It has been a tragedy for this country
Sweden YES
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Stay strong Swedebro.
History has shown us that right wing parties are most successful when things have turned to ash.
Just let it burn.
Why would you even want to extinguish a no-go area?
im curious...
what would stop someone from going into a no-go zone and shoot up some niggers?
Fake news bullshit from Russian trolls.
Why does anyone believe this shit. How retarded are you people?
Marxism cause fascism.
Remember when all the msm channels tried to convince such things as no-go zones does not exist in Sweden or Europe? It was during the time when all the alt-medias had already proven what happens in these zones and the msm still trusted if they tell otherwise the people will believe msm over alt-media. Now the msm just try to stay silent of anything related to no-go zones especially not to mention the word 'no-go zone'.
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came here to post this
Regular policemen are needed to escort firemen and ambulance workers in the worst parts of Chicago, but the entirety of Sweden needs full blown SWAT teams to escort their emergency personnel?
It's official. Sweden is worse than Chicago.
Are Swedish SWAT teams armed with automatic dildos?
Nothing. In Sweden there's this thing called Lasermannen. Fucking legend.
>Nazister ska ha attackerat demonstration mot slavhandel i Uppsala
>attackerat demonstration mot slavhandel
the hell goes on in uppsala?
Hello fellow accelerationist
I see EUdSSR at work here
the fucking medics have to go in with stab proof vests and helmets.
I'm happy when I see news like that. I hope number of no-go zones will skyrocket.
My immediate reaction
Fire cleanes. Let them burn.
Similar shit here: even ambulances need police support in certain areas
kraut-language sources:
lol this
the niggers grenading you
Any Swede Bros wanna Mail me some grenades? It’s too hard to get them in america
THIS IS HOW the Israeli Administration does it.
Administration To Deport Or Jail All Illegals Within 3 Months, the Israeli cabinet today unanimously adopted a program to expel all their 40,000 (((fake African refugees))) to Uganda—regardless of their countries of origin—and indefinitely imprison those who “refuse to leave.”
the Holot concentration camp in southern will be closed within three months, and not the four originally planned, giving the Africans shelter and food was actually encouraging them to stay.
They must go back, simple.
We can make a trade for guns bro
you are too late for the fpbp
only if u send me modified semi automatic weapons
you took the words right out of my mouth.
Fuck off faggots. It's good land, I won't accept it to crumble
We didn't start the fire.
Just let it burn the place to the ground,.
your shit country isn't worth talking about anymore, achmed. Stop posting pls.
>jogging police are to escort/jog with women because of rapes
instead of fixing the fucking problem, they're using police resources to escort women that want to jog.
checked. europe is an a sad place.
This is what happens when niggers are allowed into any civilized place. All of this has only one outcome, and the people of Sweden are slowly understanding what that outcome is.
Good ?
Tell me more of these "no go" zones...
But then who would vote for progression?
Swefags look here.
If you know about motgift, they and other nationalists have started a new organization for swedes only.
They will eventually buy property for swedes and might start ethnically homogenous enclaves for swedes.
I'd reccomend you keep an eye out
Don't talk shit about my city, nigger. I know shits fucked, but I'll be damned if some armchair faggot acts all high and mighty when mentioning my home
>not just lighting it up yourself
Why is there Vietnamese on your screenshot? Did fhe person who took this screenshot did it from a Vietnam IP?
if you're tacticool then no one, really. niggers can't into tactics or cool.
Fake & Gay
Do you seriously believe that (((they))) hire westerners to shill? Do you have any idea how much that cost?
>libshits do it for free food and a coupon
Just let it burn bro. Who cares when no go zones burn down. That's a win win situation.
Holy fuck, you guys need a translation for this
The news that the police in Oskarshamn try to increase security by jogging together with exercising women in the evenings has spread abroad. The initiative is mentioned as a horror example at right wing-extremist sites, where Sweden is portrayed as a dangerous place, among other things. The UK right-wing party Ukip and Italy's right-wing party Lega Nord have spread these news, reports P4 Kalmar.
Someone should start a YouTube channel called "Last Night in Sweden" and just report on the crazy shit that happens there and in the no-go zones. Start off every episode with the audio of Trump saying "last night in Sweden." This channel will get millions of views.
This will tempt the mainstream media to report on the channel which will only bring more attention to what is going on in Sweden and expose the mainstream media's ineptitude. Win-win.
Israel also forces refugees to sign a document so that when they get a job 10% of their paycheck goes to the Israeli government for safekeeping. If they commit any crime they automatically lose all of that money that has been withheld and are deported. This is what all the European countries should do to enforce compliance with the law
One day, the Swedish government will collapse. When it does collapse, that'll be the time for the strong men to take power again.
Your nose peeks out from your post
Next economic down turn the whole nation will burn to the ground. At a point when you no longer cannot hand over free shekels to somalis and arabs they will turn against locals
sad. so sad
Not even American ghettos are this bad. What the fuck is wrong with Sweden?
Tactical chimp squads.
They proceed by flinging shit at you, and once distracted, they rape your daughter and overthrow your crime rate by 67%
when is /k/ gonna invade?
No credible source = fake news.
Your own domestic police forces.
They'll protect the minorities against you, but they won't protect you against the minorities.
Welcome to anarcho-tyranny where the criminals are afforded more rights and respect from the police because they dare to stand up for themselves and violently fight back.
what a shame honestly... I was in Germany in 2014 since it was my Erasmus year and it was comfy af (even though I was just in Sachsen-Anhalt) but I mean it was so peaceful and everyone could go anywhere anytime and there were never this kind of news...
You and your shitty city need to get out of Illinois. You're ruining it for the rest of us. Fucking crook county.
Amerimutts, why have we not tried harder to directly petition GEOTUS into accepting white refugees from Africa and Europe?
Seriously though, why not
No, over here regular policemen is also what's needed, not SWAT. But guess which headline will get you more clicks.
This has also struck me, thank you for vocalizing it
The land will be fine. Just the houses and people will burn.
Soon police will be spread too thin, and basic service provision will begin to collapse.
As this happens comparative advantage goes down and productivity drops, either because business cannot secure its capital against looters and squatters or because the cost of security pushes up the cost of production.
You make less for more work and your living standards drop. The government has less revenue and basic service provision becomes even more challenging. Without an educated middle class that is politically active (and this begins to rapidly disappear) and strong anti-corruption mechanisms (which are slowly being wound back as money and political will dries up) the government becomes more corrupt, and less effective.
Soon you stop expecting to go overseas on holiday. Before long you stop expecting holidays at all. You start wearing your clothes longer - repairing instead of replacing. You eat less meat and more cheap staples. Drink more water and less milk and soft drink. You drive an older car and you drive it less, but public transport is dangerous - but you put up with it, because that's just how the world is nowadays. Some people can't commute to work anymore because of how spotty the service is and how unattainable vehicles are and they become locked in the growing favelas - this is a real problem: access to transport is the single best predictor of economic mobility and ability to escape poverty, and your access is shrinking. Vaccinations aren't free anymore and people can't afford them. Sewage services stop working because of budget cuts and corruption. You're just lucky to have a job and can still live in a semi-decent neighbourhood. Relatively, anyway.
This is the happening. It's not a bang. It's not a whimper either. It's just the walls of your apartment slowly closing in as you downsize and downsize again.
People who lived during the fall of Rome didn't think Rome was falling.
>Soon police will be spread too thin, and basic service provision will begin to collapse.
It's happening, the healthcare system cannot even handle this. There are even less staffs than those who needed care.
Let them burn
I remember when Trump said there were no-go areas in Sweden and everyone denied it.
Kind of funny how people desperately try to avoid the truth.
That just sounds like jew-shekeling to steal money from foreign labour for when they eventually kicked them out for fear of the jewish race ceasing to exist...
Share Blue here just letting you know the following has been deposited to your checking account:
Keep up the good work comrade!
But the police can't stop you in the no-go zone, because they don't go there.
Swedish cuck genes
In the words of the dittoheads: ditto.
If firefighters aren't wanted, just don't bother.