First the black nurse laughing at the dying white vet, now this
My personal advice, make niggers slave again
black version of /poltard/
lol this, poltards believe things like "blacks commit more violent crime" etc. She's just as dumb as them baka
i hate niggers.
Second that
at least she's got the balls to go public and not hide behind meme frogz
honestly ahmed i'm actually on your side for once.
>niggers commit most of the violent crime in the U.S.
>has the audacity to try to blame white people
>night nurse
this has to be a parody account
>being nigger-tier stupid is a sign of bravery
Ok, Mohammed.
but they do
Meanwhile in reality, they'd have no computers, electricity, transportation, or even a written language. Stop appropriating my culture!
Bamp for justice
But they do. Its not even up for debate. Its a well known fact
First post on the third column is 100% true. The rest is just blind anti-white racism.
All that black privilege at work protecting nogs from reality
Blacks don't get in trouble for being openly racist. No balls needed.
Their quality of life was drastically better when on plantations
3 followers, night Nurse is Fake and Gay
Don't take the bait, (((OP))) is a Disinfo Kike
It's funny because 90% of Sup Forums users are like him
>Niggers thoughts are irrelevants
>Women thoughts are irrelevants
>somehow we should be interested by the babblings of a nigger woman
Why doesn't Sup Forums realize that these are Russian shills and not even real niggers with these twatter accounts? It's fucking Soros' ilk behind this shit trying to sew discord. All you niggers are dumb as fuck.
Seems like nobody remembers Black Matters/Black Fist, which were literally exposed as a Russian shill attempt like 3 months ago.
Fuck off niggers
Purdue nursing must bet contacted and the nursing board. This nigger deserves to have her life ruined.
I can promise I'm whiter than you even in your dreams, Muhammed. Fucking shareblue shills. Here's your .02cents.
Obvious shills are obvious
Sorry Juden. There was a thread days ago about her. She is registered on the nursing boards website and is a very real person. Her address was dropped as well. This nigger is getting fired. Too late for damage control
Are you even trying ?
Jews are not white david shekelberg
>Why doesn't Sup Forums realize that these are Russian shills and not even real niggers with these twatter accounts? It's fucking Soros' ilk behind this shit trying to sew discord. All you niggers are dumb as fuck.
Because it suits their confirmation bias. These losers literally comb social media for "evidence" of why they are superior because of their virginity, NEETness, etc.
Real person. Original thread was a few days ago. She deleted her twitter. Her nursing board info was dropped as well as her home address. The nigger is getting fired. Contact the Purdue Nursing Board
I'm Black and this disgusts me. Hope she's fired. A caregiver should never let their political views get in the way of their work. And her views are particularly despicable.
NICE!!! But we need to make sure she is fired. Not just investigated
Regardless of what she deserves, she ruined her life by making that tweet and others like it. That ship has sailed at this point, and there's no bringing it back to port.
I really don't get how these morons still think they can just post this vile shit next to a picture of themselves giving the thumbs up, with their work information easily available on the internet. They lack the basic survival skills of the information age.
Can you at least try to be a little more subtle please ? It's embarrassing.
she wants white dick so bad it's all she can think about
>Jews are not white david shekelberg
Yeah, no shit. Which is why I'm glad I'm not one of those genetically inferior people.
Yeah, I just saw the link to the new story. I stand corrected. However, the majority of these types of tweets do stem from fake accounts trying to sew racial discord. True niggers like that bitch are few and far between. She's ruined her life. This will follow her until the end of her days. Good. A life of poverty and being an outcast is well deserved.
You are paranoid. I’ve been accused of being a Jew and CTR so many times. I am neither.
wtf I love Ahmed now
How is her hatred for white women, white children, and obviously white people in general political? It's pure fucking racism. And she's in pediatrics? What temptations to harm white children was she having? What did she go through with? Fucking dumb bitch needs a bullet. She's a waste of human tissue.
Nobody needs to "sew" racial discord you retard, niggers are not your friends and they will never be.
I would contend that race/racism in America is very intertwined with politics. You don't think this bitch wouldn't want policies that put white people at a disadvantage just because of their skin color?
Either way, she's fucked.
Niggers are already black, so use them as charcoal..
Can confirm that she is working today at Riley Childern's Health. Their phone lines haven't been shut down yet, I just got a live person.
>be evil, stupid nigger woman
>Affirmative Action
>get nursing license
>fuck it up within a month
When will MLK day be replaced with National Extermination Day?
Niggers are not human beings.
Be a damn shame if her "boyfriend" kept calling cursing out staff members that she is not being treated with the respect she clearly has earned through hard work and strong morals. Why are they so racist? she deserves more, hell she shouldn't have to work in such an intolerant place that is not worthy of a Queen.
I hate having to live in the same general vicinity as these people. I have some in a uni class, and they spew the same ill begotten nonsense there, also. It's just not working between us. We really need to go our separate ways, but negroes are like those stalker girl friends that follow you around, and call you all the time. It's not working. We need to separate from these blacks.
To wit; I was in a class next to this hideous morbidly obese negress, that was whining about a fellow negro that went to jail.... for murdering a little white boy. These people are horrible, and I realize they are seeking sexual attention from whitey, but it aint happening.
Niggers are given a free pass for their racism and ace no consequences, there is no balls involved here.
"In deleted social media posts, Baker claimed that she worked in pediatrics.
Only IU University Health and Methodist have pediatric floors under their umbrella. "
Phase 2 should be getting normies to boycott these two hospitals because they fear for their sons lives in them.
Every time I feel my prejudices subsiding I see some shit like this.
>a black mother lecturing other mothers for raising bad sons
i have seen it all
Black women and white women do really hate each other. Much more than black men and white men.
They're blowing up feminism. White women had feminism, then black women came in with "intersectionality" and the whole thing got really fragmented.
But this is just some typical black woman vs. white woman hate. Pretty concerning, coming from a nurse who may care for white babies and children.