Wageslave feels thread

>be me
>wake up at 7:30 on Saturday
>check phone and see (((encouraging))) message from boss
>”Puting in the extra effort really emphasises your loyalty and trustworthiness in this Company™!”
>convince myself to work on Saturday since some of my other collegues are too.
>arrive at office
>wageslave in front of computer
>eat lunch
>return to wageslaving
>come home at 3:00PM
>jack off but think about wageslaving
>shower but think about wageslaving
>watch movie but think about wageslaving
>try to sleep but post about wageslaving

Other urls found in this thread:


I work 80 hours a week so I only have to work 2 weeks a month. It's pretty good, you guys are just lazy.

>Do shitty slightly dangerous manual wagslave labour, lots of heavy lifts
>ride home on subway late at night
>somalis roaming the central station screaming and vandalizing

The trick to getting through it is to get a girlfriend, it makes life have meaning when you're striving towards a family.

>work in hospitality
>roster different every week never know when im working
>if I start booking off days theyll cut my hours
>job is fake af nobody really cares just pretends to
>only hospitality experience how do i get out
>drink, do drugs go to parties everybody is on their phone; cameras cameras cameras
>quit yesterday applied for the army to get some order
Wow modern life sure is legit

Girlfriends aren't real, you're either married or single.

That's your fault for not being able to forget about work when you get off
>Wake up 8:30
>Go to work
>Work in auto sales
>90% of my day is spent shitposting
>Come home at 7
>Take care of things I need to around the house
>Make dinner, do some dabs, and play video games/watch Youtube

Waiting for death like the rest of us dude.

Buy a car

Ditt eget val.
Lär dig ett yrke, bli bäst på det och starta eget i vår döende landsbygd. Så gör en Alpha-hane. Död åt Stockholm och Stockholmarna. Och då är jag själv född i rövhålet.

quit and get a construction job, then go back to your old job in 6 months and never be ungrateful again, you soft-handed sissy

We all are, you just gotta put it to the back of your mind and make the best of the time we have left

thread theme


I love work. It sets me free

>>jack off but think about wageslaving
>>shower but think about wageslaving
>>watch movie but think about wageslaving
>>try to sleep but post about wageslaving
Well I see your problem, you have to drink to forget about wageslaving. Get enough alcohol to wash the memories out of your head.

You're Australian, damn it, you should be on top of this.

Honestly it's not bad at all if you have great friends at work and even your boss is a bro. The only annoying part is when you need to take of other shit and end up coming home late. But OT without pay is more common than before unfortunately feelsbadman

>not open carrying a firearm so any potential niglet threats can be instantly dispatched of with a 9mm round
that's why america is the best

I don't have a driving license and it costs 10k Swedish crowns to get the license here, can't afford it atm.

Jo, funderar på det. Jag tycker ändå inte man ska överge den kungliga huvudstaden...men det kan väl inte hjälpas. Vi får se.

I enjoyed that

It's not really my personal safety I'm worried about, I am very tall and strong so shitskins almost never try to approach me, even in packs. I get depressed seeing them and knowing they harm the weak and vulnerable of my people, however.

Good choice, user.


However, let me had a caveat. Work in which I am able to exercise my independent judgment and facilities sets me free. Rationalized, bureaucratic, highly specialized labor is alienating, dehumanizing, and ultimately a source of nihilism in the modern West.

But again, labor is freeing. We ought to work in order to free ourselves from the idleness, from over curiosity, boredom, and sin.

That's not a lot dude

Even if you are personally strong and fit, having a firearm for the weaker members of your family (wife, daughter, etc.) is absolutely invaluable. I taught my wife how to shoot and now she carries a handgun around with her everywhere just in case any retard spiclets or niggers try to pull anything.

Buy it on credit. Just get a car. Youll be much happier

I know but I am a poorfag

I see your point user but I don't have any family

How long until people stop taking it? Pitchforks keep showing up in history and we are pretty slow about it, this time.

*let me add a caveat

*exercise my independent judgment and faculties


>he doesn't have any family
Come on Sven, do your part for the white race and get to family making already. Having a family to care for is the true redpill

Agreed. If management won’t let you have the freedom to make your decisions or doesn’t trust you or questions your judgement constantly, it’s time to move on

you think too much user
your boss isn't going too like this

If you work for a minimum wage you should make enough that you can save $1,000 monthly. I don't know if your wage is lower than ours or what though

I will try my best. I'm not very good with girls honestly, I have very often been called attractive, even pretty, by girls and I haven't had any problems getting one night stands so it's not my looks. I'm probably autistic though, or at least socially retarded so I think that is my issue lol. Oh well

Yup. Or when management has you engaged in unending streams of paperwork or date entry. That is such a dehumanizing experience.

Sven most likely cant afford a family without becoming an even bigger wagecuck

>dark grey carpet floor

Who in this fucking retarded world decided. that every soul draining office needs to have dark grey carpet floor
it is always that fucking grey carpet floor
if I ever manage to open my own business and it comes to the question of the floor and anyone suggests me dark grey carpet floor I will fucking maul them

I'm also in school at the moment so I only have time to work 4 days a week, 2 of them during weekends so I don't really pull in that much. Not nearly enough to save a thousand US dollars a month that's for sure but if I can stay in school long enough I hope to make a lot more


holy kek, is this how wagies actually live? I thought it was a meme. Thank fuck I chose the NEETpill.

Is it this time again? ok.
permaNEET here.
Been a wageslave, so I can appreciate the feels, but only you can change it!
Luckily I live in a country where work is literally a choice (all the muzzies pretend to work but actually do fuck all, so why shouldn't I?)

Having said that, I never stay home, always go out and do things. I find fullfillment outside of a 'career'. I have hobbies, friends and a loving woman who will one day be the mother to my glorious children.

Life is good when you burst the illusion of 'career progression' and other shit.

Having said that, if you enjoy your work and you get paid good money for it, then you are one of life's winners for sure. But the same can be true if you find happiness doing the opposite of what (((they))) want you to do as well.

You’re in school at least. Brighter days are ahead user

If you do 12 hours a day you'll make 48 hours a week, don't be lazy

they don't pay you to worry about how much you hate your job after hours.Don't do Extras unless you really have to, just work your normal roster & chill. You have a job, you have a life, try to enjoy - it goes so quick.

>suggests me dark grey carpet floor I will fucking maul them
LOL I agree dark grey carpet sucks

>applied for the army
>check flag
Oh, I was worried for a sec.

I'm also slightly awkward and autistic by most measures but if you play it right it can actually come off as endearing and dorky to girls. Usually if they're physically attracted to you they won't give half a shit one way or the other, so just be bold and you'll be good

Don't think dude. I am considered attractive (guys and girls compliment me about looks).

Just don't think. Good looks get you so far in the world today. People are so obsessed with the visual sense it's insane.

I'd just like to offer some attractive guys out there who are all introspective etc. Women are waiting for you to be all over them. You can get away with so much unattractive dudes can not. I wish I was told this years ago.

Where do the neetbux come from? Why aren’t you on the street?

True dog. I sleep in until I'm so tired of lying in bed that I have to get-up.

I don't think you're allowed to work my job for more than 10 hour shifts at a time. Even the old guys there who are huge and many of them are roiding never go more than 10 hours because it is so demanding on the body. The only shifts available are 8-hour and 10-hour.

Finishing school is most important. Try dating sites instead of bars

>wake up at 7:00
>arrive to work at 8:00
>boss already there
>go to lunch at 13:00
>boss eats at his desk
>leave work at 17:00
>boss still there

the boss needs to set the example
if he doesn't you should think about getting another job

That’s called clinical depression

t. future victim of a police shooting

Wageslaving sounds awful in an office environment

Masterrace electrician. Lots of money and lots of free time. It's a good combination

He can set an example in other ways besides living at work. Some lead by fear, some lead by respect. The former are to be avoided at all cost

NEETbux come from gubmint.
Where they source the money, who knows.
They would like you to think that it comes PURELY from taxpayers, but this is a gross simplification.

A small amount of it does I'm sure, but you are also funnelling money away from other projects (intergration programs, prison funds, state funerals,foreign aid, lots of shitty stuff that nobody really wants).

I appreciate those who work so I don't have to, but I also realize that whether they work or not my lifestyle would continue. What I really want is for THEM to realize that. Make working in this country worth it again.

I do not feel guilty, ever.

Wrong fag. It's called a negative symptom of schizophrenia.

Marxist c:

Yes but I don't think I can meet girls on dating sites because I am pretty young, I feel like that's an older crowd mostly. I'm early 20's.

Holy fuck. I would kill myself if I had to work more than 37,5 hourse per week

Well, you’re a piece of shit. Glad you’re not here

I miss my old job managing medical records, had a basement office and could go days without really dealing with people. Now I'm an IT helpcuck and spend my whole day talking to tech-illiterate employees on the phone.
>at least it's full time with bennies

Getting a car in any way possible is pretty essential for happiness and freedom, yea

That’s worse yikes

so, you're stuck in a time loop of repeated days of nothing to look forward to. & you think having a job is bad? Ye Gods, you're just lazy.

Seems like you have an excuse for everything user

honestly I wouldn't work for someone who comes in late and leaves early
he's the boss so he's the one that should be most invested
that being said, my boss doesn't want us to do extra hours and insists on being on time, everything else is ok as long as the work gets done

>wake up around 8am
>open laptop while in bed, log into corporate VPN
>do some emails while watching CNBC until 9am
>get out of bed and make breakfast
>shitpost on Sup Forums while occasionally responding to emails
>eat lunch
>do 1-2 hours of work, mostly in Excel
>log off at 4pm
it's a tough life

Maybe but I will still try my best

Doesn't it anger you that a piece of shit like me can find fulfillment in ways you cannot?
It should, and if you lived in the UK I would urge you to do something about it.
I don't live NEET because I am lazy, I do it because I can.
I do it because everyone I know who works for less than the living wage struggles to provide for their families, while me sitting on my arse never struggles with anything.

Like lightning user, I choose the path of least resistance.

I want the situation to change though. I wish it wasn't like that, but it is.

My work colleague and I got pimped out to a different department on Thursday to do something that they haven't been able to do (unwilling to do) for three months. We finished it 4pm Friday. My mind has been so fucking boggled for two days, I've slept 4 hour nights and only booze has been able to bring me back from the brink.

Mr. Jew-Pierre better fucking give me my Christmas shekels this year.

have kids faggot, then we'll see how you go on welfare.

I agree. I like my boss, he doesn’t spend much time at work because he has so much seniority and time off, but you can call him in the middle of the night and he’ll answer

is 7:30 supposed to be an early time to get up on Saturday, lazy bitch?

>I have hobbies, friends and a loving woman who will one day be the mother to my glorious children.
Okay but how will you support a family when you are a NEET? Also how can your girlfriend respect you when you can't even provide for yourself? Just curious.

>wake up 3:50am
>get ready
>drive to railway station
>get on rail at 4:53 am
>get to work at 6:30am
>work at 7:00am
>I am a humble Ecologist
>leave work 3:30am
>get on bus full of homeless niggers or niggers from the psych ward.
>get on rail at 3:59pm
>get home at 5:45pm
>work out 6-7pm
>chores 7-8pm
>shitpost till Sleep

Dedicated b8. Good pasta

you too! you get up at 8:30 during the week when you work, lol?

This guys gets it.
Homeoffice is the patrician way. I remember doing this shit in summer at Mallorca 100 meters from the beach.
Sadly I still need to attend to the office 2 days per week.

if he aint there dont do much. hell id be on my phone lining up some pussy for the day. hell squeeze a workout in there while u r clocked in

>be me
>local truck driver
>bust ass first 5 hours
>works done
>hide in the warehouse and do crunches
>text all day to my love
>poop for an hour and shitpost
>leave at 11

>>”Puting in the extra effort really emphasises your loyalty and trustworthiness in this Company™!”

this is a lie.

i ended up working for the UK equivalent of walmart (stacking shelves) and living in a hostel (after filling out a homeless application) following similar advice; despite easily being qualified for much, much higher paid jobs.

look for new jobs in your spare time at work, particularly in you're single. apply. as soon as someone offers you more, fuck your current employer off and go elsewhere.

remember that they're only retaining you because they make more from you than they pay you.

I end up going into the office once a week for meetings and stuff. it's probably good for my mental health, otherwise i wouldn't leave my house.

You just have to not give a shit. Find something you can stomach that pays enough to keep you with a roof over your head. Spend your free time exploring what you actually like and for financial opportunities outside of having a boss. The only thing working for somebody should be doing is buying you time to find out how to pay your own way.

i'd kill myself desu

That's a lot of time dedicated to work and commuting...hope you're making a shitload of money.

Need to try to live by the tree eights rule. 8 hours work, 8 hours sleep, 8 hours recreation. And then try to get that work number down over time

When the time comes for kids I will do what I must. I understand necessity. I have other ways of making money (tobacco rounds, ebay trading)
>inb4 selling dick to pakis
Those work for me now, alongside my NEETbux.
Not going to become a fucking wageslave though.

not b8 m8

>I am a humble Ecologist
You're lucky to even have a job faggot

>Also how can your girlfriend respect you when you can't even provide for yourself? Just curious.
Guess I found the right woman?
She's way hotter than I deserve as well.

>You're lucky to even have a job faggot

not rly...

there are so many environmental restrictions now that there's quite a high demand for health and safety / environment monitoring / environment impact PR people.

>I work 80 hours a week.
Each week has 168 hours, commie.

>Be me
>Made a bunch a cash climbing trees all summer
>It's saturday
>I'm laughing at vegans and downloading RTW to play all day
>Later I cycle to a restaurant to eat
>Don't jack off

I'd rather be at work than sitting around playing video games like a retarded nigger

>get ready leave by 640
>arrive 650
>7-5 hospital xray tech
>home 515
>sleep at 9-10

my only wagejob was highschoo/college which was just working 3-4 hours a day. Never even hit 30 hours a week doing that

why the fuck don't you move closer to your work? or find another

You aussies are weak overpaid scum. Cant wait to get back there in a few months and work without bitching for $8 more per hour, with more superannuation contributions, time and a half and overtime pay.

You fucks are either hardened workers or bitching fucks.

Did you start the job recently? I find it strange how a lot of young people haven't had jobs before graduating.

I know. I didn’t complain in my post, did I?
Environmental health technician is a lame job. An ecologist helps create a working ecosystem on land humans fucked. So they are different. Also I’m lucky because it’s in NYC and this is my only IN for the small ass community of environmental professionals in the city.

>get to work at 10pm.
>enter workplace, daycrew which are all women are they looking at us because we're all guys and older
>boss is a nog that blasts his phone through the loud speakers across the store and dances while hooting and hollering in dindu.
>throw boxes around using ladders
>lunchtime I go to a pub or browse 4chins and shitpost about anime with immature coworkers
>finish at 6

Could be a lot worse