>Be scotland
>Relatively peaceful
>No rapefugees due to shitty climate
>No daily terrorist attacks
>Pretty good scenery due to all the mountains.
>96% white
>Most people aren't sjw's
>Still shit
Why is scotland so bad
>Be scotland
>Relatively peaceful
>No rapefugees due to shitty climate
>No daily terrorist attacks
>Pretty good scenery due to all the mountains.
>96% white
>Most people aren't sjw's
>Still shit
Why is scotland so bad
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It's the same with Wales.
I think we should both be independent from the UK.
Tbf the north of england is pretty good its just the south that's a shithole.
Nah, they're both very nice. North is poorer, but still a good place to visit and get comfy, but the South is also quite comfy, safe and rich if you don't count London.
I think England has lots to gain out of the independence of Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland as your tax money gets eaten up by us.
Fellow haggis nigger, this shitholes biggest problem had always been the dour arseholes that live here. This could be a fucking fantastic country to live in if it wasn't for the miserable fucks that inhabit it already.
scotland and wales are cool places but to go it alone would be economic suicide for either.you get free university, free prescriptions, free subsidised travel for over 60's alot of other shit too funded by the uk in general and english in particulars tax payers.realistically how long would you go before being bankrupt so just smile and keep taking the english coin cos without it you'll all be living in the gutter
With us we could join the nordic council. We are like finland in that aspect as we are in northern europe and we were raided by the vikings. Though being in the same group as swedestan isn't something to be proud our climate is so shit that rapefugees won't even bat an eye. Wale tho? What would you guys even do sure you can trade with england but your economy isn't really the best infact its worse than ours by a mile
I agree brit bro, if the people of England were given an independence referendum they would drop the rest of us like a sack of hot shit, and we'd all be the better for it.
The Welsh economy is the worst in the UK, yes.
In regards to how our economy could fare with independence, I think that, if Ireland can do well, we can too. Our populations are very similar and we have far more natural resources than Ireland that we could exploit. There's a reason why Cardiff was the biggest coal port during the late 19th Century.
Yawn, your economic illiteracy is obvious. Kindly kys
Because it's not bad at all, in fact, it's the greatest country on earth. And I know that because I live here.
Now excuse me whilst I walk to the chippy to get a fish supper and 4 cans of Tennant's Super because fuck you, that's why.
>Fellow haggis nigger, this shitholes biggest problem had always been the dour arseholes that live here. This could be a fucking fantastic country to live in if it wasn't for the miserable fucks that inhabit it already.
Defeatist cunts like you are under that bracket. This country is great
Yeah we have a lot of exports as well. Tbh we'd all be worse off alone but none of us would be a 3rd world shithole. Especially since their aren't any rapefugees in Scotland
Sexy boy over here gets it
Held back by being in union with England. Shed yourself and wales from the eternal English
I agree that we aren't the worst but our climate is a double edged sword
>Why is scotland so bad
scotland has very few european cities, eu is all about european metropol cities and fucks over anything else. That means no funding for Scotland.
>>Most people aren't sjw's
DO we live in the same Scotland? The second anyone dares question socialism or liberalism in general you get people jumping down your throat about "acting English"
>This country is great
Not really, the political climate is cancerous, the cities are full of cunts (both Scottish and not so) and everyone is poor as fuck
Would Scotland make a good vacation for a huwhite burger?
>the kingdom of God is within you
The world is what you make of it, cuck. Speak for yourself, I'm rich.
>Sexy boy
I wondered how long it would take for someone to notice.
I'm an Italian living in Londonistan...I've been to both Scotland and Wales; had a good time. I plan to work one more year here then move to Glasgow and get a degree in English Literature.
I like cold weathers and Scotland felt confy...
>Why is scotland so bad
Most of britfags can't understand when you speak.
Because you are jealous of England. Scotland is the type of country where you will be bullied in school if you are rich. You have a loser mentality and that never leads to success.
>Speak for yourself, I'm rich.
Good for you, doesn't change the fact that there's parts of Scotland (East Ayrshire, some Borders towns) that are literally poorer than POLAND
We already have far too many guidos in Glasgow, resulting from previous waves of Italian immigration.
>Why is scotland so bad
They have voted for leftist governments constantly
Serves you right for living in a literal 18th-century coal mining settlement
If we wanted to be independant we would join the EUSSR. I really don't want that. I wouldn't mind leaving england but I wouldn't want to join the EUSSR either. If we had a strong male leader then I would support him 100% but without that we would just be another cuck country to avoid
>>the kingdom of God is within you
>Serves you right for living in a literal 18th-century coal mining settlement
Well thanks a lot Mr. College student
I will not cause any trouble, I am shy and introverted...I work hard and I respect this Country, for they have been kind hosts.
After I'm done studying, I'll leave.
Wear a jacket
Your right about the political climate but no one pays any attention to the rule of law here so its largely irrelevant. The cities are fine and perfectly safe for a native to walk around, even the slums. In the major urban areas, you aren't far from some beautiful scenery. Everything is right on our doorstep.
Yes you absolutly have to go there its like the top of white evolution, especially social drinking is moderate and sex is only consensual and not like I fugged that fat inner explosion without a condom I hope I am not dying inside. The music is great. The food and the drinks are great but better stay with drinks and ask for MDMA. You won't need any food after all I guess. Their history is interesting.
Scotland isn't bad, I reject your premise.
You said you were italian right? You technically are white
Aye this
Scotland is the best country in the fucking world
M9 just move to Glasgow/Edinburgh/Aberdeen even Inverness or Fort William. There's well-paying work aplenty which will see you better off than living in (((mining))) towns and any rural location or city across the UK. You're sabotaging yourself with your shit attitude.
>shy and introverted
Our cuck quota is full, Roberto.
>that are literally poorer than POLAND
Why do you care about the wealth of others pinko? The poorest in this country don't go without unless they are 40+ a day smokers with an opiate addiction
>Just move into these expensive areas and find a job after, it's not you need to pay rent or eat or anything
The poorest in this country deserve to starve, the drug abusing, dealing scum they are
Agreed. I think I underestimated how good of a place scotland is
>no one pays any attention to the rule of law here
>The cities are fine and perfectly safe for a native to walk around, even the slums.
Also this. Even in Drumchapel and Torry it's safe to take a leisurely stroll. Something incomprehensible in other, more fortunately enriched countries.
Don't get me wrong, despite living in areas of extreme poverty I like most of my common people, the community is great and the people are largely good.
BUT there is a significant underclass that steal, use and abuse on the taxpayers pay, and they really fuck the rest of the county hard.
Fuck off cunts like you are a cancer who come over to Scotland and suck up tax money on free education the fuck off.
>drug abusing, dealing scum they are
*tips fedora*
They only hurt themselves with doing that. Get off your high horse wee man
How about you find a job before moving? You're underestimating your chances of success.
>Most people aren't sjw's
think we are one of the weirdest countries when it comes to social politics. young ppl are super SJWs sure, but always seems like a phase. i remember friends who protested iraq/afgan and called blair a war criminal but now talk about how bad rapefugees are.
were as older ppl talk about how awful conservatives are and how we are Doomed for leaving EU but laugh at trannys and talk racist with pals.
I think we are basically "Virtue Signaling: the country"
My sister has blonde hair and hazel eye, I got light brown hair and hazel eye; all of my siblings and me have pale skin. It's a shame my grandfathers married women with dark hair and eyes: my great-grandfathers on both sides had light eyes (grey on mother's side, blue on father's) and light hair (blonde of mother's side, red on father's). At least we're European on a cultural and historic level.
I'm not a cuck, don't you worry. I just gave up on relationships due to past traumas.
>>only hurt themselves
>Have kids that get a shit lot, grow up to be scum like daddy
>spend dole money (MY FUCKING TAXES) on skag and weed and coke
>Generally be wasters, vandalize public property
Yeah only hurting themselves.
Before I moved into killie (yeah I know, fucking shoot me) I secured a job through interviews. Scotland is small enough that you could live in Carlisle and go to an interview in Inverness, and go home to sleep in your own bed afterwards.
Guys scotland has a party called the national front. Fascist party. Scotland has a low population. If enough Sup Forumsacks get into scotland we could meme them into power
>spend two years in education for a trade
>all trade jobs in down in England.
>blah blah blah hair colour eye colour white skin
Meme. You're either Scottish or you're not. No colour of the rainbow will change that, Giovanni.
I see
most people are SJWs you fuking cunt
wales is a great place to live i have absolutely no idea what you're talking about
I've been to visit but I don't do anything fun because I'm mostly there to visit my 90yo grandma and extended family around Glasgow. Only been on day trips to Edinburgh, would like to stay a week during the festival or some shit
>vowels why?
Do you know how much a gram of gear costs? It's far more than than you get from the government. The various glasgow suburbs have their own freemarket economies centred around the distribution of various drugs, any profits earned are put back in through laundering or from VAT on goods bought with it. Drugs keep the plebs happy
Yes if you are over 35, and avoid Glasgow you'll enjoy it. Glasgow is Scotland's Detroit, and it rains there every fucking day. Graffiti and neds everywhere
The west is not the best you jakeball commie fucks (every time i go there and they hear my Edinburgh accent, you get the comment "the west is the best")
Glasgow is a poverty stricken shithole
Every country has areas like this. I have said Wales is poor already, but at least we aren't being colonised like you. No rape gangs over here. We must be doing something right, since your pensioners who destroyed your nation come over here to retire and live a quiet nice life. Don't follow them, we don't like you.
I would rather our nation be self-sufficient than rely on handouts from Westminster.
>Do you know how much a gram of gear costs?
Depends what you mean by gear, last I checked it was £90 for a henry of council coke, or £100/g for actual coke that isn't 90% baking soda.
I don't partake, but I know many degenerates. Drugs result in long term problems, that raise taxes through the junkies use of social programs
Suffered a very heavy brain drain when our best all went to the US. Still a nice place aside from always voting left wing governments.
Glasgow is great. I make a good living here and I prefer it to Edinburgh. Maybe you'll give me a grand cherry-picked tour of Leith or Jedburgh or another one of your wonderful suburbs. There are shit areas in every city in the entire world, you muppet.
Our countries political sway is even worse considering the huge class divide.
The streets of Edinburgh are littered with needles. All of Glasgows smackheads have died out you faux English wanker.
Glasgow is on the whole, a shithole. Unless you're living in the east end surrounded by fellow rich jew doctors, you'll be surrounded by pakis and/or junkies all the time
May move north in scotland. Best part by far
>I think we are basically "Virtue Signaling: the country"
>>Most people aren't sjw's
From what I heard from my Scottish friend u guys are basically like fucking Sweden-tier but whenever u vote for migrants to fuck your wife they always end up raping Nigel's wife in England instead.
Govanhill and sighthill are pozzed everywhere else is fine
The lower working class are very bad for that. They don't seem to realise how badly such a mentality holds them back, Lol i've been called a tory cunt more than a couple times for pointing that out.
ahem, i am welsh
more welsh than you taff boi
It's great and shit at the same time
pretty much everywhere you go it's like this though, unless you're a rich English person living in powys
Jesus, help this man. You are a depressing arsehole. I live in the west, and I have family dotted all over Glasgow in wealthy areas. Please just neck yourself before you give us an even worse (illegitimate) reputation.
Don't forget Pollock, but yes, listen here.
Oh wait you're serious, AHAHAHAHAHAHA
Add canada to that list
so are you saying that you don't get bullied in school for being rich in sweden?
>You are a depressing arsehole
and you're a smug prick, neck yourself before the coke wears off, I hear it hurts less
there can only be one
I've been all over this country and most of it is great. It isn't wealthy, but the people are warm and life is pleasant.
>more Welsh than you
Allwch chi siarad yn Gymraeg? Ble wyt ti'n byw?
I have an idea for a new Kino.
I should have said the southside desu. A single straffing run along pollockshaws road and our problems would be over
Highlands, borders or nothing.
Trudeau alone is strong enough to contend with the amount of cuck your country possesses
Nothing is exactly what you will become unless you toe the line, anglo.
I would make several passes myself, napalm would drastically improve the quality of life around there
Makes sense that Scotland would produce an odd party like the SNP, who's goals seem to be about giving England the middle finger as opposed to Scottish independence.
I was wondering the same thing. Grandfathers from both sides are from Scotland, and on my moms side, he got family reunion invites every year up until he died. I always wanted to go to one of them.
Hey fuck you buddy I live in the central belt right now and it is a dump with foreigners and junkies everywhere.
Leave, you swarthy Mediterranean pseudo nigger
>want scotland to be independent for muh freedom
>SNP will immediately turn the country into the next sweden when they get the chance
Visiting London put things into perspective.
Then tiddle back on down to angloland, and take your rude little lies with you!
Kek. Based branch manager.
Could a burger get citizenship in scotland easily?
Unfortunately accurate, faggots have an insane pull here for some reason
>"reclaim the night" marches to "end gender based violence"
>Only marches around the whitest parts of town, strategically avoids the pakis
Wow, so this, is the power, of faggotry....
you must have gone to the touristy areas
life is hard and everyone is on £5k a year