Svalbard a possible future ethnostate?

What’s stopping Sup Forums from making Svalbard a future ethnostate for Europeans and White Americans? It’s never really discussed in topics like this.

>Extremely Large, bigger than both England and Scotland combined
>Small Population
>Beautiful Winter Weather
>Plenty of Mountians to keep Invaders out similar to what Switzerland has
>Coal Reserves

What’s wrong with moving Europeans here? Colonization in Shitskin lands would be suicide for us. The Faroe Islands wouldn’t work for us as there are already Flipinos invading that area and mixing with the native population. I think it’s best to say this place along with the Midwest/Eastern Northwest/Great Plains/Pennsylvania and multiple areas of the Far East reigon of Russia are our best bets.

Other urls found in this thread:

what the fuck would they want immigrants for? they have enough trouble making their own people stay.

tl;dr: if you live there you gotta talk like fucking inbreds and if you don't do the accent and "follow standard procedure" the asshats will send you off the island to europe for "further education" which is code for wiping you from the will. there will always be old men who need young women, and it really shows in that part of the world. seriously name one female fareoese that isn't a thai bride these days.

Because when the mini ice age hits these islands will,be frozen solid.

>There will always be old men who need young women

Slavs exist for a reason, you don’t need Southeast Goblins to come in and turn your European island into a shithole.

>Frozen hellscape
>Beautiful Winter Weather
Pick one. Stop romanticizing, you mutt.

Slavs roll their eyes when you ask for skerpikjot.

færoyene =/= svalbard


Why do Aussies always promote racemixing with Asian subhumans? Is it the Anglo genetics? Hell even some Americans do as well. The Faroe Islands is apart of Europe, not Southeast Asia.

It's really, really cold. You Americans wouldn't last 5 minutes there nevermind long enough to convince yourselves that you're White.

Here's your "winder wonderland"

Yeah we should all move to Texas and California where it’s nothing but spics and asians glore. Nigel please, I rather live in cold weather and be surrounded by other Europeans then to live with Pablo or Chang.

>What’s stopping Sup Forums from making Svalbard a future ethnostate for Europeans and White Americans?

>Rural towns are hell according to Norwegians

How am I promoting it by citing a statistical anomaly? if anything laying mute on the issue is support.

If you're telling me that I could LARP every as a Death Knight wandering around Icecrown then sign me the fuck up. Just please send regular food, ain't shit gon' grow there.

Mate it's not just "Grit your teeth and withstand it" cold. It's "only above 0 during summer" cold. That's means that it's below 30 American degrees most of the year.

Extremely funny you bring this up now, burger.

"A new overview from Skatt Nord shows that 2201 people live in the Norwegian settlements in Longyearbyen and Ny-Ålesund. Of that group, it is still the most Norwegians. But this can change in the future, because while the number of Norwegians goes down, the number of foreigners increases. Since 2009, the percentage of foreigners in Longyearbyen has increased from 14 to 29 per cent.

There is no final solution to restore the large proportion of Norwegians in Longyearbyen in the future."

So they are literally talking about the lack of a final solution for keeping Svalbard Norwegian. Completely open about it. But if they said any of this about Norway as a whole they would be called racist fascists instantly. How ironic.

>final solution
There is not solution, but the final solution

I've made a thread regarding this before. Yes, you could probably go there, but everything is FUCKING expensive since you have to deliver tons of shit from Norway. Not to mention the fucking cold.
These guys could probably survive in there as long as they have an internet connection, a heating unit, and some fritters. God knows what they would do if the electricity went down, and they were left without internet.

>There is no final solution to restore the large proportion of Norwegians in Longyearbyen in the future."

Aren't they still doing the "spend 6 years up there" and you don't pay any taxes, all your student debt is reduced, and all the other things?

"Rural town"
Now I know you're meme'ing

"please don't move to Svalbard, fellow white folks"

This is he largest settlement on Svalbard, can't really say it's a rural town.

The people who consider moving there are crazy, people living in the illusion that this is a good place to live have their heads so far up their ass that I can't be bothered arguing with you.

Looks like the town i'm in right now.

>moving millions of europeans here
are you crazy?

>That resolution.

FFS do I need to do everything around here.

OP is a spastic
>pic related

guys like pic will fuck you up!

What kind of jobs are available anyway? Selling snow?


Would be a better idea to move to Bear Island IMO.

That doesn't sound like a final solution to me my fellow goy

I just checked the official available job listings,

Engineer at Polarinstitutt
Grocery store clerk
Economic adviser
Estate management
Coctail bartender
Hotel receptionist

among others.

>Extremely Large, bigger than both England and Scotland combined
no it fucking isn't

dibs on cocktail bartender

>Extremely Large, bigger than both England and Scotland combined
England: 130 279 km2
Svalbard: 61 022 km2


also contains the seed vault. Good luck taking that.

It's decent sized actually I thought it was way smaller.

99% of you would not survive on Svalbard, winter is fucking hard, and it's not the cold but the lack of sun that really mess you up. During summer it's the complete opposite, midnight sun and all that, will mess with your head aswell.

Do you anons think you are ready for that? 6months of cold dark winter and 3months of hot perma sun summers?

Fucking coward. That's why the white race is doomed, not because of mighty enemies, France alone can slaughter all mudslimes and niggers in the world, but because of lack of will.

t. texan

Wew, that's Northern Norway.

northern part of scandinavia (far up north), it's the same thing.

Murmansk is more likely candidate.

>mfw /k/ has already did the autism to start our own freedom state, only to conclude that it was shit.
Making it an ethnosstate will make it extremely harder to survive. No in would want to trade with you and you would have to relay on an even more expensive black market.

> 6months of cold dark winter
True, but 100% no-sun is just from mid October throughout February.

>hot perma sun summers
That one week in July where it's above 25C, I think anyone would survive.

Blame the shitty map systems we have.

if you don't live near the blue circle, you don't know shit about winter.

Technically with land reclaiming seawalls (mandatory for a globalwarming scenario anyway)

you could more than triple svalbard's area much like the dutch have done in holland

thats more or less what its like already where I live. But yeah no, most people below the arctic circle probably wouldnt adjust very well to that. With willpower some could, though.

do you really want more southeners to move up north? let's pray for a new ice age so most of them will freeze to death.

no but compared to a future of being murdered and raped by sub human darkies id take it

I have lived my first 16 years of life like that. My body is ready.

Spitsbergen/ Svalbard belongs to us.

>coal reserves

First fucking thing you want to do is start tearing up the land for oil ... JUST

Can I bring my girlfriend and her bull?



Sure, we can use coalburner in mines.


>these islands will,be frozen solid.
They already are.

Looks nice

>13th January 2018.
>Three people found frozen to death in Svalbard.
>An unfortunate incident where an interracial couple and their housemate died.
>Assumed to have happened because the housemate couldn't find a job therefore causing himself and his two dependants to run out of money.
>A funeral service will be held for the couple.

Where did /k/ want to go?

>Sure, we can use coalburner in mines

Not a large contingent of Russians there now, but you guys have part claim on the place.


We get daylight about 8-4 in the winter here and even that wears people down. I think living in north Scandinavia and not being depressed is quite an accomplishment.

Perhaps such problems would be solved if instead of one state, you established multiple states that could then trade with one another.

>A funeral service will be held for the couple
Fun fact, there won't be a funeral. Due to permafrost, any carcass buried would eventually be pushed up from the earth. That's why anyone who dies are flown to the mainland

>Beautiful Winter Weather
Are you trolling right now? You know what you can grow in terms of crops in snow? Absolutely nothing.
Half the year the struggle would be to survive and the other half would be to prepare to survive the other half. Yes it could work if you built tunnels and networks underneath the earth but if you can't terraform the landscape it's never going to be more than a meme.

>A funeral service will be held for the couple in Norway.

nice digits combo

Nice ID.

England is 2x bigger u dumbass

My neighbor actually lived in Svalbard for 4 years. I haven't talked with him much though, so I don't know what it was like. But he seems normal, except that he has a superhuman work ethic and will work on his house for 12 hours a day. Its gotten really pretty and well developed.

The reason an ethno-state on Svalbard wouldn't work is because Norway is very protective of the territory because of the valuable mining industry there. It is also impossible to grow food there, so you would be completely dependent on import, which isn't good when the entire world will hate you for being an ethno-state.

The ideal spot for an ethno-state is in eastern russia. Its so far away from anything, there is lots of animals and you can grow food there in the summer. Russia actually wants people to populate this area to make it harder for China to expand into the area, so as long as you stay loyal to Russia they would allow you to buy property and form your own community. Its also close to japan, who is sympathetic to the goal a homogeneous white society.

Look at Kamchatka. Its perfect for marine traffic because of all the coast. It also has volcanoes which is a great energy source, and usually result in a lot of valuable minerals in the earth surrounding it. Best of all is that nobody care about it.

>Extremely Large, bigger than both England and Scotland combined
No it not, it smaller then scotland.

R0fl didn't notice

This is the state of the autistic Amerimutt dreaming about his white ethnostate. Topkek.

You know Svalbard has a large South East Asian community right?

you realize that your balking at an extreme environment while an american does not is exactly why your ancestors stayed in the UK and ours didn't, right?

Are you fucking retarded?

1. fuck off, shitskin
2. fuck off, mongrel
3. good fucking luck growing crops on svalbard you retard

that sounds great. I hate it when it gets above freezing and I can't wear a heavy jacket. Anything above 0C is fucking nigger weather.

>Inuits don't exist
Humans don't have to eat vegetables beyond some occasional arctic berries to survive. You get all necessary vitamins from meat + digestive contents of animal stomachs.

>New England.
Foreign =/= extreme.

looks nice. the problem would seem to be: getting a visa for russia.

You fuckers living near the ocean have no idea how cold it gets inland. Your temperatures are so nicely regulated by the ocean. Our hots are hotter and our colds are colder when you get inland.

I used to live in the Red River Valley of ND, where the average low is -20 c in January. That's about the same as Longyearbyen, in the red river valley I was only at 48 degrees north latitude while Longyearbyen is just over 78 degrees north latitude. I didn't even own a car there, I walked to work thru -55 c wind chills.

Keep in mind, up there a lot of us are actually norwegian. You can buy lefse in the grocery store. But it fucking sucks. Store bought lefse in the USA is so shit.

There is already an 'ark' underground. The Seed Vault is cover for a doomsday vault for rich bitches.

>good fucking luck growing crops on svalbard you retard
Thats what separates eurofags from Amerilords - We can do the things that you cant . We dont stop at an obstacle and cry like a girl , we find a way . Norfag BTFO so bad RIP .

unironically best idea

>the new world wasn't extreme

did my history books lie to me again?

checked satan.
This sounds like a good idea, but satan said it so now I'm unsure
captcha viking sold, I guess I am now

Best idea in the thread.
Thing is, how do you convince the ruski gobbmint to let you in.

Isn't Svalbard full of polar bears that actively hunt humans?
Isn't it also like over 50% russian?

>white americans

>Almost all housing is owned by the various employers and institutions and rented to their employees; there are only a few privately owned houses, most of which are recreational cabins. Because of this, it is nearly impossible to live on Svalbard without working for an established institution.[82]

I've always wanted to visit.
Have read you can see the curvature of the earth from there.
>Nb4 sphere cuck

so close to a get, why live burger-san?