I'm confuse

Can Sup Forums explain both sides of the net neutrality debate objectively?

Other urls found in this thread:


>if you are against it, you are a cuck
>if you are for it, you are a cuck

Sup Forums in a nutshell

good thing faggots like you don't pick sides. You wouldn't want to actually risk being wrong, would you?

been in a thread of that this week and everyone was calling the other side "cuck". I am with the EFF on this.

The FCC just want to censor everybody, don't ever trust them they're all kikes.

You suck op

Local government created monopolies are the reason there is no competition in ISPs

we need to free the market

read this

As long as I can continue watching beautiful white girls getting blacked online I don't care

t. network engineer

The short of it: People don't know what their fucking talking about and should just shut the fuck up and let Pai do his job.

For reference:


inb4 shill

Check this recently ark'd thread about it. I was the ancap neteng poster from there, and am happy to explain my side of things to you or anyone else.

NN is like any other kind of communism, it seems really nice on the surface, but it only serves to create a much smaller, and much more powerful ruling class

its better to take away the absolute discretion of the googles of the world, and then break up the ISPs later, if necessary

if capitalism does it's job, new ISPs will quickly appear if comcast starts doing shady shit

>grinding through clothes

Jeez, what a bunch of pussies. Is this the new hoverhand? Dick that girl down.

here you go user


The real "Problem" with internet service is the last mile being copper and the fucking municipal monopolies (Plus monopoly #1 - Daddy Gubmint)

It's either literal FCC/ISP shills or morons who need to feel special and adopt the opposing viewpoint in a snowflake manner

So why dismantle net neutrality now? Wait until we fix the cable oligopoly, then it won't matter.

anyone who says anything other than this is shekeling for one side or the other.

Or, you know, maybe subject matter experts who work with this tech for a living? People making an honest to God's attempt in good faith to get the hyped up imbeciles properly fucking sorted out?

No, couldn't be.

No shot.

Remember how bad it was 2 years ago without Net Newfaggotry? Me either....I don't remember all this censorship do you?

Plebbit is shill central next to twatter, we all know it. Anyone who says otherwise is a retarded faggot or a shill. Pic related

>In 2015, Soros, along with Silicon Valley’s elite like Twitter, Facebook, and Google, ran a campaign in support of the Obama administration’s proposed ‘net neutrality’ rules. Under the guise of pushing for a free and open internet, Soros and company did just the opposite.
>Alongside Obama officials, they crafted policy that would turn the internet into a government-regulated utility, and at the same time, allow platforms like Twitter and Facebook to operate unchecked. The latter have used this power to censor conservative voices on their platforms and not so subtly push the liberal agendas of their elite founders and executives. It’s a trend that has produced everything from endless examples of conservative censorship with little explanation to hypocritical finger-pointing within Silicon Valley’s own ranks.

Where is the Daily Stormer, Murdoch Murdoch?
Why are (((they))) demonetizing conservative channels on jewtube?

What is Twatter doing on december 18th? Yes they support Net Newfaggotry!
>In what amounts to a major shift in Twitter policy, the company announced on Friday that it will be monitoring user's behavior "on and off the platform" and will suspend a user's account if they affiliate with violent organizations

What does Trump say

Fuck off jews!


What's your definition of subject matter expert? A cable lobbyist?

FWIW I work in tech and have literally never met anyone anti-NN.

Forgot faggot pic for pasta, tired of this shit.

I work in "tech" too....go you even Sup Forums faggot?
Go back to plebbit!

Net Neutrality is a lot older than two years you fucking homo. It's a almost as old as the internet.

Pro: "Welcome to Sup Forums. To load user replies, please purchase our 'Web interaction' package for $7.95."

Anti: "Hurr durr, it's not like the jews are gonna get anymore greedy. We had a time before nn, and the jews didn't do anything of what you're suggesting now."

Customer support doesn't count as tech buddy.

The shitty memes in this post is so cringe worthy

Fuck NN!
NN is a code words for Anti White!





Just because YOU don't know something. Doesn't mean you are automatically right. You are also contradicting yourself.

>Why are (((they))) demonetizing conservative channels on jewtube?

So your logic is to give ISPS more power to censor more because you are against censoring?

Die in a fire! You kike faggot.

>Until 2015, there were no clear legal protections requiring net neutrality.Throughout 2005 and 2006, corporations supporting both sides of the issue zealously lobbied Congress.[7] Between 2005 and 2012, five attempts to pass bills in Congress containing net neutrality provisions failed. Each sought to prohibit Internet service providers from using various variable pricing models based upon the user's Quality of Service level, described as tiered service in the industry and as price discrimination by some economists.

Verizon was caught throttling despite net neutrality rules in place, it's almost like current ISPs don't give a shit if some law tells them they can't throttle and will do it anyways and hope they don't get caught

The idea of NN has been around since the 80's you stupid fuck. It wasn't till ISPS started getting greedy that it was made into law.
It's like the idea bro before hoes.

>The shitty memes in this post is so cringe worthy
This is what we are up against Sup Forums
What memes you retarded shill? Do you even know what a meme is. Holy fuck!


No, sorry. They turned it into a brand.

>it's almost like current ISPs don't give a shit if some law tells them they can't throttle and will do it anyways and hope they don't get caught

It's the product of having a weak govt. system. They got fined, but the fined wasn't really worth it, but I rather there be some rules in place. Instead of ISPS doing what ever they want.


Again you stupid fuck. It's was like bros before hoes. It was something that people agreed was a thing. Till ISPS decided they didn't care.

When an ex verizon employee runs the FCC, does it suprise you they got a tiny slap on the wrist and were told not to get caught next time

Explain what memes are in this post you were referring to.
>It's was like bros before hoes. It was something that people agreed was a thing.

I have a question, do you know what Zyklon B was actually used for?

"Net Neutrality" is the Obama "Patriot Act" for the internet.

The FTC ruled Comcast couldn't throttle p2p (ie Bittorrent) back in 2003. People who don't know this think "Net Neutrality" will somehow do what it was doing anyway.

Obama's "Net Neutrality" takes the protective power of thye FTC away and gives it to the FCC, the television and radio censor that takes shows off the air for the wrong swears.

Shills are not very smart in their attempts, and the world turns.

Working for tech doesn't cut it, because there are devs that don't know what DIMMs is and there are sysads that can't do DBA.

But for me, as a neteng, I think you should be a network professional to really comment intelligently. At least understand the OSI model and the stochastic modality of broadband, please.

$ISP was totally justified in $Action from that pic, btw.

>Mega corporations shouldn't get to censor what we do online

They own the fucking infra, they should be allowed to say "No, just cuz we're fucking cunts and don't wanna"

> So your logic is to give ISPS more power to censor more because you are against censoring?

Chairman Pai stands for democratizing the internet by expanding broadband connectivity and the spectrum, while also opening the last mile in terms of competition. See pic.

>It wasn't till ISPS started getting greedy that it was made into law.

ISPS (sic) are the greedy ones?

Or maybe it's the greedy consumers who don't understand not everyone can load hours and hours of high-def content without repercussions or costs.

We already provide multiple providers for many utilities over the same transmission lines. Not sure why a speration from 1st teir Internet to 2nd tier selectively boosted Internet to 3rd teir Internet with e-mail, youtube, or Netflix only fags exist. It's like they bought the lies.

What the hell is an "ISPS"

You clearly don't know a fucking thing you're talking about. Come back when you can explain what "BGP" is all about and maybe we can chat.

By giving the ISP's more control or.. what's your point here?

more than one Internet service provider You stupid fuck. No wonder so many of you are against NN. You have no clue how things work.

This is another great point actually, chairman Pai has mentioned how the FTC has had historical control over this.

Oy vey! My words weren't clear. I'm very anti-NN at this point to clarify.

I'm a fucking network engineer... I can categorically say that I have WAY more clues on this shit goes down than you will ever.

>expanding broadband connectivity and the spectrum,

There is nothing stopping this from happening with NN. You stupid shill

>They own the fucking infra, they should be allowed to say "No, just cuz we're fucking cunts and don't wanna"

They don't own shit right now you dumb cuck and yes they shouldn't be allowed to tell you what you can look up and say online.

You keep saying that but you haven't used your knowledge to make an informative post.

Shut the fuck up.

Missed pic related:

Read the article.

Government prevents new ISPs from entering the market

Why are you ignoring my questions now?

Explain what memes are in this post you were referring to.

Why won't you answer?????
Do you know what Zyklon B was actually used for?

Yet you have no idea what ISP means. You don't have to lie about your job.

Oh, I haven't?

What's this?

I gave him a link. You should read it to, maybe you'll learn something. If you want, I'll even try to explain the simpler topics to you like a baby, so you might be able to get a grasp on how fucking little you know.

You want what it's really used for or what it is used for in theory?

What does that have to do with anything? Repealing NN won't make new ISPs appear out of thin air.

>t. troll

I asked what the fuck an "ISPS" was not an "ISP". But yeah, I'm totally lieing about my job - I'm a fucking CCNP you cunt.

Uhh you linked me first, what question am I ignoring?

People claim that it will. One of the "pros" is that without NN ISP will compete with each other.

Are you fucking retarded? None of that relates to what Title II does.

Less regulation will make it easier for newbies to enter the market. Google and other pro NN companies want to dump the responsiblity for bandwidth on the ISP so only big companies will be the ISP left

One at a time champ.
Explain what memes are in this post you were referring to.

That doesn't make any sense.

Your link is absolute shit, of course net neutrality is possible, it's already in place in Europe.

>I asked what the fuck an "ISPS" was not an "ISP". But yeah, I'm totally lieing about my job - I'm a fucking CCNP you cunt.

Then prove it. Post your work badge. I lost count of how many people claim to have some sort of high tech job when this happens.

How? It's not regulation they have to comply with. Title II means you can be sued for doing something illegal (e.g. throttling traffic from your competitors). It does not make it any harder for new ISPs to be founded.

those people are fucking stupid major ISP corporations have already divided up areas

you ever wonder why you cant get character aka spectrum in the same area as comcast or cox communications in the same area as time warner? because they have divided up their own areas so they have monopolies in certain counties all across the country

not only will you be buying monopoly internet but youll be paying way more for way less if NN ends

Zyklon B is a cyanide-based pesticide. Which may or may not have been used in concentration camps.

The real reason ISPs are fighting so hard to repeal net neutrality is because ISPs have a limited amount of bandwidth, which they sell to you in packages of X data/second. Well it turns out ISPs have been selling bandwidth they don't actually have available, which has come into the public spotlight because of the general public using the internet more and more, generally to use programs such as Netflix and Facebook. So now the ISPs are crying to the government so that they can attempt to strongarm Netflix etc into paying for their own infrastructure costs by throttling or blocking their services even though Netflix etc already are paying for the bandwidth they are using.

The most likely end scenario is that with NN repealed the ISPs start arbitrarily charging Netflix/FB etc more money for the same speed, costs which will be passed on to consumers in the form of slower internet for everything but Netflix/FB and more expensive Netflix. Remember, even Google couldn't get fibers down, so the ISPs sure as shit don't want to upgrade their infrastructure either.

this comic pisses me off, because there are like 50 different versions of the exact same comic.
Why would someone who is so down to earth and can give such excellent social commentary but essentially plagiarises an existing comic. fucking annoying

This is absolutely true, and Chairman Pai is aware of this. He hates how the last mile is currently. Trump put him in for a reason.

See: The point of repealing NN is that the FCC should not have a say in this, the FTC should, and also it's policy that is badly, badly, badly detached from the technical reality and science of networking.

Imagine a regulations policy on cars that insisted on all cars driving the same speed on all roads - Fuck who owns the road or the fact that a car can be a tractor trailer which is blocking an ambulance.

now assume that "same speed" is the speed of light. That's the absurdity of this. And their expecting the Wheel manufacterurs to insure this too.

I don't get how the brainwashed masses and commies fall for NN at this point, and I've only been in a few threads. Just because (((they))) told you it was good and about freedom you believe it. I was pro-NN at the start, but after reading, it's clearly a major corp hit job on smaller businesses. Just like they do in every other line of business. The NN fags are promoting an Internet with fewer choices on how to receive it and higher costs. I.Don't.Get.It.

NN grants users a complete, unfiltered and unlimited access to the Internet (still limited to the network capabilities). No matter the websites, the services and the protocol used, operators should provide a running network access, without bandwidth limitation, without filtering, without commercial agreements with third companies. So, NN prevents operators to provide a filtered/limited access, for various concerns: censorship, commercials, free of speech...
Most of all, it's quite important to divide operators. States, universities and research centers should provide the backbone, network operators should provide large scale network access, internet provider customer accesses, and so on. Why? Because, taken globally, the network usage expands every year. It's not to one operator, or another, to decide which service should be downgraded or not.

Operators starve for imposing limitations to their customers. Several explanations are falsely provided, mainly bandwidth consumption concerns. For instance, they argue massive YouTube users monopolize +90% of the bandwidth, then downgrading the service for users with no interest in YouTube. It's evidently a false claim, as their duties are precisely to provide a full working network, not to decide how to use it, not to bind network with commercial agreements with third parties.
Their goal is, naturally, to make profit. We can't blame them for promoting such commercial plans.

Sadly, operators will get success. Once the network is massively 4, 5 or 6G+, your consumption of "data" will be limited accordingly to your plan/choices, and until now, nobody complains about.

If NN is so great, why does reddit and twitter have to supress all anti-NN comments in favor of pro-NN comments

Tell me what is good without it.

To be fair, it's specifically a formulation of Zyklon A without the original warning scent additive that deters people from inhaling it.

The ISPs would probably extort Reddit for more money since it's one of the bigger websites, it's a business issue for them.

Title II is more about FCC vs FTC afaik but I'm against NN all the way down. Whoever owns the connections should be able to do whatever they want up to their demarcs, for whatever fucking reason. Don't like it? Get a WISP or wait for Pai to try to open the last mile.

I accidentally you user. I meant to link the 2 shills. I'm out of here. I caught 3 red handed 2 days ago and have seen other anons catch more. This is a massive attack. (((They))) know shit about board culture. Fight on against the SOROS jews and plebbitors.

Democrats say X is good
Republicans say X is not good
Ameridumbs just repeat what they say.

kill yourself shill rat

I fucking knew there was an upside to this I was missing

There really isn't an upside, people are getting smokescreened by the framing of this as "Big Tech vs. ISP". The truth is in this situation the ISPs have a monopoly and Big Tech has to buy from them same as you. Repealing NN just gives ISPs the right to fuck over all their customers, that does include Reddit and all the big websites but it also includes us. The only winners in repealing NN are the ISPs, this is one of the few times where we get nothing by fighting leddit.

How about getting rid of regulation that enables monoplies

Who's going to pay for the CDNs to make that happen?

How to we control the stochastic process that arises from distributed networks?

Luckily I have nothing to prove to you and I'm also on a pilgrimage home through the girls parent's, but if those two things weren't true maybe I'd entertain you.

How about we have an in detail discussion about CIDR and IPv4? What will it take cunt. I can talk for hours about VLAN design too if that sparks your interest.

This is an informed post. Bandwidth congestion has been increasingly problematic, esp. with all these HD streaming services. Consider infra issues like copper being everywhere and too much regulation to lay new fibre and bang!

Was about to call that out as BS then alexa'd it and app. it's #8?

>Zyklon B is a cyanide-based pesticide. Which may or may not have been used in concentration camps.

YOU SURE SEEM LIKE ONE OF US YOU DUMB FUCK! You know shit about this board and should kill yourself. Learn what a meme is and go get deloused.

No worries, was just uber confused mate. Be easy and keep doin God's work.

God forbid people pay more when, ya know, they are flooding traffic with their shitty service.

Repeat after me: The ISP owns the infra, and can do whatever they want for whatever reason. If they want to block plebbit bc it's fucking gay or BT protocol because its

84, Good question. 08, you're clearly a moron. I was hoping for honest questions but you both seem to misunderstand me alittle. To make my point, what if the terrestrial channels passed a law with lobbying to restrict the receiver in your television? You claim that not to do so literally restricts our access on the internet. I would be 110% in favor of a law that mandates a functional speed and blocks censorship in a teir 1 Internet connection. Teir 2 would be more nuanced in terms of your preferred 'channels'. Teir 3 would be selected services like e-mail or netfilx. Obviously the free market would figure it out better than me long term. My point is that it's a restriction on (you) in how you receive YOUR service.

There's nothing hypothetical about what ISPs will do when net neutrality is eliminated.

2005 - Madison River Communications was blocking VOIP services. The FCC put a stop to it.
2005 - Comcast was denying access to p2p services without notifying customers.
2007/09 - AT&T was having Skype and other VOIPs blocked because they didn't like there was competition for their cellphones.
2011 - MetroPCS tried to block all streaming except YouTube. They actually sued the FCC over this.
2011/13 - AT&T, Sprint and Verizon were blocking access to Google Wallet because it competed with their bullshit.
2012 - AT&T tried to block access to FaceTime unless customers paid more money
2013 - Verizon literally stated that the only thing stopping them from favoring some content providers over other providers were the net neutrality rules in place

Shills will argue that Net Neutrality is unnecessary because we've never had issues without it. I think this timeline shows just how crucial it really is to a free and open internet.

>God forbid people pay more when, ya know, they are flooding traffic with their shitty service

Why should they pay more? They are already paying for all the bandwidth they are using. It's the ISPs fault for not upgrading their infrastructure to service their userbase, they have all this time been praying not that many people would use it at the same time and now it's biting them in the ass and they're crying to the government to be allowed to utilize their status as a monopoly.

>Who's going to pay for the CDNs to make that happen?
There's nothing to pay for. You know you already HAVE Net Neutrality, right? That's why you want to REPEAL it.

>How to we control the stochastic process that arises from distributed networks?
If Europe can deal with that I'm sure you burgers can too.

Not against laws that prevent fuckery my dude. You're missing the point of debate.

Yeah, but the intentionally misnomered bill has only been around since 2015.

It's not intentionally misnomered and the laws which it replaced are no longer around, meaning all consumer protections against ISP extortion are gone if we repeal it.

I don't give a fuck about any argument, the only thing that I know if that if the Jews in the FCC are involved I want nothing to do with.

Fuck the fcc and fuck the literal paid shills who have swarmed this board ever since that fucking idiot Trump ran for president

>The only winners in repealing NN are the ISPs, this is one of the few times where we get nothing by fighting leddit.

Google and Facebook being forced to compete in an open market is only bad for them, and only good for normal people.

The FTC ruled Comcast couldn't throttle p2p (ie Bittorrent) back in 2003. Trade ethics legislations, pre 2015, applied to internet services just like hamburger services, which literally legally ensured throttling and selective service on the customer-end is untenable. "Net Neutrality" takes the protective power of the FTC away and gives it to the FCC, the television and radio censor that takes shows off the air for the wrong swears.

Holy shit, actually learn about the things you have strong opinions about.

NN is a shilljob, by shills, for shills.

What about throttling or outright blocking access to Sup Forums


What about you being a paid shill?

How does removing NN force Google/FB to compete in an open market? They already do, they're just winning. There are alternatives to both available right now.

So all of them were stopped and all before the 2015 falsely titled NN bill. Seems like you jist proved why its a solution looking for a problem, and thus unnecessary.

I agree, infra is severely lacking - we need to replace our copper with fiber.

>There's nothing to pay for.

Um, the CDN implementation is not free - it costs hardware and infra and support for it too...Are the devs and app owners going to pay up for their "Unfettered, truly neutral" access?

>You know you already HAVE Net Neutrality, right?

We don't have a neutral network because such a thing is not possible. Technically speaking. Please, read this link:


>If Europe can deal with that I'm sure you burgers can too.

How do you control the stochastic process? Do you know what that word means lad? Aren't you forgetting that Europe is 28+ sovereign nation states and that US is one single one? Aren't you forgetting that there is crony corporatism and monopolies set at the municipality level too in the US?

Also Portugal is in Europe right? Pic attached, love you're model of "neutral" networking lol.