Brit/pol/ - Long Live Net Neutrality edition

>Quick rundown on the budget

>Morrissey says he would kill "vermin" US president

>The Likely Lads actor Rodney Bewes dies

>Boy, 3 (paki cunt), dies because NHS (Birmingham) are shite

>UK to pay France millions to block new wave of Calais migrants

>Vote Leave rocked by donation claims as watchdog probes Brexit campaign

>Tranny women's leader of labour

>Six in Ten Muslim Marriages in Britain Not Legally Binding, Women Forced into Polygamous Relationships

>Paperchase rejecting the Daily Mail is another victory against hatred -Owen Jones

Other urls found in this thread:,-4.5417787,3a,75y,164.41h,80.16t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1slygLvxQAlrJVwrkFMnjr0Q!2e0!7i13312!8i6656

first for gunshots
2d and 3rd for fuck the tripcunts

For those who don't know, losing net neutrality would mean you would have to pay more to access certain website, like Sup Forums, or it not be available at all.

first for top lads

Did pube and WN meet up and fuck?


We know, it's only nu/pol/ who shill against it because Trump is in favour

Good, I can't wait to escape out of this hell

What the fuck Russia.

nth for wn is a fraud

when will the great flood happen

He doesn't represent Russia.

how so? would you go with an isp that restricted your access? or would you not just switch to one that didnt rape your ass?

but you havent even posted a photo. you look silly m9.

>you would have to pay more
Not me, the Y*nks. We've already got legislation to protect net neutrality

Oh I'm sorry did I forgot to mention this was meant to be a fight not photography class?

>damage control

As far as I know (though I may be wrong), the USA doesn't have all the smaller ISP's like we have. Pretty sure they just have a few major ISP's with monopolies

not once the trade deal with the US comes through

Fucking bitchboys.
Despite me posting a fake address, none of you subhumans would turn up anyway.

just don't reply. there's not enough tampons in the world to suck up this melt.

Chlorinated chicken God no.

If we want to go really deep on the conspiracy stuff, you can tie Selfridges easily to Saudi Arabia, it's owned by a Saudi prince if I recall.
And right now the House of Saud is having a metaphorical spring cleaning, and there's some pretty interesting political upheaval going on.

It may be the case that there was an important target in Selfridges that day, either a saudi, or someone with ties to the country, and they needed to be captured and/or killed by some kind of paramilitary or special forces wing.
A terrorist attack is the perfect cover for serious wet work.

Keep in mind our government buys and sells plenty of nasty shit from the Saudis as well. All sorts of dark shit could easily be going on behind the scenes.

well yeah if your isp is a monopoly then you are fucked. only logical thing to do is go net free. but that aint gonna happen. guess the USA would need to break up the isp's in tandem for it to be remotely worth the time.

>trade deal with the US
>brexitards actually believe this

It depends, in Russia we have already a restricted access.

Surprisingly they didn't ban local AIBs nor Sup Forums, only some porn sites, drugs, weapons, some torrents, etc.

Even though, with a VPN addon for a browser, you can access whatever you want.

>tfw this will never happen

>tfw the House of Lords was cucked in 1911, turning Britain effectively into a one-chamber legislature

How do Brits feel about this?

>wahh don't talk to him he's better than us

I didn't see you in the boatyard either, so tell me, why are you still talking?

yh im over it already. just wanted to say my bit one time.

fake address
Yeah chill

Mate you're making this so much worse for yourself...

I'm not talking about the fucking boatyard.
I'm talking about my address.

Fucking bitchboys LARPing on your containment board meanwhile Jamal fucks your women.

Mate works on the tube.
Said it was literally nothing and because it was a mass panic they had to evacuate.

I don't think your government is as restrictive when it comes to the internet then. Funny really, considering the image our media portrays of your government.





>he thinks he's over it

Willy Nibbler's at the boatyard now m8

Pretty bad, man. Centralised governments are a fucking cancer because there's no one to moderate their stupid decisions. This was why a two-chambered Parliament and a separate Crown was a great idea. But we've been consistently moving towards a state where only one chamber has any power, and that's sad.

Yeah I mean there are those unconfirmed reports of multiple princes and high ranking Saudi Officials being stripped of their posts, tortured, killed, imprisoned etc.
Clearly whatever's happening in Saudi right now is quite important. Wouldn't surprise me in the slightest if we hear of more missing or disappeared persons from either the House, or the saudi govt within the next few weeks.

>wn is still samefagging this hard

bet you didn't think this would turn out this badly for you?

Actually, you're on to something.
Remember, that the hierarchy being rounded up in Saudi by the young Prince, are the same ones that threatened to awake sleeper cells here in the UK.

Saudi has constantly shat on the collective consciousness of Muslims and the Middle East for the past 50 years ever since the 1970s assassination of the modernising Prince.

WN showed up, posted proof, and is still there like a madman waiting to fight him. Preusse is a faggot and didn't go. He could show no evidence he was there. Quite the contrary, he was here posting the whole time.

WN is the victor.

>mfw WN wasted his life savings on petrol

The Prussian meltdown is pretty entertaining

couldn't show any evidence*

Please tell me that's real?
Fucking legendary you mentalists.


>he's still talking
It's like all you bitches can do is talk.


It's real.


If im going to be honest I expected you to turn up with your 100 cousins, so at least you didnt do thatl

proise shut the cunt up. you didnt turn up to the boat yard that youve been going on about for literally a century
youve been btfo
so has the other kid because he actually went to the boatyard, deserves any molestation he recieves. i wish you'd both shut up
just shut up, you're worse than the americunts

Eddie, you couldn't go to the boatyard to save your life.

You'd be out of breath after getting your lard arse off the train.

>damage control

You're a bitchboy who can't do shit to anyone in real life, 'cept bitch online on your LARP board.

Whats this then?

>damage control
WN is literally going to have nightmares for weeks, atleast.

America is the original true source of degeneracy around the world

>tfw when a fat slag has a better gf than you


Agreed. It's the sane with our Senate. It's effectively useless. Only Dail Eireann has any real power.

Although the downside to a stronger House of Lords or Senate is that one chamber could be full of cucks who block /ourlegislation/


Kek'd at the pic.

Like pastries?
>A-Team hotty when?

>youve been btfo
>so has the other kid because he actually went to the boatyard,
That gains him respect in my opinion. He's been waiting there for fucking hours and he's probably a nutcase.

>MFW the Prussian won this battle without firing a single bullet.

Then why wasn't anyone there at 6pm?

Why was it still light out in the picture when it gets dark at 4pm?

Someone really needs to break down this House of Saud stuff for brainlets like me on Sup Forums, a ten minute video with pretty pictures would be so damn helpful in knowing what the hell's going on over there right now.

Pretty nuts that our media is reporting so little on it, really. It's a pretty major happening for all sorts of reasons

you probably beat up some autistic kid in highschool with your 50 brothers and think you are some hard man, i have never seen a pakistani fight properly in my life

So what's your excuse Pube? Why didn't you go?

Telling Ed there are Micks to be patted at the boatyard would risk a heart attack, he would be racing there.

Red-pilled genius:

There are smaller ISPs but given the sheer size of the US there are huge areas where you can only get one of the big two, or worse, places where you can only get one

See you should've just came to see me, but instead you thought you'd play it safe and just do it for the (You)s, but you still couldn't compete.

Fucking kek.

He posted the picture at 3:07pm you dunce.

can we stfu about the boat yard? None of you will do shit.

i'm gonna get a munch

you better come up with some proper patter before I'm back

>i have never seen a pakistani fight properly in my life
Neither have I seen a wh*Te fight, I just constantly see them get BTFO.

Micks are worse than wh*Tes to be honest.

Embarrassing. Kill yourself.

Out with old in with the new.
Trump has chosen new alliegances.
Petrodollar has been fucked by the gold backed, oil pegged renminbi
Imperialists lost in Syria Iraq etc. so are abandoning the old allegiances

this vid has a lot of verified information, evidence etc.

So why did he post a pic at 3pm and wasn't anywhere to be found at 6pm?

Cry harder you fucking pussy.

Sad, really sad. Don't know how you'll recover, frankly

If you said we agreed on 6pm apparently.

thanks, I'll give this a view later for sure.

WN didn't even go to the boatyard.
If he did, you'd recognise that it was the boatyard.

Here's the theory, willy nibler just went somewhere with his parents, then just took a timestamp'd pic.

Meanwhile based Preusse went there with his heart, only to find that the bitchboy wasn't there.

You look suspiciously like WN
Can you link me the post that shows he was there?

but you didn't put an asterisk in Mick so I think you're just being tsundere, Pakistani-kun

Right, stfu, you fucking flap. Turn up to the scrap and I'd respect you but no, you're just a pussy.

those idiots shame me as they grieve you. if they're too stupid to see what's going on then so be it. Sup Forums has been crippled by the election cancer, boomers and infowarriors. without them shitting up the board things will return to normal.

for the preservation of our blue and pure board!!

Pubes has got to be the most embarrassing poster I've ever seen on this website (and that's saying something). Don't know how he can carry on posting now. Utter joke.

Maybe :^),-4.5417787,3a,75y,164.41h,80.16t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1slygLvxQAlrJVwrkFMnjr0Q!2e0!7i13312!8i6656


>So why did he post a pic at 3pm and wasn't anywhere to be found at 6pm?
Why did you not post a picture at any time and wasn't anywhere to be found because you didn't fucking go you fairy.

In fact WN is probably still there, he said he'd be there till about 9.

>If he did, you'd recognise that it was the boatyard.
You could clearly see it was the boat yard and an user proved that on Google maps, Preusse. Fuck off and kill yourself.

lord have mercy upon my sweet simple niggery soul
I didn't realise he took Brit/pol/ so seriously
We're looking at £50 minimum for a train ticket since WN lives in England.