The Black Cube of Saturn
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I have some nice end tables that look like that. Very cool and modern.
>mfw Saturn is the 6th planet from the sun and has a hexagonal black storm at its north pole
>pic related
I bet there’s a happy merchant under that hexagon storm
What is it anyway?
a black cube hidden beneath the clouds. remember that a hexagon is the 2d projection of a cube.
fuck off Yakub
It's not that it's a "bad" pedal you bought, it's bc the DMM has low input impedance so it can kind of sound dull unless you put something buffered in front of it. Try putting something that's non-true bypass in front of it (like FET switching) and see if that doesn't "liven up" the tone before assuming it's broken.
everyone who disagrees with your schizo ramblings must be a jewish shill huh
CIA bots are broken as fuck this week. This si like the 6th wrong board post Ive seen this week.
unless you have any better suggestions to explain the (perfect, regular) hexagon shape, i'm going to assume i've hit a nerve
shameless self bamp
my nerves remain intact, you just look dumb
>CIA bots shill about guitar pedals
What do you even mean by a 2D projection? Are you saying that the hexagon is a shadow cast by a GIANT fucking cube lol?
This is a really confusing image to me
Dude just thought he was in a different tab, you guys are all fuckin' paranoid lol
almond status: activated
what are you even implying lol
its a borg cube
I believe that was a direct confession of autism
cubes cast a hexagonal shadow.
>a bunch of halfway-plausible theories none of which can produce decent-looking hexagons
a. fucking. cube.
We don't take kindly to effects pedals 'round here, boi.
it is interesting to imagine saturn as some kind of Space Odyssey-like portal, all the references fit!
do you understand what you're saying...?
It’s a fucking
I took something and made an ms paint, named it 33 and WOW! I must KNOT SO MUCH I CONNECTED THE DOTS! - OP
All you're doing is cross stitching an image NOT TO INSTRUCTION!
the Black Cube mercenary outfit, ex Mossad
these faggots need to be taken out with extreme prejudice
Google "jewish contemporary museum san fransisco"
Stanley Kubrick was right?
If it were a fucking SHADOW the cube would have to be gargantuan and there would have to be a ridiculously strong light source directly beneath it.
ie you are dumb
One more hint
About everything.
First clue: Reaching the moon, whose diameter observed from earth matches the relative distance diameter to the closest star?
according to entropy, what are the mathematical chances for that again?
not a literal shadow. that's why in my first post i called it a "2d projection".
and the idea of a giant cube isn't necessarily ridiculous- it's the natural crystal structure of many compounds.
idk, probably some weird vortex dynamics or something... brownian motion or whatever.
Cube inside a hexagon on Saturn.
>Jews may have abnormally high verbal IQ, but on average score lower on spatial awareness.
What a fine coincidence we have here...
CGI... it's fake
what the fuck is a 2d projection?
look at the storm again and think for two seconds how big that object would have to be
Oh great! so it has been debunked then.
Can we please have the links for the evidence of the hoax user?
>what the fuck is a 2d projection?
i'm not sure i can expain it any more simply than i already have...
>think for two seconds how big that object would have to be
pretty big i guess.
'the great plan' is to "cube the sphere" or to put the sphere 'the world' into a control matrix; the black cube
The Jewish war god, the god of the old testament, is a combination of Enlil and Anu of the mesopotamian pantheon. Any is the Lord of heaven, Enlil is the Lord of earth.
Several times they were said to have granted men divine wisdom, after which they are given a "shem", a divine name, and elevated to heaven.
One such man was Enoch. Also known as the Egyptian god Thoth. Also known as the semitic archangel metatron. His book, the book of Enoch, was left out of the Bible because it deals in sorcery and demonology. Prior to the discovery of the dead sea scrolls, the most complete versions of his book were found in Ethiopia, a part of Egypt at the time of it's estimated writing.
Of the things Enoch was taught, one of the most significant was sacred geometry. It is from Enoch that we receive the instructions set forth in kabbalah. Jewish mysticism - sorcery.
The basis of which is Metatron's cube. In Metatron's cube we see the points of the sephiroth, the 50 names of god, the depiction of the four sided god (the cube), later depicted in part by "YHWH", the geometric shapes, runes, for the elements of life.
Ayy I live in this area.
literally forgot the most importaint cube.....
>the most important cube
2nd most important
sauce? the skies user, according to entropy the chances for a natural satellite's diameter to fit the diameter of the nearest star from the perspective of the nearest planet is pretty much impossible. Space Odyssey starts with an expedition to the moon to retrieve the "first clues".
One in a billion isn't zero.
Legally blind?
Strangey! For analogue Malekko 616 with modulation is very nice but there are some excellent digital emulators out there that don't fuck with your tone and give you more options
I love telling muslimes the true story of the cube they get that angry face which gives me much amusement!
Source? I'm curious
It's a magnetic anomaly obviously
Clearly there is not one source involved in all of this. To get the basic gestalt, start simply with "Metatron's cube".
Jew cubes. Evil Jew cubes.
Muslims love their space rock.
>Metatron's cube
One more hint
Harvey Weinstein hired Mossad spies from a private company called Black Cube. It was on the recommendation of Benjamin Netanyahu.
The flag of Switzerland
There is a museum in Nice france thats a cube.
Cube head Museum in Nice france.
global zionism is the current manifestation of saturnian cult worship. The goal is to control the world from zion (greater israel)
>they control the flow of information through media, institutional education. control foreign policy through lobbies.
It's been a long time coming
Careful now user. Once you get the basic gestalt and go down the rabbit hole, you can't unsee it.
You know what. Forget about all this and go watch the first transformers movie. I think the plot was an evil robot named Megatron looking for the cube all spark. Or maybe I'll go watch avengers where Loki finally manages to get his hand on the cube to open portals to another dimension. Or maybe I'll watch the new justice league movie where, spoiler alert, a series of cubes are used as portals for god like beings to travel to our world. Or how about Dr. Strange where he opens the "Eye" and adjusts time by twisting a series of interlocking cubes.
Did you know that Saturn is the planet that the Greeks called Cronos, the Titan whose domain was time? The elites do these things in front of our faces to show others that they are enlightened. They gloat that most of the populace sees what they are showing without really seeing.
I've read the book of Enoch and everything you posted is a lie.
Someone brought Moon to our orbit. Without the moon life wouldn't be possible on Earth.
Jews get very very upset when the goyim research the cube and it's relation to kabbalah. In fact, the sentence for goy who study kabbalah is death, according to the talmud.
>The Black Cube of Saturn
You forgot one.
Merkel and Trump don't alway wear red suits and ties when they display that hand sign though. The hand sign more likely represents the diamond in the center of the freemason compass and square.
You literal kike shill.
Absolutely blasphemous.
The book of Enoch deals with watchers, fallen angels teaching men about astrology, weaponry, many arts and other knowledge, it teaches about nephilims/giants etc...
Enoch never ever taught sacred geometry. Fallen angels did and Enoch related this in scripture. He even called them by name (Azazel...) and their hierarchy.
metatron's cube is my biggest tattoo
satan meant something like "obstacle". everyone had his own satan. someone who incites him to do bad things, a bad habbit, an addiction, anythinghe should overcome. only later satan became a figure of his own.
6 is the number of man, and his weakness. greed, egoism, egocentrism, all the materialistic desires, and i believe of this plane existence in general (the earth is tilted 23,4 degrees, or if you count from the other direction 66.6 degrees, life, on this planet at least, is made of carbon, the 6th element, with 6 protons, 6 neutrons and 6 electrons. 6 directions in the material realm, north, south, west, east, up and down, 6 sides of the cubes. saturn being the 6th planet). 666 is going over the top with the materialistic desires, pursuing and desiring only those and making you follow the path of satan.
The black cube of satan is a symbol for this material, 3 dimensional realm, and the time we fear is running out, which will let us die, and which causes us to do harm to others in order to lead a better life ourself. by this the black cube also symbolizes time and death without either we wouldnt have these earthly desires causing us to do evil. Our sole puprose, as i believe it, is to overcome (our) satan, proof we arent easily corrupted wether satan is just a symbol or a real entithy. So while this world isnt evil itself, this realm of existence kind of makes the corruption a lot easier. When people worship satan, they dont worship some deity or enthity. they worship this material world, the materialistic egoistic desires, and themselves.
What about the flower of life?
Your attempts at misdirection are impressive. Of course, anyone who is really curious has more than enough based on your post to find out what is what
Astrology. Very interesting. The sumerians and Egyptians were obsessed with it. Maybe we should cross reference the references in Enoch to the kabbalah, hm? I bet that would make you extremely distressed.
So you are saying that the muslim cube is a jewish plant?
Robin Williams wasn't Jewish, but he considered himself "an honorary Jew", and his wife was (((Susan Schneider))).
Last hint
im a cancer, i have no planet in that chart that corresponds to me. am i dead???
Need there be anymore posts?