Do you like here character design or think it's cheap fetishized trash, or anywhere inbetween?
Do you like here character design or think it's cheap fetishized trash, or anywhere inbetween?
I'd ride her, if you catch my drift.
She is literally completely perfect in every imaginable way.
Her unwavering loyalty makes her waifu material.
>Post question about anime character on anime board
>go back to Molten Ass Lava
>here character design
At least fucking spell check you shit.
I mean her semi-fetish type clothing is apt for a master that has deep conflicts with her own sexual feelings, right.
If you're asking if I personally like it, then sure I guess.
It makes for a nice variation from her more normal and conservative everyday wear.
But that wasn't the one in 99% of the original work
I'm straight so I like it.
did raita make a doujin about rider?
There's a Rider for every preference.
Could be either though the tendency for anime and fans to focus overwhelmingly on just character design and a small subset of what that means nowadays has kind of taken me out of the hobby along with a lot of other things. Nothing wrong with hot character designs, just not interested much in a video medium where that's all it has to offer considering I could get the same experience by browsing an image gallery.
I love how the thread hasn't even attempted to answer the question present in the OP. Again literally what is the point here people? What are we doing here?
>asking a perma horny board if a lewd design is a problem
No one fucking care.
I dislike Fate's character design overall.
So why ask the fucking question with the OP? That's what I'm asking like what are we fucking doing here? Like don't fucking look at me I didn't make the OP, had the basic courtesy to attempt an answer instead of some blind circlejerk.
People come here just to shitpost and post lewd shit thinking they are special snowflake for fapping to 2D.
Perhaps you should stop making excuses for peoples retardation and personal problems instead of trying to force any sort of blame back on other people. Who even said the board had to be perma horny in the first place either? I mean that sounds like your issue to me.
I have long accepted current Sup Forums is nothing but a fap and shitposting board.
>Who even said the board had to be perma horny in the first place either?
The dozen of fetishes and girls worshipping threads every single days.
Yeah well I've kind of got news for people then, you're not nearly as unique or special as you think you are I can tell you that much. Have you people also ever considered the greater anime community being more than just a hub for shitposters and pervs again or is this really just all this could ever be to you right here the way it's been for most of 2016? Just asking cause for me at least shit gets old once in a while
Answer the question then. Be the change you want, dipshit.
I agree with you so don't ask me.
Fair enough I guess, I mean if that's all people ever want it to amount to I'm pretty sure I know what's going to continue happening with Sup Forums and probably semi-relatedly anime in general through to 2017.
I already did, not my fault you fail to recognize it or care. One person can't change a whole community if it really just wants to be stupid and shitpost about the same sort of tired drivel every day though anyway.
Again fair enough basically is all I can say too. It kind of is what it is and the way people seem to want it isn't it? These days I just look for what I can get out of anime and pick my battles and discussions with it's community. Figured I just sensed a rare opening to a classic pre-2016 straight and rational conversation here and I was kind of right.
>One person can't change a whole community
One person can try with his sincere efforts. Sure enough, bitching from a high horse won't do the trick.
Neither will do the trick. I've tried both and at this point I don't particularly care enough anymore so much as wonder when people are going to get serious. If people want to shitpost that's what they're going to do, it's not my job to do anymore than inquire about it and make suggestions.
Here's the real thing though, with more legit communities than 2016 anime's they'd figure it out if they really wanted to, with ones like this all I'd be doing by going hard at it as making myself a target for further shitposting and bad baiting attempts. Not particularly interested in that sort of thing, but yeah that's the level of faith I have in people these days. If people want to be shits about something they really will just be shits about it.
F/GO Rider is best