1. The purpose is to log events as they happen over the coming days. Everything is connected, Everything has meaning.
2. Yes, we all see the attempts to demoralize us and derail our redpills to the normies. Stay strong lads. Focus. Believe, and make a choice right now: Do you Trust Trump?
3. Stick to your choice. No one tells you what to do, so just do the voodoo you do so well Sup Forums
4. How would *you* succinctly break all this news to your blue-pilled friend? Does the initial message need to answer every detail? Do normies even post here? Bring them along for the ride and celebrations lads.
5. Do just that. Get Comfy, Believe in your bones that we're riding the greatest timeline in existence.

Everything (you) need to know is in the ORIGINAL Qmap, before count'em
a minimum of THREE fake Q's arrived to fight over which could co-opt
the ENERGY to not just LARP, but put serious CASH in their pockets.
Where is that map? Getting snuffed like all posts do because there is
no reliable archiving team. Suggestion? Glad you asked: COALESCE and get one together.

ANSWERS SPREADSHEET Point of contact ( POC ): Farmer's Union Rep: Spreadsheet user AT !!LytbJwNsQ6v

MILLERS UNION POC: AntifungalLeafBread !!ED969JhqXgF

Here is all you really need to know about "Q":
Q had enough KEK to carry this log about events BEFORE THE STORM for this long.
What is the story here? THE STORM.

QMAP → → (Cross-thread) → → (Cross-thread) The only thing (You) really need to VERIFY.
Legend → → (Cross-thread) Decoding CNC → → (Cross-thread)
Signature → → (Cross-thread)
Text of Q: pastebin.com/rhKwXqcX (embed)

Other urls found in this thread:

cbts.wikispaces.com/Thread List
archive.4plebs.org/pol/search/tripcode/!ITPb.qbhqo /

#515 → → (Cross-thread) #516 → → (Cross-thread) #517 → → (Cross-thread) #518 → → (Cross-thread) #519 → → (Cross-thread)
#520 → → (Cross-thread) #521 → → (Cross-thread) #522 → → (Cross-thread) #523 → → (Cross-thread) #524 → → (Cross-thread)
#525 → → (Cross-thread) #526 → → (Cross-thread) #527 → → (Cross-thread) #528 → → (Cross-thread) #529 → → (Cross-thread)
#530 → → (Cross-thread) #531 → → (Cross-thread) #532 → → (Cross-thread) #533 → → (Cross-thread) #534 → → (Cross-thread)
#535 → → (Cross-thread) #536 → → (Cross-thread) #537 → → (Cross-thread) #538 → → (Cross-thread) #539 → → (Cross-thread)

!!FROM WIKIANON - CBTS Thread listings @ Wiki:
cbts.wikispaces.com/Thread List

The content of the batter will prove a baker's worth.

TO BAKERS wanting to update:
> Get batter LINK from previous baker
> Copy batter to Notepad/new pastebin (eliminates all the arrows from directly copy-pasting)
> Add fresh content to the batter → → (Cross-thread)
> Keep Notepad/new pastebin open while copying
> Update the Backlog section with previous bread
> Upload the batter (you) made to pastebin and share the NEW LINK with next baker

You DO NOT have to wait for "vetting" to add fresh OC/findings to the batter. Add them AS YOU SEE FIT.
TRUST YOUR OWN JUDGEMENT and lurkers/anons will tell you about stuffs you missed.

Current BATTER pastebin.com/zszXk4Zh (embed)


still believe in q, tho.

Latest Q !ITPb.qbhqo
Nov 24
→ → → →
→ →
→ → → →

Nov 23 II
→ → → → → →
→ →

→ → → →
→ → → →

Legend & STRINGER → →
Decoding CNC → →
Symbols +++ → → /_\ → →

! Stringer Map
→ → → →

→ →
→ →
→ →
→ →

Nov 23 I
→ →
→ →
→ →
→ →
→ →

Nov 22
→ →
→ →
→ →
→ →
→ →

LINK archive.4plebs.org/pol/search/tripcode/!ITPb.qbhqo /

Confirmation → →
Advise for newfriends → →
*GUIDE → →

DO NOT take away info without verifying it 100% for yourself
NO speculation, google-fu it and post sauce links in your posts

hillary's wedding ring (nazi cross) (at 1:50 mark):

Q Q Q Q Q. We need your help urgent.
I have a feeling we should not be following anti-semitism.
We should not be following holes in the North and South Pole.
The focus should be the questions and the CF and the EU and the 3 Families and how they all tie in together.
We shouldn't be responding to shills or pointing out shills.
It seems that everyone is very distracted.
The answers are simple but what to do, people like to complicate things.
We need to focus focus focus.
I think the points I mentioned before are the main focus and we shouldn't let out selves stray from there.
Help us get back on track.
Help us focus on what's important.
We need your guidance Q it seems like everything is falling apart.

If your signature doesn't match Q. don't respond!! not interested!!

I pray to the one and only true God that we all Focus where we are meant to and all arrive at the conclusions that we are meant to and that Q sees this post and gives us the direction we need


The extent Trumpftards will go to pretend he doesn't drink like a child.

Someone mentioned Vegas in the last thread. Another survivor has died. Hit and run.




Union moldy bread.


Uhhhh This may be something...



Want to know what happened in Vegas?

Here you go.

Everything is connected.

We need proofs that elites are eating children desu. Where's the sauce for that? We need proofs.

Confirmed: Conspiracy Trumpftards have surpassed flat-earthers as the dumbest people in the history of the planet.

to help.

are the brain interface hints unimportant?

>be kike
>murder jesus
>create commienism
>kill millions of slavs
>bluepill billions of normies

Don't fall for these Zionist shills in here. They are cannibals. (And they spam when we say this)

Does this look like a LARP to you?

Donnie T don't LARP.

Chose wisely.

Good Question.
The locals hate them.
I hate them & I’m not local

303152 = 3+1+5 = 9 /23

4000+ sealed indictments now being reported

I am betting you are right. I wonder what the ancestry of the Podesta clan looks like.

Nom Nom Nom

Time to get back to work, where the list of Q & A's ?

that's what a smartphone is.

it's what makes soros drones/antifa/altleft possibru

Ask yourself.

gotta wait for the a.weiner pics/vids to be released

This is what I got 'following the white rabbit' as suggested.

Think about it.



That's Rodman.

Soros did this. Aren't they already torn down?

Who are the actual LARPers?

Get off my board.

it's Sup Forums

Naw, they need to be fucking done in ASAP.



Q can't help you not be distracted. Only you can do that for yourself



Jews. "Chosen" people. They have hated God ever since they were held captive in Babylonia millenia ago.

Any ancestry.com info on the PoS Podestas to link back to this guy? Its a curiosity but unsure as to actual relevance in comparison to the implications regarding bankers.


info on 24.11 Q post
keep diggin anons

The georgia guidestones are removed? I saw i video the other day where they dismantled it.


The identity is secret.
They’re still standing.

40,000 ft v. necessary.

What's below?


Those threads are so retarded, I can see the organized Soros sponsored shilling shit from a mile away, since the first threads.

This Q shit and this CBTS shit is just organized and financed shilling, an new attempt at disinfo war on the Sup Forums battlefield, fuck off faggots. This is some "Onion Juice for High Test" level of faggotry

All real people should LURK ONLY today. Let things settle. We’ll see who’s real. Just lurk

I am going to guess that all of this has something to do with the Elite Nazi settlement colony in Antarctica that Adm Byrd discovered (and was killed by) -- there were aliens allied with nazis down there

fixed spelling error

George Soros wants black people to hate everyone else, and for everyone else to hate them.


Think about that.

Trump is a puppet of the Zionist Jews, this is a given. Also Christianity is a tool of Zionism to keep you asleep.

Thanks user


Here ya go


No, they added a square, not dismantled it!


Oh shit its the hacker known as 4chins run!
DTTT - can you link me the Q & A plz I know its in the batter there somewhere

I'm doing normie yard work but I am not associated with anyone on here that I know of and I made one thread after this mornings mod shill takeover b/c no one else was here to do it. Tried my best. XXX is a low level contract spook this I am sure of. I'm just a dude with too much time on his hands and a ton of leaves to rake. Keep up the good work everyone. Think of all the things we know know we didn't know a month ago. SPOOPY

I dunno why I am now receiving a warning saying I have been warned but I have never been warned about my posts.

Anyhow that green eagle pizzagate pic reminded me of this pic Topolanon posted...I have no idea what it means tho.

There's cannibal stuff in there?


They are not going to put anything out there that says "Hey, we eat people." However, look into the subject of the symbolism of blood in religion and the occult. There's plenty to be found....


i'm gonna stop. seems i only derail things right now.


Q said "Think mirror. A clone?

Which Q&A? You mean the original Q responses? This is what I have. I've been shit at keeping up on the updated Q graphics ever since they split into two.

All real people should LURK ONLY today. Let things settle. We’ll see who’s real.


Dutch Banker on the Power Elite Rituals
"Bernard continued to explain the sacrifices and where he drew the line, stating, “That was the breaking point. Children.”
“I was training to become a psychopath and I failed.”
"These people, most of them, were Luciferians"




Is this the White Rabbit (Alex Podesta) Q has been referring to?

I think it's about time to consider alternative effective ways of red pilling normies besides memes.

The amount of normies that will get red pilled by visiting /pol is limited, but we have already reached a sufficient mass of people here.

If everyone here started red pilling friends and family, the information would start to spread like wildfire.
But the red pills here are massive and diverse, and most people don't know where to start or how to communicate important normie-digestible-information.

We could start putting together "Enhanced-Memes"(open to suggestion for a better name) designed to be delivered through speech and visuals to people we know.
Basically asking the question; "If you had 5 minutes to red-pill a normie on a subject, how would you do it?"

Preferably this would include strong talking points, a narrative and some sort of visuals.
Also a list of verifiable and credible sources for information and further study should be supplied.

If we get enough of these enhanced red-pills, we could start chaining them together in a collection to assist anons and lurkers in red-pilling people they know.

What do you think?

What makes you say that? XXX kept things going all night through that shit storm.

Yes, no anti jew, no pro hollow earth or lizard ppl the shills posted lizard ppl right after i predicted that lizard ppl qere disinfo for Y snake tongue connection.

And then hollow earth actually got sone fools excited zo they pushed that harder, oh is this what q meant?

If you pay attention the shills tell you which leads are bad, and what lead has q never made, yet its pushdhed as tho he had every fucking thread?
Yea thd jew thing, and so dont listen to them or me, think people, we just need to learn and study and post findings. Not be baited or sheep.



>Nov 24 → → → → → →
Could one of the two Asian people in the photo be linked to FuckrBerg's wife?.... ya know, slanty eyes and all..

In looking on the genealogy boards they hail from Italy. A papal connection perhaps?

Good one.

And yet here you are

For the sake of argument- what if David icke is right about the ruling families being shape shifting reptiles...or serpants. Wouldn't that explain why ruling families marry amount themselves to keep their blood lines pure?

In the beginning God told Adam and Eve to be FRUITFUL and multiply and SUBDUE the earth but stay away from the tree of God and evil. Eve didn't. She was tempted by the serpants to eat the FRUIT and she did. That started the fall of man.Once she ate- Satan owned her...she as blackmailed.........like people are being tempted and
blackmailed today.

Still standing.


There was an user here that posted a diagram of research done with a few people. If you are here could you post it again.

Had red arrows linking Clintons etc. Was really well done.

if you start cloning kids zu essen, maybe you don't have to feel so bad about kidnapping.

Approaching overestimated again?

Was thinking that too. Let's see.

The pneumonic plaque now in Africa has the ability to make it hard to swallow but allow the death rate is close to 100%. maybe this has something to do with the 99% hospital rate.

Did she get a black eye too?

there is something about las vegas

Explaining for the first time the hijackers’ MYSTERIOUS TRIPS TO LAS VEGAS, where and how they could have been trained, and the document that actually states a political motive for the attacks, he finds abundant evidence implicating a nexus of SAUDI OFFICIALS, AMERICAN CONTRACTORS and, most unthinkably, members of the Bush administration.
>False Flag 911: How Bush, Cheney and the Saudis Created the Post-911 World

Phillip Marshall, a former airplane pilot and author whose works included the 2003 novel “Lakefront Airport,” – “False Flag 911: How Bush, Cheney and the Saudis Created the Post-911 World (08)” and “The Big Bamboozle: 9/11 and the War on Terror,” a 2012 publication in which Marshall theorized it wasn’t al-Qaida but rather U.S. and SAUDI GOVERNMENT OFFICIALS who orchestrated 9/11, was FOUND DEAD ALONG WITH HIS TWO CHILDREN in their Murphrys-area home in California – 2013. Reports indicate all 3 died of gunshot wounds.
>In his fourth book, he was supposed to disclose blockbuster information.
