>Pit bulls are the dog version of nigge..........
What now anti-pit shills
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Stop stereotyping pitbulls. Although I'm grateful the dog saved the child, it was still extremely violent. It all depends in the owner and how the animal shelter raised. I have had one for six years and he is the most gentle and loving dog I've ever had.
training a dog takes skill
not every retarded american can manage the breed
So all niggers need is to be trained?
Coincidence at best.
You don't pretend a nigger stops being a criminal because he kills another nigger.
Well of course.
It takes such an astonishing amount of stupidity to get a pit bull to attack you that it should be considered a suicide attempt for all intents and purposes.
people aren't dogs.
The best behaved most gentle dogs I have ever met are mastiffs and bulldogs. they are trained by a very skilled trainer.
Wow great source.
>2 of the most common fighting dogs on the top
wow i just cant understand why these dogs are so troublesome
That's hilarious, what satirical "news" paper is it from?
Stop comparing pitbulls to a nigger you faggot wetback. It all has to do with her they are raised. God damn I wish we could build a wall on Sup Forums.
You've heard of the reddit invasion, but no one is talking about the Arfcom invasion. CBTS is ruining this fucking place.
Normies have to go back
Pit bull can be three different dog breeds. Lumping pitbulls (Staffies, Bull Terriers and APTs) into one group, would be like putting GSDs aND Rotties in one group.
>chart is dishonest
It doesn't matter if niggers aren't dogs, you're using the exact same argument that civic nationalists use for niggers.
>it's just their culture that's bad, if they accept our values (trained) they'll be BASED!
Yes, this breeds will behave incredible well with a good trainer that can control them, but the training is precisely to make the dog act in a way that is contrary to its nature and impulses, you cannot deny its nature is still to be an aggressive bastard and that alone makes it dangerous.
What is CBTS and why do we have multiple threads about it all of the sudden? It's almost as bad as the boogie spam.
>a violent dog acting violently is proof it's not a nigger dog
Sure. Not saying the dog didn't do the right thing which was defending it's "pack". There are plenty of dog breeds who are much more suitable to be guard dogs. Pit bulls are the niggers of dogs, not all niggers are bad people you know. They are just much more likely to act violently for no reason.
I was talking about dogs.
But yes, in the sense that we are all trained by our parents, you can say that a culture where stable families and responsible mother and father figures are not present will produce more crime.
but again, I sincerely hope you see a difference between yourself and a poodle
After that he killed the kid too
>it's the species not the trainer
>pits fall under three different species
This is a bait thread you dumbfucks...... Report and sage
If any of you saw that thumbnail and title sentence and believed it for a sec, then you should off yourselves
Pitbulls are like niggers
One in every 20 is a good person with the ability to make a better future
But this one good melaninated gentleman is not a reason to put up with the other 19's bullshit
>this race will behave incredible well with a good trainer that can control them, but the training is precisely to make the nigger act in a way that is contrary to its nature and impulses, you cannot deny its nature is still to be an aggressive bastard and that alone makes it dangerous.
Look at what you're writing you fucking cuck. It exactly describes how civic nationalists talk about niggers. You're a civic nationalist, you clearly don't believe race is very important if you believe it can be trained away.
I worked at a dog daycare for a few years. Most dogs that get dropped off at dog daycare are untrained because their owners are lazy. With that said I never saw a Golden Retriever maul someone.
>Dog steals a man's penis
>Niggers steal everything
Not seeing the argument OP
really makes one ponder
why wouldn't you want to have niggers as pets?
Because they're a very violent breed that's prone to lashing out and raping/murdering your family.
The issue is that the "orange" part is just as diverse, if not more so, as the multi-colored part. Unfortunately "pit" is basically meaningless.
I cant believe that you are going to conflate dogs and people just to make a political point... for all you know im a civic nationalist yes but now im talking about dogs
... my favorite dogs have been mastiffs and bulldogs... if they are trained properly then they can be extremely friendly and even cowardly towards people they know.
If you don't know how to train more challenging breed then it will go wrong, I truly believe that accounts for those figures...as with everything else in life, you have to know what you are doing.
When you're legally allowed to beat them they straighten right up
You quoted exactly what I wanted to say though, I think that in civic nationalism it only works if the people that are being integrated (AKA the migrants that did not build the culture through centuries) are a significant minority of the population because adopting a new culture does not erase the natural tendencies your people developed through thousands upon thousands of years so that if there is no pressure to stay in check be it by being a small minority or by having a strong caste system then the people will slowly but surely start changing culture into the way of their own natural tendencies.
As an example, you can have small migration from Mexico and central America to some place like the US and, if and only if, they are a very small minority and the rest of the country is a single group majority then the migrants will adapt, if not them completely their kids surely will, BUT, what you have a is huge numbers of migrants, even if a minority it is a huge one and they all live in congregated areas so they atleast in their own communities a majority. on top of that the rest of the country is not a single group majority there are plenty of other groups so that not only are they not integrating but they are already pushing to change the country to fit more with their natural tendencies, in latina america that tendency is for a strong government that tells us what to do but also provide us with plenty of handouts in healthcare, food and all services we want, pushing to a path where its borderline socialism.
This. The term Pit is at least 3 different dog breeds. Plus any mixed breeds with pit characteristics.
Most pure bread pitbulls are so inbred now, that they are really more like rabid Muslims than Niggers.
Fake news, you gullible retards.
Pitbulls are smarter than niggers.
No. Pitbulls cause too much trouble for what they're worth. Get rid of them.
Do blacks kill people at a higher or lower rate than Pit Bulls kill people?
until the day you step on his tail by mistake and he kills you.
or you dont do anything at all and he still kills you because pitbulls snap out of the blue all the time
LOL, journalists are as reliable in reporting dog breeds as they are the make and model of a gun.
Go look up how much crime "Glocks" are blamed for
A political point? No, because it makes sense. Dogs having 4 legs isn't a political point, neither is the fact that breeds were bred in a way that changes their behaviour and neither does the fact that the same applies to humans.
pedos and edgelord anti pit shills BTFO
Nah, love mine too much. If pits were outlawed, I'd have no trouble shooting any pig cop who tried to confiscate him
Sic sempre tyrannis, bitch
it makes sense if your conception of humanity is so limited that they can be directly compared to dogs... its not that simple because we are not that simple , you dense motherfucker.
pittbulls are good anglo dogs stop being an aniwhhite nog
I doubt the pitbull even knows what a pedophile is. The pitbull could have just as easily attacked the kid instead. In fact I'm surprised it didn't. Death to all pitbulls
You think cops merely confiscate dogs?
They shoot them on sight for shits and giggles.
There's more than one way to genocide a species. How about this, all pitbulls are forcefully neutered, paid for by the state if necessary. You don't lose your pupper and they're gone in a generation.
You're so fucking dumb that you can't see there are similarities between species? Jesus christ, it must suck to be a civic nationalist.
Here's a simple quiz: if you punch a dog what does it do? (I'm not suggesting you punch a dog)
Answer: It fights back or it runs away.
Your answer: Nothing, if it fought back or ran away that would be fight or flight which is a human attribute, you aren't allowed to apply that to animals.
And another quiz so you don't say that wasn't relevant: If you breed something for fighting and killing, what are its descendants naturally going to want to do regardless of how "well trained" it is?
damn. I don't like animals, but I think pit bulls are now /mydog/ any enemy of pedophiles is a friend of mine
This, it's like when they label spics and jews as white.
you dont know much about psychology do you?
I know it's a meme science filled to the brim with kikes and it's not what I'm talking about at all.
Dogs are animals, some are more wild than others.
Some are better at fighting than others.
Some are more aggressive then others.
Being human, I can through choice pick one that suits my needs and then further train it to suit those needs.
For free I picked up a pittbull that was from a linage of very aggressive dogs.
He's obedient, loyal, and very watchful. Sure he might kill a niglet that jumps into my back yard to get a ball instead of knocking on the door, but then again I'd rather that than a dog that would watch someone break into my house and maybe at most bring him a tennis ball.
Genetics isn't that simple, but it's adorable you think you're making a point.
Its all in how you raise them
so, no then.
behaviorism is basically what you seem to be getting at, if only unbeknownst to yourself and in a dramatically simplistic way.
also you seem to be thinking about the interraction between genetics and environment and perhaps bits and pieces of social cognitive theory
that's the good thing about having your mind be contained so many times over by other peoples minds.. any problems you run up against, someone else will undoubtedly have the answer
unfortunately, you lack an education and are dramatically close minded
Poor guy thinks Africans can be just like us with the right educayshun.
leaving aside posibility pathology, youre parents have not done a good job with you
do you wikipedia things and think "boy, now i know it all"
Shitbulls are still shit.
I'm a vet, little one, and you are committing the first sign of ethology, anthropomorphism, and imagining yourself connecting dots that just don't link. I'm not who you think you're talking to and you are way in over your head. Best stop embarrassing yourself while you're behind.
>dramatically close minded
Fuck, I'm a #HillShill now! Drumpf is finished!
How about you post a fucking argument about how dogs bred to fight don't have fighting and killing built into them from birth (like niggers).
Because surely the thing that they were bred for for hundreds of years has no effect on how it develops at all.
Bulldogs and mastiffs are of the moloss canine family and have nothing in common with terrier breeds like staffies or pits.
t. own a bulldog-mastiff cross
My younger brother owns a small ranch, and his home alarm/defense system is four pit bulls trained to attack niggers on site.
I meant on sight. fuck
See this is the problem with lesser countries (any country that is not the USA); they're incapable of understanding that people have the freedom to make their own decisions and deal with the consequences.
to be fair it probably happens on site too
Sure you are.
And it has nothing to do with individual species, it's basic logic: X is bred for Y for hundreds of years (for dogs, tens of thousands+ for humans), X is going to do Y.
I'm sure that pitbull is as safe as a poodle, surely genetics has nothing to do with its behaviour, it's all in the owner.
Not an argument.
Fuck pitbulls and the faggots who defend them.
Look at the Western faggots, crying for the pitbull.
because in order to even have an argument with you you'd have to know what the fuck you are talking about.
the problem is you have an ideology and so have dreadfully simplified things for yourself. its a common tactic of the masses since the french revolution.
not everyone can afford an education so then everything must be condensed.... you have decided what everything is first and then are basing your explanations on that instead of the correct, scientific other way around
you should look into twin studies however... anything by albert bandura is usually pretty considered, avoid hans eysenk ...too simplistic
But to further the point.
He looks me in the eyes when I talk to him, like a true American.
He bravely charges into the dark to see what a sound is/was
He doesn't jump up at me when I get home. Just walks up wags his tail like three times and goes back to keeping watch.
If I'm talking to someone he doesn't know well he'll come sit to my left and stare at them.
If multiple people are around, he sits behind me looking the other way.
I do feed him table scraps, so he does come up and drool. However if I tell him to leave, he will. So I usually give him a little and then tell him that's all he's getting to which he'll leave the room until I'm done eating.
All in all, you who hate pittbulls should realize you hate stray pittbulls and women owners.
No other breed has the same level of loyalty to a man.
thanks for correcting me.
Even a broken clock gets it right twice a day.
>people aren't dogs
Blacks aren't people.
pitbull master race how can other doggie even compete
like niggers in prison, they attack pedos
>sleeping children
the pit probably mistook the pedo for the children in the dark of night
Midwesterner here
Pitbulls are great guard dogs. If you're out in the woods a couple of pits will ensure that nothing come onto your houses land provided you have enough of em to not be outnumbered 5 to 1 by coyotes.
But if you don't train them then they will be a danger to you and anyone around you. They're not shitty dogs they are just bred for a purpose. That purpose is guard duty, violent if need be. Those of them that are abused are usually beyond fucked especially the dog fighting ones. Euthanasia is the humane thing to do in that regard.
You're also a moron if you leave any pit around small children that isn't familiar and trained exceptionally well.
> By Admin S
This is faker than CNN
It’s like looking at a chart of crimes by race
You mean the twin studies that showed twins split up and given to different homes performed the same?
I realize that, maybe you don't understand the difference between the same generation and hundreds of years of selective breeding for a task.
>that one time a nigger dog attacked the right person
>implying it still won’t need to be put down
>implying that now it has a taste for cock it not a huge nigger faggot that won’t attack every cock in the vicinity at random.
Fucking this, my god. This is like taking The Onion or New Yorker articles seriously.
Oy Vey that dogs anti semitic!
>tries to sound smart
Can barely string together two coherent sentences or be bothered to spell half the words correctly.
Yeah you're the guy I'm going to listen to when I need to know the ins and outs of psychology.
t. niggerlover.
>Look at this violent nigger dog that mauled someone instead of just barking at the danger ahead of time
Any well-trained dog would have woken the family before that creep even made it into the house
This 100%, i myself have a pit (named Bear because thats what he looks like) thats very well trained and probably the nicest dog i've ever owned
Pitbulls are niggers and pitbull owners are niggers
Pretty simple guys
Remove trespassing from the numbers or else this is literally support for getting a pitbull instead of whatever meme dogglet.
Pits have not been bred for 100s of years. Not even close. The period of breeding fighters from Amstaffs was an evolutionary blink of an eye before prosecution of blood sport led to owners remingling show and fighting stock and culling undesirable traits.
You have no clue and your chilish arguments don't even make sense accepting your dim understanding of human behavior and population genetics. Too retarded for me to bother pretending to discuss with you further.
LOL I seriously hope you didn’t lose a debate to this argument....
dont tell me you think that dog training is directly comparable to human behavior too?
its more complicated than that
This could have easily read: “Pitbull bites husband’s penis off as he tried make love with wife”
I didn't even know what to say it was so ridiculous. I had no idea leftism was such a meme.
>Pits have not been bred for 100s of years.
Not professionally, but don't forget what niggers do with them.
And you seem to think I'm implying they were bred specifically for dog fighting, no, they were bred for hunting (specifically the tougher animals like boars from what I can remember).