>shits in your internet
Shits in your internet
Other urls found in this thread:
The eternal poo
Only on designated shitting sites.
He's probably a spy from india.
You hear that FBI? You need to investigate this shitskin.
>this is considered a white man in America
>this is a 10 in australia
Based poobro.
Is Sargon still alive?
Havent watched his stuff in a year. He sold out like they all do.
Go shill for Soros and King Nigger on plebbit.
We aren't buying your faggotry around here.
Everyone else should sage.
"Please comcast!"
"Take away the power we displayed this election!"
"Make sure we never organize again! Take my internet daddy, I'm ready."
just one more reason not to hire brown people
"Please five unaccountable, unelected bureaucrats!"
"Take away the power we displayed this election"
"Make sure we never organize again! Take my internet daddy, I'm ready."
>don't support net neutrality
>fantasize of getting throat fucked by jewish ISP's
"Please daddy comcast, I want you to own my asshole. I know you'll be gentle because you promised me you won't plow me hard. That's why I'll let you."
lot of high quality people around in washington recently
>he actually thinks reddit doomsaying will come true
How fucking delusional can you be?
>sucking on Google's tit this hard.
"Please daddy bureaucrat on an agency dedicated to censoring shit, I want you to own my asshole. I know you'll be gentle because you promised me you won't plow me hard. That's why I'll let you"
No you're right
They've been trying for years to pass it, but its all a big prank bro. Just sit around and do nothing. Oh man I am so sleepy
>Oh thank you George for paying me to shill for you slurp slurp
I have a rule: If Obama and Soros are for it, I'm against it. So far I have seen no reason to make an exception.
Seriously, KYS.
Fresh OC 4 u
You need to look at it from a real point of view:
>Netflix, Youtube, Google, Facebook make up almost 50% of all bandwith
Way to be a sheep lad, have you considered thinking for yourself?
You're wasting your time, Soros. Some of us actually know what's going on. You'll never convince us that the 2015 FCC take over was a positive thing for the internet.
None of us are going to die virgins because Ajit is going to fuck us all up the ass
>Sucks Soros dick
>Calls other people sheep
>durr I's just go wit wut da oppisite of wat da man say
>net neutrality wasn't a thing before 2015
confirmed retarded monkey
Google jew is not charging me to google, only showing me ads that i can block with ease
Comcast jew will microtransaction the whole fucking internet
Pajeet did nothing wrong
>Hey guys Soros is a piece of shit amirite?
Yeah, I know, but this time he's really looking out for the little guy, I promise.
Put a gun in your mouth and do the honorable thing.
try to tell that to a nigger tier Trump zealot
We're talking about the 2015 reclassification of broadband providers as "common carriers", resulting in an almost complete FCC take over of the internet in America and them implementing the first 400 pages of internet regulations behind closed door, of which you happen to like a single detail. Keep up, you fucking brainlet. The entire debate is whether or not we should go back to pre-2015.
no fuck Soros and everything he is
But it doesn't mean I'm going to shoot myself in the foot and let this pass. What you think he gives a shit that you're too stupid to think for yourself and make your own decisions?
>try to tell that to a nigger tier Trump zealot
Yet you're fighting for five bureaucrats on an agency of the Trump administration specifically designed to censor shit to have full regulatory control over the internet. Admit that you've put zero thought into this.
Tell me why Soros and Obama are on the right side on this issue when they have absolutely no history of being on the right side of anything, ever, and then explain how you aren't a huge bullshitting faggot.
>The entire debate is whether or not we should go back to pre-2015.
okay monkey I will educate you some
FCC did regulate the internet and net neutrality was a thing because reasons since the beginning of the internet.
Then court said FCC couldn't do that anymore because reasons.
Then the guberment said that ISPs are providing a utility service like electric or gas so FCC can make ISPs do the net neutral thing again.
bringing us to now.
The 2015 FCC take over of the internet was for the Hillary administration. It was for her handlers to censor "muh Russia propaganda", in other words, everything they don't like. That's why Soros has spent millions on it. You guys should be fucking glad that the Trump FCC is voluntarily giving up power they shouldn't never have had in the first place. It would be like having a public temper tantrum because the NSA announces they are giving up the power to spy on us or the TSA voluntarily stops groping people. There are other ways to solve problems that doesn't involve giving 5 bureaucrats unlimited power to create any rule they deem fit for the internet behind closed doors. It doesn't HAVE to be either extreme.
Do you justify everything solely based on political sides? Are you really unable to see bad on both sides?
Well, I definitely support not giving comcast free reign to to fuck the internet
Anyone else notice how every NN thread gets flooded with these mindless copy pastas with Reddit spacing? Really makes you think.
>confirmed to be 90% bots
[citation needed]
I occasionally see some good in right-leaning politicians and no good in left-leaning politicians, ever. Nice dodge though.
You know you can always evaluate and develop a stance on an issue yourself, instead of supporting/opposing it based on some figure you like/hate. You know, like you have an actual brain and shit, you fucking cretin.
>Well, I definitely support not giving comcast free reign to to fuck the internet
So your solution is giving five unaccountable bureaucrats with a history of censorship free reign to fuck the internet with the stroke of a pen? Come on, muster up a single fucking critical thought. You're not impressing anyone by repeating buzzwords you memorized.
It just so happens that you leftist faggots have nothing to offer me. Nothing. I find it funny how much it angers you that I am impervious to your propaganda.
holy shit, the le 56% memes are real
>telling people to develop their own opinions is propaganda
That's fine.
You guys should be counting your fucking blessings that Hillary didn't win, giving her FCC the power they were handed on a silver platter in 2015 to regulate every single aspect of the internet as they see fit. Be glad that Trump's FCC is voluntarily giving it up to save you from your own retardation.
>im getting fucked over by jew websites
>therefore I want to also be fucked over by jew ISPs
>thinks not retarded faggot
oh no republicans dindu nuffins
>So your solution is giving five unaccountable bureaucrats
I am against giving comcast free reign to control the internet
>He doesn't agree with me, he must not be able to think for himself.
I enjoy seeing collectivist sheep tell me to think for myself. Laughable.
>durr my republican propaganda is protecting me
The Soros shills are getting thick in here. Was there a shift change?
>I'm hypothetically getting fucked over at some unspecified point in the future by one out of countless ISPs
>thinks not retarded faggot
0.02 cents deposited in your shilling for ISPs micro-transitioning the internet into a shithole
good job pin-head
>countless ISPs
is that really the case? genuine question, as far as i can tell net neutrality is only necessary because certain ISPs basically have a monopoly in certain regions of the country so they'd be free to do as they please
What five bureaucrats have control over the internet under NN?
You still haven't answered my question. If we agree that Soros is such a piece of shit, how did he magically become a champion for the little guy on this issue? I won't hold my breath.
no they wont. Why didn't they ever do any of this before title 2 was passed in 2015? its because they would lose every customer that they had.
Also, why do you think it's fair for one website in netflix to use 40% of the bandwidth in North America and not have to pay extra for it? No other website even comes close to that. Are you ok with paying more for internet just so Netflix doesn't have to?
>besides being a shareholder for ISP or a web giant company, there are 0 reasons to seriously be against Net Neutrality
>must be Soros shills
because I'm not going to shoot myself in the head because Soros said "don't shoot yourself in the head" are you stupid
You don't need to give five bureaucrats at an agency designed to censor shit full regulatory control over the internet in order to prevent ISPs from doing things we don't like. There's less drastic measures that can be taken if the doomsday scenarios you guys describe happens (they won't). And you know, local governments can allow more competition. No, can't have that. That's too smart and gives politicians agency.
>I'll dodge the question again, maybe he won't notice
What you mean to say is you aren't going to shoot yourself in the foot and out yourself as a leftist faggot.
>Sup Forums is against net neutrality
>after repeal comcast uses new power to kill Sup Forums
why is Sup Forums suicidal?
Haha, liberals btfo!
t.Sup Forums
neet nutrality is a meme
What you guys dishonestly call "net neutrality" is the FCC reclassifying broadband providers as "common carriers" in 2015 and quickly implementing the first 400 pages of internet regulations behind closed doors, of which you like one detail. The Trump FCC is trying to tell you that they don't want that power. It's inappropriate power for the FCC to have and there's better ways to solve it that doesn't involve giving up the entire internet to a tiny group of people.
>the internet neutrality we experienced since the internet began until 2015 was bad
no it really wasnt
what kind of nigger even believes in political affiliation
It's mostly shills and people stupid enough to believe the shills
There are literally 0 reasons to support it.
Or people who don't like Silicon Valley getting corporate handouts while censoring the internet
>I love being treaded on by big corporations!
t. Sup Forums
>thinking net neutrality is websites blocking conservative speech
so is this the bullshit they are telling people?
Yeah, that's what you're saying.
It's been ongoing for the last 2 years and net neutrality did literally nothing to stop it.
All net neutrality does is help the companies RESPONSIBLE for it pay less money.
no, but it's how they justify Trump skullfucking them
I seriously hope this dude is getting paid.
The constant repetition of these two arguments without any answers when they're countered is the biggest reason I'm pro-NN right now
NN was effectively enforced until Verizon won a case by finding out it was technically illegal to enforce it, so the FCC formally passed Title II so they could legally enforce NN
And Netflix pays for their bandwidth. If they're using too much, nothing stops ISPs from saying "any usage over 150TB/day is $80000/month".
Or even switching to pay-per-GB rates instead of per mb/s.
so why are the repealing the anti-censorship laws too
>tfw 4chin is going to get slow because it can't afford the ComcastBux to be normal priority in the new world
Some of us know that what you faggots call net neutrality is giving 5 bureaucrats full regulatory control over the internet behind closed doors. The rest of you are literally retarded cucks who want the government to fuck you up the ass.
>hurr durr, come on guise, NN isn't political, amirite?
Right and Left is a thing regardless of political affiliation. I think of it as small government vs. big government, but opinions vary and it certainly doesn't always work out that way. Keep dodging and don't worry, nobody sees through your bullshit. Yer good.
The Hill published an article a few days ago about NY's attorney general finding out that hundreds of thousands of fake accounts were made to be pretend they supported NN. I'm too lazy to find it right now as I'm on mobile and on the go, perhaps someone else can link it.
That's literally not a thing.
>net neutrality is giving 5 bureaucrats full regulatory control
what bureaucrats are you referring to?
>censorship is scary
>so let's give 5 bureaucrats in an agency dedicated to censorship shit the sole power to censor the entire internet the USA
I can do this shit all day with you retards.
>Libraries are literary communism and if you support them you fantasize about getting throatfucked by Joseph Stalin.
Solid logic.