Holocaust fake?

Two questions for people for the people who believe in the holocaust.

1 Auchwitz is the biggest camp ever built, and its claimed that 1 million died their. But doesnt that requiere all of the other camps to be as big and have the same amount of prisoners to be able to reach 6 million?

2 In auchwitz there where 52 cremation ovens with only 32 active at the same time. So is it possible to cremate 1 million (as claimed) if they could cremate a person per 2 hours if they runned all years long with out any problem? Lets see, lets count out how many hours available there where x how many ovens there where

(x12 because it takes 2 hours to cremate a person not one, otherwise we would have done this x24)

Other urls found in this thread:


also it did not have 52 ovens or even any ovens at all for the whole period

Is the joke that i am over exaggerating?

your math is incorrect, because the camp was only active as a "death camp" for less than 3 years.

They claim it was active as a death camp from March 1942 to November 1944.

9 months in 1942
12 months in 1943
11 months in 1944

not 5 years.

However, they make up for it by claiming the Nazis cremated 3-4 bodies at once in each oven (not possible unless they were all infants or some combination of 1 adult and 3 infants).

They also claim that it took 30-40 minutes to cremate 3-4 bodies (not possible, but that's what they claim).

>Auschwitz - Why The Gas Chambers Are A Myth:

The forgotten holocaust of WW2
The Benga famine of 43-44
Up to 4 Million dead

"“Churchill’s attitude toward India was quite extreme, and he hated Indians, mainly because he knew India couldn’t be held for very long. One can’t escape the really powerful, racist things that he was saying. It certainly was possible to send relief but for Churchill and the War Cabinet that were hoarding grain for use after the war.”

Churchill’s hostility toward Indians has long been documented. Reportedly, when he first received a telegram from the British colonial authorities in New Delhi about the rising toll of famine deaths in Bengal, his reaction was simply that he regretted that nationalist leader Mahatma Gandhi was not one of the victims.

Later at a War Cabinet meeting, Churchill blamed the Indians themselves for the famine, saying that they “breed like rabbits.”

His attitude toward Indians was made crystal clear when he told Secretary of State for India Leopold Amery: "I hate Indians. They are a beastly people with a beastly religion."


We must remember

>Two questions for people for the people who believe in the holocaust.
Questions you don't have answers for is not evidence. That goes for every conspiracy theory ever. Any complex event viewed in retrospect has countless unanswered questions. Conspiratards fill in the blanks to these unanswered questions to support this view, and they call this evidence.

>They claim it was active as a death camp from March 1942 to November 1944. 9 months in 1942 12 months in 1943 11 months in 1944

really, didnt know that.

>Is the joke that i am over exaggerating?

no i mean for some of the period there were no ovens. they got added gradually.

bet u cant awnser

lol ok sorry, cant fucking read

Modern crematoriums claim it takes 2-2 & a half hours to cremate one body. Nazi ovens must have been OP af.

just read the wikipedia entry, if you scroll down you'll find that the gas chambers supposedly started operations in 1942 and were stopped in 1944.

The reason for the late start? Hitler supposedly hadn't decided on "the final solution" until then.

Also, if you watch the docs on CODOH.com, you'll find that they also claim the Nazis used different methods to gas the Jews at different camps.

Of course you're probably familiar with Zyklon B. But did you know that at Treblinka the Nazis used a captured Soviet diesel tank engine to gas the Jews? At another camp they used a captured Soviet submarine tank! And at yet another they used C02. Yes, the Nazis' final solution was cobbled together seemingly at random using what was at hand. Because that's how a modern industrial military would have carried out a top secret killing operation!

... It's so fucking obvious the Jews were making it up as they went along and just hoped something would stick...

you don't even know what claims are made

scientific, verifiable claims that can be researched, tested, and proven if we were allowed to

in many cases a rabbi is now in charge of the camp site and prevents anyone from doing the research that could definitively prove what happened there, because they know their lies would fall apart

even so, many of the claims that were made on the record at the Nuremberg kangaroo court are blatant lies and revisionists have ripped them apart

>why do these pictures of earth look so different?
Conspiratard answer:
>The earth is actually flat, images of earth are fake, everything we know about physics, geology, astronomy, history, government, and the very nature of the world we live in is a elaborate lie meant to convince us the world is round

wel wy dont u answer the questions in a non conspiracy way?

Everyone in this thread are bots right? It take you only like 2 minutes to reply with 3 paragraphs to someones argument.

Note the series of questions at the bottom of the image. Questions is all conspiracy theorists have.

bot me

cyklon b is a powder and cant go through pipes.

>calling others conspiratards when kikes were coming up with crazy conspiracy theories during the war

The gas chambers are a myth, just like the myth that Nazis made soap out of human fat (from Jewish concentration camp prisoners). The soap accusation was later debunked by historians but was repeated by some Jews well into the 1990s. Even today you might find some people repeating it as fact, such is the power of stories that are believed on faith rather than evidence. Other accusations never caught on to the same extent because they were simply too unbelievable.

"Holocaust survivors" admit that they heard rumors about the gas chambers from other Jews before even arriving at a concentration camp. Thus if a Jew lost a loved one during the war, they simply assumed they had gone to the gas chambers. Even after the Allies investigated a camp and determined it was *not* a death camp, Jews still repeated the story because they felt they were doing a good thing for the "victims". Insodoing the myth is reinforced without a shred of truth or evidence.

Gas chambers did exist, but were a life-saving measure to exterminate Typhus-spreading lice in clothing. That's why eyewitnesses often include details like haircuts & showers (life-saving pest deterrant measures). Despite these efforts, typhus (aka "camp fever", "ship fever", etc.) resulted in 200,000 deaths by the end of the war going by Red Cross reports. That's why the camps needed crematories. But those deaths weren't planned, in fact the Germans tried to prevent them, and total nowhere near 6,000,000.

You can hear directly from Jews, and learn more about the improbability of the story, why the numbers claimed to have been killed in gas chambers at Auschwitz is scientifically & technically impossible, in the following video. Watch it & make up your own mind.

>Auschwitz - Why The Gas Chambers Are A Myth:

nah, I keep redpills on hand for when they're needed, like

pellets if you are pointy

Zyklon A was scented (like natural gas) so you could tell it was there & run away.
Zyklon B was unscented & undetectable until it was too late
Surpising how many don't know the difference...

Zyklon B releases hydrogen cyanide (poisonous gas) when mixed with water and heated.

>Two questions for people for the people who believe in the holocaust.

Double fucking retard in one sentence

Are you retarded? Not every person died in a death camp. Not every person was cremated in an oven.

>However, they make up for it by claiming the Nazis cremated 3-4 bodies at once in each oven

Why would the crematorium manufacturers lie to the Nazi government about the capabilities of their ovens? Pic related.

holocaust scholars admit that 95% of Zyklon B was used to fumigate clothing

we merely contend the other 5% was used for the same purpose

stop talking nonsense

perhaps the Jews were worried how Europeans would react if they knew what the Bolsheviks got up to prior to the war, and felt they needed a story like this to survive?

>Are you retarded? Not every person died in a death camp. Not every person was cremated in an oven.

Not everyone, but alot of them have to been because they never found 200,000-300,000

>Not every person died in a death camp

but the claim is 6 million died there, meanwhile the camps claims doesnt add up to six million

>Why would the crematorium manufacturers lie to the Nazi government about the capabilities of their ovens? Pic related.

You are confusing ovens and muffles.

The holocaust historians claim that 3-4 bodies would be put into each muffle -- normally used to cremate just one body.

That would allow them to cremate several times the number of bodies the ovens were designed for. The problem is, you couldn't fit 3-4 bodies into a single muffle unless it was mostly children / infants every time.

Watch the following video. You can hear it straight from the Jews who claim to have worked in the gas chambers and cremation operation:

>Auschwitz - Why The Gas Chambers Are A Myth:

These points are dead ends desu. Look at Rudolf Höss's testimony at Nuremberg compared to the actual figures, and then look at Krema I - specifically it's proximity to the camp's SS hospital and the circumstances of its "restoration".

The matter of blue stains in the gas chambers is also interesting. The explanation for their absence in Auschwitz's execution chambers but presence in the delousing chambers, is that the lethal concentration of Zyklon B is lower than that required for delousing. However, the Dachau execution chamber does have stains.

The number has dropped, but originally the total exceeded 6 million.

Soviets claimed 4 million died at Auschwitz and 2 million died at Majdanek. Then you had the Reinhardt camps (Treblinka, Sobibor, Belzec) and a few others.

Since then the official number at Auschwitz has dropped to 1.1 million and at Madjanek down to around 70,000.

Dachau is no longer considered to be a death camp where anyone was gassed. They actually have a sign that says "Gas chamber - disguised as a shower room. Never used as a gas chamber" near the entrance.

So yes, you are retarded. Here's an estimate for holocaust causes of death from The Destruction of the European Jews written in 1961. Fun bonus fact: the six million number is only sacred to holocaust deniers. Historians for the most part say it was less.

Anyway, now that I answered your questions, answer mine: Why do holocaust deniers ask disingenuous questions and act like that proves them right instead of trying to find an answer to their questions on the internet or in books? Why do you insist other people do your work for you? If you actually cared, you would go read some books or look at the original documents, not post questions on Sup Forums.

Read the letter. It clearly says EACH can burn 250 corpses an hour.

And where's the evidence any of those were claimed to be death camps? When was "Before" and when was "After"? What year? Why didn't you include the non-soviet examined death camps in Yugoslavia? Are you hiding something?

Unironically, that is the picture that turned me into a holocaust denier. It led me to doing further research and finding out that all 'evidence' of the holocaust was USSR propaganda.

6 million seems like an exact number, very precise , very German

When people refer to the Dachau gasings they are referring to the facility at Schloss Hartheim where prisoners were sent.

But I wouldn't expect a denier to actually know any facts that aren't in an artificated .jpg

The question is why you are including deaths on the Eastern front in your total. You should know that partisan fighters are not given the same protections as soldiers. Nor does anyone think of Einzatsgruppen on the Eastern Front when they think of the Holocaust: they think of Auschwitz and gas chambers, not soldiers on the front lines of combat.

>Read the letter. It clearly says EACH can burn 250 corpses an hour.

That makes no sense and doesn't line up with what the Jews who claim to have been Sonderkommanders claim anyway. So which is true? A letter that may have been fabricated, or eyewitness testimony that is flawed?

>And where's the evidence any of those were claimed to be death camps? When was "Before" and when was "After"? What year? Why didn't you include the non-soviet examined death camps in Yugoslavia? Are you hiding something?

What are you hiding? Why don't you make an image that shows the death camps?

So wait, the idea that Germans put death camps as far away from Germans, and as close to Polish Jews as possible made you a denier?

I've got a bridge to sell you.

Oh so when they refer to a camp they are actually referring to a different camp. Gotcha. Makes sense.

Maybe the reason no one believes your fairytales is you are constantly moving the goal posts.

No, the idea was that the Soviets made up absurd claims to demonize the Germans after the war to cover up their own purges and genocides. Once the US and Brits actually inspected the camps to verify the claims, they found they were baseless.

So then the Soviets barred the US and Brits from inspecting the camps further East for decades.

>The question is why you are including deaths on the Eastern front in your total. You should know that partisan fighters are not given the same protections as soldiers. Nor does anyone think of Einzatsgruppen on the Eastern Front when they think of the Holocaust: they think of Auschwitz and gas chambers, not soldiers on the front lines of combat.

Hey, not my fault you are too uneducated on the subject you form opinions without knowing the underlying facts.

>That makes no sense and doesn't line up with what the Jews who claim to have been Sonderkommanders claim anyway. So which is true? A letter that may have been fabricated, or eyewitness testimony that is flawed?

Oh yes, everything that proves you wrong is fabricated, of course. What an amazing coincidence. Read the letter, do the math.

Schloss Hartheim was the hospital they euthanized unfit workers you retard, not a camp. I'm wasting my time with you.

>This image again

Autchwiz was two separate areas, there was a pre-war labor camp with a pool, theater, etc (this is where people got numbers) and a death camp that was 2KM away.

You don't even know the basic facts you raging moron.

Uh no. It's now 20 million apparently. Dislike the fact that an amount so high didn't even exist back then. There were only 5 million kikes in the whole world according to census .

>There was a worldwide census back in the 1950s


wait, so Schloss Hartheim didn't have a gas chamber? I was responding to the post that said Dachau's gas chamber had prussian blue staining.

That room was never used to gas people. That was my original point, and you obfuscated by saying "It wasn't at Dachau it was at Schloss Hartheim".

Also can you please explain why Simon Wiesenthal of the Holocaust Memorial whatever made up 5 million non-Jewish victims of the Holocaust? Because this guy was one of the most respected eyewitnesses and Holocaust propagandists out there.

pic related is from a Jewish publication, too

No, the supposed gas chamber and crematoria are right next to a soccer field where they played soccer matches.

Watch the video I posted, you can hear directly from Jews who were there talking about playing soccer.

Germans were very kind to let them play soccer

It's funny because Spielberg's Shoah project actually filmed tens of thousands of interviews with survivors, so now we have eyewitness testimony of them laughing nostalgically about their experiences in the camps.

Several people featured in the CODOH.com videos sound happy while reminiscing about their time in the camp.

No, the claim is 6 million died in the war.

>believing the Soviets

you know they altered photographs, right? they altered photos, documents, they faked all sorts of things.

How is the weather in India today

>the whole point of the holocaust was to become the same meme as Noah's Ark. Where the faithful will believe it to be real but no matter how "intellectual" they become they will never be able to explain how it is potentially functional.

I agree. I'm in. where do i sign up? lol

>I don't have an argument
why do commies blame the Nazis for all the things they were doing?


because the Soviet commisars and politruks were made up of Jews!

They blamed the Germans for the atrocities they were committing. Similar to how the left in USA tried to say Trump was a Russian puppet when in fact Clinton's camp did the Uranium One deal and paid for the bed-wetting "dossier" on Trump.

Jews are naturally flammable, according to the (((survivors.))) Jewish blood is so potent that the evil white raciss Nazis actually had giant juicers that they'd put Jewish babies into to extract their blood, which was then used to fuel the fires.

It's clearly faked.
Did people die in Nazi labor camps, of course.

Why the fuck would Hitler waste the $ sending them to camps if he wanted them genocided? Knives cost no money.

ask the nearest jew

But the fires would keep them warm

So you're sure about single occupant ovens? Do you also think that they were gassed one at a time in the showers?

this guy might know where to start

So, the Nazis were using standard crematoriums? They couldn't have incinerated numerous bodies at once? Do you really think they bought their ovens at the local crematorium supply shop?

these two might want to recruit you

the ovens were designed for single occupants
because the idea was to save the remains

if saving remains is not a concern, why would they use small ovens at all? instead you'd use one big furnace...

watch the video, and learn:

>Auschwitz - Why The Gas Chambers Are A Myth:

No, the Jews claimed the ovens were built by a company that normally makes baking ovens (you know, for bread?)

because that would add to the psychological horror...

watch this video!

>Buchenwald: A Dumb Dumb Portrayal of Evil:

also note in the clip of the Obama speech near the beginning of this video, you can see Elie Wiesenthal sitting behind Obama. The guy who made up 5 million non-Jewish victims of the Nazis to draw attention to the supposed 6 million Jews killed.

See the Jewish article about this amazing lie posted here:

This job pay good, how do you apply.

>holocaust fake?
maybe, maybe not.

doesn't make a bit of difference.

The truth is free, lies cost a lot. The holocaust museums typically cost hundreds of millions of dollars to erect and staff.

It's a pity the Nazis own documents disagree with you.

of course it makes a difference

no white person on Earth is allowed to be a nationalist without being called a Nazi

no leader of a nationalist party can avoid being called Hitler and admonished to remember the 6 gorillion

and if the holocaust never actually happened (and the "death camps" were simply internment camps) then Europeans, and specifically the German people, are not guilty of one of the worst crimes of the 20th century

it makes a huge difference

How many threads you have to keep going at a time, you seem to only post every 4 minutes or so.

and yet they only claim that 500,000 people were gassed and cremated at Aushwitz in about 3 years...

so which is it?

The holocaust scholars claim 500,000 and that the Germans stuffed 3-4 bodies into each muffle at a time, with an average burning time of 30-40 minutes (10 minutes per body).

Now you're saying that that wouldn't be necessary as they'd easily cremate all 500,000 in 6 months.

Honestly if you don't know what the claims are, why are you even here?

I've seized the means of production, r u mad?

German did a lot of research on frog biology

actually Nazis outlawed vivisection of animals including frogs (see illustration celebrating this fact)

Ever hear of Alan Turing, had something to do with the camps

ever hear of Genrikh Yagoda? had a hitler stache in the 1930s and genocided 2-10 million Ukrainian Christians.

Auschwitz wasn't a death camp. Death camps were run by arab muzzies and certain SS.
Hitler may not have been aware of it.
I hope I saved a few from this retarded psyop.

Yeah herd of him before. Perogies are good though.

It's the latter, it's clearly documented that they had ample capacity to dispose of over a million bodies per year.
It was batch killing, not a continuous process. So when the ovens were used their was high demand so they were utilised to their fullest extent.
It's not hard to understand, even the most retarded denier should be amble to figure it out.

Wow it only toke you 86 seconds to find that pic, and type that witty sentence. You are amachine, dude.

>if they could cremate a person per 2 hours if they runned all years long with out any problem?
it's amazing that the nazis had more advanced crematorium tech than we currently have!

i guess the nazis really did find a way to make blood into an accelerant and to make human flesh burn like wood, just like in the stories!



I herd that the camps were a clever way to corner the market for angora wool. See pic. The whole death thing was sort of secondary.