do it faggot

we both know you won't

I just moved

now what?

xing ke!

Having a child as head of state is irrational in this modern world anyway. Supreme executive power shouldn't be granted to someone just because of who their daddy was.
Go ahead, do it, with her death China can abandon this archaic form of government and advance to greater heights!

Head of state doesn't equal executive power though. In states like the UK and Germany they almost have none while in the US the president is the government itself. The Chinese loli in this case is just a figurehead.

*teleports behind you*

Nevertheless. The monarchy/emperor system is a dumb relic that needs to be abolished everywhere. It might have been useful for peaceful transitions of power in the past, but it serves no purpose now.


dooooo iiiiiiit

No, it serves a very important purpose of creating a national identity/unity.


Do it, I'd love to see what MS Paint altered picture you got lined up.

You don't need a hereditary lineage to create a national identity. Just look at America, Russia and China.

She wasn't even the head of state, though; she was just a pawn for an oligarchy.

"sigh" Where are the Japanese shaman girls when you need them.

Holy Cow ! Release the legal loli at once !

Nobody moves or I'll tell you, for example, to kill you're waifu.

there's still literally nothing wrong with this scene 10 years later

people that say shit like 'he could've said anything else" are missing the point

I just hate how forced and contrived it was.

What point? That was forced as fuck.

She just misheared, Lulu actually said. Bring the cheese

Do it.
She's a waste of space.

Please stop

Dance thread?


>random fucking thread
>sg0 spoilers
Fuck you

Well, as long as they bring in more money from tourism than they use, I dont give a fuck :^)


Which is what made is fun as fuck.


But my loli could kill you

Wtf I hate Zero now


Not quite CG-tier, but those noodle limbs are quite impressive.

>Dance thread?

Get what?

>blonde American looking-dude is evil
I actually was surprised a lot more at Mr. Braun the original. That nigga was fucking nuts.


I always knew sabers thrown by watery parts was a superior form for government

>the president is the government itself

Yeah no, that only happens when he has enough people within his party in the other branches. Otherwise, it's just a fucking shitshow.

>Not posting cute Maho.
Maho is cuutteee!!!

Don't do it.

>shin godzilla.gif

I disagree, ALL heads of state should be lolis.