How long until we annex Alaska? Seriously though...

How long until we annex Alaska? Seriously though ... It aesthetically fits into Canadian territory and the lives of all Alaskans would be improved ten fold under Canadian governance. Alaska is rightful Canadian clay.

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Fuck off bud. We're staying right where we are.

Russia offered it to the U.K and it refused though.
We should focus our efforts on annexing the Turks and Caicos. We already have enough tundra and forest as is.

Actually, Canada is rightful Alaskan clay. The only thing keeping us from conquering you snow niggers is Washington, DC and its nukes.

The population of Wasilla alone would rape every last one of you.

Actually, Alaska is rightfully the Russians... oh wait, they sold it.

You’re nuts if you think the USA would give up such a strategic military location full of valuable natural resources.

This. Alaska hates Canada because they're soft little posers who can't even legally carry pepper spray and they think they could actually annex the one state with the most firepower and highest rate of mental illness. Try it you gooey maple fucks

Pffffffffffffffffffffffffffft lol

You're a gook aren't you?

I'd bet that Alaskan militias alone could defeat your faggy feminist military.

Obama did sign over some territory to them tho but that's okay cause the nogs up here are scared of the Russians so it's all fine

>In the later stages of the European war, particularly after their success at Vimy Ridge and Passchendaele, the Canadian Corps was regarded by friend and foe alike as the most effective Allied military formation on the Western Front. The Germans went so far as to call them "storm troopers" for their great combat efficiency.

>faggy feminist military

Top fucking kek. If 100 soldiers from every military on the planet were to enter into a closed battle arena Canada would come out on top.

Alaska belongs to USA, it was actually bought and paid for not leased or rented! Also I think Alaska is the one place where an invasion would prove to be most difficult!

Why the fuck does Canada still exist, can anyone even tell me?! It's been a year already Trump!


Every king needs a court jester

How long until Americans annex Canada? Seriously though ... It aesthetically fits into American territory and the lives of all Canadians would be improved ten fold under American governance. Canada is rightful American clay.

How long until we annex British Canada? It aesthetically fits into American territory, and the lives of all British Canadians would be improved ten fold under American governance. British Canada is rightful American clay.
Quebec and French Canada can stay the fuck away though, we should build a wall.

Why are Canadians such pushovers?

Self-hating Canadians are worse than white people who feel guilt for colonization and slavery.

That was when you were a loyal dominion of the crown, things have changed sadly lads.

What about New Brunswick it's mostly Anglo but with a large French population.

If 100 US Marines entered Canadian soil, the Canadian government would surrender immediately lmao!

Alaskans don't want any part of your cuckdom

Don't flatter yourself Scooter


It actually belongs to Russia. The US's lease expired several years ago.
source: My Russian friend

STFU leaf

>a fuckin leaf
>he has no military to speak of
>former substitue drama teacher as a leader of leafland
>he wants alaska

The eternal Leaf shouts abuse as he calls for the day of the grill. Kill yourself maple scum.

>How long until we annex Alaska?
BAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHAHAHAHAHA!!! Your military is the equivalent of a volunteer fire dept. But as always, you and your fucking retarded cascadia fags, I'll be waiting.

no so fast leaf

we'll annex you first

Who needs Alaska. So satisfied with all the gets we won.

Canada is rightful American clay.

you exist independently at our whim, canuck

touch guns
get shot

fuck off syrup slurpers

desu senpai it is, the people that settled the lands of upper and lower canada were americans from the thirteen colonies. its even recorded that many american soldiers that entered into those areas were fighting their own people from the thirteen colonies.


Manifest Destiny thread???

Manifest Destiny thread!!!

Please join us brother, we'll share the glory of ruling the world together.

You're a 56%er, aren't you?

I'm in.

lol, sure buddy...

can we look towards the south next?

We'll just obliterate it all. Don't need it.

they have pretty landscapes senpai, we should just depopulate it and create more warm lebensraum for us.

Canada is a wholly owned subsidiary of the United States. You're lucky we don't dissolve the border and just move north. Canada belongs to the US.

I love where this thread is going

Jefferson would be proud

*The whole French Army

What do the numbers mean?

We really should

bigger tax base === lower taxes

just need to get rid of those pesky socialists

number of states

We can't trust you morons you'll let everybody in from Asia

Add the sociopath Talkeetna-ites and it would be Nanking style domination. The leafs would shutter and submit like it was autumn with a slight breeze.

I'm whiter than you could ever imagine. My ancestors bought and sold your ancestors you insolent bicurious ethnic loving soggy fucking maple bar bitch. Alaskans would make you shit in your boyfriends diaper. Canada preemptively surrenders to everyone every day but by all means head on over grab your meanest hockey stick and put Englands money or whatever pity currency you were given where your mouth is

They better hope Fairbanks doesn't get involved because holy shit those people would war just to stave off the boredom

You should worry about the DotR approaching. Not annexing Alaska.

Lets just keep those fuckers out of it, a group of friends moved up there almost 10 years ago. We don't talk much anymore, move to Fairbanks=become unhinged. Kek

You don't want Alaska. You just don't. Honestly. You can see Russia just fine from your doorstep as it is.

Honestly its more a question of how long is canada independent from the US.

It really has no reason for existing. Every bit of their population is huddled along our border. The media is the same, even most of the sports. Hell, canada has no culture at all. I remember a few years ago they had those cringey as fuck I AM CANADIAN commercials from molson on tv up there and they were just pathetic. Poutine and flannel do not a culture make. I at least respect the frog faggots in quebec because they at least sorta have a culture. The rest of canada? That's like shilling for "THE CULTURE OF DELAWARE" or some gay shit. Not even a place or people that should be independent.

I think Wasilla would be worse.

if Canada annexed Alaska could we then annexed it without war with USA?

seriously watch this shit.


You canuks cant manage a bowl of fuckin jello nonetheless a former American state full of proud and hearty people opposed to the frail and faulty third wave feminist attitudes you pole smokers carry with you. They'd take your land, beat your men, sell off your women and open your former country to Americans who are unaccepting of the weakminded amongst you Trudeau lovers. Trying to annex Alaska would be a huge mistake, Cuck.

You just did you Canadian Communist assholes.
Fucking "Our Land" , the Nunavut movement just took a chunk of Alaska for an oilfield.
Named it Nunavuut even how original.
The god damned Canadian TSX is what is ruining Alaska now.
Fuck the leafs, all they do is give resources to Siberian tribes, and now they took Alaska.

Fairbanks is patriot paradise.

Sort of.
The Jews bought it, say they own it.
They run the native corporations and run Alaska like a cult.
Russia imported thousands of Yupik, and those RUSSIAN families own the richest "native Corporations now.

Canada doesn't exist