves to solve much of their problems the liberals would lose their power
Exactly, they're idiotically set up to be unable to accept any fault
its between the ears and it doesnt matter what home they grow up in
the degenerate leftists slide into neomarxism begins with implanting the idea in their mind that they were born a victim and grew up within a system created to oppress them. they have disavowed themselves entirely of the notion of accountability. their family and themselves are not accountable in the slightest. in fact for many, 'family' and even 'self' are diffuse, nebulous, subjective constructs that are only shadowy half-formed forces. they see their world as the oppressed collective vs the rest
>those comments
Just fucking wow. Americans having the free time to use the internet to whine on twitter how the world screwed them over and how hard their life is right now.
because the left is the champion of never taking personal responsibility for anything bad that happens in their lives. It's always someone else's fault and we need more laws to fix it.
Thomas Sowell biopic when
or I should say, more specifically:
we need more laws punishing success (ie. fuck rich, people, higher taxes, more regulations)
we need less laws punishing actual crime (they dindu nuffin anyway)
every time!
This. Any dindu that tries to convince the rest of them to take some responsibility for their situation gets shut down.
That's truth there.
Read about DC's methadone programme in the 70s that was getting blacks off of heroin and reducing crime. Who trashed it? Black activists and their progressive allies.
>Whitey is using chemical warfare to enslave us. It's being given out by the government for political purposes, to make docile the revolutionaries who were otherwise going to free themselves and change the society.
>be black
>tell niggers to stop acting like niggers
Every time.
Charles Barkley, Morgan Freeman, Denzel Washington, even fucking LIL WAYNE cannot escape the accusations of not being 'black enough' because they refuse to buy into the BLM dindu nuffin good boy bullshit narrative.
Starting and exacerbating are two different but not mutually exclusive things. "Home" is a complex place as well, and for future criminals often poor and uncomfortable.
This. If we gave shitty abusive parents lots of money they would be kind to their children.
The problem is not enough gibs.
The one were they threw a bitch fit when Morgan said he's American and not African was hilarious.