Why does fascism always fail? Every time it has ever been tried, it's been crushed by a superior military force or destroyed by its own indulgence. Why doesn't it work?
Why does fascism always fail? Every time it has ever been tried...
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Republic of China still exists idiot.
Fuck is there anything better than the imperial Japan flag
It's just a political movement, not a culture.
In Spain lasted until Franco died.
But...But Fascism Failed
>Nationalist China only failed because of american interference, still technically exists
>Nazis and Fascists saved economy in Germany and Italy and helped raise prestige and happiness
>Spain was best country in world in terms of economy and happiness until they democratize
Are you sure about that?
It's not a fascist state, you fat english swine
>the Estado Novo was fascit
Hmm, I know you want my cock you colonial.
People get sick of being dicked by corporations
It didn't fail, they were just defeated. That's like saying democracy failed because the Nazis defeated France.
>Implying that Axis lost WW2 due to their ideology
>Implying that Spain and Portugal or Chile failed
>Implying that Brazilian Integralists were in power
Fascism never failed, at least not like communism. It does however need a strong leader to continue it's existence.
When this leader dies or retires system dissolves itself. Same with any other type of dictatorship.
Nah, IJ flag is better.
for fucks sake, stop replying to this threads
only 2 of them were fascists, the rest were either nationalists (japan) or military dictatorships
You could argue that only Italy was fascist.
When you have nationalistic ideology it's details will vary heavily based upon culture of nation.
Italy was fascist. It was THE fascist. Portugal was not, and I don't know why people insist on including Salazar and the Estado Novo in these idiotic threads. It's an insult to him and his legacy.
pick one, also
>mentioning the MNSCh when they never achieved power
I don't really see how Chile failed
>crushed by a superior military force
you mean the entire world
because they stopped indulging in usury banking and precious metal currency
it still took five years in a three front war to stop Deutschland
Actually none of these were fascist, real fascism has never been tried, they were actually state capitalist.
Every state in history has failed eventually
>Every state that fought for the well-being of their own people was eventually destroyed by a clique of international interests.
Imagine my shock.
Lol because you faggots are a bunch of spooks xD
Everything in life is transient.
Are you refering to Estado novo(Portugal) or Estado novo (Brazil)?
>literally who
Yeah, I sure wonder why it fails all the time.
Portuguese EstadoNovo, was at least para-fascist and really corporativist, nationalist all those points are fascio in nature.
no much doubt on that:
1. Salazar had PVDE actively crack down on tthe Movimento Nacional-Sindicalista (i.e., actual fascists) and ultimately drove them underground. Their leader, Rolao Preto, was exiled. Twice.
2. Salazar despised fascism for its deification of the state, which was utterly irreconcilable with his Catholic-corporatist regime, based heavily on Catholic social teaching, and the concept of subsidiarity which was propagated and protected in the Estado Novo.
So, no, neither Salazar nor the EN were fascist. And, in point of fact, the only people who call him a fascist are leftists who want to shit on his legacy by attempting to discredit him with slander.
Like communism, it goes against human nature. Those ideologies are only ever tried by people who have nothing to lose. They quickly become disillusioned though.
Germany experienced it's greatest economic achievements under Nazism. The only reason they don't own the world today is because they lost the war due to America's bullshit.
South Korea, Singapore, Taiwan, all examples of successful fascist countries. South Korea has the 11th largest economy in the world with just 47 million population. Their military power ranks 12th in the world. Only recently was the country transitioned over to a democratic process. And it was accomplished peacefully after Fascism had worked.
fascism is an emergency brake. should only be used to prevent catastrophe
Because it isn't a desirable form of government.
So much this. Fascism is niche and should only be used to save a dying nation.
>Salazar had PVDE actively crack down on tthe Movimento Nacional-Sindicalista (i.e., actual fascists)
So you don't know what fascism. Just reitariating leftist shitty false views that le fascism is le evil. Nice. Its insulting not to call Salazer regime fascist when fascist principles were in place.
It was literally the best period of Spain since 1600s
People will only accept totalitarianism if they believe the dictator to be omnipotent.
Fascism fails because people are retards and always turn "my country is great" into "my country is better than every other country" and then you act like a dick to everybody until you start a war
>a leaf and a polack splitting hairs until hitler's not a fascist
Sup Forums yes
no it wasnt, that is just retarded, you people donĀ“t know what defines a fascist state
Fascism didn't fail in Portugal because it wasn't fascist; it was a dictatorship. Aside from our leader getting sick and dying, the US was meddling with the way we ran things during the times when they were busy trying to police the world. That's how it ended, not failed. The country was wealthier than it is now, but people weren't as free on certain aspects. We didn't have thots smoking I'll tell you that much
Fascism was just a meme term drummed up on the spot by Mussolini to make his own nationalist movement sound more distinct.
It doesn't really mean anything today except 'bad people country'
>italian fascism
>implying that winning a war isn't only based only on pure resource
>implying that the italian industry didn't get an huge boost thanks to fascism (expecially shipbuilding)
>implying that building a whole new battlefleet in less than 10 years capable of taking on the royal navy isn't fucking impressive
>inb4 le surrender meme
>amerimutt forgetting when the invasion of sicily was almost forced to abort because of a single italian division (the 4th division "Livorno")
>amerimutt forgetting that they lost 300k soldier in Italy
>b-but you suck at war
>amerimutt getting their ass kicked at Garfagna by a force half their dimension losing the momentum of the invasion and being forced to stop for almost 1 year
>mfw when the Italian invasion was comparable to Italy vs Greece only that this time the pathetic one is America getting their ass saved by the british and by the fucking BR monkey
this is false tho
in italian a fascio have a distinct meaning
he wanted to unite the country like the bundle of a...fagot(fascio littorio)
Indeed it is true!
all empire fails
Because it's a form of socialism.
Democracy failed in all those countries as well.
You utter dimwit, it's the opposite. That's why Portuguese leftists call Salazar a fascist when he would be outraged by this idea. Rolao Preto was an actual fascist leading an actual fascist party which was violently suppressed by Salazar and which resulted in his exile.
>hurr salazar was le fascist
Kill yourself you utter mongrel.
Lets roll for pinochet.
>hmmm how can we make communism more unpalatable
>ooh I know let's make a racist version!
every form of government fails. consider that the form of government in all those countries before fascism necessarily failed due to fascism. Government types cycle, and it is time in the cycle for fascism to rise.
>racism is a negative
Literally 52%. There is not a single thing in the world that racism doesn't make better.
Lucky bastard..
Hold on, uncle Adolf, I'm coming to give you a warning from the future!
Only fails to overwhelming outside influence
fascism is national socialism. socialism always faisl
Sieg heil!
>amerimutt education
Fascism didn't fail for bad goverment but only for US o Soviet force intervents
all fascists diverse to be killed
Lets be honest, thats pretty much the same as "communism has never been tried before/fell due to western sabotage"
Through infiltration(spain) or dance of the goyim puppets (ww2)
Some say the japanese post war economy or current chinese corporativism are similar to fascist economy.
Because theres always some kike globalist outside force that wont let it exist for long.
yes, it was crushed due to its own hubris... as op stated
so does democracy you fucking moron
>not fascist
>used to mandate how many children you're allowed to have
>not allowed to have opinions that diverge from the states opinion
>police can just jail you anytime for "corruption" or dissidence
>controls all contents of educational material in schools
>ruling party has direct influence over all domestic businesses
>forces foreign buisness to make joint ventures with said puppets to be allowed onto the market, making china one big corporate spy
>removes unwelcome minorities like those filthy mudslime chinks
lol, nigger
Been there,loved it,taiwan IS best chyna
>Spain, Portugal, and Chile were fascist almost into my lifetime
>they couldn't hold on just a little bit longer
Why live?
I accept this
And their country are steadily sliding into shit since with a fucking mentally disabled cultist for president for how long?
They were talking about taiwan (Republic of chyna) that used to be fascist and kill commies,unfortunately as of lately the commies and mainlanders are infiltrating it's power structure through sheer wallet might,corrupting and buying influence.
Taiwan is awesome.
Did fascisism in Chile fail? Chile is by far the best country in South America, so all else equal (culture and people) fascism worked pretty well in Chile.
Fascism did great in Italy, it was the war that ruined it
Please 5 -6
Yeah those Chinese totally own the means of production
Francoist Spain, ROC, Portugal, Chile, and Brazil were never Fascist
Germany and Italy had to be militarily defeated by the entire world for it to be halted
The Truth can't fail, and therefore neither can Fascism
China was under allied control until 1945...
Hans, you dumb nigger, China is PRC, not ROC.
>implying the fascists lost ww2 :^)
I thought fascist Spain did well?
Spain, Brazil and Portugal did pretty good desu, the (economic/demographic) problems started quickly after democratization and/or joining the (((EU))), and countries like Singapore and Myanmar are doing wonderful.
Yes it felt like it was although they'll have to slow down on the Indonesians it's getting out of hand,I remember being on the main northern train station and the whole ground floor it was jungle sand niggers as far as the eye could see (manlets so pretty far)same as hongkie,they should slow down on the mainlanders and muzzies or else they'll become mainlanders themselves.