Anglo Baby bust: Fewer women in Britain are having children than ever before

Why arent you pommys having children?

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Who would want to raise their kids in this paki infested shithole? Their only future will be war.

I thought brexit was going to start a baby boom?

But can't you stupid poms understand, the reason Pakis are there are because you're not having enough children and so the Goldberg's and the Smith's at the city of London have decided that they'd rather enrich you with shitskins than risk losing shekels as a result of a population implosion. Mass immigration started right after the 70s, when white birth rates were tanking around the west.


Jesus that map

Because it's a crowded island where the native inhabitants are treated as tax cattle for a new populace being brought into replace them for ideological reasons by the political class.
Who the fuck would want or see a future in such a scenario?

That is bullshit. That excuse came after.
You can't relentlessly tell us overpopulation is a huge problem, and then use the effects of that narrative to justify mass migration. That is ethnic cleansing.

Overpopulation is only a problem in the third-world

Wrong, they're importing shitskins because most white families have reached debt saturation where they are unable to take out more (((loans)). They either wait 30 years for new families to start or import as many adults as they can to keep racking up that (((interest))).


Giving women rights is literally and unironically the most catastrophic mistake in human history

At least my family did their part, now its up to me to continue.

Oldest of four here. Going to aim for 3 children of my own.

what happens there?

Listen to this man's wise words.

Pretty sure all Western countries and many Asian nations have the same problem.

Because women hate children and men.

Any country where women have the same financial status a d employment opportunities as men are facing similar issues. Countries where's there's still a significant power gulf between the genders are where the aving baby booms are occurring. Turns out dimorphism is important for the propagation of the species

Because young white men in Britain are mostly punks who see themselves as victims and use it as an excuse to be worthless.

What decent women would want to fuck THAT?

Why should I lay off work for months for being pregnant?

I have a career you know

No it's not.

Explain why its bad

Long read but worth it.

>turkey is near white
>Western Europe is dark red
I'll probably be the last white person on earth 70 years from now