>be russian
>commit suicide
This country is dead already, for real.
Feels like we will have Civil war in like half-year or year, and that large country will cut in 10 small.
Prove me wrong.
>be russian
>commit suicide
This country is dead already, for real.
Feels like we will have Civil war in like half-year or year, and that large country will cut in 10 small.
Prove me wrong.
How do Russians even survive when the average salary is something like $300? does food cost pennies?
>does food cost pennies
you can grow veggies for free etc
it should be broken so it can be built anew as Rus.
The bear will leave its cave forever
Russia is cheap
leave Abkhazia and South Ossetia Dimitry
Why there would be a civil war? There will be a nationalist rage in Moscow and shitskin regions will be simply kicked out
Last thing we need are racially dissimilar elements within Russia
Only a compleat fcktard troll would believe in this.
How does Russian plan to go into the future when 70% of their economy is oil?
Why would they ? So villages can be countrys ?
so prepare for this
Ossetians will be btfo'd to north Caucasus where they came from. better build refugee camps for them. not sure about savage APEkhazians
Nice bait. Russians will never go against Putin. He can literally shit on their heads and they will endure it like bosses.
Crisis means war unfortunately..
Fuck off liberashka. You're growing in virtually every positive statistic like birth rate and GDP, and decreasing in alcoholism and abortion.
Ruskies are subhuman scum that doesn't deserves living anyways. The more pidorashkas will die - the better.
Aren't those regions pretty empty anyway?
Thread related to this I presume.
Apartament lease cost like $200-$250. Public service is around $30-50.
About food - I eat buckwheat and potato only, meat very rarely. For $1 you can buy 9 pounds of potato or 4 pounds of buckwheat.
Try to survive with that.
That's bullshit, food in Russia is not cheap at all because of total corruption and inefficiency. People just eat what Westerners wouldn't ever call food, that's how they survive.
Go away Jews. Israel is calling you home. Just fucking LEAVE. All these anti-Russia threads are started by KIKES. We are AWARE of this.
not sure about SIberian republics but North Caucasus and Tatarstan areas are one of the fastest growing tho
Nice proxy you got, subhuman.
>All these anti-Russia threads are started by second richest ethnicity in Russia.
Really made me think.
+15₴ good post
what does sign over Georgia says polakbro?
Why is that? Finnic races identify solely as Russian and considered Russian
Yakut scum is too few in numbers and can be simply sterilized
Northern Caucasus, Kalmykia, Tuva and Buryatia (no Baykal access for them) are guaranteed goners
That's rich, coming from (((you)))
Jews are rich userors wherever they are, because they're fucking THIEVES.
Fuck off, kike deflector.
Vote for Navalny, sellout to the west and see how that turns out for ya.
Show flag.
>North Caucasus
Get ready shashlik bro.
>Tatarstan areas are one of the fastest growing tho
Something like do not cross.
This map is bullshit. Since when are Russians the majority in Bashkortostan?
they sell their hacking services to Americans online
Russia needs a strong leader
>pic related
Where do you live bro
what about Tatars, Chuvash and Adyghe diaspora? as far as I know Circassians are preparing to recapture Krasnodar, which is already full by Armenians
I surely will vote for Navalny because i want all ruskie untermenschen starved to death or burned alive.
If other regions can negotiate anything, Tatarstan/Baskirtostan CANT. They are literal gook subhumans that came to Great EUROPEAN Plain several centuries ago. Commiekikes created republics for them later and today these roaches claim to be Indigenous. They are getting cleansed from Europe one way or another
A place with anthem like this should not only be free, it should own the world.
It's true, go to any discount supermarket in Western Europe and everything is cheaper and infinitely better quality of course, no palm oil crap.
You assume that everybody else also gets paid because you get paid?
just be ready to shoot shitskins, mudslimes, jews, mongols without any doubts or emotions
from the beginning of the 20th century or so.
Will do.
Everything would be better then living with that prices and salary.
So I'm a kike for calling out kikes? Are you seriously deluded enough not to realize your (((CNN))) is calling for severing Putin's head every day? Do you think this is not completely transparent Jewish agitprop? Do you think that Americans are stupid enough to think Jews are actually ALLIED with the person they're screeching to have assasinated every fuckinf day on the (((MSM)))???
can't wait to take back Abkhazia and Sochi district
dude we fucked.
read news how low penalty are now for violent/murderous crimes.and how high it can go for just social media posts....
go outside....look around.....
we completely fucked.
we probably will end horribly.
What a silly shilling here. -15, bad post.
So chechenya could be independent you say?
That would be kinda wrong.
The jews need there boogeyman
>that diet
I'm wondering why you haven't killed yourself yet
Pidoraska is it u?
So a shitskin. You opinion doesn’t fucking matter. The Russian Empire partly collapsed because of you roaches
Literally subhuman inbreds that hate ethnic Russians and did Chechen tier barbarism to Russians in the 1990s.
Take more, Giorgi, you deserve it.
Maybe Crusades in Chechenya?
>as far as I know Circassians are preparing to recapture Krasnodar
What? It's never was circassian.
>which is already full by Armenians
There are many armenians from the imperial era, which still a minority that does not much increase
Food costs me about 20-25 bux a week and like 20% of that is cat.
Absolutely. They’ll end up killing each other without Russian control anyway. 100,000 Chechen lives don’t worth a single Russian ruble
food price is up like 40-50% since 2014.
you know what government did... they just forced all drivers of trucks to buy special equipment and pay for every km they drive.
this made everything cost even more.
its taxes and taxes and taxes and taxes.
more taxes.....and more bans.... and more taxes....
Honestly you may be better balkanized rather than thiss ugly ass retard inbreed giant now.
Take into consideration that at least european part of russia (muscovy) may become a semi-normal country...
1000 lives of ruskie subhumans don't cost a single kopeika.
Why do you think they drink so much?
They're like Koreans, they don't wanna be alive anymore
>subhuman inbreds
If you don't want them, just free them and make their country a client state 2.0 just like Mongolia.
Are you stupid as fuck?
Russians - 36%, Bashkirs - 29%, Tatars - 25%. Yes, they are majority.
You're not getting any pity for lying on the internet faggot
If this happens China will take that land piecemeal. How is a tiny nation with no money, power, or people going to resist endless Chinese migration, political influence, and money. You remember what happened to Tibet right? The Han Chinese have never stopped spreading like a plague from their small beginnings. Either that or you have a situation like Ukraine in which CIA and American influenced completely puppets the nation and destroys the culture and people.
Is it interesting? Would you rather live in Moscow or peteri
Explain this.
Plurality ≠ majority
>1000 lives of ruskie subhumans don't cost a single kopeika.
Kaydrof pls, you got ebough gibs. This is just counter productive.
So Russians killing Russians?
I'm fine with this
Friendly reminder to Sage sosach posts and ignore sosach threads.
The Chinese and maybe even the Japanese will be all over the Russian Far East if you guys fuck up bigtime
Don't worry ivan the pain will be over soon.
Once Putin dies, the commies will return to power to finish off that half eaten carcass and the disgrace to Russian history will be wiped from earth forever.
That's it. We all ended from what started - censorship and shit.
I don't care if someone will knock my door of and force me to jail - it's can be better to go freedom after country will die.
Dunno, if I had a gun - I would shooted myself. But in Russia you have less and less choices to suicide.
Hey, it's that fake russian who likes to talk shit about serbs.
>On the Internet but can't afford meat
Fuck off, you cunt.
Why so buttblasted, Ivan? Go hang yourself pidorashka.
Man, if one group more than others by number it's a majority. Hello.
When has Russia ever not been fucked though?
I know Britain is fucked but it used to be nice. Was Russia ever nice?
>Dating uderage teens
I would get if they would fuck milfs, but this is just sad.
We are not claiming Northern Caucasus baltbro. Sochi district is enough.
>It's never was circassian
>It's never was circassian.
>It's never was circassian.
>It's never was circassian.
No Russian nationalist considers you subhumans to be White
Of course. After killing every 5th men and 10th women there in revenge
>When has Russia ever not been fucked though?
Somwhere around time when Kolma culture existed, so around 5000-10 000 BC
>Was Russia ever nice?
To whom?
Uh, yeah. On your map Krasnodar is located outside the land of the Circassians. Are you blind?
Not much to explain. They've defeated us in Chechen war and now doing just whatever they want. Police cant even come close to chechen in moscow, they are live like semigods here.
you need some anschluss for order?
> civil was in like half a year or one year
You need at least 2 sides for a war, you literal retard. Who's going to fight whom in that LARP of yours?
>We are not claiming Northern Caucasus baltbro.
B-but they are muslim, and they don't eat pork, how are we going to cope with this Shashlik deficiency?
It is not correct, you must contain them.
Majority means more than 50%
Being the largest group without surpassing the 50% mark means plurality
i'm not lying.
i'm sadly living here and i don't need your stupid links. i see prices in shops every single day. and they are much higher than they was before.
People vs ruskie pidorashkas.
you eat cats? gross