Your move, Canada.
Jesus Christ
Other urls found in this thread:
>gendered language
lel youre in for a ride westerncucks, meanwhile the superior slav ubermensch already have that, and without all the degeneracy that comes with it, sad!
Canadians speak French right? They already use gender neutral for he/she i.e. "le".
Where do you outlanders get these news? Can't find anything.
There's nothing wrong with this. Why do you have a problem with it?
>crazy shit is usually censored in their own countries
It's why I use asian news source for verify happenings in america
>trusting his media
user are you delusional?
And I would not trust Wikipedia either.
is this real? really dubt.
Swecucks what you say?
this is bait, right? le is the French masculine, la is the French feminine
Look at the graph of the wiki page. Literally 80% of swedens journalists are left leaning. You are fucked up big time.
Sweden and UK are test grounds of NWO. This will come to every country on Earth.
My Swedish is broken but
No fucking way, that is nuts, asking for archived source now please OP.
what? fuck off retard
no one cares about Canada they legitimately do not matter why is this a thread
Is God gendered in the original texts?
>Swecucks what you say?
>The Archbishop is a woman.
Why do I feel that gendered language is not their biggest problem? Whatever happened to the patriarchy...
Women were a mistake
Satan wins!
This is now a Sweden hate thread
Which one i think asians are the last uncucked civilized race.
Where's the bottom of swedish idiotism?
didng Gid literally create woman as an afterthought?
It was on our media a few days ago too.
You guys in a fucking media blackout over there?
This is just another attempt by the Swedish church to desperately stay relevant in Swedish society, I've literally never heard anyone complain about calling god a he, not even the few feminists I know. Simply because most people don't give a shit about the church here in the first place.
"Oh sure we're really cool with these gender pronouns now, please come visit"
Was the exact same with LGBT rights years ago; church attendance drops, society becomes more accepting of homos, the church start progressing a couple of years late just to try to appeal to the young, doesn't work.
I bet in a decade when virtual reality waifus are acceptable in society, the Swedish church will be like "Oh boy, now you can go to church with your waifu online, please visit, please....!"
Canada is in the midst of a small-scale thought revolution so I dont think they'll try and one up the Swedes this time. The left is learning when to lay low now.
Really makes you think... If I were to create a human, I'd create my perfect waifu. A Taylor Swift. But God created Adam. Is God a faggot?
So is this the Swedish government doing this or are the Swedish churches doing this of their own will?
It's the main church in Sweden, used to be the state church until 2000 and they're doing it on their own.
Religion is very rarely brought up by the government because most people don't want to hear about it.
>attempt by to desperately stay relevant in...society
At the end of the day we only have ourselves to blame. For all of this.
Sweden must be eliminated for the good of the world
The Lutheran churches are the same here in Minnesota. Faggot lesbian pastors wearing
great big faggot multicolored clothes and sponsoring fag days and courting the Somali shits they help import here.
The eternal Swede
It is true. Our church has been cucked as fuck for the past 10 years so it's not a big deal. Who the fuck cares?
Maybe let's start with eliminating the church and see how it goes from there.
Not as if it's much different in Germany, though. Most of Western countries' media has been subverted just as education and politics has.
It's not hard to see why the Swedish Church is in trouble.
>Changing God's gender to match 2017 is ok for saving our business
Your clergy is going straight to hell
It wasn’t the church who sentenced a convicted child rapist to community service
>Who the fuck cares?
The Lord cares, user. Cuckoldery makes sweet baby Jeebus cry
He's the quintessential father figure. What do you think.
Sweden is a fucking corpse. It is a dead fallen nation, why the fuck do you all care so much? Just leave us alone. We brought this shit upon ourselves. Just forget about us.
I read a study by some Canadian dude who supports Jordan Peterson, and according to him, the more liberal a church is, the more members they lose.
Only the traditional, conservative churches manage to hang on to their followers.
God could be a xir identiying as he, in that case sweden it's only making god angrier
At what point will they neuter Christ into a woman or androgynous figure, or do away with him altogether? A lot of christianity is tantamount to islamic subversion centres these days
Your country doesn't report grenade attacks anymore either. I have to go to chinese translated and South America sites for that.
Political correctness. You HAVE to employ women, no matter how retarded or outright hostile they are, or you are a sexist misogynist chauvinist oppressive shitlord.
Ultimately, I think it's a result of the leftist infiltration of media and subsequent shaping of public opinion rather than reporting it, and ignoring any discrepancy between the public opinion and the published opinion. So companies and institutions are under the impression that everyone thinks similar to what is being published (as other people for a long time had no way to make themselves heard) and are concerned about their reputation, so they cave in to leftist demands, enforced by the media.
I remember angels not having genders, though. Who would the quintessential mother figure be? Maria? Eve? Neither really on the same level as God, I'd say.
Sweden w-we can't leave you, no brother should be left behind...
God clearly has a male gender in the bible.
Just realized that the quintessential mother figure would probably be mother nature. Maybe God is a male, after all.
Our Father, who art in heaven, hollowed be thy name....
Don't worry Swede, America will take in your white conservative refugees.
Probably. We left our Lutheran church when they hired on an openly gay pastor. Thankfully my Norwegian grandmother died before she saw what happened to the church she spent decades donating time and money to. I still occasionally see that church hosting gay events and new refugee programs.
There is a sect that rejects all the faggotry but it is outnumbered immensely by the fag brigade.
No. One day, it will indeed all come down, crashing and burning, and it will be the time of real men to shine and reclaim their homeland or die trying. At that time, we will stand by your side and lend our axes and swords and bows.
What is going to happen to the romanitic languages where they have feminine and masculine words? Is the world going to go to English since there are no "gendered" words?
Hallowed, you witch. That's a translation, anyway. Might be "our parent who art in heaven" or something in the original. Probably not, though.
> angels not having genders
Maybe, but they still had male names and were obviously male characters. They are straight up referred to as men in the old testament.
Yes. Nature, Earth, Mary the Moon (related to agriculture and menstruation) are all mother figures.
Maria is only mother for Jesus, and it wouldn't be logical to call Eve mother for humans if Adam is basically nobody while God is the father. There is no mother figure.
The church of Sweden will soon be a mosque.
Pretty shitty bait
THAT (your post) is accepting responsibility, scananon. Not a libtard trait. There is hope for some of you, but you snowniggers have got to chimp out soon
hot from the presses. conference was just now.
a new organization for nationalist swedes, will eventually (as far as i heard) start buying land for swedes in sweden.
Its looking pretty interesting
The Swedish church is between a rock and hard place though, the problem they have is that there simply aren't enough people with a conservative mindset for them to keep the church strictly conservative. So they try to appeal to the liberal population instead of clinging on to the shrinking religious population, but in the end that doesn't help them anyway because liberal people are becoming less and less religious every year.
Countries like the US for example is like half conservative and half progressive, broadly. If a church decides to be mainly conservative, they'll be appealing to ~50% of the population but not the other half. On the other hand if a church decides to be mainly progressive, they'll be less appealing to conservatives and since progressives aren't as religious the church ends up disappearing.
In Sweden there isn't a 50/50 split, so the Swedish church basically doesn't have much a choice but to try and appeal to the majority views.
Every "mainstream" protestant cuck denomination in the USA has been doing this since the 1990s.
In the states the areas that most of the Lutheran churches are located are in extremely conservative states and/or counties. It still doesn't stop their faggotry. Church attendance is down so much that they just try to appeal to anyone that they can. The liberal churches are essentially community churches for all of the degenerates. The small number of conservative churches have kept their original flock (white families with kids). The conservative sect is much smaller and stays on the down low.
Captcha was "Cumknock cardinal" and i forgot to schrenshot
What is the equivalent of 'hen' in English? It? Xe?
I'm trying to deal with the white guilt from the schoolocaust
>tfw all that Luther and the entire reformation did is being undone
>tfw Joint Declaration on the Doctrine of Justification
We are in the end times.
Archive or screenshot please
I say you should pipe down
IMHO Canada's score can not be zero after this.
They just replace "Him" with "you" or "The Lord" or something.
Here in Canada, I heard the United Church changed the Lord’s prayer to be more “””inlclusive”””
Amazing, been waiting for this, Olof!
Just plain old conservatism, traditionalism and nationalism.
>Our Father
>1 Corinthians 14:33-35 for God is not a God of confusion but of peace, as in all the churches of the saints. 34 Let the women keep silent in the churches; for they are not permitted to speak, but let them subject themselves, just as the Law also says. 35 And if they desire to learn anything, let them ask their own husbands at home; for it is improper for a woman to speak in church.
Imagine the cognitive dissonance.
A church is not meant to conform to the world, but to remain unchanged.
Every idealistic religious person or church will say that until they notice that they're literally less than half a decade from totally disappearing from society, then they change their tune.
Based CofE won't even allow wamen to sing in the choir
the word God itself is gendered, goddess is the female version. what is the gender neutral word for god/goddess? Zod?
The evangelical churches who don't ordain women or fags are the ones growing worldwide. The stale old cuck denominations are full of 90% elderly people and will be bankrupt in 20 years.
Nice! Gonna check out their site now.
Retard. A quick google translate will show you that French is a gendered language.
Christianity in Sweden is already atheist.
Progressive churches in Sweden have gotten so progressive to the point where some pastors openly reject the idea of God and Jesus, kek
>The evangelical churches who don't ordain women or fags are the ones growing worldwide.
Almost entirely because of Africa, and their numbers in western countries are "growing" because people from other denominations are switching, not because the youth is more religious.
The west is becoming less and less religious overall, obviously most countries are waaaay off from become irreligious but if things continue eventually those churches will be in a position where they've to decide if they want to change with the times or fade away, and even if they do change their ways, they're only delaying the inevitable if society continues the way it's currently going. The Swedish church is already there.
Deus revolt? Nah.
Dildo volt? YES.