Go ahead ask me anything.
I am Lithuanian AMA
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How is it knowing that you will soon be part of russia?
How does Lithuanian poop taste - specifically in Vilnius?
Flag a là PissMouldRussia
Are there puddles in your country that never evaporate?
You Soon.
I wouldn't worry about that, we got muhrica on our side senpai.
Tastes great, although it's quite diluted by poles, I'd suggest visiting Kaunas, Best shit you will ever have.
If by puddles you mean lakes, then yes.
Do you hate more us or russians?
When will you embrace multiculturalism?
I can't answer for the general population, but me I don't hate either of you, The older generation might hate russians more. And there is this thing with poles living in Vilnius and the whole hate that I don't get.
>I am Faggot AMA
What is up the all the AMA faggotry lately?
Jesus Christ, take this shit to reddit you attention whores.
Same can be asked for you, I fucking loved when your gov decided to not take in a single rapefugee in. My country is politically centered right or left does not have an edge. So we basically don't give two shits about multiculturalism, I'd like me some more asian babes in my city but nothing other than that.
Isn't Sup Forums all about attention to certain topics or things? why do you care all of a sudden jeez, take a chill pill senpai.
nah man, too many weebs there.
why haven't you killed yourself yet?
as a white skinned, dark brown haired and brown eyed non-muslim turk, how would I get treated in your country if I visited there as a tourist.
racist memes will be ignored. decent information will be appreciated.
How's your weekend going?
Hope you have some fun, if possible.
In a little while we'll drive into town to be with friends who also had to work on Thursday so we can all have Thanksgiving together.
Does this taste as shitty as it looks?
Sup Forums is about politics and current affairs, not this shit posting tripe.
Because I believe in my country, unlike you fag.
>I'd like me some more asian babes in my city.
More asians would basically turn Lithuanians into Russian mongoloids.
tastes like kefyr and beetroot
Are Lithuanians potato niggers like the Irish?
For myself I'd say go ahead, tourism lately has been on a rise, people enjoy meeting tourists a lot these days especially the younger gen, for myself I don't mind it completely 50% of my country actually goes to turkey for vacations, Alanya or Antalya.
The start of the weekend was a little bit shaky, was feeling quite sick in the morning, having fun atm, thank you for asking, probably gonna practice singing in an hour or so.
Might be good, but it's not very good in the visual department. Very unappetizing.
It fucking tastes amazing, the purple color might seem off putting, but it is the beets coloring the buttermilk, and when you pair it with dill infused potatoes ur in heaven my friend, especially awesome if you eat it chilled and in the summer.
Quite true, but a little can't hurt.
Yes, we eat a lot of potatoes.
Petrai ,kodel tu darai situos threadous ?
eik miegot ,niekam musu salis nerupi .
O kol mez neatgausim kaliningrado busi irrelevant kaip visada.
Kaip gyvenimas Lietuvoj?
Ką galvoji apie NATO?
Jeigu būtu karas, ką darytum?
Ką galvoji apie dvi tautos respublika, ką kiti galvoja apie Lenkija, Rusija, Gudija, Latvija?
Seniuk, kaliningradas niekados nebus musu, sita shit jau 1000x buvo aptartas. pamirsk. mes praradom sansa po 1-2 pasaulinio ji gaut, jau per velu. + jis buvo ant tiek nuniokotas kad butu tiesiog sunaikines musu visa ekonomika.
Gyvenimas lietuvoj tik gereja, ypac dabar kai statybos ant bumo vyksta, daug investitoriu is pasaulio saliu, ypac pradejo tvarkytis kaunas su Vilnium, na o politikai siektiek pagerejo, bet situacija is esmes panasi kaip anksciau bet dabar gerai.
NATO galvoju kad yra gerai.
jei karas butu cj emigruociau i kanada arba US
apie respublika tai manau kad buvo geri laikai, apie lenkija ka kiti galvoja tai bbzino, tik galiu pasakyt kad pries juos nieko neturiu.
latvija isliks latvija visada prie sirdies, na o baltarusai ir rusai tai irgi man tai nieko visai. tik problema visada su valdzia.
ekstremali poliarizacija,viena tautos dalis ekstremaliam skurde ,kita ekstremaliam komforte .
Gerai ,jai ne Adamkaus subinlaiziavimas Bushui ,seniai butume tape pietu osetija 2.0
Palikciau sali , tegul konservatinikai su savo elitu gina sali .
Nekokia ideja ,geriau jau taptume dar viena amerikos valstija .
Neutraliai galvoja,daugumai visiskai poxui politika
does it feel goood, to not to ever learn from your mistakes?
like stepping on a rake repeatedly and endlesly to the point, that your nation WILL seize to exist?
AKA polak and other slaves question:
Post Huns encounter, you allowed poolaks (slaves from Khazaria) to settle on your clay;
post being invaded (and attempts) in Latvia, Estonia, Pomerania, Sambia etc (Baltic tribal native clay) by vikings Danes, Swedes, Germans many times have resisted them, but not the polaks... all the way up to the point to them concurring most of your territories, even using German Teutons (AKA Northern Crusades), you still got in to union with them? defended them against German Teutonic order in the Battle of Grünwald? why?
Post many more betrayals, including occupation in 1922, you still have not learned them being savage slave ethnicity, that WILL destroy you.
Išdavikai, subinlaižiai, mazgotės, parsidavėliai, nuskystėjusios žmogystos....busimi mankurtai, o gal jau esami?
Kovokit už tėvynę.
I have had that. It was kinda odd, but the salty "soup" and the potatoes went really well together. The soup kind of dissolves the potatoes in your mouth.
It was rather nice. Would have it again.
Are you thinking of suicide?
Do you ever thought about changing your flag to, you know, something less African?
Really, I can take you seriously with this flag. What does these colours even mean?
What do you think of Jews?
wheat fields, forests, blood
Every day
There was some discussion few years ago on taking our coats of arms as our flag but that died down. They stand for that all Africa is rightful Lithuanian clay and should be enslaved by Lithuanians and all niggers should work in potato fields.
You guys should add blue stripe for Baltic sea.
Look, it would be perfect.
Doesn't it feel good to have muslims rape your country? Eastern europe is slowly becoming a paradise like the west was 15 years ago
Yes. it is amazing.
And a brown one for them 'taters
Our country back in the war era really supported the jews, and they we're a part of our country and culture, and we definately viewed them as inseparable from us. That is what the history is saying, and I think the same. Jews are great in some ways.
This should become our official state flag, to be honest.
The USSR times generation who are drunkards do, but the younger ppl don't
Whys boobs good?
Seni sitas 100x geriau
Howcome your country is tiny af, wheres the revanchism?
Becuz dey r gud
>but the younger ppl don't
Kek the delusion
Aš tik meminau....
our country is small because it was cucked by other european countries and russia during the two republic period with poland. We couldn't regain the lands that we lost. In reality we had all of belarus and kaliningrad region to ourselves.
this flag would be based
>There was some discussion few years ago on taking our coats of arms as our flag but that died down
Shame. To be honest, that would be pretty badass. Look at the horse, he clearly want to murder.
o as rimtai
why havent you emigrated to US by now? Literally a whole fuck ton of you here in Boston.
Nu jeigu tu toksai tai man sad uz tave, jei pats negali susitvarkyt gyvenimo sau, ir lauki kol kas kitas uz tave viska padarys nu tai nx eik ir karkis. maziau bomzu ir alkoholiku gatvese bus.
have you been to belarus?
what is it like?
Why are there no belarus posters.
Yeah I know, especially in Chicago as well quite a few in NYC too, I heard the communities have Lithuanian schools there as well, I might consider it if shit hits the fan here.
theres a Lithuanian summer camp for kids in Vermont run by your nuns seems pretty fucking comfy.
Well yeah, commonwealth when through?
I haven't been there, but I heard it is just fine, the people especially are very welcoming, and the whole stigma surrounding them that they are bad is just outright false. + recently Timoshenko "the leader" proposed to ban russian in schools and teach belarussian to preserve their culture or something like that.
So it seems east coast in dotted with Lithuanian communities, great, but what do you think about them?
Belarus is like evolved USSR. It hard to explain to foreigner, but it's pretty nice place.
Of course you can't say bad things about Lucashenko, but trains run on time.
The commonwealth was the greatest period in Lithuanian and Polish history, we we're the power house in the europe back then, but austria germany and russia we're intimidated so they teamed up to defeat and take the lands for themselves, fucking pussies desu. + We we're about to be the first democratic country in europe back then but as always, shit had to hit the fan.
Only brown people are allowed in the US
Na kiek matau,nei raštingas esi, nei proto turi - problema yra, ji yra tikra, ji paliečia daug jaunų. Tačiau matau šiek tiek per mažai košės smegeninėj turi, kad tau "dašustu".
Prie to pačio, nedaryk gėdos su savo debiliškom AMAom, nes matos, kad esi tikro talento debilas.
Tu supranti, kad jis neatspindi visos lietuvos jaunimo, tai vienetinis atvejis, tuebut jis turejo kazkokiu problemu su savimi ir neiskente, ir jeigu sie faktai tau nedeina i galva tai laikas man eit paverkt i kampa.
For some reason most of the Lithuanians that come to US are pretty comfy and actually end up living pretty comfymiddle and upper middle class, sure glad we dont get the drunk welfare sucking degenerate lithuanians that Britain seems to attract.
I have a Lithuanian girl that works in my office, what's the most Lithuanian way to insult her?
Yeah once the Kebab was no longer a threat. I guess didn't go so well for Austria too in the long run and Prussia proper is Russian
Tik norėjau pašiepti tavo naivumą. Nebūtina įsižeisti ar įžeidinėti, nors nei kiek nenustebau, kad parašei tokią nesąmonę.
call her russian
Nu bl as bandziau parodyt ivaizdi kad dabar tai yra maziau aktualu nei anksciau, bet tikrove kaip matau kitokia pas tave, nu asmeniskai nesu susidures su savizudybe, touche.
Ask her how's life in poland, and also tell that you feel sad that there's anti-semitism in poland (as in also tell her that she looks jewish)
Jis tikras lietuvis patriotas - tegu lietuviai žudos ar tai alkoholikai būna, koks jam skirtumas, vat va "tikras lietuvis" yra kaip angelas - jokių problemų neturi.
Ha, I sometimes call her the russian
>Keturiolika aštuoniasdešimt aštuoni.
Thanks, I'll do this
virai, kodėl dar nesuprantat, kad intermarium yra vienintelis būdas išlikti, ir pasiųsti nahui tiek briuselinius, tiek kacapus?
Na bet, kodel tu neisreiski savo nuomones apie si dalyka ir tiesiog bandai izvlegti kazkokiu klaidu ar nepatyrimu manyje, Taip as nesu labai patyres visko bet savo nuomone kazkokia turiu nors ir ji nera gera, bet ji keiciasi.
I have a qt Lt girlfriend. ama
Is she crazy?
Kind of. But in a good way.
Visu pirmą visada galvok logiškai, štai sakai, kad tik sovietinė karta kariasi, ar tai bomžai (dėje kaži ar bent vienas etatinis bomžas per pastaruosius 6 metus kiek Vilniuje gyvenu nusižudė), dar sakai kad alkoholikų mažiau bus, Pažvelk į statistiką, ar latviai tiek žudos, ar latviai tiek gerią? Problema yra visuotinė ir bandymas ją numot ranka kaip "aij px čia šiaip nuovalkos taip daro - tiap jiem ir reikia" taipogi yra dalis problemos.
Good luck user. Hope it works out.
Hows general population attitude to the western seppuku migrant style?
Hows general attitude to postmoderministic no more values or family? Hedonism much?
2nd Commonwealth when?
How are you working towards sorting our country out and making it great?
Are you aware that there is proof of our prosecuting magistracy being directly paid off by Russian corporations to suspend investigation of "dubious activity".
What is your opinion on moral degeneration of the generations born post 91*?
>Implikuoji, kad yra esminis skirtumas tarp lenko ir ruso
Baik pokštaut, jei tik bus proga lenkas bandys griebt žemių taip pat godžiai kaip rusas.
how many refugees do you get each year
Jo, galbut as jau tiek buvau prisiklauses sito ir tiesiog nenorejau daugiau to patiket, kad tiesiog numojau tai ranka, dekui dabar biski atktuto smegenine, zinok rimtai, aciu.