Flip Flappers

Finally a show for vulva enthusiasts

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Why do people find this DORK attractive?


Is it really possible (like, in real life) for someone's basic personality to change as much as Salt's did?

Delete this thread and make a new one. Flip Flappers should not be sexualized.

Well, for instance I used to be cheerful ; __ ;

I don't have the slightest clue, honestly.


The Flaps are too sexual to not sexualize.

>it's called Flip Flap because Salt and Mimi liked bugs and Mimi liked to call them using their wings flip flapping

Who is best Flip Flapper?
Updated poll with less HTML and more robots.


Thanks to the fellow last thread.


>another thread already
Like fucking clockwork.
You generalfags are going to ruin this shit

We are warming up our bodies for the PV

Fuck off, it's not like we're saying good morning / good night, talking about how our day was, etc. We're discussing an interesting currently airing show.

I just realized the reason Yayaka never tried to harvest the shard in Cocona's thigh before Episode 9 is because it was literally the last shard, and they needed Cocona alive to follow her to the shards in Pure Illusion.

Yayaka probably knew what she was going to have to do for a long time and had prepared herself for it.

>finally a mimi option
Thanks for letting me vote for my waifu.

can't see shit, captain.

What are you, Salt?

Am I the only one who gets the feeling like Plant Loli wasn't a "native" of Pure Illusion?

She was interested in Cocona's shard. Why?

Welwitschia was not a native to that PI, true. Because she was formed from a shard of Mimi which invaded that PI.

It's implied in episode 8 that none of these monsters are native to PI.

No shit, people can change a lot when they stop being children.

Losing the mother of your child ain't easy, user.

Salt has just gotten meaner.

>welwitschia was Mimi's kink streak the whole time
Why is she so into yuridom?

the shards are attracted to cocona and papika, presumably because they have shards themselves (mostly cocona thougH)

Ruin what?

But the shards showed up before they visit any given PI.

Her shard is obviously the source of her power. Why wouldn't she be interested in another one? You could also say that the shards of Mimi are drawn to each other. They want to reunite so Mimi can be reborn.

Some other fun observations:
>Welwitshia looks like Mimi
>The EVA in ep8 tried to destroy Pop's tower, and thus the whole city, because Cocona and her shard were there.

Each of the shards forms a "defense trap" it invades a PI. Those "traps" are basically just pseudo-sentient defense mechanisms meant to keep their respective shards safe.

Plant loli was just that shard's defense trap

>they needed Cocona alive

Papikana please.
Salt is just making the hard sacrifices to keep his family safe.

Yeah, no. Two threads before people were IRL blogging, Sup Forums topics, etc.

It doesn't change. You just stop hiding it, depeding on circumstance.

I'm Papika now.

Is the henshin the defense trap for Cocona's shard?

>Cocona gets turned on by her Mom.
Damn you Freud.

what do you mean?

the shards existed before but the act of looking for them involved visiting dozens if not hundreds of PIs and hoping you find one with a shard in it.

once cocona showed up, everything got easier because every single PI cocona goes to has a shard by way of magic incestual attraction

really this shot was this shot really necessary I mean really

The ability for Sup Forums to have decent threads about this series that have actually worthwhile OPs and house interesting discussion instead of just >Cockona

Once you chatroomfags take over, everybody else loses interest and the threads go the way of madoka or jojo.

In this one they seem more about the show. And the previous one as all about the show. Nary a mention of waifus!

>Sup Forums topics
Cry more. Sup Forums runs this website now. It used to be Sup Forums with other topics, but now it's Sup Forums with other topics and it's good. We own this now. Without us, you're all irrelevant to the whole internet.

>Cocona and Papika were at their gayest in episode 1
>it's all been downhill from here

I hope were at the bottom of the yuri sine wave.

This is my only criticism of the show. It's a GOOD show. Why the need for creep shots? It's frigging distracting.


I'd agree only Sup Forums is filled with faggot blogfags. It's embarrassing how much they feel the need to talk about their own shit lives when they crossboard.

>irrelevant to the whole internet.
The good ol days.

That was a satirical post. It's time to go back to ANN.

You mean cosine, right?

Wait, so Sup Forums agrees that the personal is political? I didn't expect the marxism would be so popular there.

We never wanted to be relevant.

Sorry, my tard wrangler has the night off. You'll have to put up with me.

She doesn't look like Mimi at all you fucking idiot. Does every character with long hair suddenly look like Mimi?

She got turned on because Cocona's hair got long like Mimi.

>blatant crossboarder shrilling for Sup Forums
Kill yourself, immediately.

You just remind me they haven't hugged once ever since. Damn.

The bottom will be when they reconcile by affirming their friendship and that's all.
Episode 7 was a trick. The question was asked only to set up for the director subverting all of the romantic development prior with a "just friends haha" ending.

Why would the director do that considering he's a massive yurifag?

>implying Sayuri isn't literally Mimi

3Hz deserves the no money they're getting.

Well I'm studying amplifiers/transistors at the moment. We don't call the AC waveform a cosine wave, we call it a sine wave. Given FlipFlaps motif of electrical components, it seems fitting.

I guess current/voltage is 90 degrees out of phase in AC circuits, so the leading value would be a cosine wave?

I dunno.

3hz pls deliver actual yuri

Sayuri is my gf btw

marxism is class politics though
completely irrelevant to today

They all live with their parents anyway.

>all of the romantic development
Yes, all literally none of it.

I know, but it's central to stuff such as feminism, black live matters and all that jizz.


The sine wave begins at 0 and ends at 0.
The cosine wave begins at 1 and ends at 1.
This is if we consider x=0 as series start and x=2*pi as the end.
I'm saying I want it to end with full yuri.

Red eyes are Mimi's signature. Deal with it dunce.

well it's also a broad theoretical framework so everybody used that at some point, even fascists like mussollini

They did a bit in ep8.

>Flip Flappers thread

I come to Sup Forums to escape the stupidity of modern politics. Post cute girls, discuss FF, or fuck off.

>completely irrelevant to today
>literal class based cultural warfare going on
nice meme

Rude, Sayuri-nee is mine

Naturally. Fascism is socialist movement.

can we get a ¯\( 'o')/¯ Cocona as well

So Salt was always a bitter, broken down husk?

We don't even have a name for that user drawfag. Come on.

Probably, but maintained an upbeat appearance to fit in. Then he discovered love and loss and possibly Sup Forums.

>bitter, broken down husk?
The man made a flower crown for his little schoolboy crush.
He used to be the purest Flip Flap.

What is this hairstyle called anyways?


>completely irrelevant to today


>10. Labor Power is Suppressed
Now kindly fuck off wiht your propaganda.

I'll bet his dad tried to get him to call a robot "mom" after the real one passed away

The "I shouldn't have cut my own bangs"

No love for Bu-chan.

Why does pol even come here? Isn't anime degenerate? Are you all closet subhumans?

should have let you pick multiple choices

>spend 9 episodes setting up romance, complete with anti class S episode, confessions, blatant sexual interest and lots of lovestruck jealousy
>no deliver

They wouldn't.

It is. If you think modern hippies playing post-structuralist on social media constitute an attack on your cultural values, you need to grow a thicker skin. College communists have been a thing since the 60s and obnoxiously vocal hippies aren't going away anytime soon. it's the nature of youth movements to be ignorant and out-of-touch, and it's the nature of european intellectualism to be rebranded communism that targets stupid and gullible youth to propagate. Nothing's changed in the past 50 years except their taste in music and drug of choice.

>no deliver
>They wouldn't.
I see you haven't been a yurifag very long

3hz played us like a damn fiddle

>he still hasn't really felt that writer change

3 episodes to go user

>to today
didn't realize that sorry ms. grammar cheka lesbian feminist anti-white male