Does Malia have a chance at running for president?

Does Malia have a chance at running for president?

What would she have to do to get your vote?

>spend 300 years overthrowing hereditary monarchy all over the west so that Presidents can just have their children be President
good thing we killed all those nobles!

Not look like Obama had a fairly successful operation.

Be white

Braaap in my face, but being White might help too

send nuds

Does she? Yes, cause we all have a chance to be president.

Will she get my vote? Nope, and not a damn thing she can do in order to get it. Fuck the Obamas. Bunch of ungrateful urban monkeys that need to BTFO of America.

she has a chance at running for my dick
if you know what i mean lol

Not be a nigger

Her mother will run as the first black tranny candidate....and his only qualifications will being a black trannny and saving sodomized a former president

Do not attempt to Troll with the rent-a-kid.

the chin...
...of a man?
boner killer after eyes move from the boots up to the yoga dick teaser pants to the cute jacket searching for boobs to the hair and then uh eww.

fix that weird underbite. she looks like a fish


If her mom was wearing those pants thered be a bulge

No, the black community wouldn't support her because she's constantly fucking white bois and sucking white cock. She will most likely get bred by one in the future too which will completely terminate all chances. Just look at Serena Williams, the black community loved her until she start acting like a wenchcoon by letting a white boi cum up in her.


This some ugly assed boots

Given how miserable she looked every day in the White House (and had a far easier time than Trump), I'd be impressed if she entered politics.

no and die
fucking idiot
>i know nothing of how the american electoral system works

this, its not likely especially if you're a kid and you grow up there