if i had a dollar for every time i heard this...
If i had a dollar for every time i heard this
Why cant the left meme?
jesus = C U C C
Yahweh/Allah/Jehovah = Demon
non-white = non-human
The irony of Mr. 50% posting this.
You're a nigger yourself LMAO :^)
But Christians did succeed in taking back the holy land. Then they saw that it is a worthless desert, lost interest and gave it to the kikes.
triggered you ahmed?
Why would I be triggered?
You should be, because your ethnostate is dying LMAO.
>Allahu Ackbar!
don't lump ogres into this mate
ogres are a peaceful people
>your ethnostate is dying LMAO
user... Are you blind?
I'm not even white British lmao. I couldn't give a fuck what happens to this shit hole.
like you can't find pictures like this for every fucking country on earth
ah ok. Into the oven with you then
I'm still waiting to hear of someone named "JaJohn"
Nice digits also
Checked. Water kills six nigs at once with no shots fired and no blood. Is water /ourelement/?
You fool, Christ being nailed on the cross was the very purpose of Him humbling Himself into human form.
He died so that you may be forgiven of all your sins.
Sup Forums makes a lot of big claims especially with the regards to the Day of the Rope, Real Holocaust, Shoah 2.0, Reclaim the Holy Land, Istanbul to Constantinople, etc.
I'm almost beginning to think Sup Forumsacks can't actually predict the future.
If I had $5 for every time some edgy Sup Forumsack assured me that all of the Jews would be dead by next year and Israel would be destroyed...
I wish there were some way to place bets about this.